This is a virtually complete transcription of the Shell River (Swan river) Journal 1794-95 by Alex Nicol.

" A Journal of Weather, People Employment, and other Occurrence keept at Brandon House red river, by Mr John Sutherland, Commencing the 15th of May. - 1794 &c."

May 15 1794
" Thursday set off for Osnaburgh House. Mr Donald McKay, William Louttit, Robt. Taylor, Andrew Taylor, Mag. Yorston, Jas. Yorston, Jas. Brown, David Brown, Jn. Anderson, Jn. Easter, Peter Hurston, William Corrigall, William Kirknefs, Louis Jolly Cour. -
Served Mr McKay for his Journey to Osnaburgh House a gallon of rectify'd spirits. Served 13 Men going to OH the night before they went of a half gallon of rectified spirits and a quart the Day they went off.
People at Brandon House all the summer. Jn. Sutherland Master, Mag. Cleat, Robt. Eunson, Jas. Slatter, Jas. Moar.
Peoples Employment this day Eunson and Cleat finishing the gate door, Jas. Slatter and Jas. Moar Cleaning the House. - I find some of the Cloth cut by the mice and likewise Blankets and Twine.
Rules & Regulations to be Observed by the People at Brandon House all the summer Viz. No Indians to be let in above 3 or 4 untill we know what they want, and not one to be let in at the gate untill he deliver up his gun, no tool of any kind to be left Laying about but put in the store house every evening when don work, every Man to have his gun load and in his bed Place with himself every night no person to go from the House without leting the Master know of it. no fire to be made in the House with windy or hot weather, 3 rundlets of water to be in the house every night, no dirty water or any nastenefs whatsever to be thrown down within or before the gate, but Carried over the second hill opposite to the West Corner of the Palisades, Served the Men a little grog and lent them guns for the defence of the House."

May 16
" Friday the People taking up stumps and diging the garden. very hot weather."

May 17
" Saturday People were emploied as yesterday, rainy evening."

May 18
"Sunday Performed divine service as well as our Shallow Capacity was able, which is the first that ever was performed at the red river."

May 19
" Monday the People taking up stomps and diging the garden - a deal of rain this evening."

May 20
" Tuesday the People were employ'd as yesterday. very hot weather with Showers of rain."

May 21
" Wednesday the People as befor rainy weather."

May 22
" Thursday two Men laying the floor in the Ice house, the other two overhalling the Provisions, puting the good on a stage to dry, and throwing away what is not fit to be eaten of it. - the most of it mouldy and a deal of it all over with maggots."

May 23
" Friday the People were employ'd as yesterday rainy weather."

May 24
" Saturday People as befor, Clear weather with a hard gal of wind from the West."

May 25
" Sunday Performed Divine Service rainy weather."

May 26
" Monday the People washing and scraping Provisions, and puting it in a stage to dry, I am afraid we shall Lofs all the Provisions for it is Constantly raining here."

May 27
" Tuesday the People geting small Pallisades, NB, they are two kinds of small fish to be got here for angling, one of which is about the same size of a herring but flater. - the other roundish and about 6 inches Long, which is very sweet and delicate eating when fry'd. a few burbot or Catfish to be got here likewise, I am no naturalist, therefor I can not tell whither the Burbot or catfish be the proper name of the above mention fish. - one of the largest of them will weight about 12 or 16 Pounds. Clear fine weather. I hear Jn. Richards is still with the Indians."

May 28
" Wednesday the People geting small Pallisades, terrible thunder lighting and rain this evening from the south west."

May 29
" Thursday the People seting up the small Pallisades a Gale of wind from the West."

May 30
" Friday People were employed as yesterday fair weather."

May 31
" Saturday People finished the up puting of the Pallisades and made doors for the garden. gave them a little grog."

June 1 1794
" Sunday Performed Divine service rainy evening."

June 2
" Monday the People washing, scraping, and puting Provisions to dry, - it is moulding and maggots geting into it, inspite of all that we can do, we are obliged to throw away a great deal of it, - it is Constantly raining here. - a most terrible day of thunder and rain. wind W."

June 3
" Tuesday the People Clearing the Plantation. hot day."

June 4
" Wednesday were employed as yesterday. very hot weather. gave the Men a little grog in honour of the day."

June 5
" Thursday People as befor, was Visited by one of the south traders, whom I find is Coming to settle some way here about."

June 6
" Friday sent the People to Cut paths for to take Possession of the Woods nigh the House."

June 7
" Saturday People were employed as yesterday. we losst some Provisions, it being very fatt and dropping in the fire which was drying it. - set it self and the stage in fire, we strove to get it Extinguished but all in vain."

June 8
" Sunday Performed divine service. hot fair weather."

June 9
" Monday the People making paths Showers of rain and fair weather."

June 10
" Tuesday People were employed as yesterday fair weather."

June 11
" Wednesday People as befor, rainy morning."

June 12
" Thursday People as be for very hot and fair weather, three Indian Men came in beging a little Tobacco, Powder, and Ball, gave them a little of each and they went off."

June 13
" Friday People finished the paths making very hot weather."

June 14
" Saturday We have got the Proisions all once dried? and put in a little order, we Weighted it and I find the dry meat in Pieces 600 lb; deficient of what it was when left on account the 15th of May, NB the above deficience is not occasioned by any Error of Mr McKays, but by drying and throwing away what was not fite to be Eaten of it. the fatt in bladders left by Mr McKay Weighted 800 lb. a Battaux belonging the NWCompany Pafsed here the day and 7 Men, going to make a new Settlement above. the above gentlemens has 40 Men at their diferent Posts at the red river this Summer, they can be very little don here, Summer or Winter, without a number of Men, that is, you can not send to the Indians tents, or convey Goods any way without a number of Men to Gard it. - among such Multitudes of War and blackgard Indians as is here. it may be imagined that they might be a great Trade got among such Multitudes of Indians, but the gentlemen readers will Please to understand that the Indians here can live very well, independant of any European, the reason is the Buffalo feeds them, and Cloathes them, for they drive the Buffalo in parks and kills numbers of them with their bow and arrows."

June 15
" Sunday Performed Divine Service in the Evening a gang of Afsinipoils came in with dry meat. thunder, hail, or Pieces of Ice fell the day about half Inch thick."

June 16
" Monday People Clearing the Plantation. the hail yesterday destroy'd the garden. the Indians of yesterday went off, and six more Indians came in brought nothing. fair weather."

June 17
" Tuesday People as befor, the beggerly Indians of Yesterday went off, after giving them a little Powder, Ball, Tobacco and knives. fair Pleasant weather."

June 18
" Wednesday People were employed as Monday fair weather."

June 19
" Thursday People were employed as yesterday. a very hot day."

June 20
" Friday a band of Cristinaux and another of Afsinipoils came in with Provisions and leather. Traded with the Indians and they went off. John Richards was with these Indians but would not stay at the Place but went of with them again. the People taking care of the House Cloudy weather."

June 21
" Saturday People Clearing the plantation. very hot day."

June 22
" Sunday Performed Divine Service. Canadians came the day with two large Canoes Loaded with Trading goods. fair weather."

June 23
" Monday the People Clearing the Plantation. a fine day."

June 24
" Tuesday the People as befor, Pleasant weather."

June 25
" Wednesday People as befor fair weather."

June 26
" Thursday two Men washing Provisions and put it to Dry. the other two Men transplanting Cabbages in the garden. fair weather."

June 27
" Friday the People transplanting Cabbages and taking up stomps in the garden. a frightful night of thunder and rain from the south west."

June 28
" Saturday two Men at Work in the garden the other 2 Men overhauling Provisions it is geting very mouldy again. rainy Day."

