This is a virtually complete transcription of the Oxford House Journal 1798-1799 by Alex Nicol

" A Journal of Occurrences kept at Oxford House
by William Sinclair Master Commencing
July 5th 1798 ending August 5th 1799"

July 5 1798
" Thursday wind NW heavy dull weather, at 1 PM loaded and left the factory, at 6 PM put up at the lower end of rain bow Island."

July 6
" Friday wind Varib. with heavy weather, at 7 AM loaded, tracked and paddled at 8 PM put up two turnings above ten shilling Creek head."

July 7
" Saturday wind and weather as yesterday, at 1/2 past 4 AM got under way at a 11 entered the mouth of steel river, at 6 PM put up two turnings up steel river."

July 8
" Sunday wind as yesterday with small misly rain, kill'd twenty two deer, in crofsing the river, at 1 PM got under way tracked until 8 PM and then put up."

July 9
" Monday wind west a light breeze with pleasent weather at 2 PM entered the mouth of hill river, at 6 put up for wind and rain."

July 10
" Tuesday wind and weather as yesterday, at 5 AM got under way, tracked until 7 PM put up for rain a little distance below the first fall on hill river."

July 11
" Wednesday wind and weather as before, at 9 AM arrived at Gordon House hill river.

July 12
" Thursday wind as yesterday, with showers of rain, at 6 PM two boats arrived from the factory with trading goods &c - a Indian man and his wife arrived with 7 beaver skins."

July 13
" Friday wind SW hot sultry weather, at 3 PM a Storm of thunder and rain."

July 14
" Saturday wind North with cloudy weather at 6 AM the boats loaded with bundles of furs for york Factory."

July 15
" Sunday wind NE a stiff gale with cloudy weather at 2 PM fifteen Canoes of English men arrived from the head of trout river with furs."

July 16
" Monday wind Varib. with clear weather, at 11 AM ten Canoes with two english men in each embarked for York Factory the rest employed pitching their? Canoes."

July 17
" Tuesday wind west a hot sultry day, employed packing and sorting Trading goods, at 6 PM laid out five Canoe's Cargoes of trading goods - thunder and rain with the night."

July 18
" Wednesday wind and weather the same as yesterday, at 8 AM loaded and embarked for the head of trout river with five Canoes loaded with trading goods &c. Carryed over three carraying places at 6 PM put up at the still water."

July 19
" Thursday wind SW a stiff breeze with sultry Weather. at 4 AM got under way, paddled and carrayed over three Carraying places this day at 3 PM put up on the swampy Carray'g place in hill river."

July 20
" Friday wind NE dark Cloudy weather. at 7 AM got under way carrayed over five carraying places, at 3 PM put up on the upper carray'g? place in hill river. a gale of wind right a head."

July 21
" Saturday Wind SW weather the same as yesterday, paddled and sailed, at 4 PM put up in the sandy bay in the swampy lake. - thunder and rain in the Evening."

July 22
" Sunday Wind East, a light breeze at 5 AM got under way sailed over the swampy Lake, at 7 AM entered the mouth of jack river, carray'd over four carraying places, at 7 PM put up at the lower sandy bay in the Knee Lake."

July 23
" Monday Wind SE pleasent mild weather, at 4 AM loaded and got under Way, sailed and paddled untill 6 PM put up at the upper sandy bay in the Knee Lake, in the evening a shower of rain."

July 24
" Tuesday Wind and weather as yesterday, at 5 AM got under way, paddled through the knee Lake at 7 entered the mouth of the trout river, carrayed Over the trout Fall carry'g place, at 3 PM arrived at the enterance of the holly Lake, where Oxford house is appointed to be built, thunder and rain in the evening."

July 25
" Wednesday Wind Varib. hot sultry Weather, looked out a place to lay the foundation of the house on, men employed at various jobs."

July 26
" Thursday Wind East a stiff gale, with cloudy weather. laid the foundation of the house 42 feet by 24 broad which is ordered to be called Oxford House. at 7 PM a Storm of rain - accompanied with thunder."

July 27
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday, seven Men building at the house, eight employed falling timber and four cuting Grafs to cover the house with."

July 28
" Saturday Wind Varib. hot sultry weather, men employed as yesterday, at 6 PM Mr Isham arrived from Jack river on his way to the Factory, set a net."

July 29
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday, produce of the net 5 fish."

July 30
" Monday wind west clear pleasent weather, at 6 AM Mr Isham Embarked for York Factory, men Variously employed. at 7 PM a storm of thunder and rain."

July 31
" Tuesday Wind NW clear and raining alternately, set the window posts and made the house ready for beams, six men rafting timber acrofs a bay of the lake. rest employed cuting grafs."

Aug. 1 1798
" Wednesday wind Varib. hot sultry Weather, men employed as? yesterday produce of nets 11 fish of sorts."

Aug. 2
" Thursday Wind as yesterday - men employed the same in the evening thunder and rain."

Aug. 3
" Friday Wind and Weather as before, men Variously employed a 11 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 4
" Saturday Wind Varib. as yesterday clear and raining alternately - put the ridge pole upon the house, rafted timber acrofs the lake, cuting grafs &c."

Aug. 5
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 6
" Monday Wind SW with sultry Weather, men employed roofing the house."

Aug. 7
" Tuesday Wind West a stiff breeze, with dark cloudy weather, men employed the same as yesterday."

Aug. 8
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed the same, produce of nets 4 fish."

Aug. 9
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday, put the roof on the house, at 2 PM a Indian man and his wife arrived with fifteen pounds of Fat 40 of Moose meat and seven beaver skins."

Aug. 10
" Friday Wind NW clear Weather at 5 AM sent the five Canoe men down to the factory, according to the Instructions rec'd from Mr Colen, traded with the Indians that came yesterday gave them some brandy Ammunition &c - at 1 PM they set off. laid the foundation of the fireplace, rain and thunder in the evening, produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 11
" Saturday Wind and weather as yesterday, men employed as before, a Indian man arrived with twenty pounds of moose meat and six beaver skins."

Aug. 12
" Sunday wind and weather as before produce of nets 7 fish of sorts, the Indian that came yesterday set off to his tent."

Aug. 13
" Monday wind SE a stiff gale with heavy Weather, men employed building at the chimney. produce of Nets 8 fish of sorts, at 8 PM it began to rain and thunder and continued the whole night, the lightning was bright and Vivid, together with the loud claps of thunder, made it the most awful night that I ever saw in this country or any where else."

Aug. 14
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men emp'd as before."

Aug. 15
" Wednesday wind and Weather the same as yesterday men employed at the chimney. produce of nets 4 fish of sorts."

Aug. 16
" Thursday Wind West a stiff gale with clear Weather, Men employed at the chimneys, at 1 Pm three Canoes of Ind. arrived brought 160 pound weight of Dried moose meat 30 lbs of Fat, 50 lbs of beat meat and 35 beaver skins. at 7 PM three Canoes of English men arrived from the factory, consigned to Mr Longmoor at swan river, produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 17
" Friday wind Eastly dark cloudy Weather, at 7 AM the Canoes for swan river set off, traded with the Ind. and they set off. traded 20 pounds of dried moose meat and six beaver skins, men employed at the chimneys."

Aug. 18
" Saturday wind SW a small breeze with pleasent Weather. men employed as yesterday."

