This is a virtually complete transcription of the Swan River Journal 1792-93 by Alex Nicol

Swan River Journal 1792-93

July 27 1792
" Friday wind S fresh breezes and clear weather
At 4 oClock AM embarked paddled and tracked to the wood Island & put up"

July 28
" Saturday wind SW fresh breezes & Clear weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked tracked till 4 oClock PM"

July 29
" Sunday wind S light breezes cloudy weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked tracked till 12 oClock M put up for rain"

July 30
" Monday winds variable with Thunder and rain. laid by all day"

July 31
" Teusday wind SW part clear, part cloudy weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked tracked till 7 oClock PM put up at Steele River"

Aug. 1 1792
" Wednesday wind s with cloudy weather
At 5 oClock embarked tracked till 4 oClock put up at Hill river?"

Aug. 2
" Thursday wind N with Cloudy weather
At 4 oClock AM Embarked tracked till 11 oClock put up"

Aug. 3
" Friday wind NW with Rain lay by all day"

Aug. 4
" Saturday wind & weather the same as yesterday. lay by all Day"

Aug. 5
" Sunday wind S part clear part cloudy weather
At 4 oClock AM embarked tracked till 5 oClock PM put up"

Aug. 6
" Monday wind S light airs & clear weather
At 6 oClock AM embarked tracked, paddled and carried to a little above the first carrying place & put up"

Aug. 7
" Teusday wind SW light airs part clear part cloudy weather
At 4 oClock AM embarked paddled handed? and carried pafsed two Carrying places put up in still? water"

Aug. 8
" Wednesday calm with rainy weather laid by all day"

Aug. 9
" Thursday wind S cloudy weather
At 9 oClock AM embarked paddled handed to Burnt wood Carrying place & put up at 6 oClock PM"

Aug. 10
" Friday wind N fresh breezes with rain at times
At 8 oClock AM embarked paddled handed and Carried over four carrying places then put up at 7 oClock PM"

Aug. 11
" Saturday wind NE light airs and cloudy weather
At 8 oClock embarked paddled handed & Carried till 9 oClock PM then put up. pafsed three carrying places"

Aug. 12
" Sunday wind SE fresh breezes with rain lay by all day"

Aug. 13
" Monday wind N strong breezes cloudy weather
At 9 oClock embarked paddled and handed till 6 PM then put up at the Swampey Lake"

Aug. 14
" Teusday wind S light breezes clear weather lay by all day"

Aug. 15
" Wednesday wind S light Airs part clear & part cloudy weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked paddled & handed Carried till 5 oClock PM then put up at the Jack tent. pafsed four Carrying places"

Aug. 16
" Thursday wind E strong Gale cloudy weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked Saild and paddled till 12 oClock M then put up at the Knee Lake for the wind"

Aug. 17
" Friday wind W with Thunder & rain lay by all day"

Aug. 18
" Saturday wind N Cloudy with rain at times lay by all day"

Aug. 19
" Sunday wind S clear fine weather
At 4 oClock AM embarked Paddled handed and Carried till 6 PM then put at the Trout river. pafsed three Carrying places"

Aug. 20
" Monday wind SE light breezes cloudy weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked paddled handed & Sailed to 12 M put up at the Holy Lake"

Aug. 21
" Teusday wind variable with fine weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked paddled & sailed to the Weepenapanis? River put up at 6 oClock PM"

Aug. 22
" Wednesday wind NE strong breezes thick weather. at 4 oClock AM embarked paddled handed and Sail'd till 3 oClock PM put up at the side pine. pafsed two carrying places"

Aug. 23
" Thursday wind NE strong breezes with Cloudy weather
At 9 oClock embarked paddled sailed and carried till 7 oClock PM then put up at the White Fall. pafsed two Carrying places"

Aug. 24
" Friday wind SE light breezes & clear weather
At 6 AM embarked paddled & Sailed? till 5 oClock PM then put up at Eihibumarmis? River. pafsed one carrying place"

Aug. 25
" Saturday wind S strong breezes clear weather
At 5 oClock AM embarked paddled till 6 oClock PM. Came with the Indians in the Sea River then put up. Traded a little Moofse flesh and fat"

Aug. 26
" Sunday wind SW strong breezes & rainy weather lay by the Indians all day"

Aug, 27
" Monday wind NW a strong Gale with showers?
At 6 oClock AM embarked paddled carried till 3 PM came up with a few Indians put up at the head of the Sea River. pafsed one Carrying place"

Aug. 28
" Teusday wind & weather the same as Yesterday traded one Green Moose? lay by all day"

Aug. 29
" Wednesday a strong Gale with rain at times. laid by the Indians all day"

Aug. 30
" Thursday wind S strong breezes cloudy weather
At 4 oClock AM embarked paddled till 12 M and put up in the little river? for the wind"

Aug. 31
" Friday wind W a strong Gale with rain at times
At 5 oClock AM embarked paddled till 12 M then put up at the play green Lake"

Sept. 1 1792
" Saturday wind N fresh breezes clear weather
at 6 AM embarked Sailed and paddled till 10 oClock PM put up in the Lake Winnepeg"

Sept. 2
" Sunday wind W fresh breezes with variable weather. At 5 oClock AM embarked paddled till 12 M then put up for the wind"

Sept. 3
" Monday wind NW fresh breezes clear weather
At 12 oClock M embarked paddled till 9 PM put up in the lake"

Sept. 4
" Teusday wind W light breezes & cloudy weather. At 6 oClock AM embarked paddled & sailed till 6 PM then put up."

Sept. 5
" Wednesday wind N fresh breezes with rain at times
At 6 oClock AM embarked paddled & sailed to the bottom of the Big Fall then put up"

Sept. 6
" Thursday wind NW strong Gales with rain and Sleet at times
At 5 oClock AM embarked tracked, handed carried over then put up."