June 29
" Sunday We was Attacked by the natives, and befor I could satisfy their Demands I was Obliged to give them the value if 100 Beaver, in Brandy, Tobacco, Powder, Ball, and knives? and several other things. neither then give them their Liberty to overhall? the House. the nature of their Attack was as follows Viz.
The Trader that came here the 22d Inst. sent to the Indians for 20 Horse to carry his goods a little above this Place, his Canoes being uselefs, but in Place of 20 Horse, they came above 130 and as many Men under Armes, they went all first to him that sent for the 20 Horse, in a little after they come two our gate which we let in, and in a short time after them, they came about 30 or 40 more to the gate half Drunk which we would not let in. one of them whom we had let in was a Chief of Mr McKays the Mink to name, he wanted Brandy, Tobacco, Powder, Ball, and vermillion. I told him I had no Brandy at the House but I would give him a little Tobacco, Powder, and Ball, he went as he Pretended to go out I ordered Robt. Eunson to let him out, befor Eunson got to the gate he was letting the Indians in, and in spite of all that he could do they rushed about 50 or 60 in, and came runing up stairs, every Man with his Gun & Spear in his hand, and those we had let in took hold of their guns as soon as they saw the others get in. I was now put to a stand what way I should act for the Best. they were 20 to? every one of us, I therefor imagineing it to be most Prudent to flatter and give them a little with good, rather then to run the hazard of lofsing the Whole. I asked them what was the reason of their demands from me when they had nothing to give for it, they said that they given a great deal to Mr McKay and he told them that I would give them any thing that they would want. I told them that I would give them, if they had any thing to give for it, and the first Man that Attempted to take any thing but what I pleased to give he might be assured that he would be a Dead Man that Instant. at the same time I told them that we did not come here to kill the Indians but to make them Live, and as a proof of it, I would take some Brandy from the canadians in debt, and give them, if they would go off and drink it, and bring me some thing for it by & by which the most of them Complyed with, but some of them stayed till nigh night still demanding some thing or other with Authority. one of them whom I had given Tobacco, Powder, and Ball twice to Came the third time demanding more, and when I refused to give him he Drew his spear. I run at him and was very nigh to have run him through, had he not started back, for they were puting me out of Patience, neverthelefs I got them all of at last Pretty well Pleased whither I have act'd with prudence or not, I leave it to the gentlemen of superior judgement to Determine. I take God to be my witnefs that I have acted for the Best."

June 30
" Monday the People making a road from the gate to the river. very much hot weather."

July 1 1794
" Tuesday People were employed as yesterday rainy evening."

July 2
" Wednesday People were Employed as befor, another Trader from the South arrived here the day with three Large canoes Load with Tradeing Goods."

July 3
" Thursday People were Employed as befor, the Indians I hear has Plundered the south Trader that came here the 22d of Last Month of all his rum, Tobacco, Powder, Shot, and two Bales of Dry goods, and would have taken his Life if he presumed to stop them, he has Settled about 15 miles above this Place. am informed by the Trader of yesterday that there are 600 Siouse on their way coming to war against the Afsinipoils, and to Destroy the Pine fort because it suplys them with Ammunition."

July 4
" Friday the People making a road from the river to the House."

July 5
" Saturday People as befor, rainy day."

July 6
" Sunday Performed Divine service thunder and rain this morning after wards a fair day."

July 7
" Monday We were informed by the natives, who was fleeing to the northward, that the Siouse were nigh. I therefor sent 3 Men to strength the Bastons, Robt. Eunson making Shutters for the Lower Windows. self Loading all the guns. I asked our Men if they were will to fight, they said they were willing. I told them that in so doing it would be a Credit to ourselves and gain us the Approbation of our Honourable Employers, whose Property we was in Duty bound to Defend, that they Should be no Confusion in Case of an Attack I thought it Proper to Let every Man know his station, that was, Robert Eunson SE baston; Magunst Cleat SW bastion; James Slatter NW bastion; James Moar NE bastion, self to Afsist where the Attack would be most; Every Man to have 6 guns his Powder horn full and Ball at his Station none to fire untill he saw the enemy fire cutting the Pallisades or Coming over them, Except otherways ordered. the Boat and all the Empty Rundlets to be full of Water within the gate; Candles to be burning in the Different apartments in the House every night. two Men to be on the Watch, night and day, and none to put off their Cloathes, that they would be ready to turn out on the Least alarm."

July 8
" Tuesday Robt. Eunson making Shutters, the other 3 Men geting Sticks for to fix guns on. Showers of rain the Day."

July 9
" Wednesday fixing guns in the bastions so that we can put of 2 at once, which may frighten the enemy or at least make them imagine that we was more Men then we realy was."

July 10
" Thursday People making Shutters and cuting Ball, that they may run Easy down in the guns. a rainy Evening."

July 11
" Friday People were employed as yesterday. a most terrible day of Thunder, hail, rain, and a Storme of wind from the West."

July 12
" Saturday People reparing the Roof of the big House and watching."

July 13
" Sunday Performed Divine service fine weather."

July 14
" Monday People reparing the Roof of the big House, puting Provisions to Dry and Watching. We was Visited by one Mr McKay from the Pine fort, who acquaints me that they were Obliged to give the value of 200 skins to the Indians that was Pafsing their Place going to War, he Likiwise informed me that some of our People from York fort, was killed, the House plundered and burned by the natives Last Summer."

July 15
" Tuesday People making a Lanch. fair weather;"

July 16
" Wednesday People as yesterday fair weather;"

July 17
" Thursday the People geting Sticks to build a little house as neccefsary, fair weather;"

July 18
" Friday People as befor water rising altho fair weather."

July 19
" Saturday People as befor, fair weather;"

July 20
" Sunday Performed Divine Service; a very hot day."

July 21
" Monday People building, fair weather."

July 22
" Tuesday People as befor rainy morning and one of the hotest days afterwards that I ever felt, the Earth is alive here with Vermine, snaks, mice, musquitoes; and bugs is like to take the House, and the squirrels is destroying the garden."

July 23
" Wednesday People as befor a Gall of wind from the West."

July 24
" Thursday the People finished the little house, fair weather."

July 25
" Friday Robt. Eunson sick, the other three Men geting Loam; fair weather."

July 26
" Saturday Rob. Eunson ailing, the other men geting Loam."

July 27
" Sunday keept the day Religiously, self badly with the tooth ache. Robert Eunson went to get blood by a Canadian."

July 28
" Monday the People reparing & highting the Chimney."

July 29
" Tuesday People were Employed as yesterday fair weather."

July 30
" Wednesday People taking up stomps in the garden."

July 31
" Thursday People as befor, rainy day."

Aug. 1 1794
" Friday the People washing Provisions and puting it to dry. fair weather."

Aug. 2
" Saturday People as befor, fair weather."

Aug. 3
" Sunday Performed Divine service, rainy day."

Aug. 4
" Monday the People takeing up stomps. one Indian Man arrived from the war, he brought a scalp, he says they were Victorious and killed 20 of the Mandons and big belles."

Aug. 5
" Tuesday People were employed as yesterday, my neighbour is straveing with hunger no Indians coming here, fair weather."

Aug. 6
" Wednesday sent a Letter down the river by a Indian, which was as follows Viz. To Mr Donald McKay or any other Gentleman in Office for the Honourable Hudson's Bay Company on the Journey to brandon house
Sir, this is to acquaint you that we are all well at Brandon house, I will be happy to hear of your welfare and all with You. you will Please to send two Lines by the bearer or any other Convaince You may get to let me know if you will want any Afsistance from this Place, I have not got a single skin since Mr McKay left this Place. I wish a happy sight of you and that soon,
Dear Sir, Yours sincerely - - Jn. Sutherland."

Aug. 7
" Thursday People takeing up stomps in the garden."

Aug. 8
" Friday People as befor, some of the Afsinipoils Came in starving with hunger, the reason is the Buffalo is all gone to the great Plains to the southward and they are afraid to go after them in case the Siouse their enemies be there."

Aug. 9
" Saturday People as befor, the Indians of yesterday went off gave them a little Powder, Ball, and Tobacco fair weather."

Aug. 10
" Sunday Performed Divine service, fair weather."

Aug. 11
" Monday Robert Eunson making small rundlets the other 3 Men takeing up stomps, we are pestered he with beggardly Indians."

Aug. 12
" Tuesday People as befor, another band of beggars came in, brought nothing, gave them Provisions and little Tobacco. fair weather."