Aug. 19
" Sunday Wind southly a stiff breeze with clear Weather. produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 20
" Monday Wind as yesterday, men employed at the chimneys, produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 21
" Tuesday Wind SW pleasent Weather, men employed at the chimneys."

Aug. 22
" Wednesday Wind West a strong gale with showers of rain and thunder, men employed as yesterday, at 4 PM a man? arrived from the factory, produce of nets 3 fish."

Aug. 23
" Thursday Wind north cold dark Cloudy Weather, with rain, men employed Plastering the inside of the house."

Aug. 24
" Friday Wind East a small misley rain all day, laid the foundation of the Mens fireplace, produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Aug. 25
" Saturday Wind southly with clear pleasent weather, at 1 PM a storm of thunder and rain."

Aug. 26
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday, produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 27
" Monday wind NE dark dull Weather, men employed at the chimneys. produce of nets 4 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 28
" Tuesday Wind Varib. with clear Weather, men employed as yesterday."

Aug. 29
" Wednesday Wind East dark Cloudy weather with rain produce of nets 2 fish."

Aug. 30
" Thursday Wind NW a heavy rain falling all day, employed plastering the house, produce of nets 3 fish."

Aug. 31
" Friday Wind East, weather the same as yesterday, men employed at the chimneys at 5 PM a Indian man arrived with thirty pounds of Beav. fat and one parchment moose skin a few ducks &c."

Sept. 1 1798
" Saturday Wind NW inclinable to rain, men employed as yesterday. at 1 PM three Canoes of Indians arrived with a few ducks and geese one parchment moose skin &c."

Sept. 2
" Sunday Wind as yesterday with clear Weather. at 6 AM Mr Isham arrived from the factory with two large Canoes for Jack river, at 1 PM three Canoes of Indians arrived with 60 pounds of dried moose meat, 100 of beat meat and 30 pounds of Fat 10 MB."

Sept. 3
" Monday Wind East a strong breeze with cloudy Weather. traded with the Indians that came yesterday, men employed at Various Jobs."

Sept. 4
" Tuesday Wind as yesterday with clear Weather, at 5 AM Mr Isham embarked for Jack River, the Indians went a hunting, men employed at the chimneys, produce of nets 5 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 5
" Wednesday wind west a strong gale with cloudy Weather - men employed as yesterday. at 6 PM six Canoes of Bungee Indians arrived with eighty pounds of dried moose meat 30 lbs of Fat and 250 MB."

Sept. 6
" Thursday wind SW a Stiff gale with cloudy weather, men employed as yesterday, traded with the Indians that came yesterday at 1 PM they set off - produce of nets 4 fish."

Sept. 7
" Friday wind Varib. hot sultry Weather, men employed as before."

Sept. 8
" Saturday Wind East a strong breeze with hot Weather men employed as yesterday."

Sept. 9
" Sunday wind East heavy weather with a small misley rain produce of nets 6 fish of sorts."

Sept. 10
" Monday Wind SW clear pleasent weather, finished building the mens chimney."

Sept. 11
" Tuesday Wind Varib. with - showers of rain and thunder, employed plastering the out side of the house produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 12
" Wednesday Wind NE with dark Cloudy Weather, men employed as yesterday."

Sept. 13
" Thursday Wind as yesterday with cloudy Weather, two men employed sawing boards for doors produce of nets 4 fish of sorts."

Sept. 14
" Friday wind and weather the same as yesterday, men employ'd the same, at 4 PM two Indian men came to the house with 47 lbs of dried Moose meat. produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 15
" Saturday wind and Weather as before, men employed the same as yesterday - early this morning the Indians set off - two fish."

Sept. 16
" Sunday Wind Varib. with hazy weather, produce of nets 5 fish of sorts."

Sept. 17
" Monday Wind East clear and raining alternately, laid part of the lower flooring in my room, at 5 PM two Indians arrived with 60 lbs of moose meat dried. produce of nets 3 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 18
" Tuesday wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed as before, the Indians traded and set off to their Tent mates. produce of nets 3 fish."

Sept. 19
" Wednesday wind and Weather as before, men employed sawing boards for doors, produce of nets 5 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 20
" Thursday Wind SW a stiff breeze with clear Weather. men employed as yesterday, at 3 PM three Canoes of Indians arrived with 56 lbs of dried moose meat 20 lbs of Fat & 4 1/2 MB. produce of nets 5 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 21
" Friday wind west a strong gale with cloudy Weather - men Variously employed, traded with the Indians that came yesterday, produce of nets 4 fish."

Sept. 22
" Saturday Wind NW dark Cloudy Weather with showers of show, men employed as yesterday at 1 PM a Indian man & his wife arrived with 30 pounds of dried moose meat & 7 MB."

Sept. 23
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday, traded with the Indians that came yesterday, at 2 PM they set off to their friends"

Sept. 24
" Monday Wind Northly clear cold Weather, men employ'd at Various Jobs, at 6 PM Mr Oman and party arrived with six Canoes from york Factory, consigned to Mr Wm Tomison at the upper settlements, produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 25
" Tuesday Wind NW a Very cold day at 9 AM began to Snow and blow very hard, and continued the Whole day until 10 PM when it began to freeze."

Sept. 26
" Wednesday Wind NW a Very sharp day part of the lake covered with Ice, the snow a foot deep upon the ground and every appearance of the winter seting in, the men refused to proceed with full Cargoes any farther, as they would not be answerable for keeping the goods dry, the Canoes were so leaky that it was impofsible to have taken any dry goods any farther with safety, at 9 AM five Canoes loaded and proceeded on their Journey, three of the young hands were left that came out with the Ship, they were not able to stand the cold and fatigue of the Journey, it being so very late in the fall. at 2 PM two Indians arrived with a few MB and 20 lbs of Beat Meat traded and set off."

Sept. 27
" Thursday Wind NW with clear cold weather, men employed cuting grafs, at 2 PM three Canoes of English men arrived from the factory with goods for this House produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Sept. 28
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed drying the goods left pr Mr Oman."

Sept. 29
" Saturday Wind NW a clear day, most of the snow melted away. at 6 AM sent John Papley and John Davey down to the factory with three spare young hands that were left pr Mr Oman and two that were? sent to Winter at this place. the following is a list of the servants names who remain at Oxford House to Winter. William Sinclair Master - James Valazine? Cooper, Edward Tomison Sawayer, Wm Teat?, Magnus Birston, John Moad, George Spence, Thomas Stricklayer?, Geo. Beakie, Alex Birston, David Laughton, Canoe men and James Loutit Taylor - at 7 PM three Canoes of Indians arrived with 170 pounds of dried moose meat 40 lbs of Fat and 169 lbs of beat meat, 27 beaver skins &c."

Sept. 30
" Sunday Wind & Weather as yesterday, a Indian man and his Wife came to the house with two Beaver Skins."

Oct. 1 1798
" Monday wind west clear pleasent weather, four men rafting home timber, two men employed at the nets, the rest at Various Jobs."

Oct. 2
" Tuesday Wind Varib. pleasent Weather, men employ'd as yesterday, Traded from natives 200 lbs of dried meat, 106 of beat meat 50 pounds of fat and 17 Beaver skins &c."

Oct. 3
" Wednesday Wind East dark Cloudy Weather, men Variously employed, a Indian Man and his Wife came to the house with 60 pounds of beavers flesh and 64 lbs of green moose Meat 3 Beaver skins &c."

