This is a virtually complete transcription of the Manchester House Journal 1788-89 by Alex Nicol.

" A Journal of the most remarkable Transactions and Occurrences at Hudson House by James Tate & also the Pafsage up from York Factory to Manchester House & from thence to York Factory kept by Mr William Tomison Chief"

" A Journal containing the Transactions of James Tate at Hudson House, as also of the pafsage up from York Factory to Manchester House and from hence to York Factory by William Tomison factor for the Honble Hudson Bay Company."
[Title page]

May 24 1788
" Saturday Wind Variable from NNW to NE by E with Cloudy weather and rain at times till 11 AM then Clear weather. this day Mr Tomison embarked 11 Canoes and 29 men loaded with furrs and provisions for Cumberland House. he has left to stay here during the Summer 6 Men. Viz: James Tate Master and 3 men more to stay at the House and 2 men to take Care of the Horses. Employed cleaning the House and putting things in order."

May 25
" Sunday Wind Northerly and clear fine weather."

May 26
" Monday Wind North a stiff Breeze part Cloudy part Clear with small showers of rain at times. People employed clearing the Garden and sowed some Cabbage Seeds."

May 27
" Tuesday Wind SW a stiff Breeze. digging and Clearing the Garden and sowed all our Turnip Seeds. a man came home from the Horse Tent and immediately returned. 7 Horses lost."

May 28
" Wednesday Wind SW with small showers of rain at times till 4 PM then Wind WNW and Clear weather. Employed in the Garden and Cleaning the Yard."

May 29
" Thursday Wind NNW a stiff Breeze with Clear hot weather. employed mending an old Canoe. the Boat being too heavy to go to and from in the River with."

May 30
" Friday Wind Southerly a stiff Breeze with Clear weather. Employed in Sundry Duties."

May 31
" Saturday Wind Easterly with Continual Rain from 3 PM."

June 1 1788
" Sunday Wind Easterly with rain all last night and all this day."

June 2
" Monday Wind SE with fine Clear weather: this Morning James Tate and Andrew Flett went a hunting as all our green meat is done. Employed at home in draining the water off the Garden."

June 3
" Tuesday Wind NE with Continual showers of small rain. Cleaned the Victual Shed."

June 4
" Wednesday Wind Northerly with Clear weather. James Tate and Andrew Flett came from Hunting. James Tate has killed and brought the most part of 2 Bulls and 1 Cow."

June 5
" Thursday Wind Variable from NE to SSW with Clear weather till 4 PM then heavy rain with Thunder."

June 6
" Friday Wind SE with fine Clear weather. Looking out for and taking Pine bark."

June 7
" Saturday Wind SW a stiff Breeze with clear weather employed in taking Pine Bark."

June 8
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday."

June 9
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. employed getting small sticks for the roof of the House in place of some that is decayed and putting Stockades up in the place of 2 that the dogs has cut through."

June 10
" Tuesday Wind WSW a stiff Breeze with clear weather. employed repairing the roof of the House. in the Evening the Hunter came got a little Ammunition and immediately went back. a great flush of water in the river."

June 11
" Wednesday Wind SSE with clear weather 'till 3 PM then heavy showers of rain. finished repairing the roof."

June 12
" Thursday Wind WSW with clear weather 'till 11 AM then heavy rain and Gales of wind all the rest of the day. cleaned the Garden of Rubbish & burned it."

June 13
" Friday Wind Southerly with fine Clear weather."

June 14
" Saturday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. in the Evening a Young Indian brought 2 Strings of flesh."

June 15
" Sunday Wind WNW a stiff Gale with heavy showers of rain till 9 AM then calm and Clear."

June 16
" Monday Wind Variable from NE by E to N by W with Cloudy weather. about 4 PM 14 Tents of Southward Indians came in with little or nothing. 10 Tents of them belongs to the South Branch and came here to be ferryed over the River. Traded some Liquor for a few Beaver Skins and some Victuals."

June 17
" Tuesday Wind SE by E with clear weather. in the afternoon 3 Tents of the Indians crofsed the River."

June 18
" Wednesday Wind WSW with clear weather. about 3 AM some of the Indians informed us they saw some Horses crofsed over the River just above us which they thought belonged to us. we immediately crofsed the River after them and recovered them. Sent a man to the Horse Tent with them there to stay and help to take care of them. crofsed the rest of the Indians that is going to the South Branch. 4 Tents of Indians on the Plantation. these are going to Summer here."

June 19
" Thursday Wind Variable from ENE to W by S the weather part Clear part Cloudy and in the Evening showers of rain with Thunder and Lightning. about 12 AM the Indians pitched away."

June 20
" Friday Wind WNW with clear weather. the man that was sent to the Horse Tent came home and James Tate and 1 man went a hunting."

June 21
" Saturday Wind Variable from NNW to WNW with Cloudy weather and at times showers of rain. in the Evening James Tate and the man that was with him came home with a Goat having been above 40 Miles away and seen nothing else the Indians having drove all the Cattle off the Ground."

June 22
" Sunday Wind Variable from NNE to NE by E with clear weather."

June 23
" Monday Wind NE by N a stiff Breeze with clear weather."

June 24
" Tuesday Wind NE with Clear weather. 2 men out taking Care of the Horses. James Tate killed 1 Moose."

June 25
" Wednesday Wind WSW till 2 PM then NE by E with Clear weather. employed Cleaning the boat."

June 26
" Thursday Wind SW with Clear weather till 4 PM then heavy Showers of rain. in the afternoon James Tate and 1 man went off to the Barren Ground a hunting."

June 27
" Friday Wind SW with Clear weather small showers of rain in the Evening."

June 28
" Saturday Wind WSW with clear weather till 3 PM then heavy showers of rain with Thunder."

June 29
" Sunday Wind W by S till 11 AM then NE by N with clear hot weather."

June 30
" Monday Wind ESE with heavy showers of rain 'till 10 AM then Clear weather. this Morning James Tate and 1 man returned with the flesh of 3 Red Deer having been upwards off 50 Miles off and seen no Buffalo."

July 1 1788
" Tuesday All last Night and this Morning heavy showers of rain with the wind at ENE till 11 AM then the wind SE by E a stiff Breeze and Clear weather. employed digging the Garden and transplanting some Cabbages."

July 2
" Wednesday Wind Westerly with Clear weather at times showers of rain. transplanted a few more Cabbages."

July 3
" Thursday Wind SW by W with Clear weather."

July 4
" Friday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. a great flush of water in the River. it having rose above 3 feet perpendicular since sun rise."

July 5
" Saturday Wind SSE with Clear weather."

July 6
" Sunday Wind SSW with clear hot weather. in the Evening Mr William Walker and a Canadian arrived here."

July 7
" Monday Wind WSW a stiff Gale and clear weather. at 9 AM Mr Walker and the Canadian sett off for the South Branch."

July 8
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday."

July 9
" Wednesday Wind ESE with Clear weather."

July 10
" Thursday Wind NE by N with clear weather."

July 11
" Friday Wind E by N a stiff Breeze with clear hot weather."

July 12
" Saturday Wind Easterly and clear weather. in the Evening Seven Young men Stone Indians came in for Tobacco but they returned without it there being none to give them."

July 13
" Sunday Wind SSW with clear hot weather."

July 14
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Sent 2 men off to go and see if there is any Buffalo within about 40 Miles of us."

July 15
" Tuesday Wind NE by N with Cloudy weather and heavy showers of rain in the afternoon the 2 men returned having seen no Buffalo."

July 16
" Wednesday Wind NE with pleasant weather. a very great flush of water in the river it having rose since Yesterday Morning upwards of 12 feet. in the afternoon James Tate and 1 man sett off a hunting."

July 17
" Thursday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. in the afternoon James Tate and 1 man came home with 1 Old and 1 Young Red Deer."

July 18
" Friday Wind E by N and Clear weather."

July 19
" Saturday Wind ESE and Clear weather."

July 20
" Sunday All last Night very heavy Thunder Lightning, Rain and Wind this day. Wind SSE and clear weather with showers of rain in the afternoon James Tate and 1 man sett of a hunting."

July 21
" Monday Wind NW and Clear weather. in the afternoon 7 Stone Indians came brought a little Victuals."

July 22
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Several Stone Indians came with dried Provisions."

July 23
" Wednesday Wind SSW with clear weather in the afternoon a shower of rain with Thunder. traded with the Indians and put them acrofs at Sun set. 1 man came from the Horse Tent with information that 14 Horses is stolen away by the Stone Indians besides several of 1 Year old and Foals."

July 24
" Thursday Wind WSW and clear weather. early this Morning James Tate and 1 man sett off to try to recover some of the Stolen horses. this Morning 3 of the Horses that was stole came to the Tent with Lines tied in their Mouths. it is supposed they broke loose from the rascals that stole them as they were crofsing them over the river."

July 25
" Friday Wind SW and Clear weather. about 8 AM James Tate and 1 man came home having been off about 36 Miles but without effect. having seen nothing of them. Sent 2 men away to the Horse Tent to help to remove the Horses to another place."

July 26
" Saturday Wind SW and Clear weather."

July 27
" Sunday Wind Easterly with Cloudy weather."

July 28
" Monday Wind W by S and fine weather 'till 11 AM then heavy rain with Thunder and Lightning. the 2 men came home from the Horse Tent with the news of 1 old Mare and 5 of 1 Year old and Foals came of their own accord Yesterday morning to the Tent."

July 29
" Tuesday Wind NE by E and Clear weather."

July 30
" Wednesday Wind SSW and Clear weather."

July 31
" Thursday Wind West and Clear weather."

Aug. 1 1788
" Friday Wind NNE and fine weather."

Aug. 2
" Saturday Wind ENE and Cloudy weather."

Aug. 3
" Sunday Wind NE by E and Clear weather."

Aug. 4
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday."

Aug. 5
" Tuesday Wind SE and hazy weather."

Aug. 6
" Wednesday Wind Variable from SE to S by W with heavy showers of rain Thunder and Lightning."

Aug. 7
" Thursday Wind South and fine Clear weather."

Aug. 8
" Friday Wind Westerly and Clear weather."

Aug. 9
" Saturday Wind NNW and showers of small rain."

Aug. 10
" Sunday Wind SSE and Cloudy weather. in the afternoon 3 Indian Young men came to the House for men to fetch flesh."

Aug. 11
" Monday Wind Easterly with heavy showers of rain all this day. sent 2 men with 5 Horses away to fetch flesh with the Indians."

Aug. 12
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday."

Aug. 13
" Wednesday Wind SW by W at times showers of rain. this Morning 2 Indians came with a little Victuals which they immediately traded and went away."