Aug. 13
" Wednesday People as befor; Pleasant weather."

Aug. 14
" Thursday People as befor; all the starveing Indians went off gave them Powder, Ball, flints, knives, Tobacco, and a little Provisions they are Venturing to go to the south side of the river to hunt now. Cloudy Day."

Aug. 15
" Friday People Carring the stomps out of the garden. fair weather."

Aug. 16
" Saturday some Cristinaux came in, brought 3 Beaver skins, 14 Elk skins and some dry meat, gave them a little Brandy my Provisions is little I have got no Trade therefor think it Proper to acquaint them that I have Brandy. fair weather."

Aug. 17
" Sunday Trading with the Ind. of yesterday. gave them Brandy, Tobacco, Powder, Ball, and several other things to incourage them to Hunt, gave the Men a little grog, - after the Indians went off. Cloudy weather."

Aug. 18
" Monday Rob. Eunson making small rundlets the other 3 Men squareing flour sticks for the Provisions House. fair weather."

Aug. 19
" Tuesday Rob. Eunson makeing small Rundlets, the other 3 Men, squareing sticks for the floor of the Provision House, fair weather."

Aug. 20
" Wednesday People were employed as Yesterday, the Aspen Leaves begins to fall, and the Geese begins to fly about here fair weather."

Aug. 21
" Thursday People as befor, water rising in the river fair weather."

Aug. 22
" Friday People as befor, a band of Afsinipoils Past here the day going to the south side of the river to hunt. gave them a little Powder, Ball, and Tobacco; Cloudy weather."

Aug. 23
" Saturday People as befor, - Paid the Canadian the Brandy that I borrowed from them the 23d of June, Cloudy weather."

Aug. 24
" Sunday Performed Divine service, the water rose a half foot last night, here, Owing as I imagine to the Indians begineing to hunt the Beaver and leting out the water from their dams, fair weather."

Aug. 25
" Monday Rob. Eunson makeing small rundlets. Mag. Cleat sewing for the Men, the other two Men reparing the Mens Chimney water riseing, plenty of water this fall, in the red river."

Aug. 26
" Tuesday People were employed as yesterday fair weather."

Aug. 27
" Wednesday Eunson and Cleat as befor. Jas. Sletter, Jas. Moar, building a Oven. Cold morning, Pleasent day afterwards."

Aug. 28
" Thursday People as befor. 7 tents of Indians came here, brought nothing, which has been always the Case this Summer gave them a little Tobacco, and Provisions hot Day."

Aug. 29
" Friday the Indians of Yesterday went off. Lent one of them a Old gun, they Left their baggages with me, gave them a little Powder, Ball, Tobacco, and several other-things. - this is a very good Place for giveing away, but very little to be got for it yet the reason that they are no Trade to be got here as yet, is not for want of Beaver, Buffalo, more Indians to kill them, but because they are too many Different Concers here, they get as much as they want for nothing, they only want for the day & Lets tomorrow find it self. - the Indians requested me to hoist our great flag when they went off. accordingly we did, they Asked if we came from the Skays or from beyound the great Lake. I told them that we came from both, and were sent down by the great Mannytoo or God to Convey Goods acrofs the great Lake to make the Indians Live. - they said we Certainly were great Mannytoos. - " the reason they wanted to see our great flag was, one of them came in to the Trader nixt above this Place with his flag flying. the gentleman took no notice of it. the Indian asked him whey he did not respect his flag, he told him that he neither would respect him more his flag if he brought him nothing. besides said he your flag is no flag it is only a handkerchief. - the gentleman asked him who it was that gave him that handkerchief, he said it was Mr Grant, the gentleman told him that neither Mr Grant or any from Canada had any right to give flags or make Chiefs. it was only the Kings People from Hudsons Bay, that could give flags or make Chiefs in this Part of the Country" - I mention the above on the authority of Jn. Richards."

Aug. 30
" Saturday People ? the Lanch, a Cold morning but a Pleasent day afterwards."

Aug. 31
" Sunday Performed Divine service fair weather."

Sept. 1 1794
" Monday the People gathering fire Wood, the weather begins to be Cold."

Sept. 2
" Tuesday People as befor, a few Indians came in with a little Provisions. Traded it from them, and they went off. I hear Mr Guthbert Grant is come to the Pine for,-"

Sept. 3
" Wednesday People gathering fire wood, the water geting low."

Sept. 4
" Thursday People as befor Pleasent weather."

Sept. 5
" Friday People as befor, a gall of wind from the South."

Sept. 6
" People as befor, - I can not help takeing notice of a single grain of Indian Corn sown here the 16th of May, which is at full Perfection, this Day. - but what Surprises me is the increase for it Produced a 1008 grains, - a single grain Produces 3 or 4 Ears one Ear Produces from 8 to 14 rows, one row, 36 grain; am Certain that the most of any kind of grain or fruit would come to Perfection here, - but the storms of wind, hail, and Vermine of all kinds would Destroy it in the summer time, for realy the Earth is alive here in summer with Vermine, we shut 10 or 12 Squirrels every day but we do not peresive them any fewer.
People Employed Collected at Brandon House all the summer, 1794. Viz; Diging the garden, geting small Pallisades and puting them up. Clearing the Plantation, cuting Paths, making a road from the gate to the River, making a Lanch, building a neccefsary, repairing and highting the Chimneys, making Shutters, Laying a floor in the Provision and Ice houses. repairing the roof of the big house making a few small rundlets, takeing up stomps, gathering fire wood. Watching and many other neccefsary jobbs has been the employment of the People since Mr McKays Departure the 15th of May to this Day the 6th of Sept."

Sept. 7
" Sunday Performed Divine service, a storme of wind from the South, water geting very Low."

Sept. 8
" Monday People gathering fire wood. Cloudy weather."

Sept. 9
" Tuesday People as befor, cloudy weather."

Sept. 10
" Wednesday People gathering fire wood. in the Evening a gang of Ind. came in with Provisions gave them a little Brandy amd Tobacco."

Sept. 11
" Thursday Traded the Provisions of yesterday, afterwards the Indians went off. Cloudy weather."

Sept. 12
" Friday Cold rainy day. people doing neccefsary jobbs within Doors."

Sept. 13
" Saturday I imagine about 160 Indians came in, with Prov. and a few furs, - Traded some of the Provisions for Brandy and they went to Drink, - 10 Large Canoes and 2 Batteaux belonging the NWCompany arrived here the day so that they are I imagine 200 People incamped at this Place the night. People Attending the Indians fair weather."

Sept. 14
" Sunday Traded above 1000 lb of Dry meat and fatt and a few furs, - we are too few Men among so many Indians, they stole our Cooking kettle of the fire while the Man that was watching them was at the gate leting others out. the NWC Canoes went of."

Sept. 15
" Monday got off a few of the Indians, the others Tradeing, I have got Plenty of Provisions now, but my neighbour is streaving with hunger, he has no Brandy therefor no Indian goes nigh him. humanity Obliges me to Lend him a little Provisions. - I hope that time will make us get the better of all our Opponents."

Sept. 16
" Tuesday People takeing Care of the House, a Trader belonging the NWCompany arrived here with one Canoe, as soon as he arrived he gave six,- 9 Gallon kegs of rum to the Indians for nothing - for I had got most of all they had befor his arrival."

Sept. 17
" Wednesday People takeing care of the House, all the Indians went off. a gall of wind from the west."

Sept. 18
" Thursday People doing neccefsary jobbs within Doors. a gall of wind from the West."

Sept. 19
" Friday Sent Jas. Sletter and Ja. Moar with a Boat and Provisions to Meet the Batteaux. - Rob. Eunson, Mag. Cleat, Clearing the house for the reception of the Batteaux. a very bad day of rain and Snow."

Sept. 20
" Saturday the two Men X cuting fire wood. Cold weather."

Sept. 21
" Sunday keept the Day religiously. - 9 Canoes arrived here i.e. 4 belonging Mr Peter Grant and 5 belonging the NWCompany. a Pleasent day."

Sept. 22
" Monday the two X cuting fire wood, very cold day."