Sept. 7
" Friday wind N strong Gale with cold frosty weather
At 6 oClock AM embarked paddled & tracked till 12 oClock M then put up for the wind"

Sept. 8
" Saturday wind S with clear weather
At 4 oClock AM embarked paddled and handed to the narrows of the Cedar Lake then put up"

Sept. 9
" Sunday winds variable with clear weather
At 4 oClock AM embarked paddled to the Cedar Lake carrying place carried over part of the Goods then put up"

Sept. 10
" Monday wind N? with Cloudy weather
Carried part over the Carrying place then put up"

Sept. 11
" Teusday wind variable breezes and clear weather. Carried all over then put up"

Sept. 12
" Wednesday wind S strong Gales clear weather. lay by all day"

Sept. 13
" Thursday wind W strong Gales part clear & part cloudy weather
Lay by all day the wind blowing to strong for us to proceed"

Sept. 14
" Friday winds variable light breezes thick cloudy weather
At 9 oClock AM embarked paddled till we came up to three Tent of Sotee Indians on the little Lake Winnepeg. traded 200 lbs of beat meat 100 lbs of dried meat 100 lbs of Fat. then put up at the fishing Island"

Sept. 15
" Saturday wind NW strong Gales with rain and Sleet. laid by all day"

Sept. 16
" Sunday wind W fresh breezes & cloudy weather
At 6 oClock AM embarked sailed and paddled till 6 PM then put up at the Shoal River"

Sept. 17
" Monday wind N with cold cloudy weather
At 6 AM embarked paddled handed & sailed till 6 PM then put up in the Swan River"

Sept. 18
" Teusday wind S with fresh breezes clear weather
At 6 oClock AM embarked paddled till 10 oClock AM when I arrived at the House with all my Goods safe
As soon as I had arrived Mr Whitford inform'd me that one large Canoe arrived at the Canadian House with Goods on the 6th Instant & have traded most of the provifsions from the Natives. when I had examined the provifsions in the House I found to be 300 lbs of beat meat 200 lbs of fat and 150 lbs of dried meat"

Sept. 19
" Wednesday calm with fine clear weather
Two Young Men came with two horses loaded with meat which they traded. also one young man came from different Leaders for tobbacco"

Sept. 20
" Thursday wind S light airs and clear weather
The Hunter came in he had not met with any beast. Paid him 50 beaver for hunting in the summer"

Sept. 21
" Friday wind S fresh breezes with rain at times
Employed fitting out two men to send for the Pacquet and trading with the Indians"

" A Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Tomison"

" Dear Sir
I now take the opportunity of sending you these few lines by the two Men I sent to wait the arrival of the fall packet at the narrow of the Ceader? Lake to inform you I arrived at Swan River with my several? Cargoes safe on the 18th Instant
On the 6th of Sept. One large Canoe arrived at the Canadian House with Goods and have traded most all the? provifsions which has distrefsed me very much. I should be much oblige to you if you can pofsibly spare me a supply of provifsions in the Spring for my Pafsage down to YF and I will send two Men to Cumberland to fetch it.
Dear Sir
I am
Yours sincerely
C. T. Isham"

Sept. 22
" Saturday wind S light airs & clear weather. sent Wm Sabistain & Laughland Taylor in a small Canoe to the Narrow of the Cedar lake to wait for the Packet"

Sept. 23
" Sunday wind S with fine clear weather"

Sept. 24
" Monday calm with fine weather
Men employed hewing Logs for building. One Young man came in for tobacco"

Sept. 25
" Teusday wind N with cloudy weather
The Hunter pitch away to kill beast. also the above Young man went away
Men employed hewing logs for building"

Sept. 26
" Wednesday calm with a hard frost
J. Johnstone had the misfortune to cut his big Toe entirely off. Two men employed pulling down the Guard Room chimney. others hewing logs"

Sept. 27
" Thursday wind S with fine clear weather
Employed four men repairing the chimney others hewing logs. two Indians came in"

Sept. 28
" Friday wind S fine clear weather
Men employed hewing logs for building. The Hunter came and brought two red deer"

Sept. 29
" Saturday wind S fine clear weather
Men employed rafting the logs home. the Indians of the 27th Inst. went away"

Sept. 30
" Sunday wind S fresh breezes and clear weather"

Oct. 1 1792
" Monday wind variable with clear weather
Men employed laying the foundation of the new building & repairing the Guard Room chimney"

Oct. 2
" Teusday winds N strong Gales with cloudy weather
Men employed eight falling logs for the Sawyers the others setting up the frame of the House & laying logs etc."

Oct. 3
" Wednesday wind N light airs & cloudy weather
Employed four at the pit saw, the others afsisting laying logs"

Oct. 4
" Thursday wind S a stiff breeze clear weather
Men employed as before
This day the Hunter pitch away to kill beast"

Oct. 5
" Friday wind S with fine weather
The two Men I sent for the Packet the 22 Ult. return'd with the following Goods
1 keg of Brandy 7 Gall. & one bale containing Cloth red plain 21 yds, Gartering 36 yds, GGshot 28 lbs?, Hatchets No 4, Files No 3 & two Broke
the above bundle had been opened & sewed with sinews. Men employed at the building."

Oct. 6
" Saturday wind S with fine clear weather
At noon the Hunter came & brought one Buck moofe. Men employed as before"

Oct. 7
" Sunday wind S a strong breeze with fine clear weather"

Oct. 8
" Monday wind N a strong breeze & fine weather
Men employed four at the pit saw others afsisting laying logs and repairing the chimney"

Oct. 9
" Teusday wind variable with foggy weather
Men employed four at the pit saw the rest laying logs & letting? in beams etc."

