This is a virtually complete transcription of the York Factory Journal from 1802-03 by Alex Nicol

" York Factory Journal
Commencing 15th Sept. 1802 and ending the 3d Sept. 1803 by John McNab"

Sept. 15 1802
" Wednesday - fine weather. at 8 am Mr Ballenden Capts. Turner and Ramsay went on board - Wind Continues Ely which prevents the Vefsels from Sailing - 12 Canoes of Indians got debt and went away - 6 men Cutting and collecting grafs the others Stowing by Cargo cleaning the Sheds &c - 2 Ind. in a Canoe brought 40 lb of dry Moose meat."

Sept. 16
" Thursday Very fine Weather Wind still Ely which keeps the Vefsels in 5 fm hole - Mr Auld set out for Churchill, 7 men put him a Crofs Nelson River - Mr Ballenden Came on Shore and spent the evening with us."

Sept 17
" Friday Wind Variable Mr Ballenden went off early. the conveyors of Mr Auld returned - men Cutting grafs and bringing it home."

Sept. 18
" Saturday Wind Wly at noon the vefsels got under way and with a fine breeze soon was out of Shoal water. people Cutting grafs bringing it home - 120 Geese from Ind. two men at anew Inland boat - 2 building an Oven and fire place for anew Cook room."

Sept. 19
" Sunday Very fine weather the people opened? and again? cooked? the Hay."

Sept. 20
" Monday - Four men went in the long boat to take up the buoys - brought one only - the others Cutting grafs, Boat building, finishing the Cook room Chimney &c."

Sept. 21
" Tuesday blows agale with Snow - the Albany Ind. set out for that place. 4 men Conveyed Mefs Whitford & Colen to their Hunting tent at Pennycutaway - the others pumping the Cellars Stowing by Cargo &c - Ind. Came with Geese."

Sept. 22
" Wednesday Rain at times people Cutting grafs and bringing it home."

Sept. 23
" Thursday fine weather blows fresh. people as yesterday and other necefsary duties - 3 Ind. Came with Geese and 2 from the NRiver with 4 deer."

Sept. 24
" Friday Wind Variable 4 Men went in the Long Boat for the Buoys, the others Cutting grafs bring'g it home and Stacking the Hay already made - the deer Hunters of yesterday took debt and went away."

Sept. 25
" Saturday Rain at times - people Variously employed. Several Ind. brought Geese from the S'ward."

Sept. 26
" Sunday Rain in the Afternoon two families of Ind. Came from the S'ward - brought 200 Geese and 3 deer."

Sept. 27
" Monday All hands taking the Boats up the bank part of the Launch &c. Ind. taking debt - Mr Cook Accompanied by 7 Ind. in 3 Canoes set out for his Inland Residence."

Sept. 28
" Tuesday fine Weather - people as yesterday and making Hay - Several Ind. went away for the winter."

Sept. 29
" Wednesday got all the Boats and Launch up and snug for winter - hauled the Seine - little succefs. all the Ind. got debt and went away."

Sept. 30
" Thursday Stacked the Hay."

Oct. 1 1802
" Friday All hands Clearing and widening drains."

Oct. 2
" Saturday People as before - Don'd Laughton very ill."

Oct. 3
" Sunday Very fine weather."

Oct. 4
" Monday two building a new Cookroom Chimney & Oven two at a new Inland Boat - Smith and Armourer at their employs the others clearing drains &c."

Oct. 5
" Tuesday people as yesterday."

Oct. 6
" Wednesday people as before - Ind. came from the S'ward with 30 Geese and 2 deer - 2 Ind. brought Mr Colen from Mr Whitfords tent being Sickly when he went away has lingered ever since and is now unable to Stand - hauled the seine - little succefs."

Oct. 7
" Thursday heavy Snow and drift in the Afternoon - 4 men went to the woods - Boat builders accompanied to fetch Gunnels for the new Boat - 3 men went to hunt at Eward Creek - Rec'd 3 deer from Nward Indians."

Oct. 8
" Friday Snow at times Boatbuilders returned with Gunnels - Ind. killed 3 deer opposite to the factory. Mr Colen very ill - Mr Kenneday and one man went to hunt at 10 Shillg Creek."

Oct. 9
" Saturday People variously employed all the Ind. went away much snow fell last night."

Oct. 10
" Sunday Mr Whitford and man came from their tent with fish - Mr Colen very ill - his recovery very doubtfull."

Oct. 11
" Monday Much snow fell last night - two men Boatbuilding - two at the new Cook room One Repairing the Cow House - One attending the Cattle & Hogs One Cooking One Sick those with the Steward and Armourer are the House Compliment - Mr Colen very ill - Mr Whitford says he saw signs of deer - he went to his tent - Repaired part of the deer Hedge."

Oct. 12
" Tuesday Sharp weather people as before - got all the boats up the bank - many deer tracks about the old factory - put the deer Hedge in order - Mr Sutherland and Self daily getting Rabbits."

Oct. 13
" Wednesday fine Weather - Ind. brought 500 lb of Venison & gave the Wooders 90 lb - Mr Colen very weak."

Oct. 14
" Thursday Sharp Weather the Ind. of Yesterday went away."

Oct. 15
" Friday Much Ice in the River - finished the Cook Room Chimney - Mr Colen in great affliction."

Oct. 16
" Saturday The Acting? Bricklayer and mate lining the new Cook Room with Bricks - Mr Colen died this evening."

Oct. 17
" Sunday Much Ice in the River."

Oct. 18
" Monday fine Weather two men making a Coffin 2 dug a Grave - interred the Remains of Mr Colen."

Oct. 19
" Tuesday Cold weather finished Bricklayers work in new Cook Room - 2 Cutting boards for a Cabbin to the Cook."

Oct. 20
" Wednesday Sharp weather - two men killing Pigs the others as before and Repairing the deer Hedge - 3 deer found in it."

Oct. 21
" Thursday People as Yesterday - Stock of fresh Pork 320 lb. - Killed a Bull weight 300 lb - 4 Cows & 1 bull is our number of live stock."

Oct. 22
" Friday Blows a Gale. 2 men preparing Materials for Sleds One lining the new Cook Room others as before."

Oct. 23
" Saturday Cold weather - River fast opposite to the old factory - 5 wooders came home."

Oct. 24
" Sunday - divine Service."

Oct. 25
" Monday fine Weather two making Sleds Carpenters fitting up the new Cook Room - two at the Inland Boat - One has been Sick some time - Cook and Cowkeeper as usual."

Oct. 26
" Tuesday Mild weather - people brewing? and emptying the Cellars of water a laborious businefs often necefsary. 6 Ind. brought 400 lb of fresh Venison - say the deer are all gone."

Oct. 27
" Wednesday fine Weather Several of the Ind. went away. took a walk with Mr Sutherland to Mr Kennedays tent at 10 Shillg Creek - was out hunting."

Oct. 28
" Thursday all the Ind. went away. Mr Kenneday came and told us he had 7 deer of his own killing laying near his tent he went away in the evening - took a dog with him."