Sept. 23
" Tuesday People as befor Cold weather."

Sept. 24
" Wednesday People as befor; - the 9 Canoes of the 21 Inst. set of to go above this Place. fair weather;"

Sept. 25
" Thursday People doin neccefsary jobbs within Doors cloudy weather."

Sept. 26
" Friday People as befor Clear pleasent weather."

Sept. 27
" Saturday the two Men X cuting fire wood. - fair weather."

Sept. 28
" Sunday kept the Day religiously. - a very bad Day of Snow the wind NE."

Sept. 29
" Monday I received a Letter from Mr Goodwin by a canadian, who thinks he will be here in day or two. fair weather."

Sept. 30
" Tuesday a gang of Indians came in with Provisions & a few furs. - Traded with them and they went to drink."

Oct. 1 1794
" Wednesday Traded five 3 foot guns for Wolves skins from the Afsinipoils. - about 1 oClock PM Mr Goodwin arrived with 5 Boats and the one I sent to Meet him. - According to the Chiefs Order at Albany fort I Delivered to Mr Robert Goodwine the Charge at his arrival. - and Shall Observe his Directions. My narrative comes no Lower. Jn. Sutherland."

" An account of the transactions on the Journey from Brandon House Inland by Mr Jn. Sutherland Commencing 6th of Oct. 1794"

Oct. 6 1794
" Monday set of from Brandon House to Proceed Inland 15 English Men and 3 Batteaux with a little Tradeing Goods and Provisions. NB one of the Batteaux Could Carry all the Tradeing Goods, - which will be Plenty for all the Trade I can get this season; - for it being impofsible to get to any Place of fur Trade this year, nore ever, if the red river Boats goes below Osnaburg House. - self could not set the day haveing some businefs to settle with Mr Goodwin. fair weather."

Oct. 7
" Tuesday self left Brandon house and joined the Boats about 2 oClock PM encamped at the two Canadian Settlements which is at the foot of the grand ripple, which Place I reckon from Brandon House 15 miles by land and 30 miles the way of the river. Pleasent weather."

Oct. 8
" Wednesday After we Past the grand ripple rowing all day fine river no Current. Pleasent weather."

Oct. 9
" Thursday the river, Peoples, employment and weather the same as yesterday I reckon we go about 20 or 30 miles a day the way of the river as they are no Current More then is in a Lake, but I do not belive we go above 10 or 12 miles on a stright Line, the river being so Crooked. - we go from Day light to Day set haveing no Provisions that want much Cooking; nore any Cakes to bake."

Oct. 10
" Friday the river, People, Distance and weather the same as yesterday."

Oct. 11
" Saturday the same as yesterday. Traded a Wolf skin from a Canadian and a little Provisions."

Oct. 12
" Sunday Traded a Cabberay and some Buffaloes flesh from the Canadian of yesterday. fine weather and river as yet."

Oct. 13
" Monday Past Mountain La bofs where they are two Houses Established this fall, one for Mr Peter grant & another for the NWC."

Oct. 14
" Tuesday the river and weather Continues good. Saw numbers of Buffalo."

Oct. 15
" Wednesday the same as Yesterday."

Oct. 16
" Thursday the same as befor. - Shot a Buffalo."

Oct. 17
" Friday Pleasent weather. and river."

Oct. 18
" Saturday Past a Large Creek N. side of the Main river. Cold day."

Oct. 19
" Sunday a very Cold day but the river Continues good."

Oct. 20
" Monday very Cold weather indeed. Ice Driving and the river fast in many Places from side to side. - no Canoes Could go throught this Ice. - for it cut the Batteaux very much, we are Obliged, all hands to hall one Boat at a time throught bridges of Ice. which is fast frome the one side of the river to the other.. - Broached a rundlet of Brandy and gave the Men some grog. - for we most be further Cost what it will either by land or water, for they are Scarcely so much Wood to be got here as to make a fire of, - self Shot a Elk the day which was very fatt. - in Case the gentlemen readers Should be surprised that the river set so soon fast after the good weather mentioned above. - I will tell them the reason i.e. there is no Current, no Wind gets nigh the river it being so very narrow, not above 100 yds from one side to the other, and I imagine one of the Crookedest rivers in the World."

Oct. 21
" Tuesday Past river Kepple? and got to my Station Last spring at which Place the river was Solidly fast, and which was impofsible for us to force our way throught - NB river Kepple is the South river at the fork and we go up the N. river whch is the largest and it is not above 60 yds wide."

Oct. 22
" Wednesday Obliged to lay by the river being fast. I do not intend to Stay at this Place, if I Should be obliged to get the goods haled a 100 miles, - therefor sent 3 Men up along the river to know what Distance we are from the two Settlements Established last summer at Shell river."

Oct. 23
" Thursday the River Run Clear again, accordingly we loaded and set of. I hope that Providence will Direct us throught this unexplored road, for I have no other guide. We have not seen a Indian since we left Brandon house. - what my situation and feeling is at Present I can not Exprefs it. - the Season of the year is so far advanced, going on a unknown road, Expecting the river to be fast every day and perhps no Woods within a hundred Miles of use. - I most do the Men Justice that they are willing to Labour very hard to get to a Place that we Could build at, for we can get Scarcely so much here as can Cook our vituals."

Oct. 24
" Friday river Shold and narrow fine weather."

Oct. 25
" Saturday the river and weather the same as yesterday. self had the satisfaction of Killing two fatt Buffalo;"

Oct. 26
" Sunday Meet a Indian Man and Wife who said that we could go to the settlemens at Shell River in lefs then two Days, which was the agreeablest news I have received since I left Mr Goodwin. - in the evening the three Men joined the Boats that I sent of the 22d Inst. who said the same as the Indian had told me befor, - the reason that the three Men did not joine the Batteaux sooner, they expected that I would not start untill they returned, and went a days Journey Past the Batteaux."

Oct. 27
" Monday nothing occured worthy of notice, only no Buffalo to be seen, which was not the Case befor, since we past the great ripple. Cloudy weather."

Oct. 28
" Tuesday Rainy Morning. got to Shell River where they are two Settlements one for the NWCompany and another for Mr Peter Grant. I think of stoping here as the Season is two far advanced to Proceed any farther this Year."

" A Journal of Weather, People Employment and other Occurrence at Shell River Commencing the 29th of Oct. - 1794"

Oct. 29 1794
" Wednesday Self Looking for a Place to build a House on. Men washing their Shirts, rainy weather."

Oct. 30
" Thursday People building a Store House. Cold rainy day."

Oct. 31
" Friday the People were employed as yesterday. Snowy weather."

Nov. 1 1794
" Saturday the People finished the Store House. made a path, and set beckens for the Indians. Cold weather."

Nov. 2
" Sunday took the Batteaux out of the river in the morning & in evening the river Set fast. it being a very Cold freesing Day. four Men makeing Stage for to saw a few boards on, the cuting Grafs."

Nov. 3
" Monday William and Rob. Taylor sawing Boards the others Laying the foundation of the House and geting Loges. Snowy weather."

Nov. 4
" Tuesday the sawers as befor the others building the House. - am obliged to indulge the People with a little grog at times. it being Cold weather."

Nov. 5
" Wednesday the People as befor. Cold Cloudy weather. - We Could not Celebrate the day, the time being so very precious, gave the Men a little grog."

Nov. 6
" Thursday the People as befor. - Traded three Beaver skins from a Canadian mans Wife for a ruffled shirt and a little flour; Cold weather."

Nov. 7
" Friday People as befor. Cold Cloudy weather."

Nov. 8
" Saturday the People and weather as yesterday. put the roof on the Ware house and the Masters Roome."

Nov. 9
" Sunday People Loaming the House. Snowy day."

Nov. 10
" Monday four Men building the Masters Chimney, two sawing boards one Cooking. the others building the Mens house. a little snow in the evening."

Nov. 11
" Tuesday People as befor. Cold weather."

Nov. 12
" Wednesday the People were employed as befor. Traded a little Provisions from a Indian Man. finished one Chimney, warme evening."