Oct. 10
" Wednesday wind variable with fine weather
Men employed the same as yesterday"

Oct. 11
" Thursday wind S light airs & fine weather
Men employed as before"

Oct. 12
" Friday wind N a strong breeze & clear weather
Men employed four at the pit saw four laying logs & letting in beams, others falling sticks for roofing the house"

Oct. 13
" Saturday wind N light airs & cold weather
Men Employed as yesterday"

Oct. 14
" Sunday calm with cloudy weather
At noon came in one Tent of Indians with some Meat & a few skins to trade. also arrived at the Canadians House five large Canoes. Mr? P? Pangman"

Oct. 15
" Monday calm with fine clear weather. This day employed another hunter to hunt for us during the winter. Men employed at the Building"

Oct. 16
" Teusday wind N snow & sleet all the day
Men employed four at the pit saw four thatching the house the rest plastering"

Oct. 17
" Wednesday wind N with light snow at times
One Indian came & brought one Red Deer which Traded afterwards he went away. two Young men In for tobacco they went away immediately
Men employed as before"

Oct. 18
" Thursday wind S a fresh breeze & clear weather
Men employed flooring & plastering the house. One Tent of Indians pitch in to trade a few skins"

Oct. 19
" Friday wind N with sharp cold weather. the River sett fast with Ice above and below the house
Men employed as yesterday"

Oct. 20
" Saturday wind N with sharp clear weather
Men employed at various Jobs. Myself trading with the Indians"

Oct. 21
" Sunday wind S with cold weather
At noon one Tent of Indians came with a few summer skins to trade"

Oct. 22
" Monday wind S with fine weather
Men employed laying the flooring of the new house. Indians drunk on the plantation"

Oct. 23
" Teusday wind SSW with clear weather
Men employed as before, and trading with the Natives"

Oct. 24
" Wednesday wind N a stiff breeze & clear weather
Early this morning the Natives pitch of. Men employed putting up petitions"

Oct. 25
" Thursday wind N with clear weather
Men employed as before
One Indian man came in & brought one buck Moofe"

Oct. 26
" Friday wind S fresh breezes cloudy weather
Men employed fitting up their Cabbins"

Oct. 27
" Saturday wind S with cloudy weasther
Men employed as Yesterday"

Oct. 28
" Sunday wind S with cloudy weather"

Oct. 29
" Monday calm with fine clear weather
Men employed laying upper flooring? In the evening came in the hunter with eight green beaver"

Oct. 30
" Teusday wind S with fine warm weather
The river clear of Ice. sent two men away with the hunter two employed at the pit saw two making doors. others felling firewood"

Oct. 31
" Wednesday calm with fine weather
Men employed the same as yesterday
One Indian man & his family came in with a few skins & three green beaver. on account of the great scarcity of provifsions at the house, induced me to ask a few men to Winter in the barren ground, all hands excepting three refused"

Nov. 1 1792
" Thursday wind S fresh breezes cloudy weather. Men variously employed. The above Indians traded & went away also sent two men with them to bring back a horse"

Nov. 2
" Friday wind S with fine clear weather
Men variously employed"

Nov. 3
" Saturday wind S blowing fresh & clear weather
I am obliged to serve my Men out half an Allowance owing to the great scarcity of provifsions"

Nov. 4
" Sunday wind S with fine clear weather"

" Monday wind and the weather the same as yesterday. The hunter & the two Men I sent on the 30th Inst. came & brought one doe Moofe & eight beaver
Two young Men came in for horses to help them"

Nov. 6
" Teusday wind N with clear weather. last night fell a quantity of rain
I sent one man away with the hunter"

Nov. 7
" Wednesday calm with fine clear weather
the two young Lads who came on the 5 Inst. went away
Men employed cutting firewood"

Nov. 8
" Thursday calm with a frost in the morning
Men employed cutting firewood
One Tent of Indians came in to trade"

Nov. 9
" Friday wind S fine clear weather
Men employed as before"

Nov. 10
" Saturday wind S with fine clear weather
Sent two Men to Winter out with the Natives who came on the 5th Inst. the hunter came and brought one Buck Moofe
Men employed cutting firewood"

Nov. 11
" Sunday calm cold Cloudy weather
This morning Mr Whitford & two men set of for the barren ground. also the hunter went away & one man with him"

Nov. 12
" Monday wind and weather the same as yesterday
Men employed at various Jobs"

Nov. 13
" Teusday wind S a small breeze with fine clear weather
Men employed cutting firewood"

Nov. 14
" Wednesday wind SE a fresh breeze with cold Cloudy weather
One man making a Net. a few tying up skins the rest erecting a cooking tent"

Nov. 15
" Thursday wind WNW a fresh breeze clear sharp weather. a little snow fell the last night. Men employed two at the pit saw, one at Net making, the rest cutting firewood. Myself went to look for snowshoe frames"

Nov. 16
" Friday wind ESE a fresh breeze with thick snow. Men employed One man at net making the rest went to take home birch for sleds. I am obliged to serve out all hands half an allowance"

Nov. 17
" Saturday wind NW with cloudy weather
Employed one man making a Net. four men turning? heads to? Sleds, the rest clearing the snow out of the yard"

Nov. 18
" Sunday wind SW a small breeze & cloudy weather
In the evening the hunter came and inform'd us he had killed two Beast"

Nov. 19
" Monday wind S with fine clear weather
This morning Mr Whitford returned to the house very ill. One man came home with two horses loaded with meat. Men employed making a Net. others fetching birch for snowshoes & sleds"

Nov. 20
" Teusday wind N with sharp clear weather
Sent four men with dogs & sleds to the hunters Tent to fetch meat, also the hunter came and informed me he had killed three doe moofe"

Nov. 21
" Wednesday wind N with sharp clear weather
Sent two men & horses with the hunter to fetch meat. Myself & six men went to cut snowshoe frames and sleds"

Nov. 22
" Thursday wind S with fine clear weather
Men variously employed"

Nov. 23
" Friday wind NW with sharp clear weather
Employed making snowshoes & other various Jobs"

Nov. 24
" Saturday wind SE with heavy snow all day
The men I sent to the hunters tent came home with two beast
One young man came for men to fetch meat
Men employed bringing home firewood"

Nov. 25
" Sunday wind NE a strong Gale with snow
sent four men with dogs & sleds with the above Young man Tent"

Nov. 26
" Monday wind NE fresh breezes clear weather. Men employed making sleds"

Nov. 27
" Teusday wind N with sharp weather
Men employed as before"