Oct. 29
" Friday Sent the Armourer to Mr Kennedays tent for Venison he returned in the evening - the wooders are taking 4 Sled loads to their tent."

Oct. 30
" Saturday Sharp weather 3 Wooders came to make bread."

Oct. 31
" Sunday divine Service - Wooders went to their tent. A Man & an Indian brought Venison and fish from Mr Whitford."

Nov. 1 1802
" Monday Mr Kennedys Companion with a dog brought 140 lb of Venison - Coopers at Sleds - Boat builders at their employ One fitting up the new Cook Room One Sick Armourer Cook & Cowkeeper at their duties - Mr Whitfords man went to his tent."

Nov. 2
" Tuesday Mr Sutherland Steward and Self daily getting a few Rabb. & partridges."

Nov. 3
" Wednesday An Indian and 2 youths brought 3 Sled loads of Venison - put Victuals in water."

Nov. 4
" Thursday The Indians of yesterday went away."

Nov. 5
" Friday Sent a man to French Creek tent to afsist the hunters home to morrow."

Nov. 6
" Saturday Three men came from french Creek with a dog brought 4 Sleds loaded with Venison fish & partridges. they say there is 5 deer some fish and partridges still at their tent - thank God every appearence of plenty - the Patroon and 2 wooders came home, he says they have collected a Winters wood all ready for hauling to the bank edge."

Nov. 7
" Sunday divine Service - Wooders & Hunters returned to their tents."

Nov. 8
" Monday Tradesmen as last week - Armourer brought a Sled load of Venison from French Creek."

Nov. 9
" Tuesday Five Ind. brought 300 lb of Venison - Say Wolves are plenty, but as they get so little for them are so Carelefs as leave them in their traps to be destroyed by others."

Nov. 10
" Wednesday Mr Whitfords men brought 100 partridges and A number of Methy fish - Mr Whitford not well. Indians of yesterday went away."

Nov. 11
" Thursday Mr Whitfords men went to their tent."

Nov. 12
" Friday Mild Weather afew partridges about and we are killing afew daily."

Nov. 13
" Saturday part of the French & 10 Shillg Creek hunters Came with 4 Sled loads of Venison, Fish and Partridges - 4 Wooders Came."

Nov. 14
" Sunday Divine Service - Wooders & hunters went to their tents."

Nov. 15
" Monday Coopers at Sleds Carpenters and Boat builder Completing the Cook Room an Invalid making Nets the rest as usual."

Nov. 16
" Tuesday People as Yesterday went with Mr Sutherland to the Wooders - they are going on well."

Nov. 17
" Wednesday Very mild weather."

Nov. 18
" Thursday Opened the water hole and put meat and Geese in water."

Nov. 19
" Friday Received afew partridges from Invalid Inds."

Nov. 20
" Saturday 3 wooders and 2 Hunters came home the latter brought Venison fish and partridges."

Nov. 21
" Sunday Divine Service - Wooders and Hunters went to their tents."

Nov. 22
" Monday Snow and drift - Coopers repairing ? Carpenters Still at the Cook Room 1 sick the others as usual."

Nov. 23
" Tuesday Cold weather - Mr Whitford John Turner and two Ind. Came they brought afew fish and three porcupine."

Nov. 24
" Wednesday Visitors of yesterday getting Sleds & Snow Shoes &c Repaired."

Nov. 25
" Thursday Mr Whitford and men went away. Don'd Laughton in a Consumptive state."

Noiv. 26
" Friday Mild weather afew partridges getting daily."

Nov. 27
" Saturday Hunters from French and 10 Shlg Creerk brought fish, partridges & Venison - 4 Wooders came home - 2 Ind. from the Sward Came for afew Necefsaries brought 30 Br in furs."

Nov. 28
" Sunday Snow & Drift - Wooders and Hunters went to their tents."

Nov. 29
" Monday blows a Gale - Coopers at Inland Rundlets Carpenters at the Cook Room."

Nov. 30
" Tuesday Ind. of the 27th went away - opened the packages of Shoes &c."

Dec. 1 1802
" Wednesday fine weather - mounted the Roasting jack (Rec'd many years ago) in the new Cook Room."

Dec. 2
" Thursday Snow at times."

Dec. 3
" Friday afew foxes from the Setting Guns at times."

Dec. 4
" Saturday The Hunters brought 3 Sled loads of Venison Fish and partridges - 4 Wooders came home."

Dec. 5
" Sunday Divine Service - Hunters & Wooders went to their tents."

Dec. 6
" Monday Sharp weather - Boatbuilder and two Carpenters preparing for the woods - Coopers at Rund'ts Armourer repairing Guns the others as usual."

Dec. 7
" Tuesday The three men of yesterday went to the Woods to erect Stages for Sawing plank and go on with that duty - 400 partridges from Ind. since the River set fast."

Dec. 8
" Wednesday Two porcupines from Indians."

Dec. 9
" Thursday Two Ind. came for Oatmeal for others up the River."

Dec. 10
" Friday The Ind. went away."

Dec. 11
" Saturday Two hunters brought 2 Sled loads of fish and partridges - 4 Wooders and one of the Sawyers came home - An Indian child died on the plantation."

Dec. 12
" Sunday Wooders and Hunters went to their tents."

Dec. 13
" Monday Coopers at Rund'ts Armourer Repairing hunting guns the others domestically as usual."

Dec. 14
" Tuesday Mr Whitford and Companions Came home - nothing to be got since the cold weather Commenced - Ind. accompanied him who I intend to send with the packet for Inland."

Dec. 15
" Wednesday An Indian brought 3 fresh Beav."

Dec. 16
" Thursday The Indian of yesterday went to his tent - preparing packets for Inland & Churchill."

Dec. 17
" Friday Two Ind. set out with a Packet for Inland and at the same time others went to Churchill."

Dec. 18
" Saturday Wooders and several hunters Came home - Mr Kenneday and Companion brought tentings &c home - Don'd Laughton died this evening."

Dec. 19
" Sunday Divine Service a Sawyer & hunter went to their tents. Two Ind. brought a few martins & Beav. Skins."

Dec. 20
" Monday 4 men digging a Grave 2 making a Coffin - Brewed Xmafs beer - In the eveng interrd the Remains of Don'd Laughton - 3 Ind. came in with 100 Br part of their debts."

Dec. 21
" Tuesday People Cutting wood the Ind. of yesterday went away."

Dec. 22
" Wednesday Two Iind. came in for afew necefsaries."

Dec. 23
" Thursday Three families of Ind. came in brought afew Br Skins & Martins."

Dec. 24
" Friday Sawyers & Hunters came home."

Dec. 25
" Saturday Divine Service."

Dec. 26
"Sunday Several Ind. went away."

Dec. 27
" Monday People amusing themselves."

Dec. 28
" Tuesday People diverting themselves."

Dec. 29
" Wednesday - do."

Dec. 30
" Thursday - do. - two wooders went to take care of their tent."

Dec. 31
" Friday People Cutting wood."

Jan. 1 1803
" Saturday People diverting themselves."

Jan. 2
" Sunday - Divine Service."