Oct. 4
" Thursday Wind SW a stiff gale with clear Weather. laid part of the floor of the new house, two Indians arrived with five Geese Nine Ducks a porcupine and 3 1/2 MB. produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Oct. 5
" Friday Wind SW clear Weather but Very cold, men variously employed."

Oct. 6
" Saturday Wind East with a fall of snow, and severe cold Weather, men employed as yesterday."

Oct. 7
" Sunday Wind and weather as yesterday, sent three Men to fish for the house - at a fishing creek a little distance up the lake. at 11 AM a Indian Man and his Wife Arrived with 10 lbs of moose Meat and seven Ducks. traded and set off."

Oct. 8
" Monday Wind West clear Weather, men employed at Various Jobs. two Indians brought the meat of a Moose 170 pounds half dried and 16 lbs of Fat six parchment moose skins and three drest moose skins."

Oct. 9
" Tuesday Wind East with a heavy fall of Snow, men at Various Jobs."

Oct. 10
" Wednesday Wind as yesterday with clear Weather, two men sawing flooring the rest at Various Jobs, gave debt to the Indians that wanted it, at 1 PM they all set off for their Wintering ground."

Oct. 11
" Thursday Wind and weather the same as yesterday men employed as before."

Oct. 12
" Friday Wind SW a cloudy day, two men at the pit saw sawing flooring, rest at other Jobs, two men came from the fishing creek with 60 fish of sorts."

Oct. 13
" Saturday Wind and weather the same as yesterday, men employed as before."

Oct. 14
" Sunday Wind Varib. pleasent mild Weather, two Indian men arrived at the House with a little Moose Meat, they had killed a large moose a little distance from the House - sent four men to fetch the Meat at 3 PM they returned with 511 pounds of moose flesh. at 5 PM a Indian man and his Wife arrived with 170 lbs of Venison a swan and an Otter."

Oct. 15
" Monday Wind West a light breeze With clear Weather. sent three men to fetch fish at 1 PM they returned With 400 fish of Sorts. the rest of the men cuting grafs to cover the House With. traded three Deer for snow shoe neting."

Oct. 16
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, Men employed at Various Jobs, the Indian that arrived yesterday set off to his friends, sent a present of Brandy Tobacco ammunition to a Bungee chief Who has promised to Visit me in the Winter."

Oct. 17
" Wednesday Wind SW a stiff breeze with cloudy weather, men employed as yesterday."

Oct. 18
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday. men at Various Jobs, the fisher Men brought 340 fish of Sorts to the House."

Oct. 19
" Friday Wind as before with clear Weather, men cuting fire Wood, and at Other necefsary Jobs."

Oct. 20
" Saturday Wind and weather as yesterday, men emp'd the same."

Oct. 21
" Sunday Wind NE clear cold Weather, parts of the lake covered with Ice."

Oct. 22
" Monday Wind Varib. With dark Cloudy Weather, laid up the Canoes, with grafs &c."

Oct. 23
" Tuesday Wind SE with clear weather, men employed at Various Jobs. a Indian man brought 2 Beaver Skins."

Oct. 24
" Wednesday Wind west dark Cloudy Weather, sent three men to fetch fish at 3 PM they returned with 140 fish of sorts. the Indian of yesterday set of to his famalies."

Oct. 25
" Thursday Wind as yesterday with a heavy fall of snow, Men employed at Various Jobs."

Oct. 26
" Friday Wind NW clear cold Weather, two men sawing boards, four cuting fire Wood, sent three Men to fall Birch and bring home for sledges. Taylor employed for Men."

Oct. 27
" Saturday Wind Northly a strong gale with snow and drift, the men returned home from the fishing creek with their beding and 170 fish of Sorts."

Oct. 28
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday; most part of the Lake taken With Ice."

Oct. 29
" Monday Wind Northly with severe Weather, men employed cuting fire Wood."

Oct. 30
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, the Lake covered with Ice out of sight of the house."

Oct. 31
" Wednesday Wind NW cloudy weather with a light Snow falling, two men sawing boards, two employed with the nets the rest at Various Jobs."

Nov. 1 1798
" Thursday Wind NW with thick snowy Weather, set four nets under the Ice, two at the pit saw, the rest at other necefsary Jobs."

Nov. 2
" Friday Wind East a stiff breeze with cold weather. three men Overhauling the nets, two at the pit Saw, the rest cuting fire Wood. produce of the nets 65 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 3
" Saturday wind Varible with clear Weather, men employed as yesterday produce of nets 86 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 4
" Sunday Wind NE a severe cold day, three Indians came to the house with six pair of snow shoes neted, paid them for neting them, they went back again to their tent."

Nov. 5
" Monday wind west a strong gale With drift and Very cold Weather. men employed at Various Jobs produce of nets 123 fish of sorts."

Nov. 6
" Tuesday Wind as yesterday. two men sawing birch for sledges, kill'd a deer a little distance from the house, men employed as yesterday produce of nets 120 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 7
" Wednesday wind west, men employed as yesterday, produce of nets 119 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 8
" Thursday wind NW cold Weather, two men turning heads for sledges two sawing boards, the rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 100 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 9
" Friday wind and weather the same as yesterday. men employed the same, produce of nets 150 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 10
" Saturday wind Varib. plesent mild Weather. men employed as yesterday produce of nets 93 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 11
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday, numbers of deer going to the Nwds."

Nov. 12
" Monday Wind West a strong gale with snow and drift. men employed at Various Jobs produce of nets 210 fish of sorts."

Nov. 13
" Tuesday Wind and weather as yesterday, men employed building a fish house produce of nets 134 fish. George Beakie, taken badley with a Complaint in his bowels."

Nov. 14
" Wednesday Wind NW a stiff gale. men employed as yesterday, three Indian Women came to the house with three pair of snow shoes neted, paid them for neting and making, they set of to there tent. produce of nets 140 fish of sorts."

Nov. 15
" Thursday Wind and Weather the same as yesterday produce of nets 112 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 16
" Friday Wind Varib. with clear Weather, three men hauling home birch for sledges, two sawing boards for flooring, the rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 120 fish of sorts."

Nov. 17
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed cuting fire Wood, two Indians came to the house with 25 MB. produce of nets 100 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 18
" Sunday Wind as yesterday with clear sharp Weather, the Indians that came yesterday set off to there tent."

Nov. 19
" Monday wind SW with sharp weather, two men at the pit saw, three attending the nets, four cuting fire Wood, two Cooking &c. produce of nets 140 fish of sorts."

Nov. 20
" Tuesday Wind and Weather the same as yesterday, men employed the same, produce of nets 120 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 21
" Wednesday Wind Southly a Warm day, men employed as before, produce of nets 90 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 22
" Thursday wind East a heavy rime falling, men employ'd as before, at 1 PM a Indian Man came to the house with 50 pounds of dried Meat, produce of nets 80 fish of sorts."

Nov. 23
" Friday wind and weather as yesterday, men employed the same, the Indian that came yesterday set off to his tent. produce of nets 70 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 24
" Saturday Wind Northly with rimey Weather, sent two men to fetch the meat of two Deer from the Indians, produce of net 60 fish of sorts, at 6 PM a Shower of rain."

Nov. 25
" Sunday wind and weather as yesterday, saw numbers of Deer going to the Nwds."