Nov. 13
" Thursday two Men at the Pit saw the others building the Mens House."

Nov. 14
" Friday sent Jn. Easter and Jas. Slatter out a hunting as I find the Buffalo is nigh the bushes. - the others as befor. Cloudy Cold weather."

Nov. 15
" Saturday People as befor - the Hunters returned got a Buffalo. Cloudy Cold weather;"

Nov. 16
" Sunday the People Loaming the Mens House."

Nov. 17
" Monday 5 Men geting ready to go to Brandon House the others Loaming the House and laying a floor in the ware House."

Nov. 18
" Tuesday four Men building the Mens Chimney, the others as befor."

Nov. 19
" Wednesday sent 5 Men to Brandon House, with whom I sent the following Letter. Viz. - To Mr Robert Goodwin Master at Brandon House. -
Dear Sir, - According to our agreement befor I left B.H. I have sent You 5 Men, and the Pit saw, - We arrived here the 28th of October, - and has got within 2 days Journey of Mr Guthbert Grants Station by land, to a Place Caled Shell River, where they are two Houses, of Canadians. - we have not Seen a Indian since we left B.H. that has brought us any thing neverthelefs am in hopes that they will bring us a little by and by, for much I do not expect, they being too many different Concerns here; - our House is nigh finished, - which is 40 feet Long and 13 broad. - I wish You great Succefs, and remain with respect.
Dear Sir; - Your obedient Servant Jn. Sutherland."

Nov. 20
" Thursday the People building the Mens Chimney and puting up partitions. - very cold weather for working in Loam."

Nov. 21
" Friday the People and weather the same as Yesterday:"

Nov. 22
" Saturday the People finished the Mens Chimney Warme day which has not been this long time befor;"

Nov. 23
" Sunday People cuting grafs for the roof of the Mens House."

Nov. 24
" Monday three Men puting grafs on the House the others geting floor sticks fine weather;"

Nov. 25
" Tuesday People and weather as yesterday."

Nov. 26
" Wednesday Sent Jn. Easter a hunting but returned without any succefs. the others finished the floor of the Mens House."

Nov. 27
" Thursday Sent Jn. Easter and another Man out a hunting again and to Sleept? out. the others puting up Partitions. fine weather."

Nov. 28
" Friday the People and weather the same as Yesterday. the 2 returned without any Succefs."

Nov. 29
" Saturday sent three Men out a hunting. and to go 2 or 3 Days Journey down the river, if they did not find Buffaloes nigher; - the others gathering and X cuting fire wood. fine day."

Nov. 30
" Sunday keept the day Religiously. which is the first holy day the Men say they have had since they left B.H. the 15th of May."

Dec. 1 1794
" Monday two Men Looking out for Indians. two makeing Sledges the others gathering fire wood. the hunters returned in the evening brought Part of an Old bulls flesh. fine weather."

Dec. 2
" Tuesday sent two Men and Easter a hunting again, Lent them new guns. I do not know what I Shall do for Provisions haveing no hunter no Indians Coming in. and can not get any ourselves. I would have been badly of had I not got a little from the hunters of my neighbours."

Dec. 3
" Wednesday three Men hunting, two makeing Sledges, two on the out Look for Indians, one Cooking, two X cuting fire wood. warme weather."

Dec. 4
" Thursday People and weather as Yesterday."

Dec. 5
" Friday People and weather as befor."

Dec. 6
" Saturday People as befor. Rainy foggy weather."

Dec. 7
" Sunday keept the Day Religiously - in the evening the hunters returned brought the flesh of an Old bull. poor times no Provisions nore furs. - warme weather."

Dec. 8
" Monday two Men on the out Look. the others felling wood betwixt the House and the river that we may have a View from the House. in the evening a Indian Came in for Tobacco and Brandy, gave him a little of each and he went of. warme weather."

Dec. 9
" Tuesday Received a Letter from Mr Goodwin, by a Canadian, who informes me, that he has but poor prospect of Either furs or Prov. he says the more Provisions that I can Procure the better, as he was afrid of being short of Provisions for our Journey out. - but I cannot get Provisions nore any thing els more then Mr Goodwin. the People were employed as Yesterday. fine weather."

Dec. 10
" Wednesday put the People to short Allowance untill I ? better prospect of Procuring Provisions. - People as befor Clear weather."

Dec. 11
" Thursday two Men hunting got a old bull. two on the out Look the other 6 Men gathering fire wood. fair weather."

Dec. 12
" Friday the People as befor Except, Easter who was a hunting and killed a old bull. fair weather."

Dec. 13
" Saturday the People X cuting fire wood - some of the south People Past here going above this Place the day with Tradeing Goods. I hear they are Drinking all their rum, and Smoking all their Tobacco they haveing very little Provisions. - fair weather."

Dec. 14
" Sunday keept the day Religiousely fair weather."

Dec. 15
" Monday three Men with Jn. Easter a hunting. - two on the out Look. the Others gathering fire wood. Cloudy weather."

Dec. 16
" Tuesday People and weather the same as Yesterday."

Dec. 17
" Wednesday the four hunters returned without Succefs. the others as befor. Cloudy weather."

Dec. 18
" Thursday Easter and one Man hunting. killed a Elk. - two on the out Look for Indians. - two makeing and mending Sledges. four Men X cuting fire wood and Cooking Cloudy weather."

Dec. 19
" Friday four Men bring the meat of Yesterday the others as befor."

Dec. 20
" Saturday a gang of Afsinipoils came in, brought a few furs, and a deal of Dry meat and fatt. - self and 8 Men was obliged to Meet the Indians befor they came to the Place with Brandy & Tobacco. the Canadians was Meeting them with Plenty of rum and Tobacco. Most of the Indians furs and Provisions Came to our House I most say our flag was of service the day, for realy the Indians was Proud of it. - and very few would have gon to the Canadians had not Mr Grant sent a man home to hang out some silk Handkerchiefs in Place of a flag. - after one of the Indian Chiefs gave me 20 Wolves I was obliged to Cloath him, and give a big kege of Brandy. betwixt him and his Young Men. - am Certain no person will beleive the trouble that is in geting Trade here but those that sees it. - No Indians ever gets sober to a Place here. - People Attending the Indians Cloudy weather."

Dec. 21
" Sunday Tradeing with the Indians of Yesterday. I am Obliged to Trade Largely with them - if I do not they will go to my neighbours. - People Attending the Indians. Cloudy weather."

Dec. 22
" Monday the Indians went off. after Tradeing some Provisions and giveing them a little Brandy, Tobacco, Powder, Ball and Several other things."

Dec. 23
" Tuesday Traded a few Beaver from a Indian and gave him a little Brandy and let him have a little debt. - People X cuting fire wood."

Dec. 24
" Wednesday Traded a few skins from the Cristinaux. gave thime? a little Brandy, Tobacco. - and let them have two guns and a little Cloth in Debt. - served the Men flour, Beef, and a little grog."

Dec. 25
" Thursday Performed Divine Service, and served the Men a little grog - fine weather."

Dec. 26
" Friday People enjoying themselves, served them a little grog. Snowy day."

Dec. 27
" Saturday People as yesterday served them a little grog. very Pleasent weather."

Dec. 28
" Sunday Performed Divine service, served the People a little grog fine weather."

Dec. 29
" Monday two Men on the out Look for Indians. Easter hunting got nothing - the others X cuting fire wood. gave the Men a Dram, fair weather."

Dec. 30
" Tuesday the People were employed as Yesterday fair weather."

Dec. 31
" Wednesday People and weather as befor, served the Men a little grog."

Jan. 1 1795
" Thursday People enjoying themselves served them some grog. Clear Pleasent weather."

Jan. 2
" Friday People gathering fire wood. Snowy day."