Jan. 3
" Monday Early 8 Wooders & 4 Sawyers went to their tents. Mefs Whitford and Kennedy went to their Hunting grounds 3 Hunters Accompany - 4 Hunters to the Eward Coopers Grinding Hatchets &c. Agree George Stephenson (son to Mr Stephenson formerly Surgeon) for 5 years as a Labourer £ 8 pr Ann."

Jan. 4
" Tuesday Two Coopers Cook Armourer Cowkeeper and one sick are the Factory Crew."

Jan. 5
" Wednesday Getting afew partridges daily."

Jan. 6
" Thursday Mr Sutherland & Steward getting foxes at times from the Guns & traps."

Jan. 7
" Friday Some Invalids came for Oatmeal."

Jan. 8
" Saturday Three wooders and one of the Sawyers came home - 2 Ind. brought afew furs."

Jan. 9
" Sunday Wooders Sawyers and Ind. went away - a European and 2 Ind. arrived with Letters from Churchill."

Jan. 10
" Monday Armourer preparing for the woods to afsist in hauling the firewood to the bank edge - when he joins the wooders there will then be the Smallest number at that employ ever known at York - two Coopers, Cook, Cowkeeper & an Invalid are the number at home - Self and Mr Sutherland with Ind. made a Hedge on Egg Island and in it set 50 Snares for partridges."

Jan. 11
" Tuesday All hands Brewing. John Forbes (the Churchill packeter) bad with a Sprained Ankle."

Jan. 12
" Wednesday 5 Partridges & a Rabbit from the Snares."

Jan. 13
" Thursday One of the E Hunters brought 80 part."

Jan. 14
" Friday The Hunter of yesterday returned to his tent."

Jan. 15
" Saturday Three of the Wooders and one of the Sawyers came came home - Mr Kennedy and one Man brought 100 Partridges from the Nward."

Jan. 16
" Sunday Divine Service - Wooders & Sawyer returned to their tent."

Jan. 17
" Monday Two Coopers and Cowkeeper at their duties, these are all that can be kept at the Factory."

Jan. 18
" Tuesday The CR packeters set out for that place."

Jan. 19
" Wednesday Snow & Drift - 20 partridges from the Snares."

Jan. 20
" Thursday Two Invalid Ind. came for Oatmeal and retur'd to their families."

Jan. 21
" Friday The Ind. of yesterday went to their tent - 8 parts. from the snares."

Jan. 22
" Saturday 3 Wooders and a Sawyer came home."

Jan. 23
" Sunday Divine Service - Wooders and Sawyer went to their tent."

Jan. 24
" Monday Three of the N ward and two of the E Hunters came with 150 parts. - 3 Ind. came from the N ward for Oatmeal &c for their hungry families. they brought a taste? of fresh beav."

Jan. 25
" Tuesday blows a Gale Nly - Snow & drift detains the Hunters."

Jan. 26
" Wednesday The Hunters went away."

Jan. 27
" Thursday Cold weather - Invalids came for Oatmeal &c."

Jan. 28
" Friday getting afew part. from the Snares."

Jan. 29
" Saturday Three Wooders & a Sawyer Came home."

Jan. 30
" Sunday Wooders & Sawyer went to their tent."

Jan. 31
" Monday Coopers at Inland Runds. none others at home but Cook & Cowkeeper - went to the Sawyers and Wooders tents - gave directions for future proceedings. - two hungry Ind. came to the Factory. left their families some days since weak and distrefsed - Sent a supply of Victuals instantly to them - a Hunter brought 80 part. from the Eward."

Feb. 1 1803
" Tuesday Indians of yesterday paid 60 Br of their debts - John Gowdy the Hunter of yesterday stops to make some Iron work for the Coopers."

Feb. 2
" Wednesday Ind. went with a supply of Oatmeal to their families who they think will not be able to travel - in the eveng 3 Ind. came in - One paid 30 Br of his debt."

Feb. 3
" Thursday Mr Whitford and one of his Hunters came home - says there is no partridges to be got to the Nward - they did not bring a single one."

Feb. 4
" Friday Snow & Drift."

Feb. 5
" Saturday Mr Whitford and man returned to their tent - 3 Wooders and a Sawyer came home."

Feb. 6
" Sunday Divine Service - Wooders went to their tent - two families of hungry Ind. came in."

Feb. 7
" Monday Cooper at Small Kegs - afew partridges at times from the Snares."

Feb. 8
" Tuesday One of the E Hunters brought 100 partridges."

Feb. 9
" Wednesday Two hungry Indians came in the Hunter of yesterday returned to his tent."

Feb. 10
" Thursday Invalids came for Oatmeal."

Feb. 11
" Friday Mr Kennedy and one of his Companions brought 50 part. from the N ern tent - poor work for 4 men two Weeks."

Feb. 12
" Saturday 4 wooders came home."

Feb. 13
" Sunday Mr Kennedy and wooders went to their tents - two Ind. brought letters from Churchill."

Feb. 14
" Monday Coopers at small Rund'ts."

Feb. 15
" Tuesday Two Indians getting ready for Severn."

Feb. 16
" Wednesday The Ind. of yesterday set out for Severn with Letters for that place and the Bay Settlements."

Feb. 17
" Thursday Blows aGale - two families of Indians went to the Sward - opened the Bacon that came out last year, it appears rusty and in bad preservation and not packed with the usual care."

Feb. 18
" Friday Repacked the Bacon which is much injured."

Feb. 19
" Saturday 4 Wooders & 3 Sawyers came home - in the eveng Mefs Whitford and Kennedy brought all home. no partridges to be got to the N ward."

Feb. 20
" Sunday Divine Service - Wooders went to their tent - One of the Hunters brought 120 part. from the E ward."

Feb. 21
" Monday Two at the Pitsaw - Coopers at Small rund. - two hunters preparing for the E ward."

Feb. 22
" Tuesday Hunters went to the E ward."

Feb. 23
" Wednesday Mr Kennedy and 1 man went to hunt partridges at French Creek."

Feb. 24
" Thursday Some Invalids came for Oat'l &c."

Feb. 25
" Friday One man drefsing weather boarding for the Sheds."

Feb. 26
" Saturday 4 wooders came home."

Feb. 27
" Sunday Wooders went to their tent."

Feb. 28
" Monday Two at the Pitsaw - Coopers at Inland Rund. - One drefsing Weather boarding. the others as usual."

Mar. 1 1803
" Tuesday One of the Hunters brought 80 Partridges from the E ward - Snow & Drift."

Mar. 2
" Wednesday Mr Kennedys man brought 20 part."

Mar. 3
" Thursday The E Hunters went away and Mr Kennedys to his tent."

Mar. 4
" Friday fine weather."

Mar. 5
" Saturday Four wooders came home and 2 Hunters with 100 Partridges from the E ward."

Mar. 6
" Sunday Divine Service - the wooders went to their tent."

Mar. 7
" Monday The E Hunter went away the other his Companion (being Blacksmith) stays at home for necefsary duties - Coopers at Inland Kegs, Boat builder and mate putting anew bottom in the Jupiter Boat - House Carpenter at weather boarding the others as before."

Mar. 8
" Tuesday Smith putting his forge &c in order."