Nov. 26
" Monday wind and Weather as yesterday, two men sawing boards, rest employed at Various Jobs. at 4 PM Men returned back from the Indians with 205 pounds of green meat. produce of nets 100 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 27
" Tuesday wind Varib. clear pleasent Weather, Men employed as yesterday produce of nets 86 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 28
" Wednesday wind NE stiff gale with cold Weather. men Variously employed. produce of nets 110 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 29
" Thursday wind and weather as yesterday, men employed the same as yesterday produce of nets 90 fish of Sorts."

Nov. 30
" Friday Wind NE clear cold Weather, men employed as before produce of nets 97 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 1 1798
" Saturday Wind NW with rime falling, men cuting fire wood, a Indian man came to the house with seven beaver Skins. he had killed six Deer produce of nets 86 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 2
" Sunday wind Varib. Pleasent Weather sent six men to fetch meat at 5 PM they returned with 410 pounds of deers flesh."

Dec. 3
" Monday Wind NW a sharp day with clear Weather, sent three men to fetch the remainder of deers Meat at 2 PM they returned with 240 pounds, produce of nets 120 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 4
" Tuesday Wind NW with severe cold Weather, two men sawing boards the rest at Various Jobs. did not over haul the Nets this day."

Dec. 5
" Wednesday Wind and weather as yesterday, men employed the same, produce of nets 110 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 6
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before, men employed the same, at 6 PM John Paplay and John Davey arrived from york Factory. produce of nets 90 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 7
" Friday wind west sharp clear Weather, men employed at Various Jobs, a Indian man came to the house with word to fetch the meat of one deer, produce of nets 120 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 8
" Saturday wind SW sharp weather, the Indian set off to his tent, sent a english Man With him, at 1 PM he returned with 105 pounds of deers Meat."

Dec. 9
" Sunday Wind Varib. with sharp weather, a few stragling? deer going to the southw'ds."

Dec. 10
" Monday wind and Weather as yesterday, all hands falling timber pieces and carraying them in to the saw pit. produce of nets 90 fish of sorts."

Dec. 11
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed as before produce of nets 47 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 12
" Wednesday Wind as yesterday with a light snow falling, men employed as Before produce of nets 40 fish of sorts."

Dec. 13
" Thursday Wind SW a heavy rime falling, four men employ'd sawing plank, the rest at Various Jobs. produce of nets 40 fish of sorts."

Dec. 14
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed as yesterday. produce of nets 42 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 15
" Saturday wind west dark over cast Weather, men cuting fire Wood produce of nets 68 fish of sorts."

Dec. 16
" Sunday wind and Weather as yesterday, George Beakie a little recovered from his illnefs."

Dec. 17
" Monday Wind SW sharp Weather, four Men employed sawing plank, two attending the nets, rest cuting fire wood. produce of nets 64 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 18
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, seven men hauling home planks from the saw pit, produce of nets 40 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 19
" Wednesday wind East with rime falling, laid part of the upper floor, rest of men employed as before produce of nets 47 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 20
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday, Men employed as before produce of nets 47 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 21
" Friday Wind and Weather as before, men at Various Jobs produce of nets 50 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 22
" Saturday Wind NW with clear sharp Weather, all hands cuting fire Wood produce of nets 35 fish of Sorts, at 1 PM two Indian Men came to the house With 107 beaver Skins, they kill'd a Moose."

Dec. 23
" Sunday Wind East dark Cloudy day with rime falling. sent three Men along with the Indians to haul home the Moose Meat &c."

Dec. 24
" Monday Wind Varib. a pleasent day, Men hauling home dry fire Wood produce of nets 70 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 25
" Tuesday Wind as yesterday with a light snow falling at 3 PM it cleared up."

Dec. 26
" Wednesday wind West clear sharp Weather, men returned home from the Indians With 210 pounds of green Moose flesh and 26 beaver Skins, produce of nets 70 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 27
" Thursday Wind Varib. plesent Weather, at 1 PM three Indian Men came to the house with 138 pounds of dried moose Meat - 23 lbs of pemican 20 beaver Skins and seven parchment deer skins produce of nets 23 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 28
" Friday Wind East dark Cloudy Weather with rime falling. traded with the Indians that came yesterday, at 1 PM they set off to their tents."

Dec. 29
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday, produce of nets 60 fish of Sorts."

Dec. 30
" Wind NW sharp clear Weather - a Indian Man came to the house with 47 pounds of dried moose Meat and 14 beaver Skins."

Dec. 31
" Monday Wind NW a strong gale with severe cold Weather. the Indian that came yesterday remain at the house. produce of nets 27 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 1 1799
" Tuesday Wind Westly a severe cold day with snow and drift as any this season."

Jan. 2
" Wednesday Wind NW sharp clear Weather, early this morning the Indian set of to his tent. sent a English man to tent with him, six overhauling the nets, the rest cuting fire Wood. produce of nets 70 fish of sorts."

Jan. 3
" Thursday Wind NW sharp cold Weather, men employed as yesterday at 9 AM seven bungee Men arrived at the House with 105 MB and 110 pounds of dried moose meat 20 lbs of Pemican &c."

Jan. 4
" Friday wind and weather as yesterday, men at Various Jobs. three of the Indians that came yesterday pitched off from the house produce of nets 12 fish of sorts."

Jan. 5
" Saturday Wind NW severe cold Weather, men cuting fire Wood, the last of the Indians left the House, sent some brandy, Tobacco, ammunition &c to the Indians that trades at this house."

Jan. 6
" Sunday Wind West with clear sharp Weather in the evening began to snow and drift."

" Monday wind and weather as yesterday, men hauling dry fire wood produce of nets 50 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 8
" Tuesday wind as yesterday, men enployed as before hauling of fire wood."

Jan. 9
" Wednesday wind SW pleasent mild weather, four Men employed sawing of plank, the rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 20 fish of sorts."

Jan. 10
" Thursday wind NW a thick dull day with rime falling. men employed as yesterday produce of nets 16 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 11
" Friday wind NE with rimey weather, men employed as yesterday produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 12
" Saturday Wind North clear sharp weather, men employed as before produce of nets 19 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 13
" Sunday Wind SW clear pleasant weather, a Indian man and his wife came to the House with 50 Beaver Skins and 62 pounds of Dried moose meat. traded and set off to his tentmates, sent a English man to tent with him as the provisions ? are but little at the house for such a number of men as were sent to Winter at it."

Jan. 14
" Monday wind Varib Weather the same as yesterday men hauling home fire wood produce of nets 12 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 15
" Tuesday wind Varib. pleasant mild Weather, men employed as yesterday, one of the English Men came home from the Indians they were? Starving. produce of nets 20 fish."

Jan. 16
" Wednesday wind as yesterday men employed at Various Jobs."

Jan. 17
" Thursday wind and weather as yesterday four men Sawing plank the rest cuting fire wood produce of nets 37 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 18
" Friday wind west dark Cloudy weather, men employed as yesterday produce of nets 33 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 19
" Saturday wind Varib. pleasant Weather, men employed as yesterday produce of nets 55 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 20
" Sunday Wind NW sharp clear Weather, saw a few deer going to the Nwds."

Jan. 21
" Monday wind NE clear sharp Weather, four men Sawing planks - two employed laying the upper floor, the rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 35 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 22
" Tuesday Wind west a severe cold day, men employed as yesterday."

Jan. 23
" Wednesday wind and Weather as yesterday, produce of nets 26 fish of sorts."