Aug. 14
" Thursday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. the 2 men arrived with 2 Horse Loads of Red Deer and Moose flesh."

Aug. 15
" Friday Wind SSW several Indians came but immediately went away. they having nothing with them nor has done any good the whole Summer."

Aug. 16
" Saturday Wind SSW and Clear weather."

Aug. 17
" Sunday Wind NE by E and Cloudy weather. In the Evening an Indian man came and wanted to be crofsed over the River. which we immediately did."

Aug. 18
" Monday Wind Southerly and clear weather. Sent 2 men to see if there was any Buffalo within about 40 Miles of the House."

Aug. 19
" Tuesday Wind NNW with clear weather."

Aug. 20
" Wednesday Wind ESE in the Morning thick fog about 8 AM Cleared then fine weather."

Aug. 21
" Thursday Wind West and Clear weather."

Aug. 22
" Friday Wind West and Cloudy weather at times showers of rain about 1 PM the 2 men came home with the flesh of 1 Cow."

Aug. 23
" Saturday Wind WSW and fine clear weather. Sent 2 men away to the Horse Tent to help to remove the Horses to their old Ground."

Aug. 24
" Sunday Wind NNW in the evening a heavy shower of rain afterwards clear weather. in the afternoon the 2 men came home that went to remove the Horses."

Aug. 25
" Monday Wind South and clear weather. James Tate and 2 men sett off to hunt Buffalo."

Aug. 26
" Tuesday Wind NE with clear weather."

Aug. 27
" Wednesday Wind Easterly this Morning heavy rain with Thunder till 6 AM then clear weather. James Tate and 2 men came home with the best part of 2 Bulls."

Aug. 28
" Thursday Wind S by W with cloudy weather at times showers of rain."

Aug. 29
" Friday Wind SW by W with clear weather. employed repairing the Mens Chimney."

Aug. 30
" Saturday Wind SW by W all last Night and this Morning heavy rain with Lightning and Loud Claps of Thunder."

Aug. 31
" Sunday Wind WNW with fine Clear weather. in the afternoon 1 Indian man and his wife arrived but brought nothing."

Sept. 1 1788
" Monday Wind West and clear weather. employed in getting Pitch."

Sept. 2
" Tuesday Wind NE and clear weather. Sent 2 English and 1 man, an Indian a hunting."

Sept. 3
" Wednesday Wind NNE with cloudy weather and heavy rain till 4 PM then clear weather."

Sept. 4
" Thursday Wind WSW in the morning thick fog 'till 7 AM then clear weather. at 7 PM 4 Indians arrived here brought 10 Beaver, a very small Quantity of Provisions all which they traded for Liquor."

Sept. 5
" Friday Wind SW and clear weather. this morning the Indians went away."

Sept. 6
" Saturday Wind SSW and Cloudy weather."

Sept. 7
" Sunday Wind NNE a fresh Breeze. at 11 AM the 2 English and 1 Indian man arrived here with the flesh of 2 good Cows."

Sept. 8
" Monday Wind SW with fine Clear weather. Sent 2 men to gather Pitch."

Sept. 9
" Tuesday Wind NNE and clear weather in the Evening the 2 men that went for Pitch returned with about 7 Gallons."

Sept. 10
" Wednesday Wind ESE with Cloudy weather and at times showers of rain with much Thunder. in the afternoon and old Indian man came for a Supply of Ammunition and Tobacco."

Sept. 11
" Thursday Wind W by S with dark Cloudy weather. about 8 AM 4 Swampy Ground Stone Indians Young men came but brought nothing. that. and their informing us first they belong to one band of Indians and the next Minute another band. makes us suspect they are come to steal Horses. I sent 3 men away to help take care of the Horses. in the afternoon I crofsed the Stone Indians over the River."

Sept. 12
" Friday Wind SW by W clear weather. about 10 AM sent an Indian man with 2 of the men that was at the Horse Tent away a hunting."

Sept. 13
" Saturday Wind WNW a hard Gale and clear weather 'till 6 PM then dark Cloudy weather in the Evening heavy showers of rain."

Sept. 14
" Sunday Wind NNE a stiff Gale and cloudy weather. in the Evening heavy showers of rain."

Sept. 15
" Monday Wind as Yesterday with fine clear weather. 1 man came from the Horse Tent to stay at the House. employed washing the boat and cleaning the Yard."

Sept. 16
" Tuesday Wind due West and fine Clear weather."

Sept. 17
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. about 2 PM the 2 men and the Indian man returned from Hunting with 6 Horses loaded with Cows flesh. also 1 Tent of Southward Indians arrived but brought nothing."

Sept. 18
" Thursday Wind NE by N with cold dark cloudy weather. in the Evening 5 Canadians arrived here in a Canoe."

Sept. 19
" Friday Wind SE with thick fog. at 8 AM it cleared and fine weather. Arrived here Canoes and Men from Cumberland House. all well."

" A Journal of Occurrences and Transactions from July 22nd 1788 to July 2d 1789 by Mr William Tomison."

July 22 1788
" Tuesday Wind Variable in the North Quarter with a smart shower of rain in the morning afterwards clear fine weather. at 10 AM took my leave of Mr Joseph Colen and Embarked with 12 English and 1 Indian Canoe for the Inland Settlements. Paddled till 1 PM afterwards tracked till 7 PM then put up 8 miles below Penne-cutawy River. myself still much out of order with a severe Cough and sore Throat which has Continued above 3 Weeks past and have had no relief."
[In the margin " Course S by W 20 Miles Distance]

July 23
" Wednesday Wind Northerly a fresh gale weather part Clear part Cloudy. at 1/2 past 3 AM we embarked and tracked 'till 7 PM then put up a little below Steel River."
[In the margin " Course South Distance 25 Miles."]

July 24
" Thursday Wind Westerly a small Breeze weather as Yesterday. at 4 AM we embarked tracked till a 1/2 past 5 then entered Steel River and tracked 'till a 1/2 past 6 PM then put up."
[In the margin " Course SW by W Distance 27 Miles."]

July 25
" Friday Wind as Yesterday weather Cloudy with rain at noon. at 4 AM we embarked, tracked till a half past 12 the obliged to put up for the rain 5 Miles up Chaketanaw River. Came up with 3 Indian Canoes that went away before us.
[In the margin " Course WSW 13 M" and "S by E 5 M"]

July 26
" Saturday Wind Variable from SW to West fresh Breezes weather part Cloudy part Clear. at 4 AM we proceeded and tracked till a 1/2 past 6 PM then put up. Came up with 2 more Indian Canoes that went off with our people. had 4 Buck Deer from the Indians which was very acceptable."
[" Course S by W 25 M very strong rapid Current"]

July 27
" Sunday Wind WNW a fresh Breeze first part Cloudy latter part Clear weather. at 5 AM we Embarked and tracked 'till 6 PM then put up."
[" Course WSW 20 Miles"]

July 28
" Monday Wind Westerly a small Beeze with clear fine weather. at 4 AM sent 6 Canoes ahead so that we should not encumber one another on the Carrying and handing places. at 5 the rest with myself embarked. and paddled. handed. and Carryed till 5 PM then put up a little below the hill. here we found James Spence Junior waiting for us on account of James Oman being bad of a sore Breast which by account proceeds from a fall from a Horse last Summer. this he has Concealed 'till 3 days ago altho I asked him at York Factory if he ever had any hurt in his Breast but he said no. had I known this he should not embarked as it gives me much Trouble at present."
[" Course SW 14 M falls and rappids with Carrying places"]

July 29
" Tuesday Wind SW a fresh Gale weather cloudy 'till noon afterwards broke out heavy rain could not proceed. James Oman still ailing as also myself."

July 30
" Wednesday Wind Variable from SW to WNW a fresh Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. at a 1/2 past 4 AM we embarked Paddled handed and Carryed till 8 PM then put up. Sent Edward Wishart and 5 Canoes more ahead so that we may not encumber one another on the Carrying places. I would have willingly reurned James Oman this Morning but as it could not be done without much inconvenience I have therefore engaged a Young Indian to help him up."
[" Course SW 12 M all Broken Road with falls, strong Current and Carrying places."]

July 31
" Thursday Wind Variable from SE to WSW a strong Gale weather for the most part Cloudy and rained a little in the forenoon. at 4 AM we embarked Paddled handed and Carryed till noon then put up on the swampy Carrying place to wait for a Canoe that was broke which detained us all the remaining part of the day."
[" Course SW 6 M"]

Aug. 1 1788
" Friday Wind WSW a stiff Gale for the most part Cloudy and heavy showers of rain at times. at 4 AM we proceeded paddled handed and Carried till 7 PM then put up all wet with rain and much fatigued with working against wind and Current."
[" Course SW 12 M"]

Aug. 2
" Saturday Wind Westerly a moderate Breeze till 8 AM afterwards blowed a strong Gale with clear weather. at 4 AM we embarked Paddled and handed at times 'till 8 AM then put up in the Swampy Lake to pitch and dry our Canoes as it blowed too hard for proceeding any farther. several showers of rain towards Evening."
[" Course SW 4 M in the River - WSW 4 M in the Lake"]

Aug. 3
" Sunday Wind NW a fresh Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. at a 1/2 past 3 AM we embarked Paddled handed and Carried 'till a 1/2 past 5 PM then put at the Entrance of Maskeehewan Lake. at this place we laid up what spare Provisions we had on our Journey down. but to our great disappointment lost the whole by a bear breaking up the Vaults and carrying off the whole which will make us live poorly."
[" Course WSW 6 M - SW 10 M Jack River"]

Aug. 4
" Monday Wind Northerly a small breeze with clear weather. at a 1/2 past 3 AM we embarked and sailed at times till 8 PM then put up 4 miles short of the Trout fall."
[" Course W by S 23 M - South 10 M - SW by S 8 M - WSW 10 M Maskeehewan Lake"]

Aug. 5
" Tuesday Wind NE a fresh breeze weather as Yesterday. at 1/2 past 3 AM we embarked Paddled handed and Carried till 6 PM then put up at the Entrance of Pethe Paw Wennepaw Lake. 3 Canoes gone ahead."
[" Course W by N 4 M Lake - NNW 10 M - North 4 M Trout River."]

Aug. 6
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. at 4 AM we embarked Paddled and Sailed at times 'till 8 PM then put up in Grafs River. 5 Canoes of Indians behind. we have gone along way to day. Crofsed Pethe-Paw-Wennepee Lake. went through the croked River and crofsed the round Lake."