Jan. 3
" Saturday - sent a Letter to Mr Goodwin by Mr P. grant To Mr Robert Goodwin Master at B.H.
Dear Sir, - By Mr Grant I have the Opportunity to in forme you that we are well at this Place. - they have been no Indians as yet here, Except a gang of Afsinipoils. - which brought about 80 MB. - and a deal of dry meat and fatt. - befor the afor said Indians Came in we was in great want of Provisions I have not got a single Cow since Jas. Slatter left this Place. - I had John Easter and Men with him, Laying out Several times hunting but they always returned without Succefs, - Except it was an Old bull but at a Chance time, which was scarcely fit to have been Eaten. If you can spare Robert Eunson, Please to send him here to make a few small rundlets - every Indian wants his Brandy by himself and if I do not give them kegs, they say they will go to my neighbours who has plenty. - for they have a Cooper Each of them. I Shall be short of knives, and Tobacco, if they Come many Indians. I am sorry to informe You that they are very little to be don here only the throwing away of Goods Excepted - Indians never gets sober to a place here. - am informed by the Canadians that the York Fort ship was not Arrived the 29th of Sept. Last. am going to send two Men to Swan river to know the Certainty of it. - I wish you Good Trade, health and every other felicity and remains with respect. - Dear Sir, Your obedient Servant
Jn. Sutherland.
People X cuting fire wood. cold weather."

Jan. 4
" Sunday Performed Divine service cold weather."

Jan. 5
" Monday two Men on the out Look, Easter hunting the others gathering fire wood; - the Clodest day that has been this season."

Jan. 6
" Tuesday the People as befor. Cold weather."

Jan. 7
" Wednesday People and weather as Yesterday."

Jan. 8
" Thursday People and weather as befor."

Jan. 9
" Friday People and weather as befor."

Jan. 10
" Saturday my neighbours hunters sent to me for 8 Men and Sledges to bring me green meat. accordingly I sent them and they brought about 1000 lb? which was the only Good meat we have got this Season."

Jan. 11
" Sunday Performed Divine service. - received a Litter from Mr Goodwin by a Canadian. - who informes me that he has got 349 MB. Jn. Linklater was very nigh Departing this Life; Jn. Richards has Stabed a Indian Woman. - very Cold weather."

Jan. 12
" Monday sent 6 Men to the Indians tents for Green Meat. - the others X cuting fire wood. very sharp weather."

Jan. 13
" Tuesday the People and weather as Yesterday."

Jan. 14
" Wednesday Easter killed two Buffalo. - two men geting ready to go to Swan river. the others geting fire wood - it has been the Sharpest weather this 14 Days past. that I ever felt, - at the same time it was of the utmost Service to us. - for it brought the Buffaloes without number;"

Jan. 15
" Thursday Sent William Louttit and William Tullock to Swan River - With whom I sent the following Letter Viz. - To the Gentleman in Office for the Honourable Hudsons Bay Company at Swan River.
Sir, You may be perhaps surprised when You receive this Letter, not knowing the Person that wrote it; - but to let you understand; - am a Person in Charge at a Place Cald Efsa supy by the natives - or Shell River. where they are two Houses of Canadians besides us. - we are fited out from Albany fort Jas. Bay. this is our second Year at the red river, - and this fall we have reached within two days Journey of Mr Guthbert Grants station by land.
Am informed that the York fort ship was not arrived the 29th of Sept.last. please to let me know the Certainty of it. we was informed that the york fort People , was last Winter at this river a little above Mr Grants place. please to let me know what stopt you from Coming this Year; I have heard that some of the york fort People was burned alive, the House Destroyed and robbed, by the natives last Summer. let me know if it is truth; - I would like to know how Long Your are on the Journey from York fort to your Settlement at Swan river; and what kind of Craft you Convey your goods Inland in; -
I have sent a politie Letter to Mr Grant requesting the favour of him to send a Man to guid my two men two swan river, but in Case he does not send a Man and You receive this Letter you will be so kind as to send two Men here. - as without doubt you have Men that knows their way to Mr Grants Place, as you winter so nigh that Gentleman last Year. - which perhaps may be of service not only to our Honourable Employers; but Likewise to ourselves, by Opening a Communication with one another in the Interior Country. - I sincerely wish Succefs to the Honble Hudsons Bay Company Affairs in this and every other part of the World, and am with sincerity Dear Sir: Your obedient Servant
John Sutherland."

" To Mr Guthbert Grant Member of the NWCompany at River Tremblant
Sir, - I am sorry to hear of your being ailing so Long altho I can not administer no Comfort to You. - neverthelefs I would Like to hear of your welfare. - May two Men is to proceed to Swan river. - I would be very much obliged to you if you will please to send a Man with them there and you may perhaps want some Intelligence from that quarter yourself. - it is ? Concerning bufsinefs; I have a friend at York fort which I have not heard from this many Years, and which I would Like to know if he has returned to Europe. - please to present my Compliments to Your Mefs meat Mr George McKay I sincerely wish you better health and remain Dear Sir Your
Obedient Humble Servant
John Sutherland."

Jan. 16
" Friday People bring meat from the Indians. - Easter killed a Buffalo. a Indian Came in for a little Brandy and Tobacco gave it him and he went off a Band of Afsinipoils he says will be here tomorrow. - Sharp weather."

Jan. 17
" Saturday the band of Indians mentioned yesterday arrived, brought a deal of Provisions but few furrs. Brandy and Tobacco good here for nothing. Am certain that some of the petty adventurs at red river this year; is runing very fast to their ruin; and distruction; - one Mr furrney has Expended 10 kegs of rum, of 9 Gall. Each, and has not got 60 skins for it. and no Provisions. his Employers has sent a Man to Superseed him. - Mr Grant was likiwise obliged to send a Man to Superseed one of his Clerks for he was throwing away at no Allowance. - the NWCompanys People is the only People at red river that dos not Spoil the Indians it is true they run befor the natives; - but then they do not throw away their Property for nothing. - People attending the Indians Cold weather;"

Jan. 18
" Sunday Tradeing with the Indians of yesterday. - People and weather the same as yesterday."

Jan. 19
" Monday the Indians went off gave them a little Brandy and Tobacco. John Easter shot a buffalo the others geting fire wood. Cold weather."

Jan. 20
" Tuesday people bring the meat of yesterday and X cuting fire wood Still sharp weather."

Jan. 21
" Wednesday People gathering fire wood a little snow the day."

Jan. 22
" Thursday People as befor fair weather."

Jan. 23
" Friday People and weather as befor."

Jan. 24
" Saturday received a Letter from Mr Guthbert Grant who gives me hopes that we will have the satisfaction of opening Communication with our fellow servants in the great North.
To Mr Jn. Sutherland. River La Coequille
Dear Sir,
I received your favor of the 15th Inst. and According to your desire I have sent a Man to accompany Your Men to the Swan River. and they have left this place five days ago. if your friend is also a namesake I fancy I can give you as Good an Account of him as you can get from the Swan river. there is a Mr Sutherland that was formerly Commisary at York Fort that was last year in England and is appointed to Mr Thomsons place as Master of all the Inland posts belonging to york Fort and was to come out last fall in that Capafsity but the ship was not arrived the 25th of August. - I still Continue in a very poor state of health and if you have any such thing as the Elixr of Vitriol I would be much Obliged to you for a little of it. and also a little of the red precipitate of Mercury if you have it, and you will oblige - Dear Sir
Your Sincerely
Cuthbert Grant."

Jan. 25
" Sunday kept the day Religiously - received a letter from Mr Goodwin by Mr Peter Grant - who says he has got 420 MB and Mr Linkletter one bundle - Afsnipoil came in for Tobacco gave him a little and he went of fine weather."

Jan. 26
" Monday Mr Isham, William Louttite, William Tullock, Jn. Johnson, Came here from Swan river. Mr Isham tells me the last Intelligence he had from york Fort was the 25th of August the ship was not arrived there. he Likewise says that three of their People was killed the House robbed and burned last Summer by the savages - the NWCompany People beat them of and killed 9 of them, the Indians run of for reinforcements - but the Canadians had Abandoned the place before they returned."