Jan. 24
" Thursday wind Varib. mild Weather, men employed as yesterday produce of nets 23 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 25
" Friday Wind NE with dull rimey Weather produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Jan. 26
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday, all hands cuting fire Wood produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 27
" Sunday wind East a severe cold day with drift and bad Weather."

Jan. 28
" Monday Wind SW a sharp day, men falling timber and hauling them to the sawpit, produce of nets 15 fish of sorts."

Jan. 29
" Tuesday Wind Varib. with pleasant Weather, men employed at Various Jobs 15 fish of Sorts."

Jan. 30
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed the same, a Indian Man came with six beaver skins, he complained that there was no beaver to be found any Way near to the house, the Country all round this house is been hunted for Many years by the homeguard Indians so that there is not a beaver left within many miles of it."

Jan. 31
" Thursday Wind NW clear sharp Weather, sent four men along with the Indian that came yesterday to fetch Moose Meat. rest cuting fire Wood produce of nets 8 fish of sorts."

Feb. 1 1799
" Friday Wind as yesterday, men cuting fire Wood. at 1 PM the men returned home from the Indians with 130 pounds of green moose meat and 67 lbs of dried, one porcupine &c."

Feb. 2
" Saturday wind Westly a cold day with drift and severe cold weather men cuting fire Wood."

Feb. 3
" Sunday Wind as yesterday with dark Cloudy Weather and a light snow falling, at 2 PM John Henry, Joseph Lewes and a Indian arrived from Mr Ishams at Jack river, they informed me that a Mr McKay a Canadian trader, pafsed Jack river in the fall of the year with four large Canoes loaded with trading goods to Winter at a place called the Crofs Lake."

Feb. 4
" Monday Wind Varib. with heavy weather, two men sawing plank, the rest employed shifting the nets under the Ice produce of nets 40 fish of Sorts."

Feb. 5
" Tuesday Wind Westly a warm day with mild Weather men Variously employed."

Feb. 6
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, at 7 AM the two english men and Indian set of for Jack river, two rundlets of high Brandy to Mr Isham according to his request, he being short of that article, produce of nets 12 fish of sorts."

Feb. 7
" Thursday wind Varib. clear day with pleasent Weath., two men sawing plank, four falling timber pieces, the rest at Other Jobs, 4 fish."

Feb. 8
" Friday Wind Southly early this morning two Ind. came to the house with a few beaver skins and six lbs of Castorum, traded and they set off, sent four men along with them to fetch moose meat, six men hauling home dry fire wood &c."

Feb. 9
" Saturday wind west sharp clear Weather men cuting fire wood produce of nets 26 fish of Sorts."

Feb. 10
" Sunday wind Varib. a pleasant day at 1 PM the ? came back from the Indians with 522 pounds of moose flesh and 32 MB. 6 lbs of Castorum."

Feb. 11
" Monday wind NW a strong breeze with drift, sent four men to fetch the remainder of moose meat left with the Indians, two men at the pit Saw, rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 13 fish of Sorts."

Feb. 12
" Tuesday Wind Varib. with mild weather, two men employed at the pit saw, rest cuting fire Wood produce of nets 14 fish of Sorts."

Feb. 13
" Wednesday wind Northly with snowy Weather, men employed as yesterday. at 10 AM the men returned from the Indians with 120 pounds of green Moose meat, at 1 PM a Indian Man came to the house with fourteen MB. produce of nets 13 fish of sorts."

Feb. 14
" Thursday Wind NW a strong gale with drift and Snow. sent three Men along with the Indian to fetch Moose meat produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Feb. 15
" Friday wind Varib. clear sharp Weather, men hauling home dry fire Wood."

Feb. 16
" Saturday Wind NE a severe cold day, men cuting fire Wood,the men came home from the Indians with 271 pounds of green Moose Meat 84 lbs of dried and 54 lbs of beat meat 24 Beaver skins &c."

Feb. 17
" Sunday Wind NW a severe day with cold and bad Weather."

Feb. 18
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed at Various Jobs."

Feb. 19
" Tuesday Wind NE thick dull Weather with rime falling, men cuting fire Wood, two Indian men came to the house for men to fetch beaver skins &c."

Feb. 20
" Wednesday Wind SW weather the same as yesterday two men sawing plank, rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 17 fish of Sorts."

Feb. 21
" Thursday wind Varib. weather much the same as yesterday, sent two men along with the Indians that came a day ago to fetch beaver skins. men employed at Various Jobs."

Feb. 22
" Friday Wind and Weather the same as yesterday, men employed as before."

Feb. 23
" Saturday Wind East with a heavy rain falling, two men sawing plank, rest hauling home fire Wood produce of nets 5 fish."

Feb. 24
" Sunday wind and weather as yesterday with rime falling."

Feb. 25
" Monday wind NW with dark cloudy Weather, two Men at the pit saw, rest at Various Jobs, produce of nets 3 fish of Sorts."

Feb. 26
" Tuesday wind as yesterday with clear Weather, men hauling logs of timber to the saw pit. produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Feb. 27
" Wednesday Wind as yesterday, men employed as before."

Feb. 28
" Thursday wind west with clear pleasent Weather, men employed at Various Jobs, at 4 PM the two men returned home from the Indians with 40 Beaver skins 15 1/2 lbs of Fat and 23 lbs of pemican."

Mar. 1 1799
" Friday Wind Varib. sharp day with snow falling. two men sawing, the rest cuting fire wood produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Mar. 2
" Saturday wind and weather as yesterday, men employed the same produce of nets 5 fish of Sorts."

Mar. 3
" Sunday Wind East a pleasant day, at 2 PM a Indian man came to the house with 20 pounds of dried moose meat and seven beaver skins, traded and set of to his tent mates."

Mar. 4
" Monday wind southly with mild weather, men ? at Various Jobs, at 1 PM a Indian man and his wife came to the House with 32 Beaver, produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Mar. 5
" Tuesday wind and Weather as yesterday, the Indians traded and set off, men employed cuting fire wood Sawing of plank &c."

Mar. 6
" Wednesday wind Northly with mild weather, four men falling timber rest employed as yesterday produce of nets 4 fish of Sorts."

Mar. 7
" Thursday wind West a strong breeze with sharp weather, men employed as yesterday. at 6 PM two Indians came to the House with 96 pounds of dried moose meat and six beaver skins."

Mar. 8
" Friday Wind NE sharp Weather, men hauling hom plank and boards from the saw pit produce of nets 14 fish of sorts."

Mar. 9
" Saturday wind SW with sharp Weather, men employed as yesterday."

Mar. 10
" Sunday Wind Varib. pleasant mild Weather at 2 PM a Indian man and his Wife came to house with 75 pounds of half dried moose meat 10 lbs of Beavers flesh and 30 Br Skins &c."

Mar. 11
" Monday wind west a sharp day with clear weather. early this morning the Indians traded and set off, men employed at Various Jobs."

Mar. 12
" Tuesday Wind SW with clear sharp Weather, men employed hauling hom fire Wood produce of nets 6 fish of sorts."

Mar. 13
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday two men sawing plank for flooring, rest at Various Jobs."

Mar. 14
" Thursday Wind SW a pleasant day, men employed as yesterday produce of nets 6 fish of sorts."

Mar. 15
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed as before, produce of nets 4 fish of Sorts."

Mar. 16
" Saturday Wind NW a stiff gale with severe cold Weather. men cuting fire Wood. at 1 PM two Indian men and there? famalies came to the house with 102 pounds of green Moose meat, 69 lbs dried &c 40 Beaver skins."