Nov. 28
" Wednesday calm with cloudy weather
the hunter came in to inform us he had kill'd four moofe. Men employed fetching firewood"

Nov. 29
" Thursday wind S with sharp weather
Myself two men horses and sleds went with the hunter to fetch meat"

Nov. 30
" Friday wind S with fine warm weather
Men employed setting the Net and hauling home firewood"

Dec. 1 1792
" Saturday wind S with warm weather
the Men I sent on the 25 Inst. came home and brought one doe moofe"

Dec. 2
" Sunday wind and weather the same as yesterday. Myself and two men came home with two horse load of meat"

Dec. 3
" Monday wind NE a strong Gale with sharp weather. This morning sent six men to the hunters tent to fetch meat. Men variously employed"

Dec. 4
" Teusday wind NW very sharp weather
One Indian man came & paid his debt. Men employed hauling firewood"

Dec. 5
" Wednesday wind S a small breeze & clear sharp weather
Men employed getting firewood"

Dec. 6
" Thursday wind N sharp clear weather
Men employed as before. at noon six men came home with six sleds of meat from the hunters tent. also one Young Man came for men to fetch meat"

Dec. 7
" Friday wind SW a stiff breeze clear weather
Sent five men away for meat - others variously employed"

Dec. 8
" Saturday wind S a stiff Gale clear weather
Men employed hauling home firewood"

Dec. 9
" Sunday wind & weather the same as yesterday
At noon five men came home with six sleds loaded with meat"

Dec. 10
" Monday wind N with fine clear weather
Sent four men away to fetch meat. one man sawing petition Boards the rest getting firewood"

Dec. 11
" Teusday wind S with fine clear weather
One man plaining petitions, others variously employed"

Dec. 12
" Wednesday calm rhymy & cloudy weather
Men employed as before
This morning the hunter came in for men to fetch three Red Deer"

Dec. 13
" Thursday calm rhymy weather
Sent six men with the hunter to fetch meat. the rest hauling firewood to the house"

Dec. 14
" Friday wind & weather the same as yesterday. One man putting up petitions the rest variously employed"

Dec. 15
" Saturday wind S a strong Gale clear weather
Men employed hauling firewood home"

Dec. 16
" Sunday wind N fine warm weather
This morning the men returned home with three Red Deer"

Dec. 17
" Monday wind NE with cloudy weather
Men employed two Jointing the petitions ? getting firewood. sent four men to make salt"

Dec. 18
" Teusday calm with snow all the day
two men jointing the petitons the rest hauling firewood"

Dec. 19
" Wednesday calm thick weather
Men employed as yesterday"

Dec. 20
"Thursday wind S with snow all day
One man Jointing & putting up petitons others hauling home firewood"

Dec. 21
" Friday wind NW a strong Gale with drifting weather
Men employed hauling firewood"

Dec. 22
" Saturday wind WNW sharp weather
The men I sent on the 17th returned with about 50 lbs of good Salt. Men employed as before"

Dec. 23
" Sunday wind S with very sharp weather
three young men came and paid their debt. the hunter came for men to fetch meat"

Dec. 24
" Monday wind S sharp weather
Men employed hauling firewood. Myself trading with the young men"

Dec. 25
" Teusday with S sharp clear weather
This morning the above Young men went away"

Dec. 26
" Wednesday wind W moderate weather
Sent six men away with the hunter to fetch meat. the other hunter came to inform me he has killed five moofe"

Dec. 27
" Thursday wind S with warm clear weather
The Hunter went away. also the above men returned with six sleds loaded with meat"

Dec. 28
" Friday wind S a strong breeze & warm weather
Sent six men with dogs & sleds to fetch meat from the hunters tent."

Dec. 29
" Saturday wind S a strong Gale clear weather
Men employed hauling firewood. Six men returned from the hunters tent with six sleds loaded with meat"

Dec. 30
" Sunday wind S with light snow all day
Two young men came in and paid their debt"

Dec. 31
" Monday wind NE light airs clear weather
Men employed hauling firewood"

Jan. 1 1793
" Teusday calm with fine clear weather
Employed trading with the young men"

Jan. 2
" Wednesday wind NE fresh breezes & cloudy weather
This morning sent four men with dogs sleds away to fetch meat. the hunter went away"

Jan. 3
" Thursday wind S light airs & cloudy weather
Men employed hauling home firewood & other necefsary Jobs. Sandy Thompson very ill"

Jan. 4
" Friday calm with fine clear weather
The men returned home with six sleds of meat from the hunters tent. Men employed as before"

Jan. 5
" Saturday wind and weather as yesterday
Men employed hauling firewood"

Jan. 6
" Sunday wind S with fine clear weather"

Jan. 7
" Monday wind NE with light snow all day
Sent four men with dogs and sleds to the hunters tent to fetch meat. one man jointing the upper flooring. others variously employed"

Jan. 8
" Teusday wind E with cloudy weather
Sent three men with dogs and sleds to the hunters to fetch meat. Myself with others employed taking? gunnels for two canoes"

Jan. 9
" Wednesday wind NW a strong Gale with drifting weather. Men employed as before. The men I sent on Monday returned with five sleds loaded with meat. The hunter came in for Liquor"

Jan. 10
" Thursday wind NW moderate weather
Employed one man jointing the upper flooring. others hauling firewood to the house. three men return'd with three sleds of meat. also sent two men away for meat"

Jan. 11
" Friday Calm with Cloudy weather
The hunter & two men went away to fetch the remainder of the meat. Men employed as before"

Jan. 12
" Saturday calm with rhymy weather
the two men I sent for meat returned with two sleds loaded. Men employed hauling firewood"

Jan. 13
" Sunday calm with fine clear weather"

Jan. 14
" Monday wind SW light airs with cloudy weather. Sent four men with dogs & sleds away to the hunters tent to fetch meat. Employed one man jointing the upper flooring others at various jobs"

Jan. 15
" Teusday calm with light snow all day
Employed one man finishing the upper flooring the rest hauling firewood"