Aug. 7
" Thursday Wind ENE a fresh Breeze with clear weather. at 4 AM we proceeded through Grafs River. crofsed the Side Pine Lake Carryed over the Hill Carrying place and crofsed the Hill Lake and at 7 PM put up and got all over the White fall Carrying place. served to each mefs 1 Quart of Brandy as it has been a hard days Labour."
[" Course Grafs River W by S 4 M - SW by S 6 M - NNE 1 M - WSW 7 M Side Pine Lake - SW by S 5 M - SW 8 M hill Lake."]

Aug. 8
" Friday Wind E by N a fresh Breeze with clear weather. at 4 AM we embarked Paddled and sailed 'till 8 PM then put up at the lower end of Eachewemames River. the 5 Canoes of Indians still behind."
[" Course SW 10 M White fall Lake - W by S 12 M upper end of Eachewemames - West 36 M the lower end"]

Aug. 9
" Saturday Wind ESE weather as Yesterday. at a half past 3 AM we proceeded and Paddled 'till noon then came to 3 Tents of Indians where we put up to wait for some Moose flesh they were bringing. traded 800 Weight of Green and half Dried Moose flesh for Ammunition and Brandy."
[" Course West 6 M - SW by W 12 Miles Sea River"]

Aug. 10
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. at 5 AM we embarked Paddled and Sailed till noon up the sea River. then came to one Tent of Indians from whom I traded 200 lbs of different Sorts of Provisions for Brandy Tobacco and Ammunition also 20 made Beaver in furrs."
[" Course SW 20 M Sea River - SW by S 6 Miles Crofs Lake."]

Aug. 11
" Monday Wind Variable all round the Compafs with clear hot weather. at 4 AM we embarked and paddled till 4 PM then put up t the Entrance of the Great Lake to wait for the Indians that are behind."
[" Course SW 12 M Pike River - SW 3 M - South 14 M Buskescagan or the Rendvous Lake."]

Aug. 12
" Tuesday Wind Variable in the south Quarter fresh gales with clear weather. did not proceed as the Indians did not come up till the Evening at 5 PM 2 tents of Indians came to us from the west part of the Rendezvous Lake from these I traded 300 lbs of Moose flesh. part dried and part half dried also 30 Made Beaver in whole and half parchment and some Shoe Leather."

Aug. 13
" Wednesday Wind South a small Breeze with clear hot weather. at 5 AM we embarked and paddled hard till 7 PM then put up."
[" Course from the Entrance of the Lake to the Mofsy Point W by N 7 M turning the Pt for 2 M N by W then West 36 M."]

Aug. 14
" Thursday Wind Southerly with a moderate Breeze 'till noon afterwards blowed a very stiff Gale. at a half past 3 AM we embarked and Paddled 'till Ten as the wind and Swell began to rise."
[" Course W by S 18 Miles"]

Aug. 15
" Friday Wind SE a strong Gale with clear weather could not proceed."

Aug. 16
" Saturday Wind Northerly a fresh Breeze and part Cloudy part Clear. at 4 AM we embarked Paddled and sailed at times till 8 PM then arrived at the Long Carrying Place where we unloaded and got a small part of the Goods up the bank then put up at a 1/2 past 9 PM."
[" Courses. the first Point from the long Point S by W 12 Miles. to the 2nd Point 8 M. 3rd Point 4 M. 4th Point 2 M. 5th Point 12 M. 6th Point 5. then out of the Great Lake."]

Aug. 17
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. at 3 AM we began to carry and at 6 PM Edward Wishart George Rofs and myself got all acrofs to the water Side safe. the other Canoes did not. the Indians also got all over. I gave them a good drink with some Tobacco as they have been very careful of the goods. several of the Young hands have been of little use on this Carrying Place and all for want of ambition."

Aug. 18
" Monday Wind Variable fresh breezes with clear weather. at 10 AM the rest of the men got all over safe thank god. gave each 3 men 1 Quart of Brandy. and at 2 PM George Rofs and myself proceeded to the Carrying place above the fall. Carryed over then put up as also did the Indians."
[" Course West Distance 8 Miles"]

Aug. 19
" Tuesday Wind SE a fresh Breeze first part Clear latter part Cloudy and inclinable to rain. at 4 AM we embarked Paddled handed and Carryed 'till 5 PM then put up at the Entrance of the Cedar Lake."
[" Course NW 15 M."]

Aug. 20
" Wednesday Wind variable almost Calm with clear weather. at 4 AM we embarked and paddled 'till 5 PM then put up having got out of the Cedar Lake. here we found 1 Tent of Indians from which I traded 200 lbs of Provisions for Brandy and Ammunition."
[" Course from the Narrow of the Cedar Lake to the Long Point WSW 20 M. from the Long Point to the first Branch of the River NW 30 M."]

Aug. 21
" Thursday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. at 3 AM we embarked and paddled till 8 PM then put up at the burned woods here we found another Tent of Indians from which I traded 120 lbs of Provisions and some Shoe Leather for Brandy."
[" Course NW 20 M Saskachewan River."]

Aug. 22
" Friday Wind Variable from West to South fresh Breezes first part Clear latter part Cloudy and inclinable to rain. at 4 AM we embarked and paddled till 7 PM then put up twelve? Miles below U Basqueau."
[" Course NW Distance 28 Miles"]

Aug. 23
" Saturday Wind in the South Quarter fresh Gales with heavy rain and Thunder at times. at 10 AM we embarked and 8 PM put up at U Basqueau thundered and rained very much in the night."
[" Course NW 12 M."]

Aug. 24
" Sunday Wind Variable from South to WNW fresh breezes weather part Cloudy part Clear with rain at noon. at 4 AM we embarked and Paddled 'till 5 PM then put up to dry our Tents and Covering."
[" Course NNW Distance 18 Miles"]

Aug. 25
" Monday Wind SW a fresh Breeze with clear weather. at 4 AM we proceeded and paddled hard till 6 PM then put up half way between the fishing wire and the little River below Cumberland House."
[" Course NW Distance 24 Miles"]

Aug. 26
" Tuesday Wind WNW a fresh Breeze weather part Coudy part Clear. at 3 AM we embarked and Paddled hard till noon then arrived safe at Cumberland House where we found all well thank god. the small stock of goods remaining at this place has been the cause of no Indians Coming here this Summer except those few belonging to the Place. so that the stock of Provisions is but very small for the Number of men. Mitchell Oman and the Party under his Care arrived on the 23rd Instant all well. he traded upwards of 100 made Beaver in furrs at the Cedar Lake and some Provisions. part of which he brought here."

[No entries]

Sept. 6 1788
" Saturday Wind SE a fresh Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. at 6 AM embarked 6 Canoes for the South Branch House and Eleven for Manchester House manned with 31 Men. myself included. The 5 Canadians also embarked in their own Canoe. I have left the following Persons at Cumberland House. Malcolm Rofs in charge of the House and Goods. Charles the Canadian, Thomas Robertson, John Kirknefs, James Flatt Junior ailing of the Venereal Complaint and Hugh Bakey of a Complaint in his Legs. John Irvin Senior and John Ballanden with one or two more who afsists in helping to get the Canoes up and then they are to return to Cumberland House this fall to fall and hew stuff for Building. at 1/2 past 6 PM put up."
[" Course WNW Distance 25 Miles"]

Sept. 7
" Sunday Wind NW a strong Gale with flying Showers of rain at times. at 1/2 past 5 AM we embarked and Paddled till Eleven AM then put ashore not being able to go against Wind and Current."
[" Course West Distance 12 Miles"]

Sept. 8
" Monday Wind ESE a small Breeze with clear weather. at 5 AM we embarked. Paddled and sett with Poles 'till 6 PM then put up little short of the first tracking Ground."
[" Course WSW Distance 25 Miles"]

Sept. 9
" Tuesday Wind SW a fresh Breeze with clear hot weather. at 5 AM we embarked. Paddled 'till Seven then put out our Lines and tracked till 11. afterwards Paddled and sett with poles 'till 7 PM then put up."
[" Course West 10 M. WNW 15 M."]

Sept. 10
" Wednesday Wind ENE a small Breeze and thick foggy weather with small Rain. at 5 AM we Embarked. Paddled and sett with Poles 'till 5 PM then put up to Pitch the Canoes and dry our Covering."
[" Course W by N 10 M. West 15 M."]

Sept. 11
" Thursday Wind Variable fresh Breezes weather as Yesterday 'till noon. afterwards clear. at 1/2 past 5 AM we Embarked and tracked till 5 PM then put up opposite to 4 tents of Indians from which I traded 3 days Provisions for all hands and got 90 made Beaver in whole and half Parchment. these inform us that the Southward Indians are all taken to the woods on account of what happened last Spring and a scuffle? that has been between the fall Indians and some Southward Indians by which 5 of the former and 1 of the latter has been killed. how true this may be time will only prove."
[" Course W by S Distance 20 Miles"]

Sept. 12
" Friday Wind SE a stiff gale with clear weather. at noon we Embarked and tracked till a 1/2 past 7 PM then put up."
[" Course SW 15 M."]

Sept. 13
" Saturday Wind Easterly a small Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. at 5 AM we Embarked and tracked 'till a 1/2 past 6 PM then put up one of the Young hands not able to walk. nothing but mere Necefsity induced me to take some of them from York Factory knowing them to be unfit for the Journey."
[" Course West 6 M. WSW 14 M"]

Sept. 14
" Sunday Wind NW a fresh Gale with flying Clouds had a smart Rain in the Night attended with Thunder and Lightning at 6 AM we embarked and tracked till 7 PM then put up a little below the Branch."
[" Course WNW Distance 25 Miles"]

Sept. 15
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. at a half past 5 AM we proceeded and at 7 came to the Branch at noon proceeded with 6 Canoes for that Settlement and sent the other Eleven for Hudson House under the? Care of the Steersmen we tracked till 7 PM then put up. received a letter from Mr Walker. Sent by an Indian to meet us with some Provisions."
[" North Branch Course West 15 M"]

Sept. 16
" Tuesday Wind NW a stiff Breeze with clear hot weather. at 5 AM we proceeded and tracked 'till a 1/2 past 7 PM then put up."
[" North Branch WSW 20 Miles"]

Sept. 17
" Wednesday Wind SW a small Breeze with very warm weather. at 5 AM we Embarked and tracked 'till a 1/2 past 8 PM then arrived safe with 3 Canoes where I found Mr Walker and those with him all well thank God. the other 3 Canoes being Leaky were obliged to put ashore to Pitch."
[" North Branch Course West Distance 20 Miles"]

Sept. 18
" Thursday Wind Northerly a small Breeze weather part Clear part Cloudy. at 7 AM the other 3 Canoes arrived safe thank God. Mr Walker and myself opening the packages found all agree with my account and every thing in good Condition."
[" North Branch Course West 10 M SW 10 M"]

Sept. 19
" Friday Wind Variable between SW and West fresh Breezes with fine weather. at 6 AM Set out for Hudson House accompanyed by 4 men and arrived at Hudsons House at a 1/2 past 7 PM found all well thank god."
[" North Branch W by S 10 M."]