Mar. 17
" Sunday wind Varib. pleasant Weather, traded with the Indians that came yesterday."

Mar. 18
" Monday wind NW clear sharp Weather, two Indian men came to the house with 26 lbs of Fat and 31 pounds of dried meat, produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Mar. 19
" Tuesday wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed at Various Jobs. the two Indians that came yesterday set off to there? friends."

Mar. 20
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as before, men hauling fire Wood, the last of the Indians left the house produce of nets 11 fish of sorts."

Mar. 21
" Thursday Wind West mild Weather, men employed at Various Jobs produce of nets 11 fish of sorts."

Mar. 22
" Friday wind NW a light breeze with clear weather, sent two men to gordon house hill river for some provisions. Taylor employed at Indian Coats, four Men Sawing plank, rest at Various Jobs."

Mar. 23
" Saturday Wind SW men employed as yesterday produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Mar. 24
" Sunday Wind as yesterday with a heavy fall of snow and drift."

Mar. 25
" Monday wind as yesterday with Warm Weather, the first spring looking day this season, at 2 PM a Indian man came to the house with the English man he had taking care of. brought 36 pounds of dried moose meat and 7 beaver skins, produce of nets 5 fish."

Mar. 26
" Tuesday wind West clear cold Weather, four Men sawing plank, rest cuting fire Wood."

Mar. 27
" Wednesday wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed the same, at 6 PM a Indian Man and his Wife came to the house with 26 beaver skins 30 pounds of dried moose meat 3 parchment moose skins."

Mar. 28
" Thursday wind Northly clear Weather, early this morning the Indians traded and set off to there tent mates produce of nets 6 fish."

Mar. 29
" Friday wind SE dull weather, two men sawing plank, two making a beaver prefs, rest at Other necefsary Jobs."

Mar. 30
" Saturday wind Northly inclinable to be warm, men cuting fire Wood produce of nets 6 fish of sorts."

Mar. 31
" Sunday wind Eastly with dark Cloudy Weather, and snow."

Apr. 1 1799
" Monday Wind southly warm day with ? weather. men falling timber, produce of nets 4 fish of sorts."

Apr. 2
" Tuesday wind North sharp Weather, men employed as yesterday, at 3 PM two Indian Men came to the house with 50 MB. they sleeped four nights in coming to the house."

Apr. 3
" Wednesday wind NW mild pleasant Weather, traded with the Indians that came yesterday, at 1 PM set off to there tent, men employed as before."

Apr. 4
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men Variously employed. produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 5
" Friday wind Varib. cloudy Weather, four men sawing boards, two making a beaver prefs, rest at Various Jobs, saw a few snow birds the first this season."

Apr. 6
" Saturday Wind NW warm pleasant Weather, men cuting fire Wood, at 1 AM the two English men returned back from Gordon House Hill river with 60 lbs of flour 6 pieces of pork and 4 of Beef produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 7
" Sunday wind and Weather the same as yesterday."

Apr. 8
" Monday Wind SW thawing weather, four men sawing plank the rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 9
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as before men employed the same."

Apr. 10
" Wednesday wind East with mild weather, men employed at Various Jobs. at 2 PM two Indians came to the House with 60 pound of dried moose meat, produce of nets 6 fish."

Apr. 11
" Thursday wind West dark Cloudy weather, sent three men to gather pitch, the rest at there former Jobs, the Indians that came yesterday set off to there tent."

Apr. 12
" Friday wind Southly pleasant mild weather, men employed as before. produce of nets 4 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 13
" Saturday wind as yesterday a hot day, the snow wasting fast away, men returned back from gathering pitch. at 3 PM two Indians arrived with 44 MB Skins, saw a Swan the first this season."

Apr. 14
" Sunday wind Varib. with sharp weather, the Indians that came yesterday traded and set off."

Apr. 15
" Monday wind SW hot sultry Weather, men employed at Various Jobs, at 1 PM two Indian Men came to the house with 36 pounds of moose meat 10 MB three drest moose Skins &c. 6 fish of sorts."

Apr. 16
" Tuesday wind and weather as yesterday, the Indians traded and set off, men employed at Various Jobs."

Apr. 17
" Wednesday wind and Weather as before, two men Sawing boats boards, rest employed at necefsary Jobs. produce of nets 5 fish."

Apr. 18
" Thursday wind NE sharp clear Weather, two men Sawing boats boards, three gathering pitch, rest at Various Jobs."

Apr. 19
" Friday wind West dark Cloudy Weather, set up the beaver prefs. three men gathering pitch, two sawg boats boards, rest at Various Jobs prduce of nets 4 fish."

Apr. 20
" Saturday Wind SE thick rimey weather, men employed as yesterday."

Apr. 21
" Sunday wind and weather as yesterday no ducks or geese seen as yet which is Very late for the season of the year."

Apr. 22
" Monday Wind East with a little snow falling, kill'd two deer a little distance from the house. produce of nets a 11 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 23
" Tuesday Wind Southly pleasant Weather, produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Apr. 24
" Wednesday wind north heavy dull weather, all hands employed falling palisades produce of nets 17 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 25
" Thursday wind Varib. warm Weather, men employed as yesterday, a Indian Man came to the house with 40 pounds of moose meat and 16 lbs of Beaver flesh, traded and set off to his famalie."

Apr. 26
" Friday Wind as yesterday a cold sharp day, men employed as before, at 6 PM two Indians Arrived with 84 pounds of dried moose meat and 42 beaver skins."

Apr. 27
" Saturday wind and weather as yesterday, men employed as before produce of nets 19 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 28
" Sunday wind North sharp clear Weather, the Indians traded and set off."

Apr. 29
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men falling palisades. produce of nets 17 fish of Sorts."

Apr. 30
" Tuesday wind SW a stiff breeze with cold weather, men employed as yesterday - at 4 PM a Indian man and his famalie came to the house with 20 lbs of beaver flesh 30 pounds of moose meat and 44 beaver Skins &c."

May 1 1799
" Wednesday wind northly a strong gale with drift and Severe bad weather, men at Various Jobs."

May 2
" Thursday Wind as yesterday with a heavy rime falling. men employed cuting down palisades, produce of nets 10 fish of sorts."

May 3
" Friday Wind west a light breeze with clear Weather. men employed as yesterday. a Indian Man brought the meat of a deer and 20 beaver Skins."

May 4
" Saturday wind SW a stiff breeze with clear Weather men employed as yesterday - traded with the Indian that came yesterday, produce of nets 15 fish of Sorts."

May 5
" Sunday wind Northly clear Weather, the Indians that traded yesterday set off to their tent."

May 6
" Monday wind and weather as yesterday, men falling palisades, a Indian woman came to the house with two geese and 20 pounds of dried moose meat - produce of nets 7 fish."

May 7
" Tuesday ind West a pleasant day, men employed as yesterday - a Indian man brought 18 pounds of dried moose meat, produce of nets 7 fish."

May 8
" Wednesday Wind Varib. with warm weather, men employed falling palisades, produce of nets 16 fish of Sorts. the Indian set off to his tent."

May 9
" Thursday wind and weather as yesterday, men employed as before produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

May 10
" Friday Wind as yesterday With clear weather. men employed the same as yesterday."

May 11
" Saturday Wind SW warm weather, men finished falling palisades, at 1 PM a Indian man and his wife came to the House brought 13 beaver skins &c. took up the nets from under the Ice 5 fish of sorts."