Mar. 9
" Wednesday Some Invalid Ind. came for Oatmeal and returned to their families."

Mar. 10
" Thursday Mr Whitford ill with the Gout."

Mar. 11
" Friday Two Indians came from a Numerous? tribe? for necefsaries say they in general are in poverty & want of food - they left them 5 days ago."

Mar. 12
" Saturday Ind. of yesterday went away - wooders came home - they have got a Years wood ready for rafting and as much felled as Serve one year more - two Hunters came from the E ward with 200 Partridges."

Mar. 13
" Sunday Divine Service Ind. return'd with Letters from Severn."

Mar. 14
" Monday Hunters returned to their tent. 8 men Cutting small wood for platforms. 2 in the forge - 2 Boatbuild'g. 1 repairing Snow Carts - Coopers at Rund. - Taylors Ind. Coats - Arm'r Hunting Guns the others as usual - Brewed beer."

Mar. 15
" Tuesday One grinding Oatmeal the others as yesterday. Mr Kennedys Companion brought 40 partridges and return'd to his tent."

Mar. 16
" Wedneday Several Invalids came in for Oatmeal."

Mar. 17
" Thursday Very fine weather got the wood for platforms home."

Mar. 18
" Friday Three men making tyings for Inland packages - One Sewing traces. 4 Clearing the platforms &c."

Mar. 19
" Saturday people as yesterday"

Mar. 20
" Sunday Divine Service."

Mar. 21
" Monday Two in the forge - 2 repairing Boats. One Sewing traces. 3 making line for Inland Bales &c. Taylor at Indian Coats. Carpenter preparing the N shed for Weather boarding. 4 Clearing the Yard, platforms &c of Snow - Arm'r Stocking aGun. the others as usual - an E Hunter brought asmall deer & 90 part. and Mr Kennedy brought 90 partridges and return'd to his tent."

Mar. 22
" Tuesday The E Hunter went to his tent - two hungry Ind. came for Oatmeal &c."

Mar. 23
" Wednesday The Ind. went away."

Mar. 24
" Thursday The Inland packeters of Dec. last brought Letters from Cumberland & Gordon Houses containg unpleasent news of general scarcity."

Mar. 25
" Friday Several hungry Indians came for Oatmeal and 3 from the N ward brought 60 Br of debts and 2 fresh Beaver."

Mar. 26
" Saturday Mr Kennedy and man brought tentings &c home."

Mar. 27
" Sunday The Ind. of yesterday went away and two others came in with 30 partridges and one Deer."

Mar. 28
" Monday Six men wheeling Snow from Yard and platforms - One weather boarding the N shed - 2 in the forge 2 boat building - Coopers at Inland Rund. 3 making Sinnet, flour bags &c the others domestically as usual - 2 Ind. brought 120 part. from the E ward - Brewed beer."

Mar. 29
" Tuesday The Ind. of yesterday went away - two more followed them to hunt partridges - very fine weather"

Mar. 30
" Wednesday Two men making Platforms - Taylors Ind. Coats the others as before - two Ind. brought a fresh? Beaver."

Mar. 31
" Thursday The Ind. of yesterday went away 3 men with the Steward packing Inland flour."

Apr. 1 1803
" Friday People as yesterday."

Apr. 2
" Saturday 4 men sewing Oat'l bags for Inland the others as before."

Apr. 3
" Sunday Divine Service."

Apr. 4
" Monday One man putting up additional apparatus in distilling House - One Wr. boarding the N Shed - One Boat building 2 in the forge - Coopers at Rund. 5 Sewing bags and afsisting the Steward in packing Inland flour, Oatmeal &c. Taylors at Indian cloaths - Arm'r stockg Guns - Two making Ball of old lead - Cooks and Cowkeepers as usual - one of the E'rn Hunters brought 45 partridges and rec'd 150 from Ind."

Apr. 5
" Tuesday One man with the Steward attendg the Still. the Hunters of yesterday went away."

Apr. 6
" Wednesday Hunters brought their beddings &c from the E and brought 50 partridges - packed the Inland Shot."

Apr. 7
" Thursday Ind. brought 40 partridges."

Apr. 8
" Friday Two Ind. came from the N ward with part of their debt - men brought home tent poles."

Apr. 9
" Saturday 100 partridges from Hunters & Indians."

Apr. 10
" Easter Day - Divine Service - Ind. went away."

Apr. 11
" Monday Two men attending the Still - Coopers Inland Rund. - 2 Boat building - Taylor for trade - Smith & one man Iron work for boats - Shods? for setting poles &c 2 pounding Oatmeal 4 Sewing bags for Inland the others domestically as usual - 40 part. from Ind."

Apr. 12
" Tuesday Snow and Drift as in Dec.?"

Apr. 13
" Wednesday Ind. brought 50 part."

Apr. 14
" Thursday An Ind. from the E ward says the part. have left that coast."

Apr. 15
" Friday Packed all the Inland provisions, ? that for Journeys &c."

Apr. 16
" Saturday the last Europ'n Hunters came Home - only 20 part. from them - 2 Ind. brought afew furs and fresh? Beav."

Apr. 17
" Sunday Ind. of yesterday went away."

Apr. 18
" Monday 4 men Slinging Inland packages - Tradesmen at their various duties - two attending the Still - two making platforms - the others as usual."

Apr. 19
" Tuesday Two Ind. brought 90 part."

Apr. 20
" Wednesday a Goose seen - Ind. of yesterday went away - a family of Ind. came in - Could not pay their debts - every sign of general poverty."

Apr. 21
" Thursday Brewed beer - Ind. afsisting in making a Deer Hedge below the site of the old factory."

Apr. 22
" Friday Two Invalids came for Oat'l and return'd to their families."

Apr. 23
" Saturday Snow & Drift - People fired at a Target."

Apr. 24
" Sunday All the Ind. went to the marsh - ready for the Goose Hunt - the first Goose was Roasted for dinner. in the Eve'g an Ind. & youth came in very hungrey saying they left the rest of the family many miles off in misery and that they saw several families in the utmost want afew days ago - sad news - Four men set out instantly with food for them."

Apr. 25
" Monday Two men at the Pitsaw - one with the Boat builder One weather boardg the E Curtain - two making platforms 2 in the forge - 2 in the Still House - others making markers? and with the Coopers at Inland Rund. &c - two of the men of yesterday came home."

Apr. 26
" Tuesday Snow & Drift as in Dec. - all hands cleang their Cabbins &c - late last night the other two men of Sunday brought 2 S.? bund's of furs - they found the Ind. in great distrefs - poor signs of Trade at the factory."

Apr. 27
" Wednesday ? weather - Tradesmen at their various employs - the others cleaning the platforms of Snow &c."

Apr. 28
" Thursday The Ind. of the 24th came in very weak?"

Apr. 29
" Friday Some of the Ind. of yesterday went with support to others left behind."

Apr. 30
" Saturday Ind. came for food to their families in the marsh - no signs of Geese."

May. 1 1803
" Sunday All the Ind. took pouder & Shot for the Hunt."