Sept. 20
" Saturday Wind Westerly light breezes with clear hot weather. took a survey of the Remains of trading Goods and stores by which I find James Tate has been very Carefull and Prudent. in the Evening Magnes Annell returned from the South Branch. he set out at the same time I did but took a different Road as he had 2 Horses with him. in the Evening 2 Indians came for Tobacco."

Sept. 21
" Sunday Wind WSW weather as Yesterday early this Morning the Indians went away that came for Tobacco last Evening and 1 more arrived and went of again. at 5 PM 1 Tent of Indians arrived brought a little Provisions and 10 Beaver in furrs which they traded for Liquor and got drunk."

Sept. 22
" Monday Wind SE a small Breeze with Clear hot weather. Served out 7 days Provisions to all hands for their Journey to Manchester House and in the Evening brought home the Horses to get ready to sett off to morrow at noon 2 tents of Indians arrived brought some Provisions and 7 Beaver unskind which they traded for Liquor."

Sept. 23
" Tuesday Wind NNW a fresh Breeze weather Cloudy and inclinable to rain. Sent 6 men by land with the Horses for manchester House. Part of them loaded with goods and mens Lumber. Also sent Mitchell Oman and Andrew Davey back to the South Branch with some Articles that is very much wanted there and 2 Bundles of furrs and some Provisions which I traded from the Indians last night. Condemned and burnt 60 lbs of Brazile Tobacco it not being fitt to give to Indians. I am sorry it has been carried so far."

Sept. 24
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Breeze for the most part Clear rained a little in the Night. trusted some of the Indians Debt. and at 10 Embarked 33 men in Eleven Canoes and myself in the Boat with 3 men. we rowed and sett with Poles 'till 5 PM then put up."
[" Course SW Distance 12 Miles"]

Sept. 25
" Thursday Wind Northerly a stiff Breeze with clear weather. at a 1/2 past 5 PM we proceeded and Paddled tracked and sett with poles 'till a 1/2 past 5 PM then put up. saw several Buffalo to day."
[" Course SW Distance 24 Miles"]

Sept. 26
" Friday Wind Variable from West to North weather as Yesterday. at 5 AM we embarked as before and at 6 PM put up. James Tate killed 2 Bull Buffalo part of which we took into the Canoes. saw a great many Buffalo to day."
[" Course SSW 24 Miles"]

Sept. 27
" Saturday Wind variable all round fresh Breezes with clear weather. at 5 AM we embarked Paddled and tracked and sett with poles 'till a 1/2 past 4 PM then put up. saw a number of Buffalo on both sides the River of which James Tate killed 1 Cow."
[" Course SW 12 M West 12 M."]

Sept. 28
" Sunday Wind Westerly a stiff Gale with clear weather. at 5 AM we embarked and tracked 'till a 1/2 past 4 PM then put up. James Tate went a hunting killed 2 Buffalo."
[" Course WNW Distance 12 Miles"]

Sept. 29
" Monday Little wind Variable with clear hot weather. at a 1/2 past 5 AM we embarked tracked and sett with Poles 'till 6 PM then put up. killed 3 Cow Buffalo to day."
[" Course WNW 19 Miles WSW 9 M."]

Sept. 30
" Tuesday Wind Westerly a fresh Breeze with clear weather. at 5 AM we proceeded as before 'till 6 PM then put up. had much Trouble with the boat to day by reason the water being very shoal and the sand banks very loose. saw numbers of Buffalo to day but did not kill any."
[" Course WNW Distance 19 Miles"]

Oct. 1 1788
" Wednesday Wind SE a fresh Breeze with clear weather. at 5 AM we embarked Paddled tracked and sett with Poles 'till 6 PM then put up."
[" Course NW 10 M. West 18 M."]

Oct. 2
" Thursday Wind NW a strong gale with clear weather. at a 1/4 past 5 AM we proceeded and tracked till noon then obliged to put ashore not being able to work against wind and Current."
[" Course WNW Distance 8 Miles"]

Oct. 3
" Friday Wind NE a fresh Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. at 5 AM we proceeded Paddled and Sailed 'till noon then arrived safe at Manchester House. Thank God. James Spence Senior and those with him arrived here Yesterday and brought all safe. the Indians and Canadians have destroyed part of the Petitions and Bed Places and carryed off some of the doors which will cost us some Trouble in repairing."

Oct. 4
" Saturday Wind Variable with clear warm weather. the men employed about various Jobs. at noon 2 Indian Boys came from within for Tobacco which they got and were off again. traded 16 Beaver in furrs and some Parchment Skins for the Windows from the Indians at the French House also a little fat."

Oct. 5
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday traded a few Skins that belonged to an Indian that was shot dead by another Indian at the french House on friday morning. the Villain that Committed this act first debauched the deceased's wife and then killed himself."

Oct. 6
" Monday Wind Variable from South to North West a strong gale weather part Cloudy part Clear. the men employed as follows. Gilbert Laughton and 1 man repairing his forge. Sent James Tate, James Spence Sen. and 4 men more to hunt Buffalo or any thing they can catch. 6 men cutting grafs to cover the Canoes for the winter. 5 men with 10 Horses bringing mud for Pointing the House and building the Chimneys. 4 men bringing the Empty Kegs that was laid up last Spring. 2 men at the Pitt saw and the rest variously employed."

Oct. 7
" Tuesday Wind Easterly a small breezes with cloudy weather. the men employed bringing mud and Stones for the Chimneys and pointing part of the House. Gilbert Laughton finished his forge and hung his bellows. John Halcrow lame of a sore Leg which he cut on the pafsage up."

Oct. 8
" Wednesday Wind WSW a fresh Breeze with clear weather. the men variously employed. at noon 2 families of Indians arrived brought a few furrs part of which they traded and got drunk. in the Evening the Hunters returned brought 9 Geese, 10 ducks, 2 Swans and the most part of a Bull Buffalo. they inform me that they have seen no Buffalo since they they went out which is very bad news as we have no Provisions. and it is dangerous to send men out with the Indians as usual. they being too bad to deal with at the House. much more to live with."

Oct. 9
" Thursday Wind and Weather much the same as Yesterday. 4 men bringing Stones for the Chimney 8 working at the Chimneys. the Smith working at Hooks and Hinges for the doors. making them out of Ice Chifsels. 2 men sawing boards and the rest variously employed. at noon 1 Tent of Indians arrived brought a few fall and Summer Beaver with a small Quantity of Provisions part of which they traded and got drunk."

Oct. 10
" Friday Wind West a fresh Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. Sent 2 men a hunting. 4 men bringing grafs for the Canoes. 4 men bringing driftwood in the Boat for firing and the rest employed at the Chimneys. the Indians still drunk."

Oct. 11
" Saturday Wind ENE a fresh gale with cloudy weather. Sent James Spence, James Gaddy and 3 men more a hunting. Gilbert Laughton making a saw sett and doing other odd Jobbs in the Smith way. 4 men bringing grafs for the Canoes and the rest employed at the Chimneys. in the Evening 2 Indians arrived from the Beaver Hills for some Tobacco and Ammunition brought 6 Beaver Skins. last Night Mr Pangman arrived in a light Canoe having left his Canoes at the Branch 12 days ago."

Oct. 12
" Sunday Wind Westerly a small Breeze with clear fine weather. at noon 2 Swampy ground Stone Indians arrived for Tobacco from the Red Deer's Hills. Gave those that came Yesterday Tobacco and Ammunition and they went away. the Stone Indians also got Tobacco and went off and at 7 PM 3 more arrived from the same band brought 12 Beaver which they traded for Brandy and went off again."

Oct. 13
" Monday Wind WNW a strong gale first part Cloudy latter part Clear weather. the men employed as follows. 2 men sawing boards for Petitions. blacksmith and Taylor employed in their way. 1 man lame of a sore Leg which he cut in the Hill River and the rest employed about the chimneys. at noon the swampy ground Stone Indians arrived brought some Summer Beaver and a little fat."

Oct. 14
" Tuesday Wind Variable Light Breezes with clear warm weather. 2 men sawing boards for Partitions and the rest employed laying up the Canoes for the winter and doing other odd Jobbs about the House. traded with the Stone indians and gave them some Iron work in Credit."

Oct. 15
" Wednesday Wind NE a fresh Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. Sent Magnes Twatt and 6 men to bring some Birch wood for necefsary uses. 5 men bringing grafs for the Canoes and buried the remainder of them. Smith and Taylor employed in their way and the rest finished the Chimneys. at noon the Indians went away and 1 Tent of Indians arrived from within brought 30 Made Beaver and a little fat."

Oct. 16
" Thursday Wind variable light Breezes with clear warm weather. Sent Gilbert Laughton and 2 men to cut down Birch wood for Coal. 4 men bringing stuff for Hatchet Helves and the rest variously employed. traded a few Skins from the Indians that arrived Yesterday and they got drunk."

Oct. 17
" Friday Wind Easterly a stiff gale with clear weather. sent 4 men a hunting with an Indian. 3 men with the Smith burning Coals. 2 sawing boards and the rest gathering firewood together. 2 Tents of Indians got debt and Pitched away a Beaver hunting."

Oct. 18
" Saturday Wind and Weather as Yesterday till the Evening then varied to NW and blowed fresh with rain. Magnes Twatt hewing stuff for Quartering. 2 men sawing ditto and the rest variously employed. traded a little Red Deers flesh from an Indian."

Oct. 19
" Sunday Wind NW a strong gale with clear weather. early this morning a afsinepoet Indian arrived from the Southward for Tobacco which he got and went off again being short of Provisions. I sent 4 men with 6 Horses to bring meat; late in the Evening James Spence and those with him returned from Hunting brought the most part of 5 Cow Buffalo killed by some Young Indians they fell in with 3 long days Journey from this place."

Oct. 20
" Monday Wind Easterly a small Breeze with clear fine weather. Magnes Twatt and 1 man Plaining Boards for the Partitions. 2 men sawing boards. 1 man still lame and the rest Collecting firewood. at noon 1 Tent of Indians arrived brought a few Beaver part of which they traded and got drunk."