May 12
" Sunday wind northly dark cloudy weather with showers of rain and snow alternately. a Indian man and his wife came to the house with 22 geese 4 ducks and 15 beaver Skins &c."

May 13
" Monday wind and weather as yesterday, the men employed falling timber to build a store house off. produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

May 14
" Tuesday wind as yesterday with cold Weather, men employed as before, the Indians traded and set off to there Canoe building place - employed a Indian to hunt for the house."

May 15
" Wednesday wind Varib. clear Weather with hot, men employed as before, produce of nets 4 fish of Sorts."

May 16
" Thursday wind East cold raw Weather, men employed as yesterday. rec'd from the Indian that was hunting for the house four geese and six ducks."

May 17
" Friday wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed as before produce of nets 6 fish."

May 18
" Saturday wind westly hot sultry Weather, men Variously employed produce of nets 8 fish of Sorts."

May 19
" Sunday wind west a light breeze with sultry Weather, a Indian Man brought two beaver skins and forty pounds of beavers flesh to the house, traded and set off to his relations."

May 20
" Monday wind and Weather as yesterday. all hands employed packing furs, produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

May 21
" Tuesday Wind Northly hot weather, four men employed mending a Canoe. rest at Various Jobs. produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

May 22
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed as before. 4 fish."

May 23
" Thursday wind East a cold day with showers of Snow, four men employed repairing the chimneys, rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 17 fish of Sorts."

May 24
" Friday wind and weather as yesterday, men employed as before produce of nets 4 fish."

May 25
" Saturday Wind SE dark Cloudy Weather, four men employed in mending canoes. rest at Various Jobs produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

May 26
" Sunday Wind Varib. hot sultry Weather, part of the lake open produce of nets 11 fish of Sorts."

May 27
" Monday wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed pitching Canoes &c - produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

May 28
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed as before produce of nets 4 fish of Sorts."

May 29
" Wednesday Wind NW clear pleasant weather. at 9 AM three Canoes of english Men embarked for york Factory with 1600 MB. produce of nets 4 fish."

May 30
" Thursday Wind NE cold Weather, four Men employed at repairing the chimneys, at 4 PM five Canoes of Indians arrived at the house they brought 12 MB and 10 pounds of Castorum. produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

May 31
" Friday wind and Weather as yesterday. men employed as before. produce of nets 4 fish of Sorts."

June 1 1799
" Saturday wind East dark Cloudy weather with rain. finished repairing the chimneys. 7 fish of Sorts."

June 2
" Sunday Wind Varib. with showers of rain, a Indian man and his wife arrived with 6 geese &c."

June 3
" Monday wind East dark Cloudy Weather, men Variously employed. at 6 PM three Indian men arrived with 32 MB Skins 40 Geese &c - thunder and rain in the evening."

June 4
" Tuesday wind East hazy Weather, men Variously employed, traded with the Indians that came yesterday, produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

June 5
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men at Various Jobs, the Indians set off to thiere? relations. ? last of the Ice in the lake difsolved this day."

June 6
" Thursday Wind Northly dark Cloudy Weather, men at Various Jobs a Indian brought 6 geese, traded and set off to his tent mates."

June 7
" Friday Wind SW showers of rain and thunder alternately, men employed plastering the house. at 4 PM 7 Canoes of Bungee Indians arrived at the House with 450 MB Skins &c."

June 8
" Saturday Wind Varib. hot sultry Weather, traded with the Indians that came yesterday, at 3 PM they set off to thure? famalies. thunder nd rain in the evening."

June 9
" Sunday wind Eastly clear pleasant Weather, muskeetooes and Sand flys Very troublsome."

June 10
" Monday wind SE clear pleasant Weather, men employed at Various Jobs. at 9 AM nine Canoes of Indians arrived they brought 32 beaver Skins and six geese &c."

June 11
" Tuesday Wind & weather as yesterday, trusted the Ind. a Little? debt at 11 AM they left the house, men employed in clearing the plantation &c."

June 12
" Wednesday Wind East a strong breeze with dark cloudy Weather, men employed as yesterday."

June 13
" Thursday wind & weather as yesterday, men employed as before, set two nets."

June 14
" Friday wind as before with heavy showers of rain produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

June 15
" Saturday wind Varib. clear hot weather, men employed in packing of furs. at 10 AM a Indian man & his wife arrived with a 100 beaver Skins &c. traded and set off to his tent mates. produce of nets 18 fish of Sorts."

June 16
" Sunday Wind West a strong gale with cloudy Weather which continued all day."

June 17
" Monday Wind West a strong breeze with clear Weather. at 9 AM Mr Longmoor arrived from Swan river with five large Canoes. at 1 PM John Papley arrived with three Canoes from gordon House hill river, with Bundles of trading goods for Mr Tomison. a Indian man and his wife arrived with 10 beaver skins &c."

June 18
" Tuesday wind Varib. hot sultry Weather at 11 AM sent off four Canoes with 40 bundles of furs to gordon House. detained three of the swan river Canoes to carray down bundles of Furs for Mr Tomison. at 12 PM Mr Tomison arrived from the upper Country with six large boats & ten Canoes heavy loaded With Furs. produce of nets 2 fish of Sorts."

June 19
" Wednesday Wind West a gale with cloudy weather, a heavy swell on in the lake. Mr Tomisons men would not proceed for Wind. produce of nets 15 fish of Sorts."

June 20
" Thursday Wind & Weather the same as yesterday, produce of nets 13 fish of Sorts. in the evening Thunder & rain."

June 21
" Friday wind and Weather a little more moderate than yesterday. at two PM Mr Tomison dispatched eight Canoes loaded with furs to gordon House, the Latter part of this day Stowed away the remainder of the Bundles of furs - up Stairs. produce of nets 17 fish of Sorts."

June 22
" Saturday wind Eastly light airs with hot Sultry Weather. at four AM Mr Tomison embarked for Gordon House with six large Canoes loaded with furs. the spare hands that was left was employed clearing a place to lay the foundation of the new house on and hewing logs for Sleepers &c - produce of nets 14 fish of Sorts."

June 23
" Sunday wind west a pleasant day with clear Weather produce of nets 46 fish of Sorts."

June 24
" Monday wind Varib. hot sultry Weather, four men employed leveling the ground and laying the sleepers of the new house. the rest of spare hands employed of Timber &c. produce of nets 80 fish of Sorts, thunder and rain in the Evening."

June 25
" Tuesday wind NE dark Cloudy Weather With rain at 4 PM cleared up. the men employed at hewing of logs produce of nets 32 fish of Sorts."

June 26
" Wednesday Wind NW a stiff gale with clear Weather. six men employed at hewing of logs, seven men at rafting of Timber & Stockades. two attending the nets, rest at Various Jobs - produce of nets 37 fish of Sorts."

June 27
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday. set up the corner posts of the new House and laid the foundation 26 feet long by 16 broad - rest of spare hands employed rafting of Timber & Stockades &c. produce of nets 42 fish of Sorts."

June 28
" Friday Wind West a strong breeze With clear Weather. six men employed at house in building. seven men rafting home Timber and stockades. boat builder and one Man employed hewing of Oars - rest of spare hands at Various Jobs produce of nets 45 fish of Sorts."

June 29
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday men employed as before produce of nets 47 fish of sorts in the evening thunder and rain."