Jan. 16
" Wednesday wind NNE light airs and cloudy weather. Men employed as before. the men I sent to fetch meat returned with four sleds loaded"

Jan. 17
" Thursday calm with cloudy weather
Sent six men away to fetch meat. others employed cutting firewood. One Young Indian came in"

Jan. 18
" Friday wind NE with light airs cloudy weather. Men variously employed. At noon two men came home with two sleds of meat"

Jan. 19
" Saturday wind ENE a strong Gale very sharp weather
This morning the young man went away"

Jan. 20
" Sunday wind S with fine weather
One young man came for men to fetch meat"

Jan. 21
" Monday calm with cloudy warm weather
Men employed two sawing gunwails for? Canoes. the rest hauling firewood"

Jan. 22
" Teusday wind SE with clear fine weather
Sent five men with dogs and sleds to fetch meat. One Indian man came with a few furs to trade"

Jan. 23
" Wednesday wind N with clear weather
Two men preparing wooden work for? Canoes. the rest at necefsary Jobs"

Jan. 24
" Thursday calm with rhyme & clear weather
Three men returned home with sleds of meat from the hunters tent. men variously employed"

Jan. 25
" Friday wind NE a strong Gale with snow
Two men came home from the hunter & brought one doe moofe. two men getting wooden work for Canoes. others hauling firewood"

Jan. 26
" Saturday wind WNW with sharp drifting weather. Men employed as before"

Jan. 27
" Sunday wind NE with sharp cold weather
the hunter came in for men to fetch meat"

Jan. 28
" Monday calm with light snow all day
The hunter and five men went away to fetch meat. One Tent of Indians came in to trade. Men employed Taylor making Cloths for trade. the rest cutting firewood"

Jan. 29
" Teusday wind NE with sharp clear weather
Men employed cutting firewood
The Natives drunk on the plantation"

Jan. 30
" Wednesday wind N with sharp clear weather
Men employed one man making a Net, Taylor making Clothes, the rest at various Jobs. The men I sent for meat came home with one doe moofe. the hunter came in for men to fetch meat"

Jan. 31
" Thursday wind NW a strong Gale with very severe weather. Men employed one man making a Net, Taylor making Cloths the rest cutting firewood & trading with the Natives"

Feb. 1 1793
" Friday wind NW light airs & clear weather
Sent five men with the hunter to fetch meat. others cutting firewood. the Indians went away. One old Man came in for men to fetch dried provifsions"

" Saturday wind S with sharp clear weather
Men employed hauling firewood. the old Indian Man went away"

Feb. 3
" Sunday wind NE light breezes with sharp Clear weather"

Feb. 4
" Monday wind SSE a strong Gale sharp drifting weather. Sent four men with dogs & sleds to the Old man Tent to fetch dried provifsions. the rest cutting firewood & making soap"

Feb. 5
" Teusday wind S astrong Gale drifting weather
Men employed as yesterday. the men returned from the Old Man's Tent with one doe moofe 75 lbs Beat Meat & 45 lbs dried meat"

Feb. 6
" Wednesday wind S a stiff breezes & very sharp weather. Men employed boiling soap. One young man came from the hunters to inform us he had killed three Beast"

Feb. 7
" Thursday wind N light airs very sharp weather
Sent five men with dogs and Sleds to the hunters Tent to fetch meat. the rest employed cutting firewood"

Feb. 8
" Friday wind and weath' the same as yesterday
One young man came in with very few furs to trade. Men employed cutting firewood. the men I sent for meat came home with six sleds loaded & one Old Indian Man in company"

Feb. 9
" Saturday calm with fine clear weather
Employed trading with the Indians & they went away. Men cutting firewood"

Feb. 10
" Sunday wind S a fresh breeze & sharp weather"

Feb. 11
" Monday wind S a fresh Gale clear weather
Sent five men to fetch meat and one man to stay. Men employed two plaining? thorfs? for canoes. Taylor cutting out Cloths for trade. the rest cutting firewood the hunter came to inform me he had killed beast"

Feb. 12
" Teusday wind S with fine weather
sent one man away with the hunter to fetch meat. Men employed as before. four men came home with four sleds loaded with meat"

Feb. 13
" Wednesday calm with fine warm weather
sent three men with dogs & sleds to fetch meat. Men employed two making a ground frame for Canoes. Taylor making Cloths others cutting firewood"

Feb. 14
" Thursday wind S with thawing weather
The men I sent for meat came home with five sleds loaded. Men employed two preparing wooden work for Canoes. Taylor making Cloths the cutting firewood"

Feb. 15
" Friday calm with cloudy weather
sent four men away to fetch meat. the rest employed as before"

Feb. 16
" Saturday wind N with light snow
Men employed as before. the men I sent for meat came home with five sleds loaded"

Feb. 17
" Sunday wind S blowing fresh with fine mild weather"

Feb. 18
" Monday wind S with thawing weather
Sent five men with dogs & sleds to fetch meat. Men employed Taylor making Clothes for trade. One man making a Net. other cutting firewod'

Feb. 19
Teusday wind N a strong breeze with snow
Men employed as before. the men I sent for meat came home with five sleds loaded"

Feb. 20
" Wednesday wind N with sharp cold weather
sent five men with dogs & sleds away to fetch meat
Men variously employed"

Feb. 21
" Thursday wind N with sharp weather
Men employed two at Canoe work Taylor making Clothes, others cutting firewood. five men return'd home with five sleds of meat. the hunter came in for Liqour. two young lads came to inform us of the death of an Old Man & for men to go to bury him"

Feb. 22
" Friday calm clear sharp weather
Sent two men with the young men to fetch the Old Man to the house. the hunter went away.
Men variously employed"

Feb. 23
" Saturday wind N sharp clear weather
Men employed the same as yesterday
In the evening the two men brought the Old Man to the House to be buried"

Feb. 24
" Sunday wind N with sharp weather"

Feb. 25
" Monday wind SW very sharp weather
Employed two men making pickets for canoes. One man making Nets. the rest burying the old man. At noon the hunters family pitch in to see their father buried"