Jan. 27
" Tuesday sent a letter to Mr Goodwin by a Canadian.
Dear Sir,
The Gentleman in Office for the Honourable Hudsons Bay Company at Swan river came here the 26 Inst. and the two Men I sent and one of his own men, he brought a Letter from the Chief at York Fort. - Drected to Mr D. McKay which he tells me is on businefs and Affairs of the Company which you may Open if you think it Proper. Mr Isham wanted to know if you think that we will be up as far as Mr Cuthbert Grants station this year. - If you thinks so he says they Could go to some other place of more advantage to the Company - as they are many a place Laying unoccupyed for want of Men. - they will be no Trade here this year the Indians is all gon to war. I have not got a 100 skins as yet of all kinds. - but I am in hopes of geting a few by and by. I wish you better Succefs then I have had, and remaining, with respect - Dear Sir - Your obedient Humble Servant
Jn. Sutherland."

Jan. 28
" Wednesday People geting fire wood, fair weather."

Jan. 29
" Thursday Mr Isham and Jn. Johnson set of for Swan river. Mr Isham has got 1600 MB. - most of which he got befor Mr Grant arrived in the fall - People gathering fire wood Sharp day. indeed."

Jan. 30
" Friday Easter Shot a buffalo the others as befor Sharp weather."

Jan. 31
" Saturday People bring the meat of yesterday and X cuting fire wood."

Feb. 1 1795
" Sunday Performed divine service gave a little Tobacco Powder and Ball to two Indians that Came in yesterday. Cold weather."

Feb. 2
" Monday two Men makeing Shutters for the windows the others X cuting fire wood. Sharp weather."

Feb. 3
" Tuesday the People as befor. very Sharp weather."

Feb. 4
" Wednesday People as befor. Sharp weather."

Feb. 5
" Thursday People as befor. Cloudy weather."

Feb. 6
" Friday the People and weather the same as Yesterday."

Feb. 7
" Saturday People and weather as yesterday."

Feb. 8
" Sunday Performed Divine service and Traded three Beaver skins from the hunters of the other House."

Feb. 9
" Monday Easter hunting Shot a Buffalo. two Men making stretchers one Cooking. 6 gathering fire wood. fair weather."

Feb. 10
" Tuesday four men bring the meat of yesterday. two men makeing Stretchers, one Cooking. 3 Men X cuting fire wood. gave a little Brandy and Tobacco to two Indian Men who brought me a few furrs."

Feb. 11
" Wednesday People gathering fire wood Cloudy weather."

Feb. 12
" Thursday People and weather as befor."

Feb. 13
" Friday a gang of Afsinipoils came in brought a few furrs and a good deal of dry meat and fatt. - all the Indian came to our house altho the Canadians was runing befor them with rum & Tobacco. one of the Indian chiefs made me a present of 20 Wolves skins and a Deal of meat. - but I would rather he had Traded it, for I was Obliged to give him Capt. Cloathing, a 8 gall. keg of Brandy, and a Deal of Tobacco betwix him and his young Men. - People attending the Indians Cloudy weather."

Feb. 14
" Saturday Trading with the Indians of yesterday. - gave them several things and they went off. People and weather as befor."

Feb. 15
" Sunday Performed Divine service. in the evening Rob. Eunson and Jas. Sletter Came here from Brandon house, brought some Tobacco and Knives. - Mr Goodwin informs me that he has got 500 MB but has poor Prospect of geting much more. fair weather."

Feb. 16
" Monday People X cuting fire wood sharp day."

Feb. 17
" Tuesday People and weather as Yesterday. about 9 oClock at night came in some Indians with a few furs and some meat. gave them a little grog and Tobacco."

Feb. 18
" Wednesday Tradeing with the Indians of Last night gave them a little Brandy and Tobacco and they went off. - People attending the Indians very sharp weather."

Feb. 19
" Thursday sent Jas. Slatter and William Corrigal to B.H. with whom I sent the following Letter Viz.
To Mr Rob. Goodwin Master at Brandon House
Dear Sir
Your favor of the 6th of Feb. I Duly received the 5th Inst. Likewise the Tobacco and Knives. I Shall forward Your Letters to Swan river as soon as Pofsible. You say your Trade is little - indeed Sir in my humble Opinion, 500 Beaver is as much as Could be Expected as yet Considering the many Oppositions as is at the red river this year. I have only Collected 130 Beaver in furs, and 24 Buffalo skins. You may make yourself easy about Provisions for our Journey out as I have got already about 2 or 3000 lb of Dry meat & fatt. it has gon away with a Deal of my out fit as I most pay a very high price for it; am Obliged to Trade every thing that a Indian brings and pay a high price for it. - or Els I can not get the few furs that they bring. - if You can be without two Men please to send them here about the first of April. - I wish you a great Trade health and every other felicity and remain with respect.
Dear Sir - Your Humble Servant Jn. Sutherland.
People X cuting fire Wood. Cloudy weather."

Feb. 20
" Friday Rob. Eunson making a wooden horse. the others and weather the same as yesterday."

Feb. 21
" Saturday People and weather as befor."

Feb. 22
" Sunday Performed Divine service Clear sharp weather."

Feb. 23
" Monday Rob. Eunson making kegs, the others gathering fire wood. I asked some of our Men to go with some of Mr Grants People, that was going above this Place with Trading Goods in Search of Indians. they said that they would go to hale goods where I pleased but none of them would take it in Charge. - am badly off not haveing a Man that is fit to send to the Indians or can Trade a single skin, whilst those on the Opposite side has plenty to send Every way that Trade can be got. - a Man that would be fit to send in Search of Indians would be a Deal of service in Collecting Trade here, besides a Person that is only fit for Servile Duty."

Feb. 24
" Tuesday People were Employed as on Monday Clear sharp weather."

Feb. 25
" Wednesday a few Afsinipoils cam in With Provisions and Buffalo skins. - two men geting ready to go to swan river. the others as befor."

Feb. 26
" Thursday sent William Tullock and William Kirknefs to swan river with whom I sent the following Letter Viz.
To Mr T.C. Isham Master at Swan river;
Sir. I received a Packet from Mr Goodwin the 15th Inst. in which was a Letter to the Chief at York Fort and another to You, which Mr Goodwin Desired me to forward to you the first Opportunity. - I did not think it proper to risque the Letters in the Canadian hands - I have therefor sent you these two Men with them, whom I wish you to return as soon as Pofsible. - Please to give me all the information that you can with regard to Trade, and what time the most Trade is Collected at the Place above Mr Cuthbert Grants station. I sincerely wish Succefs to the Honble Hudsons Bay Companys Affairs. - Sir, Yours sincerely
Jn. Sutherland.
Tradeing with the Indians of Yesterday - Traded a Large well furred Grizzle Bear. People attending the Indians. Cloudy Cold weather."

Feb. 27
" Friday the Indians went away after begging more then the Value of what they Traded. X cuting fire wood Clear sharp weather."

Feb. 28
" Saturday People as befor. two Indians came in with nothing which is mostly the Case here. Clear sharp weather;"

Mar. 1 1795
" Sunday Performed Divine Service a very Pleasent Day."

Mar. 2
" Monday Rob. Eunson makeing kegs. two Men Looking out for Indians. one Cooking, the others gathering, X cuting fire wood. and doing other necefsary jobbs. - Seven Lodges of Indians Came to Camp here. - who has not killed a single Beaver this three Months past."

Mar. 3
" Tuesday the People were Employed as Yester Day Pleasent weather."

Mar. 4
" Wednesday People and weather as befor."

Mar. 5
" Thursday People as befor snowy Day."

Mar. 6
" Friday People as befor. Clear Sharp weather."

Mar. 7
" Saturday People and weather as befor."

Mar. 8
" Sunday Performed Divine Service. Clear sharp weather."

Mar. 9
" Monday Rob. Eunson making kegs. two Men Looking out for Indians one Cooking, the others X cuting fire wood and doing other Necefsary jobbs. Clear sharp weather."

Mar. 10
" Tuesday the two Men returned from Swan river - Mr Isham acquaints me that this is the only time the most Trade is Collected at Mr Cuthbert Grants Place; I have no person to send or to Leave in Charge at the Place that is Capable to Trade a single skin. - which is the reason that stop'd me from sending or going myself above this Place Long before now. - wither is it at Mr Grants Place that Trade is Collected this Year. - it is at the place above him where they have got 37 Packs already. and am informed by good authority that Mr Grant has only 60 skins as yet. - People X cuting fire wood. Clear sharp weather;"

Mar. 11
" Wednesday the two Men resting themselves. the others and weather as befor."