May. 2
" Monday Tradesmen at their various employs - two at the Still - the others making platforms and sewing markers? - All the Ind. went to the marsh."

May. 3
" Tuesday Snow & Drift - 4 men preparing Stockades to inclose the burying ground - others as before - two families of Ind. from the N ward brought part of their debts."

May 4
" Wednesday Indians of yesterday went away."

May 5
" Thursday Joiners making a new Stair Case and Bellfry"

May 6
" Friday Ind. came from the marsh for food no appearence of Geese - finished the distillation."

May 7
" Saturday a family of Ind. came from the N ward hungry - this the 2d week since Shiptime we have had salt food alone to serve the men."

May 8
" Sunday Divine Service - all the Ind. went away."

May 9
" Monday 4 men at Platforms - Carpenters at the new Stair Case - Boat builder at Inland boats Smith at Iron work for them - Taylors making Canoe Sails Armourer at Hunting Guns two Sewing Boat sails - the others tying Inland packages, making brooms &c."

May 10
" Tuesday Ind. brought 160 part. - very few Geese seen."

May 11
" Wednesday 5 men clearing drains - others as before. 2 Ind. brought 100 partridges."

May 12
" Thursday found the Bacon of avery bad quality and cannot be used but in the greatest necefsity - packed part for Inland."

May 13
" Friday a Goose killed at the Launch end."

May 14
" Saturday Received 13 Geese - fine weather."

May 15
" Sunday Forty Geese from Indians."

May 16
" Monday One with Boat builder - 2 at Pitsaw - 2 at Platforms 2 at Boats sails - Inland packages &c. Taylors at Ind. Coats. Coopers Inland Rund. Smith Iron work pr boats - Arm'r Cleang tradg Guns, the others clearing drains and afsisting the Joiners in putting up the new Stair case and Bellfrey - 12 Geese."

May 17
" Tuesday few Geese flying - people as before."

May 18
" Wednesday Water rising along shore - 20 Geese."

May 19
" Thursday Several Ind. brought Geese from the Marsh."

May 20
" Friday Water along Shore shews signs of motion in the Ice above."

May 21
" Saturday Ind. brought load of Geese from the marsh."

May 22
" Sunday Ind. came for Ammunition and brought many Geese - hunt goes on well."

May 23
" Monday One with the boat builder Joiners at Stair case Coopers at Rund. Smith making small shot - Taylors making a marker Armour'r Hunting Guns - 8 brought 162 Geese from the Marsh - Ind. from the N ward brought 40 Geese."

May 24
" Tuesday went to the marsh to the Hunters gave them a drink of brandy - many Geese brought in."

May 25
" Wednesday water rising very fast along shore."

May 26
" Thursday Ind. came from the marsh with Geese - on packing Butter for Inland - find many firkins of abad quality - this & Bacon are in the worst state I have seen."

May 27
" Friday Men as yesterday and finishing the platforms salting Geese &c."

May 28
" Saturday Several Ind. came from the marsh with Geese - a deer from the Hedge - Ice gave way above the mile sand and in the eveng pafsed quietly by the Launch end - very little Ice on shore."

May 29
" Sunday Mr Sutherland went up the River in a Boat with 3 men to see the state of the Ice above - in the eveng retur'd saying the River is in afine state for Inland businefs."

May 30
" Monday People Brewed Beer - launched the Boats and brought Geese from the marsh 4 deer from the Hedge."

May 31
" Tuesday 9 men bringg Geese from Ind. mooring the Boats and getting Cargo ready for loading such as we can send - all the men capable of going cannot take two large boats must therefore wait for Ind."

June 1 1803
" Wednesday Hunters came from the Marsh - some agreed to go the Inland Journey - nearly 2000 Geese killed."

June 2
" Thursday loaded two large boats and asmall one the latter to be manned with Ind."

June 3
" Friday Snow & Sleet all day prevented the Boats from setting out - Ind. brought a deer."

June 4
" Saturday Two large boats and a Batteau manned with 20 Europeans & 11 Indians set off early for Inland. Mr Whitford accompanies to stay at the Rock and act as former'y? there during the businefs - men here are the Arm'r lame Taylor and two Invalids."

June 5
" Sunday Several Ind. went away for the Summer. Mr Tate & 5 men in 2 Canoes arrived - 16 bundles of furs - left 4 bundles at his house - 2 men in charge."

June 6
" Monday Mr Tates men preparing for Inland."

June 7
" Tuesday Invalids digging the Garden and other necefsary duties - early this morn'g the 5 men that accompanied Mr Tate set out in a Small boat loaded with Goods for Inland - a deer from the Hedge."

June 8
" Wednesday Mr Sutherland with an Invalid & Ind. brought aboatfull of boards from the Sawyers tent. Mr Kennedy and youths brought afine haul of fish from the ?? Creek."

June 9
" Thursday Capt. Ekamefs & 5 Canoes came - Could not pay their debts and bring unpleasent news from several others."

June 10
" Friday Very cool weather - afamily of Ind. came in could pay their debt."

June 11
" Saturday Ind. from the Sward came for Ammunition - say they were starving in winter and Cannot pay their debts - such general distrefs I have not before Known - 5 Ind. in a Batteau brought Mr Sinclairs trade - 30 bundles."

June 12
" Sunday The Indians of yesterday returned to their families, John Turner and 3 youths accompanied them."

June 13
" Monday Invalids in the Garden - afine meal of fish from the nets for all hands."

June 14
" Tuesday In the morng the Batteaus crew of the 7th Inst. retur'd from the Rock after landing their Cargo there."

June 15
" Wednesday The men arrived from the Rock - they left one Boat there to bring down the furs - 7 Ind. agreed to go another trip - and to afsist me in asmall Boat - One deer from the Hedge and 2 from Ind.-"

"by Mr Jas. Sutherland"

June 16
" Thursday At 4 PM Mr McNab set off for Gordon House - load 2 large boats Ready for Starting to morrow."

June 17
" Friday Early this morng dispatched two large Boats loaded for Gord. House - 19 Europeans & 4 Ind. - John Turner & 4 Ind. Came from the Sward - two of the Ind. paid part of their debts - Men here are the Armour'r - lame Taylor & an Invalid - a deer from the Hedge."

June 18
" Saturday Ind. of yesterday returned to their families. some fish from the nets."

June 19
" Sunday Early this morng several Indians came in afew Could pay their debts - at noon an old Chief arrived with 9 Canoes which could not pay half - 4 deer from Ind. and fish from the nets."

June 20
" Monday Mr Tate and party repairing their Canoes - an Indian came in and paid his debt."

June 21
" Tuesday 16 Canoes of Ind. proceeded up the river to hunt deer."

June 22
" Wednesday Mr Tate & men set out for Merrye House - men pumping the Cellars - some fish from the Nets."

June 23
" Thursday Sowing the Gardens and pumping the Cellars."

June 24
" Friday Mr Cook and 17 men arrived in 4 large & 2 S'll Canoes - 41 bundles of furs -Repairing the Deer Hedge."

June 25
" Saturday Drying Mr Cooks furs and pumping the Cellars - a deer from the Hedge & fish from the Nets."