Oct. 21
" Tuesday Wind NW first part Clear and blowed hard. latter part Cloudy moderate weather. the men variously employed. at noon the Indian that went a hunting the 17th Instant returned. as also did the 4 men I sent with him. brought 1 Red Deer and part of a Bull Buffalo. also received a little Buffalo flesh from an Indian on the other side the River which they traded for Liquor."

Oct. 22
" Wednesday Wind NW a stiff gale with cloudy weather. 2 men making Candles. Taylor making Clothing for the men. Gilbert Laughton repairing old Hatchets and making nails for putting parchment on the windows. and the rest Collecting firewood."

Oct. 23
" Thursday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with Sleet and hail towards Evening. the Taylor and Alexander Flett making Boys Coats for Trade and the rest cut firewood and brought mud for Plaistering the Chimneys. at noon the men returned that went for meat on the 19th Instant brought the most part of 3 Cow Buffalo. snowed a little last night which is the first that has fallen this Season. fitted out James Gaddy and James Spence to go to the Blood and Pecanow Indians."

Oct. 24
" Friday Wind NE a strong Gale with snow and drift throughout the day. no working without doors."

Oct. 25
" Saturday Wind NNW a fresh Breeze with snow and drift till noon afterwards a little moderate. the men employed cleaning part of the Snow out of the Yard and cut some firewood and Gilbert Laughton making a main spring for one of the Trading guns the other being good for nothing."

Oct. 26
" Sunday Wind NW a fresh Breeze weather Cloudy with drizzling Snow. at noon 4 Sufsew Young Indians arrived on the other side and had some difficulty before we got them acrofs being obliged to break the Ice before the boat."

Oct. 27
" Monday Wind Easterly a small Breeze weather as Yesterday. the River chock full of ice in the South Channel which has turned the most part of the Current into the north Channel and Broke part of it up in the Evening 2 Stone Indians arrived on the other side which we attempted to get acrofs but did not succeed. the men employed in getting their rigging ready for the winter."

Oct. 28
" Tuesday Wind ENE a fresh Gale weather cloudy with a low drift. taylors Smith and Carpenter employed in their way and the rest cut firewood and afsisted the afsinepoet Indians acrofs the River by crawling on the Ice with Sticks. they brought 7 Wolves and 6 Beaver which he traded for Liquor and Ammunition."

Oct. 29
" Wednesday Wind as Yesterday with a Continuance of Bad Weather. the men employed carrying Snow out of the Yard. and cut firewood. engaged 2 Indian Hunters to hunt for the House during the winter."

Oct. 30
" Thursday Wind Easterly a small Breeze with cloudy weather. the men employed as Yesterday. the afsinepoet and Sufsew Indians crofsed the River and went away John Halcrow upon duty."

Oct. 31
" Friday Wind NE a fresh Breeze with snow at times. the men employed cutting firewood and putting sand on the river for crofsing the Horse to morrow. in the Evening 1 Indian man arrived from the Beaver Hills brought a few Beaver and Wolves to trade."

Nov. 1 1788
" Saturday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Sent James Tate and 6 men more a hunting also sent off 13 men for the Blood and Pecanow Indians the rest cleaning the Yard and House. at noon the Indian Hunters came with part of a Bull Buffalo. traded with the Indian that came Yesterday and presented to him several small articles and have sent presents of Tobacco by him to others."

Nov. 2
" Sunday Little wind variable with clear fine weather. at noon 1 family of Indians arrived brought 8 Beaver in furrs and a little buffalo flesh which they traded for Liquor and got drunk. the Indian that arrived on friday went away but soon returned back to drink with the others."

Nov. 3
" Monday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze with cloudy weather. Sent Magnes Twatt and 3 men to bring some stuff for Snow Shoes frames. 2 men at the Pit saw. and the rest cut firewood."

Nov. 4
" Tuesday Wind Southerly a small Breeze with cloudy mild weather. 2 men sawing boards Gilbert Laughton repairing a Gun. the Taylor making Cloathing for trade. the rest cut firewood. at noon the Hunters pitched away as also did those that arrived the 2nd Instant."

Nov. 5
" Wednesday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze with cloudy weather. Gilbert Laughton making the 8 Gallon Kegs smaller. Taylor making Cloathing for the men. Magnes Twatt and myself making Snow Shoes frames and the rest cut firewood."

Nov. 6
" Thursday Wind NW a small Breeze with clear fine weather. the men employed as Yesterday."

Nov. 7
" Friday Wind NE a small Breeze weather part Cloudy part Clear. Taylors making Cloathing for Trade. and the rest employed as before."

Nov. 8
" Saturday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with cloudy weather. the men cut firewood and cleaned the Yard. also looked at their Traps. brought one Wolfe from them."

Nov. 9
" Sunday little Wind Variable with clear fine weather."

Nov. 10
" Monday Wind SW a fresh Breeze with clear weather. the men employed as follows Gilbert Laughton making Kegs to a proper Size. Taylors making Boys Coats for Trade. Magnes Twatt putting up partitions. 2 men sawing boards for ditto and the rest cut firewood. in the Evening 2 lads arrived from the Hunters Tent for men to fetch meat which is very agreeable news there not being 1/2 day's Provisions in the House."

Nov. 11
" Tuesday Wind variable between South and WSW first part Cloudy mild weather latter part a Cold fresh Breeze. Sent 7 men to fetch meat and the rest employed as Yesterday. in the Evening 3 Blood Indians arrived having been 10 days on their Journey in. but have seen none of our People."

Nov. 12
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh gale first part Cloudy with Snow latter part clear weather. the People employed as before . in the Evening they came home that went for meat Yesterday brought 7 sled loads of very poor flesh."

Nov. 13
" Thursday Wind NW a fresh gale weather part Cloudy part Clear. Gilbert Laughton cleaning Trading Guns. Taylor making Cloathing for the men and the rest cut firewood. gave the blood Indians presents of Tobacco and they went away. these brought 6 1/2 Parchment Beaver which they traded for Ammunition and Tobacco."

Nov. 14
" Friday Wind NE a fresh Breeze with cloudy weather. the men employed as Yesterday."

Nov. 15
" Saturday Wind SW a fresh Breeze with cold sharp weather. Gilbert Laughton cleaning trading Guns. Taylor and Carpenter employed in their way and the rest cut firewood and cleaned the Yard. at 6 PM John Flatt, Andrew Flett, Magnes Tate and Nicholas Allen arrived with 8 Horse Loads of flesh two. 2 days Journey from this. they inform me that they have seen no Cow Buffalo since they went away till last Wednesday. that James Tate killed 3 which they have brought."

Nov. 16
" Sunday Wind Variable with clear sharp weather. in the Evening those returned that went for meat Yesterday."
[This entry was neatly crossed out]

Nov. 16
" Sunday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp weather. in the Evening 1 Indian lad came from the hunting Tent for men to fetch meat."

Nov. 17
" Monday Wind SE weather as Yesterday.Sent 7 men to fetch meat. Gilbert Laughton working at Guns. Taylors making Childrens Cloathing for trade and the rest cut firewood. John Flett, Nicholas Allen, Andrew Flett and Magnes Tate went back to their Tent."

Nov. 18
" Tuesday Wind NW a small Breeze with sharp weather. the men employed as Yesterday. in the Evening those came home that went for flesh Yesterday brought the most part of 2 Bull Buffalo."

Nov. 19
" Wednesday Wind as Yesterday weather cloudy with Snow most part of the day. 5 men went for flesh and the rest as before."

Nov. 20
" Thursday Wind Northerly a small Breeze weather clear and very cold. Magnes Twatt putting up bed places in the mens Cabbins and the rest employed as before in the Evening those Returned that went for flesh Yesterday brought 5 Sled loads."

Nov. 21
" Friday Wind SE a fresh Breeze weather as before the men employed as Yesterday in the Evening 2 families of Indians arrived. brought a little meat and a trifle of furrs. part of which they traded and got drunk."

Nov. 22
" Saturday Wind NW a stiff Breeze with clear sharp weather. sent 3 men to fetch meat. also 2 men to stay with the Hunters. 2 men Sawing Boards for present use taylors making Childrens Cloathing and the rest cleaning Snow and Rubbish out of the Yard."

Nov. 23
" Sunday Wind variable with clear sharp weather. in the Evening they returned that went for meat Yesterday."

Nov. 24
" Monday Wind Southerly a small Breeze with clear weather. Sent 4 men to fetch meat. Gilbert Laughton and 1 man bringing home Charcoal for Smith's Use. Taylors making Children's Cloathing for trade and the rest cut a little firewood. traded a few Skins from the Indians that arrived on the 21st Instant. also 1 Tent and 40 lbs of Beat Meat."

Nov. 25
" Tuesday Wind ENE a small breeze with clear Weather and much warmer then it has been for this month past. Gilbert Laughton making Hinges and Hooks for a door, and the rest employed carrying in fire Wood, in the Evening those return'd that went for Meat Yesterday, also the Hunters came home with them, brought 3 Wolves 2 Quiquehacks 6 Foxes and 1 Beaver, which they Traded for sundry articles."

Nov. 26
" Wednesday Wind SE Weather as Yesterday. Sent eight Men to fetch Meat. the Smith employed in his way and the rest cut fire Wood, the Indians that arrived in the 21st Instant pitched away, as also did the Hunters."

Nov. 27
" Thursday Wind NW a small Breeze Weather Cloudy with Snow till Noon afterwards blowed a stiff Gale. Gilbert Laughton cleaning and repairing Trading Guns. Taylor making Childrens Cloathing and the rest cut fire Wood, in the evening those came home that went for flesh Yesterday, brought 10 Sled loads."

Nov. 28
" Friday Wind NW a stiff Breeze with clear sharp Weather. sent six Men for Meat, three of which return'd in the evening, brought one Cow Buffalo. Magnus Twatt employed in the Carpenter way &c, the rest cut fire Wood."

Nov. 29
" Satuarday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze Weather very Sharp with drizzling Snow towards Evening. the Taylor putting orrice Lace upon Hats which is very bad and much inferior to that of our Neighbours, the rest cut fire Wood and Cleaned the Yard. in the Evening those came home that went for Meat Yesterday, also four Sufsew Indians arrived Carrying a few Skins on their backs. they complain much of the depth of Snow which prevents them travelling with Horses."

Nov. 30
" Sunday Wind NW fresh Gale with Snow and drift most part of the day. traded with the Indians that arrived last evening, and gave them a few trifling articles."

Dec. 1 1788
" Monday Wind NNW a fresh Gale with severe sharp Weather. Magnus Twatt puttng up a Cabbin for himself and some others, Gilbert Laughton lame of a sprain in his ancle. Taylors making Cloathing for the Men and the rest carried in and cut up fire Wood. the sufsew Indians went away. by these I have sent presents of Tobacco to some others of their band, but the Tobacco is very bad and I am afraid will be hurtful to Trade, as it has been for three Years past."