Feb. 26
" Teusday wind NW a strong Gale with snow
Men employed one at Netmaking. Taylor making Clothes. two making pickets for Canoes. others cutting firewood"

Feb. 27
" Wednesday wind S astrong Gale with drifting weather. Men employed as yesterday"

Feb. 28
" Thursday wind S fresh gales clear weather
Men employed as yesterday"

Mar. 1 1793
" Friday wind NE with snow at times
Men employed cutting firewood"

Mar. 2
" Saturday wind S with sharp weather
The man who staid with the hunter came home to inform us he had killed four beast"

Mar. 3
" Sunday wind S with thawing weather"

Mar. 4
" Monday calm cloudy and warm weather
sent six men with dogs and sleds away to fetch meat. Two men employed at Canoe work, others cutting firewood"

Mar. 5
" Teusday wind N fine clear weather
The men I sent for meat came home with six sleds loaded. Employed making canoe work & cutting firewood"

Mar. 6
" Wednesday wind N with sharp weather
Sent two men to the hunters tent to fetch meat
Men employed as yesterday"

Mar. 7
" Thursday wind N with sharp weather
The two men I sent for meat came home with two sleds loaded. Employed two making Canoe work, others at different Jobs"

Mar. 8
" Friday wind S sharp cold weather
Men employed two at Canoe work , others cutting firewood"

Mar. 9
" Saturday wind SE with snow at times
Men employed fetching firewood"

Mar. 10
" Sunday wind SW fine warm weather"

Mar. 11
" Monday wind NE fresh breezes clear weather. sent six men with dogs & sleds to take oak for mallets & wedges for the beaver prefs, two at Canoe work the rest variously employed"

Mar. 12
" Teusday wind S strong breezes with thawing weather. sent two men to the hunter to fetch meat. Men variously employed. One young man came to inform us he had killed one Beast."

Mar. 13
" Wednesday wind S fine thawing weather
Men employed putting Ice into the provifsion shed. two men at Canoe work, others cutting firewood"

Mar. 14
" Thursday wind S a strong Gale with thawing weather. Myself and four men taking splinters for Canoes. sent two men to fetch meat. others at various Jobs."

Mar. 15
" Friday wind N sharp cold weather
The two Men I sent for meat came home with two sleds loaded with meat.
Men variously employed"

Mar. 16
" Saturday wind and weather as yesterday
sent four men with dogs and sleds to fetch meat
Men employed cutting firewood"

Mar. 17
" Sunday wind N with cold weather
One old Man and his family came in and paid his debt"

Mar. 18
" Monday wind N with sharp weather
The four men I sent to fetch meat came home with two Beast. One Tent of Indians came in to trade"

Mar. 19
" Teusday wind and weather as yesterday
Sent six men away to gather pitch, others variously employed. the hunter came in to inform us he had killed one beast. One Old man came in & paid his debt."

Mar. 20
" Werdnesday calm with cloudy weather
Sent two men to fetch meat. Employed trading with the Indians & sent them away"

Mar. 21
" Thursday wind S a strong breeze with cloudy weather. Employed two men at Canoe work, the rest at various Jobs. two men I sent for meat came home with two sleds loaded"

Mar. 22
" Friday winds variable fine warm weather
the hunter sent for men to fetch green Beaver. Men employed as yesterday"

Mar. 23
" Saturday wind S fine warm weather
Myself & ten men went down the river to take splinters & timbers for canoes. six men came home from getting pitch brought three Bags. the rest cutting firewood. One Indian man came in with a few skins"

Mar. 24
" Sunday wind S with cold weather
one young man came in for Tobacco and for men to help them in with their provifsions"

Mar. 25
" Monday wind N with sharp cold weather
Myself & six Men went to take splinters for canoes. the rest variously employed. T Thompson, T Gun & M Cooper came in from their winter quarters. Perenee is left behind having had the accident of cutting his foot"

Mar. 26
" Teusday wind S with fine mild weather
Men employed as yesterday. Four Indians & their family and brought a very bad trade and they informs me there will be no more Indians here this Spring owing to a Canadian trader having killed an Indian Cheif and the great supply of Goods at the house above us"

Mar. 27
" Wednesday wind S with a fine thaw
Men variously employed. the Indians drunk on the plantation."

Mar. 28
" Thursday wind SSW with fine weather
Employed with the Indians trading"

Mar. 29
" Friday wind S fine clear weather
Employed trading with the Indians & sent them away, also ten men getting themselves ready to go for birchrind"

Mar. 30
" Saturday wind variable with fine clear weather. Myself & ten men & two Indians went to look for birch rind bark"

Mar. 31
" Sunday wind S fine warm weather"

April 1 1793
" Monday winds variable with clear weather
Mr Whitford & two men went up the river to fix a spot to make Maple sugar. Men employed cutting firewood. Swans seen today"

Apr. 2
" Teusday wind SSW a stiff Gale warm thawing weather. Mr Whitford & one man went away to make Sugar. the rest variously employed. at noon one of those Indians that went with Mr Isham on Saturday returned with tidings of very little birchrind to got. Geese seen today"

Apr. 3
" Wednesday wind SW a stiff Gale with warm weather. Myself & the Men arrived with 11 rolls of birchrind. the rest employed as before"

Apr. 4
" Thursday winds variable with thunder and rain at times. Myself & seven Men went away to look for birchrind. two Men plaining Timbers for Canoes, the rest getting a little firewood"

Apr. 5
" Friday wind & weather the same as yesterday
Men employed as before. received a Swan from the hunter"

Apr. 6
" Saturday wind N s strong Gale with cold weather. Perenee came home from his winters quarters having got much better of the foot. Men variously employed"

Apr. 7
" Sunday wind N with very sharp weather
Myself & the men arrived with seven rolls of birchrind"

Apr. 8
" Monday wind variable light airs clear weather. Men employed two plaining timbers for Canoes, the rest getting a little firewood"

Apr. 9
" Tuesday wind S a stiff breeze and clear weather
Myself and four men went away to look for more birchrind. Men employed as before"