June 26
" Sunday People arrived from Gordon House with 84 bundles of furs."

June 27
" Monday loaded aSmall boat for Inland ready for Setting out to morrow morng."

June 28
" Tuesday Early this morng the Boat started for Inland."

June 29
" Wednesday Brewed Small beer."

June 30
" Thursday People bringing home Limestones."

July 1 1803
" Friday Packing goods for Mr Cook and pumping the Cellars - two Ind. arrived with afew Deer skins which they traded."

July 2
" Saturday Several Ind. came in and paid asmall part of their debts - Mr Cooks party preparing to leave the factory to morrow - John Turner and some Boys brought home aboat load of boards from Sawyers tent."

July 3
" Sunday heavy rain prevented Mr Cooks men from leaving the factory."

July 4
" Monday Early 16 men in 5 Canoes set off on their return for Nelson River Settlements - Ten men went up the river to Raft firewood - Traded some dry Venison from Indians - some of the Home guard Ind. wishing to visit their friends at Churchill. sent Letters by them to that Settlement."

July 5
" Tuesday The few men at the Factory variously employed"

" by Mr McNab"

July 6
" Wednesday At 10 AM arrived at the factory - found Mefs Sutherland and Cook well - many Indians have been in. few paid their debts - many brought nothing, and in a general state of poverty."

July 7
" Thursday Two men went to the woods for 3 who are to Come home and proceed Inland to morrow."

July 8
" Friday At 10 AM 7 men in a Batteau proceeded to Gordon House, 4 to go Inland 3 to come down and bring all the furs with them - Mr Pruden accompanies to see every thing left put by in safety at the Rock and bring the Acct. thereof with him."

July 9
" Saturday Early in the morng 7 men brought 7 Rafts of wood home - a few Invalid Indians brought aboat load of Stones for the Ship."

July 10
" Sunday The men returned to the Woods."

July 11
" Monday Cooper making aBuoy - the others in the Gardens - Several Ind. came from the Sward, among them 6 of Albany Choice hunters - old Aquaintances - Several of them Requests to Stay here - say they have wintered at Severn with many more of their Albany Companions now there - I told them it is contrary to my duty to encourage such Sollicitations and that they might Consider and act accordingly, they said they would Return to Severn."

July 12
" Tuesday The Ind. of Yesterday traded afew Deer Skins, and from Debtors here rec'd avery small part of payment."

July 13
" Wednesday The Ind. of Monday went away - took an Airing in the Barge with Mr Sutherland and 4 men - laid 2 buoys for the Ship - in the eveng 10 Canoes of Indians Came down the river with a few deer skins & Dry venison."

July 14
" Thursday Ind. of yesterday paid part of their debts in Deer Skins and traded dry venison for Brandy."

July 15
" Friday Tweleve Canoes of Indians came down the river with Deer Skins and Dry venison - Several of these of yesterday took debt."

July 16
" Saturday Several more Indians took debt and all are preparing to go away - Mr Pruden and 3 men arrived from the Rock House - brought the last of the Inland furs - every remaining article there is put by in safety."

July 17
" Sunday 16 Canoes of Indians went away the wooders Returned to their tent."

July 18
" Monday All hands brewed beer and in the eveng 4 men went to the woods in lieu of 4 detained here. afew Indians took alittle debt to hunt Deer up Port Nelson river."

July 19
" Tuesday 18 Canoes of Indians went away afew Old women and invalids Remain - people busy in preparing buoys & beacons."

July 20
" Wednesday At two this morng Mr Sutherland 7 men and an Indian went down in the Barge and set the outer beacon - Set a Net in 10 Shillg Creek."

July 21
" Thursday afew fish from the net - Mr Sutherland went to the Wooders - Says they will have all that was hauled out in winter rafted to morrow."

July 22
" Friday afamily of Indians came from the Sward for afew necefsaries - all hands preparing Buoys & Beacons."

July 23
" Saturday Wooders brought 8 Rafts of wood home - Mr Sutherland and 8 men set the inner Beacon and laid the outer buoys. part of the Ind. of yesterday went away."

July 24
" Sunday early 3 of Mr Tates men arrived from Merrys House in a Canoe they brought the remaing trade and 4 bundles Collected during Summer. Mr Tate with one man and two Indians is gone to examine the Lakes and pafsages nearer the Canadians."

July 25
" Monday All hands carrying firewood up the bank - in the forenoon 4 large and 1 small Canoe arrived from Inland - 15 men - Mr Tomison has returned to Cumberland House in order to fit out Mr Fidlers Secondary expedition to the Athapascow - Mr Whitford who was fixt on for commanding a Station inland is left behind without employ."

July 26
" Tuesday In the forenoon 10 men went to the woods to raft more firewood - Inlanders resting themselves - two Ind. brought a deer and afew young Ducks."

July 27
" Wednesday 3 men Cutting grafs 3 at the forge 9 preparing for Oxford House - the others packing furs - a fresh Beaver & young Ducks from Indians - those of yesterday went away."

July 28
" Thursday James Halcro & 8 men set out in two Canoes for Oxford House - 3 of the men are to return from the Rock with a Batteau laying there - 2 Deer from Indians"

July 29
" Friday 4 men brought aBoat load of Grafs from the Flatts - 5 men with Mr Sutherland in the fur Shed packing."

July 30
" Saturday Mr Tate and one man Arrived in a Canoe - his discovery expedition - Says his Indian guide lost his way 4 days after he left his house - and after spending time & toil in vain he was obliged to come to the factory without reaching the Lake he intended - he Came down aRiver hitherto unexplored and thinks it trends towards Lake Winnepeg through a country where Europeans have not yet wintered and Canadians resort to - 8 hunters Came home."

July 31
" Sunday 9 men returned to the woods."

Aug. 1 1803
" Monday early in the morng 13 men brought two boat loads of Hay from the flatts - afterwards afew completing the launch, the others in the fur Shed packing and repairing the Lime Kiln."

Aug. 2
" Tuesday heavy rain till noon - the first of continuance since the latter end of May - in the Afternoon people packing furs and other duties."

Aug. 3
" Wednesday early 4 men went for part of the Rafts of firewood which they brought in the Afternoon - 2 Cutting grafs on Hay Island, the others breaking lime Stones and other duties afamily of Indians brought some ducks from the Sward - set a Net."

Aug. 4
" Thursday All hands Stacked the Hay got home Completed the Launch and packed Inland furs. in the eveng the 3 men that accompanied James Halcro brought the Batteau from the Rock - Indians brought 2 deer and afew ducks from the Sward - 2 fish from the Net."

Aug. 5
" Friday People setting the Lime Kiln packing furs and Securing the rafts of firewood - all the wooders came home and brought the last of a Winters Collection - Indians went to look for more deer."

Aug. 6
" Saturday 10 men in the fur shed at the Pumpers? the others placing the Rafts in readinefs for Carrying up the Bank attending the Lime Kiln &c the two grafs Cutters came home afew Young Geese from Indians."

Aug. 7
" Sunday Indians of yesterday went away."