Dec. 2
" Tuesday Wind ESE a strong Gale with Cold drifting Weather. the People employed as Yesterday. in the evening two Indian Boys came from the Hunting Tent for Men to fetch flesh."

Dec. 3
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Sent eight Men with Dogs to fetch Meat. the Taylor making Cloathing for Leaders, Gilbert Laughton still lame and the rest cut and carried in fire Wood."

Dec. 4
" Thursday Wind variable from N to East clear fine Weather. Gilbert Laughton making a Candlestick out of a tin Cannister, and the rest employed as Yesterday. at noon those came home that went for Meat, brought three poor Cows, also brought the disagreeable news of William Rich being very bad with the bloody flux. in the evening one afsinnepoiet Indian arrived brought nothing."

Dec. 5
" Friday Wind NW stiff Gale first part Cloudy with Snow latter part Clear Sharp Weather. Sent 6 Men for Meat, Magnus Twatt employed in the Carpenter way. Gilbert Laughton making fire Steels out of old Files, and the rest employed as before, gave the Indian a little Amunition and Tobacco and he went away."

Dec. 6
" Satuarday Wind NNW a small Breeze with clear Sharp Weather. the People employed as formerly. at noon those came home that went for meat Yesterday brought three small Cow Buffalo very poor Meat."

Dec. 7
" Sunday Wind variable clear sharp Weather. in the Evening James Tate, Magnus Annell and Rob. Garson came home brought 6 Horse load of flesh, also a few Foxes and Wolves they have killed with set Guns."

Dec. 8
" Monday Wind variable from SE to NW a stiff Breeze with very Cold Weather. Gilbert Laughton repairing a Gun. Magnus Twatt and one Man sawing boards. sent six Men to fetch Meat who returned in the Evening and the rest carried in fire Wood."

Dec. 9
" Tuesday Wind SE a fresh Breeze Weather part Cloudy and part Clear. Gilbert Laughton cleaning trading Guns. Sent Men to fetch Meat who return'd in the Evening. Taylors making Cloathing for Leaders and the rest cut fire Wood."

Dec. 10
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Sent one Man for some Meat that was left Yesterday. James Tate returned back to his Tent, and have sent Magnus Twatt away with them. Taylors as before, and the rest employed cutting fireWood and bringing stuff for Sleds."

Dec. 11
" Thursday Wind NNW a small Breeze with clear mild Weather. Sent six Men to fetch Meat, also two more to stay there to haul the Meat out of the Plains to the Tent. the Taylors lacing Hats, and the rest carrying in fire Wood except David Thompson, who was employed working a small Marsh fishng Net."

Dec. 12
" Friday Wind SW a small Breeze Weather for the most part Cloudy. the Taylors making Womens Sleeves for Trade. two Men sawing stuff for Sleds, and the rest cutting fire Wood. in the evening those that went for Meat Yesterday return'd. also one Tent of Stone Indians arrived brought a little Provisions and a few furrs, part of which they traded and got drunk."

Dec. 13
" Satuarday Wind variable from East to NW a fresh Breeze with Cloudy drifting Weather. Sent 4 Men to fetch flesh. Gilbert Laughton repairing an Indian Gun, and the rest cutting up fire Wood. Traded with the Indians that came Yesterday and made them small presents as usual, they have brought 60 Whole and 40 half parchment Beaver 26 Wolves and Provisions of sorts 290 lbs."

Dec. 14
" Sunday Wind Easterly a small Breeze Weather part Cloudy and part Clear. at noon the afsinnepoiet Indians went away, and the Men returned that went for Meat, brought four Sled loads."

Dec. 15
" Monday Wind ESE a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy with a drizzling Snow. Sent four Men to fetch Meat. Gilbert Laughton cleaning Trading Guns, one Man Planeing stuff for Sleds, and the rest hauling fire Wood."

Dec. 16
" Tuesday Wind SE a fresh Breeze with Cloudy Weather. one Man making Sleds and the rest employed hauling in fire Wood."

Dec. 17
" Wednesday Wind variable from SE to NW a stiff Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear. Gilbert Laughton repairing Trading Guns. one man making Cloathing for Trade, and the rest hauling in fire Wood. in the Evening those came home that went for Meat on Monday, brought six Sled Loads of very poor Meat."

Dec. 18
" Thursday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with Clear sharp Weather. the Men employed as Yesterday. Sent four Men for flesh."

Dec. 19
" Friday Wind SE a fresh Breeze with Cloudy Cold Weather. Gilbert Laughton making a mouse Trap and the rest employed as before. at noon those came that went for Meat brought Six Sled loads middling good Meat."

Dec. 20
" Satuarday Wind and Weather much the same as Yesterday. Sent four Men to fetch Meat, the Taylors making Cloathing for Trade. one man making Sleds, and the rest cut fire Wood and cleaned the Yard."

Dec. 21
" Sunday Wind NW a fresh Gale with Snow and drift till noon afterwards clear Weather. in the evening the Men return'd that went for meat Yesterday, brought eight Sled loads."

Dec. 22
" Monday Wind NNW a fresh breeze with clear sharp Weather. Sent five Men to fetch Meat. Gilbert Laughton repairing a Gun. Taylor making cloathing for the Men and the rest cut fire Wood."

Dec. 23
" Tuesday little Wind variable from NNW to SE Weather Clear and very sharp. the Men employed hauling in fire Wood. in the Evening the Men return'd that went for Meat Yesterday, brought nine Sled loads. David Thompson unfortunately fell coming down the River Bank about one Mile from the House by which his Leg was caught between a Stick and the Sled which fractured the bone and otherwise bruised his leg very much. I set it and put splinters round it with bandages in the best manner I could but such accidents would require a more skilful Person than I am."

Dec. 24
" Wednesday Wind SE a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy with a drizzling Snow. William Folster making a Cradle bed for David Thompson, and the rest cut fire Wood."

Dec. 25
" Thursday Wind as yesterday with thick rimy Weather. Colours flying in remembrance of the day. David Thompson has had tolerable good rest the last 24 Hours as can be expected of a person in his Situation."

Dec. 26
" Friday Wind in the South quarter a fresh Breeze with Cloudy mild Weather. Sent four Men to fetch meat from the Hunting Tent, and the rest not employed doing anything."

Dec. 27
" Satuarday little Wind Notherly Weather as Yesterday. the people employed cleaning the Yard. at noon those came home that went for Meat Yesterday, brough seven Sled loads. David Thompson was well as can be expected of a Person in his Condition."

Dec. 28
" Sunday Wind variable with Clear fine Weather."

Dec. 29
" Monday Wind NW a stiff Gale with Snow and drift. Sent four Men to fetch Meat. Gilbert Laughton repairing a Gun. Taylors making Cloathing for the Men, and the rest making Sleds and doing odd Jobs within doors."

Dec. 30
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Taylors and Smith employed in their way, and the rest making Sleds, and cut a little fire Wood."

Dec. 31
" Wednesday Wind NNW Weather as Yesterday till Noon afterwards Clear and very sharp. the People employed as before. David Thompson has been but indifferent for these three days past."

Jan. 1 1789
" Thursday Wind variable from N to South fresh Breezes with Cloudy Weather. the Men making merriment amongst themselves."

Jan. 2
" Friday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. the Men employed bringing in Meat that was killed near hand. in the Evening our Hunters pitched into the House there being no Buffalo where they was, also Magnus Tate and John Flett came home."

Jan. 3
" Satuarday Wind SE a small Breeze with Clear mild Weather. the Men employed bringing home meat. at noon those that were at the Hunting Tent came home. Six Buffalo killed to day by the Hunters."

Jan. 4
" Sunday Wind Westerly a small Breeze with Clear Weather till the Evening afterwards Snow. the Men bringing home the Meat was killed Yesterday as it could not be preserved from the Wolves those animals having eat three of what was killed. John Flett and Magnus Tate return'd back to their Tent."

Jan. 5
" Monday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze with Cloudy rimy? Weather. Gilbert Laughton making Scraper out of Iron Hoops. eight men away with the Hunters brought home three Buffalo, and the rest employed about trifling duties at the House. late in the Evening James Tate came home according to order; the hunters being desirous to go a Beaver Hunting, I sent for James Tate to come and hunt for the House as the Buffalo is plenty and nigh hand at present."

Jan. 6
" Tuesday Wind variable Weather part Cloudy part Clear. Taylor and Smith employed in their way and the rest cut fire Wood, except James Tate who was hunting and killed two Buffalo. Paid off the hunters and gave them Iron Work to kill Beaver."

Jan. 7
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Gale clear sharp Weather. sent four Men for Meat, also four more to Tent some distance off with James Tate and the rest cut fire Wood. at Noon the Hunters pitched away, and three Sufsew Indians came for Tobacco which they got and went off. James Tate lame of a sprain he got in his ancle Yesterday."

Jan. 8
" Thursday Wind Westerly a fresh Gale with Clear sharp Weather. Gilbert Laughton making fire Steels the Taylors at Work for the Men and the rest bringing Tent Poles. in the evening three Tents of Sufsew Indians arrived with a few furrs and a little Provisions part of which they traded and got Drunk."

Jan. 9
" Friday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Men cut fire Wood and attend the House to prevent the Indians from thieving, they being a set of the greatest Rogues I ever knew to deal with, they have brought 200 Skins of sundry Sorts of furrs and 270 lbs of Provisions which is but a trifle for 12 able Men."

Jan. 10
" Satuarday Wind NNW a fresh Breeze with very sharp Weather. sent Edward Wishart a hunting and killed two Buffalo. Gilbert Laughton employed in the Smiths way, and the rest cleaned the yard and cut fire Wood. at Noon the Sufsew Indians went away."

Jan. 11
" Sunday Wind variable Weather as before. late in the Evening two Indian Lads arrived, brought a few Skins on their backs."

Jan. 12
" Monday Wind in the NE quarter with clear sharp Weather. four Men bringing home Meat the Smith employed in his way and the rest cut fire Wood. James Tate something better and went to the Hunting Tent. David Thompson so far recovered as not to want any attendance in the night."

Jan. 13
" Tuesday Wind NE a fresh breeze with severe sharp Weather. Taylors making Cloathing for the Men. Gilbert Laughton repairing a Gun, and the rest employed hauling in fire Wood. the two Indian Lads that arrived on the 11 Instant went away."

Jan. 14
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with Cloudy Weather. one man making Sleds. Gilbert Laughton sharpening the crofs cut Saws, and the rest employed as Yesterday."