Mar. 12
" Thursday People and weather as befor."

Mar. 13
" Friday People and weather as befor."

Mar. 14
" Saturday People as befor. Cloudy weather."

Mar. 15
" Sunday Performed Divine Service Snowy Day."

Mar. 16
" Monday Rob. Eunson Making kegs two Men Looking for Indians - two Makeing a trough for to mix Pounded meat and fatt in. - one Cooking the others X cuting fire wood Cold sharp weather."

Mar. 17
" Tuesday People were employed as yesterday a gang of Indians Came to Camp here. brought not a single skin. - they say the french men Robes them of their furs as soon as they catch it. which I am realy seure is truth."

Mar. 18
" Wednesday People as befor fair weather;"

Mar. 19
" Thursday People and weather as befor. Traded 2 Wolf skins from one of the Layabout Indians."

Mar. 20
" Friday People as befor two Indians came in brought me 13 Beav. skins, gave them and the Layabout Indians a little Brandy and Tobacco."

Mar. 21
" Saturday the most of the Layabout Indians went away to hunt gave them a little Powder and Shot, and several other things. Snowy Day."

Mar. 22
" Sunday kept the Day religiously Clear sharp weather."

Mar. 23
" Monday Rob. Eunson makeing kegs. two Men Looking for Indians. one makeing bags for to put Pounded meat and fatt in. in cooking the others geting fire wood. Sharp weather;"

Mar. 24
" Tuesday People and weather the same as Yesterday."

Mar. 25
" Wednesday People and weather as befor."

Mar. 26
" Thursday People and weather as befor."

Mar. 27
" Friday People and weather; as befor."

Mar. 28
" Saturday People and weather as befor."

Mar. 29
" Sunday some Indians came in brought a few furrs gave them a little Brandy and Tobacco and they to Drink. Cloudy weather."

Mar. 30
" Monday People attending the Indians they are very troublesome indeed - Cold Cloudy weather."

Mar. 31
" Tuesday the Indians of the 23th Inst. Traded and went off. - People X cuting fire wood. the weather the same as Yesterday."

Apr. 1 1795
" Wednesday People were Employed as yesterday snowy weather."

Apr. 2
" Thursday Snowy weather people doing little jobbs within Doors."

Apr. 3
" Friday People gathering fire wood. very sharp weather. no appearance of spring as yet."

Apr. 4
" Saturday People and weather as Yesterday."

Apr. 5
" Sunday Performed Divine service. Clear sharp weather. served the Men a little grog in honor of the Day."

Apr. 6
" Monday two men Looking for Indians. one making kegs. two mixing Pounded meat and fatt. the Others got fire wood sharp weather."

Apr. 7
" Tuesday People and weather the same as yesterday."

Apr. 8
" Wednesday Sent Jas. Yorston and Jn. Easter in search of Indians. the others were employed as befor. Snowy evening."

Apr. 9
" Thursday People as befor. gave a little Brandy, Tobacco, Powder, and Shot to a few Indians was going a hunting."

Apr. 10
" Friday People as befor. thawy Day. - the red river Opened this Day 12 months last year, but no appearance of its Opening this year as yet."

Apr. 11
" Saturday People and weather as befor a Indian Paid me 14 Beaver which he owed, gave him a little Brandy and Tobacco."

Apr. 12
" Sunday kept the Day Religiously a very Pleasent day."

Apr. 13
" Monday Rob. Eunson making kegs, two Men in search of Indians one Cooking the others Clearing about the House. Cloudy Weather."

Apr. 14
" Tuesday a very bad Day of snow. People doing little jobbs within Doors. Jas. Yorston and Jn. Easter returned whom I sent in search of Indians the 8 Inst. - but they saw none."

Apr. 15
" Wednesday People and weather the same as Yesterday. I realy believe it fell as much snow Yesterday and the day as at did this Season befor."

Apr. 16
" Thursday People X cuting fire wood. sharp weather. - saw a few geese fly Past the Day. which is the first we have seen this season."

Apr. 17
" Friday sent 3 Men to the Indians tents to receive Debts. the others X cuting fire wood. Clear weather."

Apr. 18
" Saturday the three Men returned from the Indians tents brought all my Debt and Traded a little more - two Men on the out Look for Indians the others doing Neccefsary jobbs about the House."

Apr. 19
" Sunday kept the Day religiously rainy weather."

Apr. 20
" Monday People Looking out for Indians and doing other necefsary jobbs about the House. Cloudy weather. the river took a Shove the Day."

Apr. 21
" Tuesday People as yesterday fair weather."

Apr. 22
" Wednesday People were Employed as yesterday fine weather."

Apr. 23
" Thursday People were Employed as Yesterday. the river run Clear, fair weather."

Apr. 24
" Friday People Packing Meat. fair weather."

Apr. 25
" Saturday self and four Men went to the Indians tents the Others takeing Care of the House. Cloudy weather."

Apr. 26
" Sunday Self and one Man returned. - and Left 3 Men at the Indians tents with Directions how to act with the Indians when they returned from hunting; a gang of Indians arrived at the Place about the same Time that I did. - they brought a few furs. - gave them a little Brandy and Tobacco and they went to Drink. Cloudy weather."

Apr. 27
" Monday Sent 3 Men to Meet Indians - who returned in the Evening; with some furs. and Likewise the Men I Left at the Indians tents Yesterday. they brought me about 40 or 50 Beav. skins. - a few Afsinipoils arrived brought 20 or 30 Beaver in Wolves and foxes Skins. they Traded and went off because they were afraid of the other Indians that was Drunk at the Place. fair weather."

Apr. 28
" Tuesday People attending the Indians and stretching Beaver skins. rainy weather."

Apr. 29
" Wednesday a bad Day of rain. - People doing necefsary jobbs within Doors."

Apr. 30
" Thursday Packing furs and Leather. rainy weather."

May 1 1795
" Friday People Packing furs - a few Afsinipoils arrived brought a little furs and Provisions, they Traded and went off, after giveing them a Little Brandy and Tobacco."

May 2
" Saturday a gang of Afsinipoils arrived they brought about 20 or 30 Beaver in Wolves, Beaver, Bears, and Buffalo skins, and a good deal of Dry meat and fatt. - they Traded and went off. gave them a Little Brandy and Tobacco away with them. fair weather."

May 3
" Sunday a gang of Cristinaux arrived, brought about 70 MB - I Cloathed one Chief. - who wanted me to Leave a Man or two with him all the summer - that he might be sure that we was Coming back in the fall - he Likewise said that he and his young Men would fill one Boat of with furs if we would Come to his Country. - People attending the Indians. fair weather."

May 4
" Monday The Indians of yesterday Traded and went off. gave them Brandy Tobacco Powder and Shot away with them; - People Packing furs and geting ready to set off. fair weather."

May 5
" Tuesday Set off from Shell River accompanyed by 10 English Men and 3 Battaux. - full of Provisions furs and other Commodities - gave a little Brandy Tobacco Powder and Shot to some Indians we Left at the Place that they might not hont the house; fair weather."

May 6
" Wednesday Snowy morning - fair weather after 10 oClock AM People rowing Down the river."

May 7
" Thursday People were employed as Yesterday fair weather. Past the river Kepple this moring about four oClock."

May 8
" Friday People were employed as befor. fair weather."

May 9
" Saturday People as befor. Clear weather. Past the three Settlements at Mountain La Bofs about two oClock PM."

May 10
" Sunday People rowing Down the river Cloudy weather. Saw numbers of Buffaloes."

May 11
" Monday People were employed as befor. fair weather."

May 12
" Tuesday Arrived at Brandon House found Mr Goodwin well and all under his Command. - My Narrive Comes no Lower, but remains with real and Due respect.
Honable Sirs-
your most Obedient Servant
John Sutherland."