Aug. 8
" Monday Two men went off early to Cut grafs and make it into Hay - others Carrying firewood up the bank and with the flood Secured 3 of the large Inland Boat for the Winter - Indians brought young Geese from the Sward."

Aug. 9
" Tuesday heavy rain most part of the day - packed the Inland furs and pumped the Cellars now becoming adaily and laborious businefs."

Aug. 10
" Wednesday blew avery heavy gale all last night Continued till eveng Rain at times almost daily since the 2d Inst. - people brewing and Carrying firewood up the bank when weather permits - Hay makers came home in the eveng."

Aug. 11
" Thursday early in the morng all hands turned out to carry firewood up the Bank."

Aug. 12
" Friday All hands Carrying wood up the bank - Set a Net."

Aug. 13
" Saturday people as yesterday - boisterous weather."

Aug. 14
" Sunday Alittle after 7 this morning we had the pleasure of seeing the ship pafs the point of marsh - hoisted the Colours according to signal which she answered and soon after made the Signal for Severn Brig to go out, that vefsel is not yet arrived - Mr Sutherland and 8 men in the barge got under way as fast as pofsible to afsist in piloting her in - soon after it fell calm and the Ship came to an Anchor."

Aug. 15
" Monday Ship got under way with the flood, in the eveng Came to an anchor in 5 fm hole - we are ansious for the packet - drew the Lime Kiln and secured the Lime - Cleared the Launch House and mounted tackles and got every thing ready for the receipt of Cargoe - Indians came from the Sward with Geese & Ducks."

Aug. 16
" Tuesday Capt. Turner came up in the Barge with the mornings tide with Mr Sutherland and delivered your Honors Packet - People Carrying wood up the bank - laying the Buoys and rigging the Long Boat."

Aug. 17
" Wednesday In the morng the Severn Brig appeared, and in the afternoon came to the Launch and prepared for delivering the Ship - people carrying wood up the bank - Several Ind. came from the N ward and brought a few deer Skins & Venison."

Aug. 18
" Thursday The Long Boats bringing Cargoe, people unloading them, Carrying firewood up the bank &c - Brig sailed for the ship - 8 Canoes Came in loaded with Venison."

Aug. 19
" Friday All hands Carrying wood up the bank, bringing home hay and stowing by Cargoe - Sent down a days fresh Venison for all hands on board Ship & Severn Brig - the Indians went away."

Aug. 20
" Saturday people as yesterday - Brig came to the Launch and was partly unloaded."

Aug. 21
" Sunday Several Indians came from the S ward with fresh Ducks and Venison."

Aug. 22
" Monday All hands carrying firewood up the bank and unloading the Ship - Brig took most of the home ward bound Cargo and sailed for the Ship - Mr Cook arrived in a small Canoe he left two large ones following."

Aug. 23
" Tuesday People as yesterday and stowing by Cargoe - heavy Rain at times."

Aug. 24
" Wednesday got all the firewood up the bank - a fine stock - Long boats came with Cargoe and returned - the Brig reached the old factory."

Aug. 25
" Thursday Brig came to the launch was unloaded and ballasted - Long boats Came and returned to the Ship - 3 Canoes of N ward Ind. came with Deerskins and afew Beaver - they have not been here since last Sept. having nothing in Winter say they were ashamed to come till they got deerskins - rec'd Letters from CR."

Aug. 26
" Friday Stacked all the Hay brought home - Brig sailed for the Ship Long boats came and returned - Rain at times Cellars required constant pumping all this day."

Aug. 27
" Saturday People brewing - boiling bear? blubber and getting Stones for the Ship - Indians went away - two Long boats came to the Launch and was unloaded."

Aug. 28
" Sunday Brig Came to the Launch with the last of the Cargoe - Indians came with Ducks."

Aug. 29
" Monday Unloaded the Brig - the Ceres appeared in the forenoon and Mefs Tomison and Sinclair arrived from Inland in 3 Canoes with 9 men and two Indians - Venison fish & Ducks from Indians."

Aug. 30
" Tuesday Long boat went down with pafsengers beddings &c Capt. Ramsay Came on Shore in the eveng - In a private Letter from Mr Fidler by Mr Tomison dated Cumb. House 1st Aug. 1803 he says "you wish to know our future hopes from the Athapusca - Should we ever be able to send 5 or 6 Canoes to that place that we might be able to establish the Slave Lake where the most considerable part of the N ern Indians are then we might expect something to indemnify our Honble employers for this last year" "

Aug. 31
" Wednesday heavy rain Wind Ely people pumping the Cellars - Clearing drains &c."

Sept. 1 1803
" Thursday Twenty three men preparing for Inland, the others digging adrain from the front of the factory - Ind. brought Geese and ducks."

Sept. 2
" Friday Wind favorable, the Severn Brig Sailed from the Launch - and Mr Thomas Crofsed the river for ? and John Turner with Materials for a Goose tent at the Fourteens - Closed the Packet and Mefs Thomas & Taylor accompanied Capt. Turner and Ramsay down to the Ship.
I have the honor to be
Your faithful Humble Servant
John McNab"

" Mr McNabs Journal from York Factory to Oxford House 1803"

June 16 1803
" Thursday a fine Breeze east'y urged me to leave the factory at 4 pm - Mr Kennedy in company acting as Steersman - James Whitway, John Ashburn & 4 Ind. completes my crew - at sun set put up alittle below Rainbow Island upwards of 12 miles from the factory - afine River."

June 17
" Friday Set out before 4 this morng soon after afine favorable breeze sprung up - at 9 Came to atent of Indians who are killing Deer now beginning to crofs the river - got as much venison as we wished for and gave them a drink of Brandy - signs of plenty of Deer, which I hope will be experienced at the Factory - if so the stock of meat now there will render it unecefsary to Indent for any from Europe next year - at Noon several families going to the factory Came off from the Shore with Venison, while we lowered Sail and stopt for them - say they have lain there Several days killing Deer - that they have had abad winter and cannot pay their debts - and that many others are in this condition - bad news - in the eveng pafsed several more families they also have stopt several days on their way to the factory and gave us Venison - say they were hungry in winter but can nearly pay their debts - that they saw Several in winter in great distrefs & afsisted them - at night put up 8 miles below Steel River."

June 18
" Saturday Started very early and sailed to Steel River point - here we left mast and sail as they say the River is Stony and Crooked above so as to hinder any advantage from them - an Indian brought us some venison - says he traded with Mr Sinclair, and of course has nothing to take to the factory - we have reached Steel River mouth with the use of Sail and line in the space of 24 Hours constant employ - Slept afew miles below half way Creek - many Deer tracks on Shore."

June 19
" Sunday at 4 AM got under way and in the eveng put up for the night at Mr Colens lopt Tree 8 miles up Hill River - very hot and sultry - they say we are now over the worst of the way from the Factory to the Rock (Gordon House) - so far is incompareably the best river I have seen in Hudsons Bay - here larger Craft may be navigated than from Albany to Martins fall and with fewer men."

June 20
" Monday Set out very early and in the eveng put up 8 miles below the Rock."