Jan. 15
" Thursday Wind as Yesterday part Cloudy part Clear. one man making Sleds, Taylors making Cloathing for the Men. Gilbert Laughton Stocking a hunting Gun, and the rest employed bringing home Meat and cutting fire Wood. late in the Evening received a Packet from the South Branch by James Sanderson and David Copeland."

Jan. 16
" Friday Wind and Weather as before. the men employed as Yesterday, except Gilbert Laughton who was repairing a Pistol brought up by James Sanderson from Mr Walker."

Jan. 17
" Satuarday Wind Northerly a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Gilbert Laughton making a drawing Knife & one pair of Hinges for the South Branch House, and the rest cut fire Wood and Cleaned the Yard. Took the bandages off David Thompson's leg and looked at it then bownd it up again. he has but little pain in it but still very Weak. I would not have opened it so soon but being so swelled and has now fallen and become loose."

Jan. 18
" Sunday Wind NW a small Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear and very sharp."

Jan. 19
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Gilbert Laughton repairing a Gun. Taylors making Cloathing for the Men. one man making Sleds and the rest hauling in fire Wood. David Thompson much the same as before."

Jan. 20
" Tuesday Wind NNW a small breeze with fine mild Weather till the Evening afterwards very sharp. Gilbert Laughton making a Saw set for the South Branch House and the rest employed as Yesterday in the evening Mag. Annell came home to get his Gun repaired."

Jan. 21
" Wednesday Wind variable between West and North a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Gilbert Laughton repairing a Trading Gun, and the rest employed as before. Packed up some Cloth and other Articles for the South Branch. at noon one Man came home from the Hunting Tent for Men to fetch meat."

Jan. 22
" Thursday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. eight Men bringing home Meat the Smith repairing a trading Gun to be sent to the Branch. Taylors making Cloathing for the Men and the rest hauling in fire Wood. in the evening five Indians arrived from the Moose Hills, brought a few furrs to Trade these like the rest complain of their Horse dying."

Jan. 23
" Friday Wind NE a small Breeze Weather as Yesterday. Smith repairing a Gun for one of the Indians that he had in Credit last fall. the Taylors as before; and the rest hauling fire Wood. traded with the Indians and made them small presents as usual, and sent some Tobacco and a little Brandy to two Indian Men as encouragement for them to bring birchrind."

Jan. 24
" Satuarday little Wind variable with clear fine Weather. Gilbert Laughton and three Men bringing home three Sled loads of Charcoal. Taylors as before, and the rest cut fire Wood and cleaned the Yard. early this morning the Indians went away, they brought no more than 66 made Beaver from five Men."

Jan. 25
" Sunday Wind Notherly fresh Gale with a low drift. at noon James Tate came home for Men to fetch Meat tomorrow, he has killed eight Cow Buffalo."

Jan. 26
" Monday Wind as Yesterday first part moderate afterwards blowed fresh with a low Drift. Sent 6 Men for meat, and the rest hauling fire Wood, except Edward Wishart, who I have sent to the South Branch with James Sanderson and David Copeland to afsist in Canoe Building in the Spring, and have sent by them Trading Goods as follows, Cloth of sorts 68 1/2 Yards, Bayonets broad one doz., Knive Yew 1 doz. large long two doz., Hatchets four, Pistols three, and three four foot Guns, also a few Articles of Stores."

Jan. 27
" Tuesday Wind Westerly a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy and inclinable to Snow. Gilbert Laughton Stocking a Gun, Six Men bringing home Meat, and the rest hauling home fire Wood."

Jan. 28
" Wednesday Wind NW a small Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Sent five Men to bring home Meat. Gilbert Laughton fitting an old Brick to a hunting Band. the one that came from England being broken in two; such is the ? in Guns and Gun Barrels no lefs than five has already burst? since we came from York Factory some with Indians and some with English, several of the Gun locks are no better some of the Works being very soft, the rest of the Men cut fire Wood, myself running small Shot into Ball that article being very short."

Jan. 29
" Thursday Wind NW a stiff Gale with cold drifting Weather. four men fetching Meat and the rest employed as Yesterday. late in the Evening Magnus Twatt came home also two Afsinnepoiet Indians came with him who slept at their Tent last night, they have brought only four Skins which they traded for Liquor."

Jan. 30
" Friday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Gilbert Laughton employed as before, and the rest cut fire Wood. late in the evening one Indian and his Wife arrived, brought eight Beaver and half, which he traded for Liquor Tobacco and Ammunition."

Jan. 31
" Satuarday Wind variable Weather clear and very sharp. the Men Employed as Yesterday. early this morning the Indians went away."

Feb. 1 1789
" Sunday Wind variable with Cloudy mild Weather. late in the Evening two Indian Lads arrived from the little Beaver Hills for a supply of ammunition and Tobacco but did not bring any thing with them."

Feb. 2
" Monday Wind NW a small Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear; sent two Men to bring home buffalo Skins from the Hunting Tent, the Taylors making Cloathing for the Men, Gilbert Laughton employed in the Armourer way. James Tate and Magnus Twatt return'd back to their Tent and the rest hauling fire Wood."

Feb. 3
" Tuesday Wind variable almost Calm ? mild Weather. Gilbert Laughton employed as before, as also the Taylors, and the rest hauling in fire Wood."

Feb. 4
" Wednesday Wind variable from SE to NNW a fresh Breeze with clear Warm Weather. the Men employ'd as yesterday. at Noon the two Indian Lads that arrived on Sunday went away, to these I gave a small supply of Ammunition and Tobacco for those that sent for it. two Men came home from the hunting Tent."

Feb. 5
" Thursday Wind Westerly a small Breeze Weather as Yesterday. sent three Men to bring home some meat from the Hunting Tent, who return'd at Noon, as also those at the Tent came home for good. Gilbert Laughton finished Stocking the Hunting Gun, and so well done that I suppose there is not a Gun in this House that will Trade sooner. the rest cut and haul'd in fire Wood."

Feb. 6
" Friday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Gilbert Laughton Stocking the other hunting Gun, and the rest cut and haul'd in fire Wood."

Feb. 7
" Satuarday little Wind variable with clear fine Weather. the People cut fire Wood and cleaned the yard."

Feb. 8
" Sunday Wind Southerly a small Breeze with thawing Weather. at noon two afsinnepoiet and one blackfoot Indian arrived but brought little or nothing with them. also three Men came home with some beat Meat from James Tate's Tent."

Feb. 9
" Monday Wind Westerly a fresh Gale clear Weather with much thaw. Smith and Taylors employ'd in their way and the rest cut fire Wood. traded what little the Indians brought Yesterday but could not make them any presents as the furrs they have brought where but few, and part of that very indifferent. those Men that came home from James Tate return'd with more Dogs and Sleds to afsist them home the Horses being of very little use to them by reason of the Snow being so very deep."

Feb. 10
" Tuesday Wind variable from N to NNE a fresh Breeze with Cloudy mild Weather. three Men bringing home stuff for Mellets and Wedges. Gilbert Laughton employed in the Armourers way, Taylors making Cloathing for the Men, and the rest hauling in and cutting up fire Wood. at Noon two sufsew and two Southward Indians arrived, brought a few furrs to Trade, and those here before went away."

Feb. 11
" Wednesday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy with a drizzling Snow. the Men employ'd as Yesterday traded with the Indians and made them small presents as usual these have brought 140 made Beaver in sundry Furrs, of which 18 Martins was traded for Medicines. at noon James Tate and those with him came home brought some beat Meat and a few Wolves and Foxes they caught with set Guns."

Feb. 12
" Thursday Wind ESE a small Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear. Gilbert Laughton repairing an Indian Gun, and the rest hauling in fire Wood, at noon the Indians went away."

Feb. 13
" Friday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Gilbert Laughton Stocking a Gun. Taylors making Leaders Cloathing. Magnus Twatt employ'd in the Carpenter way and the rest hauling fire Wood. traded a few Skins from the Men for Shirts and other necefsaries."

Feb. 14
" Satuarday Wind variable Weather part Cloudy part clear. the Men employed as Yesterday, traded a few Wolves and Foxes with the Men they have brough 90 made B. in Wolves Badgers and Foxes. Gilbert Laughton finished the Gun and looks well."

Feb. 15
" Sunday Wind NW a small Breeze with clear fine Weather."

Feb. 16
" Monday Wind variable almost Calm clear Weather. Sent James Tate, Magnus Twatt and four Men to hunt Wolves and the rest employed about various duties. at noon one Tent of Blood and one of black foot Indians arrived, brought a few Wolves to Trade, they have been 15 days on their Journey, and like all other Indians complain of their Horses dying."

Feb. 17
" Tuesday Wind Southerly a small Breeze with clear Weather. the Smith repairing an Indian Gun, the Taylors making Leaders Cloathing, and the rest haul'd in and cut up fire Wood, traded with the Indians and? made the Leader a present as usual, these have brought 90 Wolves 30 Foxes 7 Beaver and 50 lbs Provisions."

Feb. 18
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Breeze Weather part Cloudy part Clear. the men employed as Yesterday in the forenoon the Indians went away. Whereas William Folster hath been guilty of trading a Gun from an Indian which I did not approve of I therefore deem it a breach of Contract, and forfeiture of his Yearly Salary if the consequence is duly considered of such Proceedings as it breaks Command and puts a stop to commerce."
[In the margin "NB Your Honors will please to observe that this is done out of no other motive further than such Proceedings should receive a severe Check from your Honors to prevent such for the future."]

Feb. 19
" Thursday Wind NNW a strong Gale with Cold drifting Weather Snow most part of the day. the men employ'd about various Jobbs and myself casting Ball out of Shot."

Feb. 20
" Friday Wind NNW a strong Gale with Cold drifting Weather. Smith repairing a Pistol that was broke in one of the Packages. Taylors making Leaders Cloathing and the rest brought in some fire Wood."

Feb. 21
" Satuarday Wind and Weather as before the People employed as Yesterday."

Feb. 22
" Sunday Wind and Weather much the same, but did not blow so hard towards evening."

Feb. 23
" Monday Wind variable in the North quarte with clear sharp Weather. Taylors making Cloathing for the Men. Gilbert Laughton making some Pistol Stocks and the rest employed hauling fire Wood."

Feb. 24
" Tuesday Wind SW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. the Men employed as Yesterday. in the evening Magnus Tate came home for some necefsaries wanted."

Feb. 25
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. the Men employed about various Jobbs."