Apr. 10
" Wednesday wind N a fresh breeze with thick snow all the day. At 2 PM 4 Men & myself arrived with 2 rolls of birchrind"

Apr. 11
" Thursday wind & weather the same as yesterday. Mr J Whitford & tent mates came home for Provifsions brought 10 lbs of sugar"

Apr. 12
" Friday wind NE small breezes clear wea'
Mr Whitford & two men went away. two men plaining timbers for Canoes. the rest shoveling snow out of the Yard"

Apr. 13
" Saturday wind E a small breeze clear weather
One Indian man came in with a few skins and a little green beaver. Men variously employed"

Apr. 14
" Sunday wind ENE a fresh Breeze at times
Received 4 Geese from the hunter"

Apr. 15
" Monday wind NE a middling breeze with light snow at times. Myself & two Men went to take wooden work for a small size Canoe, two men plaining splinters for Canoes. one a hunting got one Goose, the rest variously employed"

Apr. 16
" Tuesday wind NE middling breeze with light snow. Men employed as before. Myself turning timbers for a small fize canoe"

Apr. 17
" Wednesday wind NE a stiff breeze & clear weather
Men variously employed"

Apr. 18
" Thursday wind S fine clear weather
Men employed getting dried wood for turning timbers myself and one man a hunting killed seven Geese"

Apr. 19
" Friday wind NE a fresh breeze & clear
Men employed one man repairing the canoe bed. the rest carrying home firewood"

Apr. 20
" Saturday wind SE fresh breezes & clear
Men employed as yesterday"

Apr. 21
" Sunday wind NE a strong Gale & clear
Mr J Whitford & two men came home after having made 30 lbs of good maple sugar"

Apr. 22
" Monday wind NE strong breezes at times
Two men employed putting a Canoe on the Bed. the rest afsisting & sewing"

Apr. 23
" Tuesday wind S part clear part cloudy weather. Men employed building a Canoe
Rec'd 3 Beaver 6 Geese"

Apr. 24
" Wednesday wind WSW with rain all day. Men employed at various Jobs"

Apr. 25
" Thursday calm with fine warm weather
Men employed sewing a Canoe & taking her of the bed. afterwards put another on the bed. the hunter went away in a canoe up the River"

Apr. 26
" Friday wind SSW with Cloudy weather
Men employed the same as Yesterday"

Apr. 27
" Saturday calm with fine warm weather
Men employed sewing one Canoe & taking her of the bed. Myself put a small size Canoe on the bed. the hunter returned and brought two beaver 1 Swan & 1 Goose"

Apr. 28
" Sunday winds variable with rain at times"

Apr. 29
" Monday wind N with thick snow all day
Men employed beating meat to make pimicon"

Apr. 30
" Tuesday wind N with thick snow all day
Men employed making pimicon. the hunter went away to kill beast"

May 1 1793
" Wednesday wind N with a great fall of snow
Men employed mending Canoe sails & other Jobs. the [hunter?] returned with one young moofe"

May 2
" Thursday wind S a strong breeze clear weather
Men employed timbering a canoe. one Man mending a Canoe. Myself sewing a small size Canoe. sent two men away with the hunter. two men hunting met with bad succefs not any Geese about"

May 3
" Friday wind N a strong breeze with clear cold weather
Men employed much the same as yesterday"

May 4
" Saturday wind S a strong breeze & clear weather
The hunter & two Men came home with one Buck moofe. Men variously employed"

May 5
" Sunday wind S fine warm weather
Men employed timbering up the Canoes, the rest afsisting"

May 6
" Monday calm cloudy with rain at times
Men variously employed. One Indian man and his family came and brought a few skins and a little green beaver"

May 7
" Tuesday Calm part clear part cloudy with rain at times. Men employed Packing Furs"

May 8
" Wednesday wind S light Airs clear weather
Men employed packing furs"

May 9
" Thursday winds variable strong qualls clear weather
Men employed pitching Canoes"

May 10
" Friday wind N with strong squalls with [rain?] at times
Men employed pitching Canoes"

May 11
" Saturday wind NE clear fine weather
Men employed getting themselves in readinefs to go for the Factory. alfo two Indians went away to the Factory"

May 12
" Sunday wind S with fine light airs and clear weather. this morning six Canoe loaded with furs Embarked for the Factory. Mr Whitford left in charge of the Goods & two men with him"

[Handwriting change here]

May 13
" Monday Wind SW a Stiff Gale & clear Weather lay by all day set one Net got a few fish"

May 14
" Tuesday Wind SE a stiff Breeze Cloudy at 8 AM embarked at 2 PM put up at the Bottom of the shoal River. received one Beaver two Geese and one swan from the Indians"

May 15
" Wednesday Wind SE a fresh Breeze & Cloudy Weather with rain till Noon then Clear set three Nets got a few Pike and some titameg."

May 16
" Thursday Wind SE a middling Breeze & clear
at 4 PM embarked Paddled & sailed till 8 then put up"

May 17
" Friday Wind & Weather much the same as yesterday. at 5 AM embarked Paddled till 10 then put up for Ice it being all standing a head"

May 18
Saturday Wind variable a small Breeze part Clear part Cloudy inclinable to Rain. at 10 AM embarked Paddled till Noon then put up could not go farther for Ice."

May 19
" Sunday Wind East a middling Breeze cloudy Weather with rain in the afternoon. laid by for Ice."