June 21
" Tuesday Set out early - at 10 AM arrived at the Rock - Mr Whitford lame with the gout - unloaded the Boat and Mr Kennedy - 2 men & 4 Ind. Returned in her to meet the large Boats, lighten them, and hasten their arrival."

June 22
" Wednesday at 9 AM Mefs Bird and Pruden arrived - 7 Canoes 24 men - Small trades throughout - Mr Pruden having asore leg comes for medical afsistance and goes to the factory."

June 23
" Thursday At 11 am Mr Kennedy & Crew returned with Cargo from the Boats - they have been very expeditious - in the Afternoon the Boats arrived Cargos safe - 3 Canoes arrived from Inland - arranged the men for going above and retur'g to the Factory. two men difsents from the agreements specified in List of Servants and will not go Inland on the Conditions mentioned. of Course must be sent home."

June 24
" Friday At 4 AM set out in a Canoe with Mr Bird and 4 men for Oxford House in hopes of meeting Mr Tomison there for the speedier arrangement of Inland businefs - pafsed 4 falls and Several Rapids where the Canoe was lightened and handed up - Slept on the Swampy Carrying place."

June 25
" Saturday Started at 4 this morng and after pafsing 5 falls including the one of last night and many Rapids put up on an Island 3 miles below Sandy bay and 1/2 mile above dram stone."

June 26
" Sunday Very early left our lodgings - after pafsing two falls and several Rapids met the Boat near Knee Lake - desired the men to proceed to the first fall and wait for the Canoes - in the eveng put up at Mr Sutherlands lopt Tree."

June 27
" Monday Set out at 2 AM and with afine breeze Sailed toward the Knee where in a thick fog we lost our way in the Lake - stopt till clear weather enabled us to gain the line of course - in the eveng slept on the Carrying place of the 2d fall in Trout river - met 3 Canoes , by them Mr Sinclair has sent a man to explore the way to Island Lake where Canad. wintered last year."

June 28
" Tuesday Started early - after pafsing some Rapids and strong Currents arrived at Mr Sinclairs - Oxford House - no news from Mr Tomison or men from the athapusca - in the eveng 6 Canoes of Ind. came with afew furs and Moose meat - told us they had been at Crofs Lake where aparty of men from Mr Cook wintered close by a Canadian House - here they say 2 Canadians remain during summer, till their companions return next fall where they again mean to winter."

June 29
" Wednesday In the forenoon the Boats arrived from below with the Cargoes of 8 Canoes in good order."

[no entry]

July 1 1803
" Friday At Noon Mr Tomison - 2 Canoes 8 men - arrived from Cumberland House - Mr Fidler stays there in charge - his succefs in the Athapuscaw is very Small - the Journey has dispirited many of the men and these? whose times are out (the best hands) will not go back - Mr Tomison and self much perplexed on the occasion - busy in Regulating affairs for my Return."

July 2
" Saturday Mr Tomison and Self arranging the men and appointments - I fear he must return to Cumberland House to complete the businefs and it is necefsary for my expeditious Jour'y down to act? there in consequence."

July 3
" Sunday At 4 AM left Oxford House and with 4 men in a Canoe set out for Gordon House - in the eveng Slept at Mr Sutherlands lopt Tree in Knee Lake."

July 4
" Monday At 2 AM Set sail and soon came to the rapids where we left it and met the Canoes going up with Cargo - exchanged some men and made other necefsary Regulations - wrote afew lines to Mr Tomison and in the eveng reached Gordon House in atremenduous Storm of Thunder, lightning and Rain - the most expeditious journey ever performed between the two Houses - Mefs Whitford & Kennedy well. only 5 Canoe loads of Inland Cargo Remaing."

July 5
" Tuesday At 2 AM loaded a Small Boat with furs &c and at 3 Set out for the factory - two lame men I found here must be my crew - Mr Kennedy and one man accompanies us over the Shoals in Hill River - at 6 overtook alarge boat that left the Rock yesterday loaded with furs - put my small boats Cargo on board & Mr Kennedy & Crew Returned in her to the Rock and I proceed in large Boat to the Factory - all hands slept by turns (on board) during the night."

July 6
" Wednesday At 6 this morng found ourselves within 30 Miles of the factory - soon after Ind. gave us the meat of 8 Deer - at 10 Arrived found Mefs Sutherland and Cook well - many Ind. came since my departure one or two only could pay their debt - the rest in extreme poverty."

" In Conversation with Mr Bird on the Journey to Oxford House he said - The Beaver are now very scarce up the Saskatchewan and in the Vicinity of the Settlements there - the hunters few and lazy - that what we can obtain must be got by Europeans tenting with them, or by going at intervals to their tents - without this the Canadians will accompany them and get the produce of their hunts - that this is invariably the case with these Indians that kill Beaver - this points out how to form expectations in this article of trade not only on the number of men but on their inductry and exertions - That the Ind. who hunt the principal part? of Wolves & foxes take none of our men or Canadians with them but when they trade universally go to whom they expect most from - that since the Stand'd of Wolves was reduced, they are more Carelefs in killing, or when killed in taking care of their skins - that alarge tribe of Fox & Wolf hunters has not come this season - the reason he thinks, is, that they are afraid to come, as last year aparty of them killed 2 Canadians & 18 Iroquois not far from the Settlements - further said these Iroquois are adding? greatly to the failure of our exertions Inland - they are now some hundreds who winter and summer in the best beaver grounds, are Regularly agreed to the Canadian masters who pay them 10 livres for every pound of Beaver skin and have them bound not to trade one with us under penalty of their giving them 10 Skins (for nothing) for every one they barter with us - that on one river upwards of 100 of these Iroquois hunted last winter and furnished the same Mr McGilliveray I saw in Churchill river in fall & spring of 1801 & 2 (who wintered among them) with near 200 bundles of Whole and half Beav. - that he sent Mr Howse to this place prior to his leaving Edmonton House last May in hopes of recovering some debts which some of these Iroquois had privately taken from him.
The new NW Company formed under the firm of Sir Alex McKenzie Forsyth & Co. are following the measures of the old, and use every pofsible exertion to operate against them who in their turn curb? them as much as they can and at times by methods unfair - One instance ? among others last summer, when on a carrying place where several Kegs of Spirits were laying belonging to the new Co. - during the night some of the Old Co. servants bored holes in the Kegs and in the morng the owners found them empty - even Kegs of Sugar were bored, so deliberate and eager were they to distrefs them - the new Co. in their turn (it is reported) have agreed 40 of the others men in the Athapusca last spring who on their arrival at or near the Grand Portage are to join their new masters.
? ? ? actuates? both - so far this seems to have been ? ? ? ? of the new Co. whatever may be their hopes of gain in the winter? ? ? every? appearance? to us they must have been losing considerably and ? ? ? if we? may judge of their returns last June from the Athapuscaw hunt were? ? bundles of furs the sole produce of 64 men in 14 Canoes - Mr Fidler with 16 men in 5 Canoes brought 9 Bundles - his we may say was our first trial it is that? kind? to the new Co. - the scarcity of the season has extended it seems to that quarter as the old Co. has not half the quantity of furs they had from below last year and not the third part of which they have carried out in former years."

1M162 B.239/a/107