June 30
" Sunday Wind Varib. hot sultry Weather produce of nets 48 fish of Sorts."

July 1 1799
" Monday Wind SE dark cloudy Weather, seven men employed building at the new house, six men rafting timber and Stockades. the Boat Builder and one Man hewing and making Oars &c. at 4 PM four Canoes arrived from Gordon House with trading goods &c. Produce of nets 57 fish of Sorts."

July 2
" Tuesday Wind Varib. hot Sultry Weather Men employed as yesterday. the Men belonging to the Canoes repairing and pitching them to set off To Morrow - produce of Nets 56 fish of Sorts."

July 3
" Wednesday wind West light airs inclinable to rain - at 1/2 past 5 AM embarked four Canoes with 49 Bundles of furs, and sent Mefs Hallet and Sutherland down as pafsengers - to Gordon House - the Men Variously employed, produce of nets 59 fish of Sorts."

July 4
" Thursday Wind WNW a strong gale with clear Weather. Men Variously employed - at 8 PM two Indian Men brought the Meat of a Moose half dried 92 lbs and six Beaver Skins - produce of nets 37 fish of Sorts."

July 5
" Friday Wind Varib hot sultry Weather. early this Morning the Indians embarked and set off to their relations. Men employed at Various Jobs. at 2 PM Mefs Bird and Oman arrived With nine Canoes from Gordon House - loaded with trading goods and provisions for the men who returns Inland again &c. produce of nets 37 fish of Sorts."

July 6
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday the men belonging to the Canoes employed pitching and drying them. at 1 PM four Canoes Arrived from Gordon House and Mr Howse accompanies them as a pafsenger laid out seven Canoe Cargoes in furs for them to carray down to the rock - they are to embark on Monday iff Weather permits. 24 fish of Sorts."

July 7
" Sunday Wind Southly very hot sultry Weather. men employed about theire? canoes. at 6 PM Gilbert Laughton arrived from Gordon House - hill river With one Canoe, loaded With Sundrie articles of Stores - produce of nets 47 fish of Sorts."

July 8
" Monday Wind SW a light breeze with hot Sultry Weather - early this morning embarked seven Canoes with ninty Bundles of Furs for gordon House, the latter part of this day employed laying and Sorting out the boats and Canoes Cargoes - &c produce of nets 40 fish of Sorts."

July 9
" Tuesday wind Varib. hot sultry Weather. served the men out their provisions and any thing that they wished to have out of the books - at night some rain fell. produce of nets 16 fish of Sorts."

July 10
" Wednesday wind Eastly dark cloudy weather. at 4 AM two boats and six Canoes began to load - at 7 Mefs Bird and Isham and Howse embarked for the Sas-chawan river. at 2 PM it began to rain and thunder. Produce of nets 60 fish of Sorts."

July 11
" Thursday Wind NW a Strong breeze with cloudy Weather. the Boat builder employed at making of oars. four Men building at the new house - two attending the Nets - rest at Various Jobs. produce of nets 34 fish of Sorts."

July 12
" Friday Wind NW a Strong gale with dark Cloudy Weather. men employed at the house. produce of nets 55 fish of Sorts."

July 13
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday men Variously employed produce of nets 37 fish of Sorts."

July 14
" Sunday wind Varib. hot sultry Weather. at 10 AM John Paplay arrived from gordon House with four large Canoes loaded with trading goods - &c produce of nets 40 fish of sorts."

July 15
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday men Variously employed. produce of nets 37 fish of Sorts."

July 16
" Tuesday wind and Weather as before at 5 AM embarked four large Canoes with 55 Bundles of furs for gordon House it being the last of the furs that was brought down the Saskachewan by Mr Tomison. the spare hands was employed the latter part of this day in roofing part of the new house at 6 PM a Indian Man and his Wife arrived with 70 lbs of dried moose meat produce of nets 63 fish of Sorts."

July 17
" Wednesday Wind Southly hot sultry Weather men employed as yesterday. the Indian that came yesterday - embarked early this morning for his friends. produce of nets 27 fish of Sorts."

July 18
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday. finished roofing the store house. four men employed at packing of Trading Goods &c. boat builder finished making of Oars for the boats. every thing is in readinefs for the boats to embark the first Opportunity. produce of nets 18 fish of Sorts."

July 19
" Friday Wind West a light breeze with hot sultry Weather Men Variously employed - produce of nets 17 fish of Sorts."

July 20
" Saturday Wind NE dark Cloudy Weather. at 8 PM Mr William Tomison arrived from Gordon House hill river with one Canoe. produce of nets 6 fish of sorts."

July 21
" Sunday Wind Eastly heavy dull Weather with rain Which continued alternately the Whole day. five Canoes arrived from Gordon House with trading goods and provisions for the boats &c produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

July 22
" Monday Wind Varib. clear pleasent Weather, served the men out theire provisions and any other thing that they Wanted out of the Ware house. put out the Boats Cargoes - &c produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

July 23
" Tuesday Wind SE a moderate breeze with hot sultry Weather. at 7 AM two boats Embarked for the Saskachewan river and two Canoes accompanied the boats as far as Jack river to fetch the men and remainder of trading goods to this Settlement. produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

July 24
" Wednesday Wind Varib. with showers of rain and thunder. made ? ? of the remainder of trading goods and took stock of Oxford House ware house produce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

July 25
" Thursday wind Varib. dark cloudy weather with showers of rain. at 5 AM Mr William Tomison embarked for york Factory With four large Canoes. produce of nets 10 fish of sorts."

July 26
" Friday Wind and weather as yesterday. three men employed cuting grafs. one man attending the nets, 9 fish of sorts."

July 27
" Saturday Wind and Weather as before, Men employed as yesterday."

July 28
" Sunday Wind southly Very hot sultry Weather, produce of nets 29 fish of sorts."

July 29
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday, sent four men to take pine bark to cover the store house With. prouce of nets 7 fish of Sorts."

July 30
" Tuesday Wind West a strong gale with clear Weather, men employed as before produce of nets 6 fish of sorts."

July 31
" Wednesday Wind Eastly dark Cloudy Weather, men employ'd as before - produce of nets a 11 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 1 1799
" Thursday Wind Varib. hot sultry Weather, produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 2
" Friday Wind SW a light breeze with clear Weather at 6 PM the men returned back from taking pine bark with 300 pices, produce of nets 7 fish of sorts."

Aug. 3
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men employed cuting of grafs - and bringing it to the house. a Indian Man and his Wife arrived from Gordon House."

Aug. 4
" Sunday Wind Varib. Very hot sultry Weather, at 5 PM two Indians arrived with 46 lbs of dried moose meat 40 lbs of beat meat and 10 MB. at 6 PM a heavy storm of Thunder with Some rain. produce of nets 6 fish."

Aug. 5
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday. men employed the first part of this day in mending the roof of the house - produce of nets 10 fish of Sorts."

Aug. 6
" Tuesday Wind NE mild pleasant Weather, at 6 AM Mr Oman arrived from Jack river with the remains of trading goods belonging to that Settlement, men employed as yesterday. produce of nets a 11 fish of Sorts. - the Indians left the house and Went a hunting."

Aug. 7
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday, men Variously employed, at 1 PM a Indian man and his Wife arrived with 160 lbs of dried moose flesh, traded and set of to theier? friends. produce of nets 6 fish of Sorts."

" Errors Excepted
William Sinclair"

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