May 20
" Monday Wind WSW a Fresh Breeze Weather clear & Cloudy alternate much Thunder & Rain the last Night. 1/2 past 4 AM embarked arrived at the ceadar Lake Carrying place at 7 AM then carried till 4 PM and put up"

May 21
" Tuesday Wind Westly a stiff breeze cloudy with a Drizzling rain and sleet all day Carried but a little distance"

May 22
" Wednefsday Wind W by N a middling Breeze fine clear Weather some snow last night. at 8 AM began to carry and left of at 1/2 past 4 PM"

May 23
"Thursday Wind Eastly a Stiff Gale Weather cloudy with rain at times. employed carrying from 7 AM till 2 PM got all over to the Cedar Lake. four Men getting ready to go to Cumberland House for a supply of Provisions to serve us to York Factory"

May 24
" Friday Wind variable a small Breeze with foggy Weather. At six AM embarked one Canoe for Cumberland House the ? paddled & sailed to the Narrow of the Ceadar at 5 PM put up"

May 25
" Saturday Wind E'ly strong Breezes part clear part cloudy Lay by all day"

May 26
" Sunday Wind E'ly fresh Breezes Clear Weather Lay by all day"

May 27
" Monday Wind & Weather the same as yesterday Laid by all day"

May 28
" Tuesday Wind S'ly fresh Breeze clear weather Laid by all day"

May 29
" Wednefsday Wind East Light Breezes warm Clear Weather Laid by all day"

May 30
" Thursday Wind S'ly fresh Breezes clear Weather Laid by all day"

May 31
" Friday Wind & Weather the same as yesterday Laid by"

June 1 1793
" Saturday Wind W'ly Light Breezes warm clear Weather Laid by"

June 2
" Sunday Wind Calm Clear Weather Laid by"

June 3
" Monday AM Calm fr No a strong Gale N'ly Clear Weather Laid by"

June 4
" Tuesday Wind N'ly fresh breeze clear weather Lay by all day"

June 5
" Wednefsday Wind N'ly a middling Breeze Clear hot Weather Laid by all day"

June 6
" Thursday Wind & Weather much the same. Laid by"

June 7
" Friday Wind E'ly a strong Gale at times laid by"

June 8
" Saturday Wind & Weather much the same as yesterday. at 8 AM the Men I sent to Cumberland arrived Brought 6 Bags of Pimecon & very melancholly news of the lofs of Men and the shoalnefs of water. eight Canadian Canoes pafsed us this day. laid by"

June 9
" Sunday Wind Ely a stiff Breeze & Cloudy at 1/2 Past 5 AM embarked Paddled & handed till 11 AM got to the Big fall carried till 8 PM then put up"

June 10
" Monday Wind & Weather much the same as yesterday. at 4 AM begun to carry got over at 10 then put up"

June 11
" Tuesday Wind Wly a small Breeze 9 AM then Northly a strong Gale Weather clear and Cloudy alternate. at 5 AM embarked Paddled & saild till 10 AM then put up for Wind"

June 12
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Breeze at times part clear part Cloudy with Thunder in the Evening at 4 AM embarked Paddled till 4 PM then put up for Wind"

June 13
" Thursday calm till noon then a hard Gale at SW Weather much the same as yesterday at ? AM embarked Paddled & saild till one PM then put up for wind sent a Indian a hunting no succefs"

June 14
" Friday Wind NE a stiff Gale Weather clear & Cloudy alternate. at 3 AM embarked Paddled till Noon got to the play Green then put up, one Tent of Indians being then not gone to York Factory with their Trade as yet. sent two of them a hunting no succefs"

June 15
" Saturday Wind NE strong Gale weather Cloudy Inclineable to rain. at 4 AM embarked paddled till two PM put up for wind"

June 16
" Sunday Wind Wly a stiff Breeze and Cloudy with a hard frost in the morning at 5 AM embarked Paddled carried and sailed till 8 PM pafsed one carrying Place then put up"

June 17
" Monday Wind and weather as yesterday ay 3 AM embarked Paddled sail'd & carried over one carrying Place at 7 AM put up at the white fall carrying place"

June 18
" Tuesday Wind NNE a hard gale Weather part clear part cloudy carried over but could not embark for wind laid by all day. sent the two Indians a hunting no succefs"

June 19
" Wednefsday Wind and Weather much the same as yesterday but more milder. at 4 AM embarked Paddled & carried till 1 PM then put up for Wind at the side Pine pafsed one carrying Place set our Nets got some fish"

June 20
" Thursday Wind NW a stiff Gale till evening then more calm clear weather. at 4 AM embarked Paddled & carried pafsed over 2 Carrying places at 1 PM stopt for Wind at 2 PM more calm embarked Paddled and sail'd till Noon then put ashore and had a sleep"

June 21
" Friday Wind N a stiff Breeze & Cloudy at 5 AM embarked Paddled handed and carried pafsed three Carrying places at 5 PM put up in the Knee Lake received one Beaver from one of the Indian Men that is going down to York Factory with us"

June 22
" Saturday Wind Northerly a stiff Breeze all day
at 9 AM embarked paddled till four PM then put up at the Knee could not go for Wind"

June 23
" Sunday Wind NE a stiff Gale till evening then calm weather cloudy at 5 AM embarked Paddled till 2 PM then stopt for wind at 5 PM embarked paddled till the middle of the night then put up at the head of Jack River"

June 24
" Monday calm clear weather at 4 AM embarked paddled handed & carried and Pafsed 4 carrying places put up at 3 PM in the swampy Lake"

June 25
" Tuesday calm & clear fine Weather at three AM embarked Paddled handed & carried had very bad Prospect broke two Canoes got them repaired and pafsed two carrying Places at 1/2 past 4 PM put up"

June 26
" Wednefsday Wind Westly a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy with Thunder and rain in the evening at 3 AM embarked Paddled handed & carried till 2 PM then put up Pafsed 5 Careying Places"

June 27
" Thursday Wind variable Cloudy with rain at times at 5 AM embarked Paddled & carried Pafsed two carrying places. Pafsed Mr. Donald and 9 Men going to the first carrying place to wait on Mr Tomison with a Boat Loaded with Goods - at 9 PM put in the Steel River"

June 28
" Friday Wind & Weather much the same as yesterday at 4 AM embarked Paddled & saild till 7 PM then put up in the Factory River"

June 29
" Saturday Wind Wly a fresh Breeze at times with fine clear weather at 2 AM embarked Paddled till 6 AM. arrived at York Factory with all in good order"

"Errors excepted"
"Charles Thomas Isham"

1M144 B.213/a/3