Feb. 26
" Thursday Wind WSW a fresh Gale with clear sharp Weather. Gilbert Laughton Stocking a broken Pistol, the Taylors making Cloathing for the Men, four Men making Wedges for the Prefs and the rest cut fire Wood."

Feb. 27
" Friday Wind variable in the North quarter fresh Breezes Weather as before. the Smith mending a Kettle. Taylors making Cloathing for the Men, and the rest cut firewood and made Mellets for the Prefs."

Feb. 28
" Satuarday Wind Northerly a fresh Breeze Weather much the same. the men employed about various Jobbs myself making Ball out of small Shot; have made in all 196 lbs out of 196 lbs Bristol Shot."

Mar. 1 1789
" Sunday Wind Easterly clear Weather and blowed fresh."

Mar. 2
" Monday Wind NNW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Gilbert Laughton sharpening the crofs cut Saws two Men sawing stuff to repair the Gate, Taylor making Boys Coats for Trade and the rest cut fire Wood. in the evening two afsinnepoiet Indians arrived brought 3 Wolves and four small Foxes."

Mar. 3
" Tuesday Wind Easterly and Weather as Yesterday. the Men employed about various duties. at noon three men came home from James Tate, brought some parchment Skins and a few Wolves they have killed with set Guns."

Mar. 4
" Wednesday Wind WSW a stiff Gale with clear Wea. Gilbert Laughton repairing a Gun for one of the Men that came home Yesterday, and the rest employed hauling in fire Wood and making Parchment bags to put Provisions in for the Journey down. George Rofs Magnus Annell and John Flett returnd back to their Tent as also did the two stone Indians."

Mar. 5
" Thursday Wind NW a small Breeze with mild Weather. the Men employed about various duties, in the evening two Young Indians arrived from the swampy ground afsinnepoiet Indians, brought nothing with them."

Mar. 6
" Friday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear, two Men sawing Boards to repair the Boat. one Man making Wedges for the Prefs. Gilbert Laughton repairing a broken Pistol, and the rest cut fire Wood. at noon four Women arrived belonging to the two Indians that arrived last evening, brought some Beaver Skins to Trade part of which they traded and got drunk."

Mar. 7
" Satuarday Wind NNW a stiff Breeze with clear Weather and thaw'd much. the Men employ'd as yesterday. traded with the Indians that came Yesterday and presented them some small articles. these have brought 52 made Beaver in whole and half, late in the evening one man and two Women arrived from the Beave Hills, brought a few Beaver Skins to Trade."

Mar. 8
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday but much Warmer."

Mar. 9
" Monday Wind variable and almost Calm with clear Weather. the Men employed as follows, two Men at the pit Saw, one man making Wedges for the Prefs. Gilbert Laughton doing Jobbs in the Armourer way. Taylor making Cloathing for the Men, and the rest cut out a new Water Hole, the Ice about 3 feet thick which is much thicker than last year. traded with the Indian and he went away, as also did the stone Indian."

Mar. 10
" Tuesday Wind Southerly a small Breeze with clear thawing Weather. Gilbert Laughton cutting down large Kegs and making them smaller, two Men sawing Boards. the Taylor making Cloathing for the Men one man drefsing Wedges for the Prefs. Thomas Hay out of order with a complaint in his left Shoulder which has rendered him unfit for duty, and the rest made 1716 lbs Pimmecan for the Journey down."

Mar. 11
" Wednesday Wind SSW a fresh Breeze with clear fine Weather. the Men employed about various duties. black Smith and Taylor excepted. in the evening two swampy ground Stone Indians arrived but brought nothing having left their Women on the road."

Mar. 12
" Thursday Wind WSW a fresh Breeze with clear thawing Weather. the Smith and Taylor employ'd in their way, and the rest carrying Ice and Water into the Victual House to preserve the green Provisions. at noon three Women arrived belonging to those that came last evening."

Mar. 13
" Friday little Wind variable Weather as before. the Smith repairing Hatchets, one man still out of order the rest employ'd felling dry Wood for fewell some distance off, traded with the Indians and they went away, brought 37 made Beaver."

Mar. 14
" Satuarday Wind WSW a fresh Breeze Weather much the same. the Smith and two more bring home some Charcoal. Taylor making Cloathing for the Men, and the rest employ'd about various Jobbs."

Mar. 15
" Sunday little Wind variable with clear warm Weather. in the evening three stone Indians arrived but did not bring anything with them."

Mar. 16
" Monday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze first part clear latter part Cloudy with Snow. Gilbert Laughton and one man repairing a stake he beats his Iron on, Taylor making Cloathing for the Men, and the rest employ'd at odd Jobbs. Magnus Twatt and Magnus Annell came home brought some pounded Meat and a few Wolves Skins. they inform me that they have killed amongst them since they went not above fifty Wolves, and to my certain knowledge there is above fifty able stone Indians not far from this that has not killed fifty for this two Months past."

Mar. 17
" Tuesday Wind Notherly a stiff Breeze with Cold raw Cloudy Weather. Gilbert Laughton making fire Steels the Taylor as before, and the rest employ'd hauling home firewood, Mag. Twatt and Mag. Annell return'd back to their Tent."

Mar. 18
" Wednesday Wind NE a fresh Breeze with a drizzling Snow most part of the day. the Men employ'd as Yesterday."

Mar. 19
" Thursday Wind NNW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Taylors making small Coats for Trade, and the rest employed about various Jobbs."

Mar. 20
" Friday Wind WNW a fresh Breeze with clear sharp Weather. Gilbert Laughton and two Men bringing home Charcoal, Taylors making Boys Coats for Trade, and the rest cut fire Wood. in the evening James Tate, and those with him came home for good, there being no Buffalo where they was, and the Wolves are going out of Season, they have killed 60 odd Wolves and a few Foxes. John Flet ailing which seems to be a relapse of his former disorder."

Mar. 21
" Satuarday Wind SE a stiff Breeze Weather as Yesterday. the Smith making Nails for repairing the Boat, Taylors as before and the rest cut fire Wood, and did other necefsary duties."

Mar. 22
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday."

Mar. 23
" Monday Wind ESE a small Breeze with clear mild Weather. Gilbert Laughton doing Jobbs in the Smiths way, and the rest variously employed."

Mar. 24
" Tuesday Wind as Yesterday Weather for the most part clear and thawed much. Magnus Twatt and one man repairing the Prefs the rest getting Paddles and doing other necefsary Jobbs at the House."

Mar. 25
" Wednesday Wind Easterly a fresh Breeze with cold rimy Weather. 18 Men felling fire Wood for the net Winter and the rest doing necefsary Jobbs at the House. in the evening three Young Indians came for a supply of Ammunition and Tobacco, but have nothing with them."

Mar. 26
" Thursday Wind variable from E to WNW thaw'd much all day and blowed hard towards evening. the Men employ'd as Yesterday. Thomas Hay still unfit for duty."

Mar. 27
" Friday Wind NNW a fresh Breeze with clear Weather and thaw'd a little under the lee. Sent Magnus Twatt and three Men away to get Wooden Work for Canoes, and four Men to gather Pitch, also sent James Tate Wm Rich and William Allen away with the two young Indians that arrived on the 25 Instant to bring home what furrs they have to the House so that they may be able to bring Birchrind for mending and making Canoes. eight Men felling fire Wood, three men ailing, and the rest employed within doors."

Mar. 28
" Satuarday Wind Easterly a stiff Gale with a heavy fall of Snow. no working without doors till the evening, then the Men carried part of the Snow out of the Yard."

Mar. 29
" Sunday Wind ESE a fresh Breeze with cold raw Weather. David Thompson was out of bed to day for the first time but had not set long before his foot and Ancle swelled a good deal so that he was obliged to lie down again."

Mar. 30
" Monday Wind NNW a stiff Breeze first part Cloudy latter part clear Weather. Gilbert Laughton stocking a Gun for James Spence that he broke hunting Buffalo last fall. Taylor making Cloathing for the Men. Thomas Hay still out of order, and the rest cut fire Wood."

Mar. 31
" Tuesday Wind Easterly a fresh Gale with clear Wea. the Men employed as Yesterday."

Apr. 1 1789
" Wednesday Wind ESE a small Breeze with clear Weather thawed very much. the Taylor making Leaders Cloathing. Gilbert Laughton employed in the Armourer way. one Man with myself rubbing Tobacco with Sugar Water and Tobacco boiled into a suirup, and the rest fell fire Wood. the two Rolls of Tobacco I have overhaul'd to day is short of Weight 14 lbs. this is owing to its being under Water during the deluge."

Apr. 2
" Thursday Wind NNW a fresh Gale with clear Weather. the People employed as Yesterday. two stone Indians came for a little Tobacco and ammunition which they got and went away."

Apr. 3
" Friday Wind NW a strong Gale with flying Clouds the Men employed as Yesterday. at Noon Magnus Twatt and those with him came home but have not found any Pine fit for making Timbers or Splinters for Canoes, the four Men that went for Pitch also return'd, as also did James Tate and two Men with him the former brought a little Pitch, and the latter brought 100 Parchment Beaver from the Indians that's to bring Birchrind for mending Canoes. Magnus Twatt is very bad with the flux's and has been ever since he went away, and there is nothing here to give him any relief, indeed James Spence was very near being carried off by the same disorder last Autumn. for what Medicines comes inland there is no directions, how they are to be apply'd, I begg'd of the Doctor to give me directions for the Medicines sent inland and how they were to be apply'd, which was refused by giving me a Book which was not his own, but as the owners name was Wrote in to it and the strict charge to bring it down, I therefore refused taking it as I well knew he would charge your Honors for the same and I could not divide the Book to leave a part at each Settlement."

Apr. 4
" Satuarday Wind variable all round with clear warm Weather till the evening then inclinable to Snow. Mag. Twatt still very bad and most of the rest that came home Yesterday have got sore Eyes notwithstanding they all had Crape?, the rest bringing stuff for Paddles, and doing odd Jobbs at the House two Swans seen to day."

Apr. 5
" Sunday Wind NE a stiff Gale with Snow most part of the day."

Apr. 6
" Monday Wind ESE a fresh Breeze with cold raw Cloudy Weather. Thoms Hay Magnus Twatt and David Thompson still ailing, John Flett not free of his old distemper coming on him again, 10 Men gathering Pitch, and the rest doing odd Jobbs about the House, Geese seen to day."

Apr. 7
" Tuesday Wind variable from East to NW a fresh Gale Weather Cloudy with Snow towards evening. the men employ'd about various Jobbs, those that are ailing excepted."

Apr. 8
" Wednesday Wind NW a small Breeze with clear fine Weather. the Men employed cutting fire Wood, and making Paddles. Mag. Twatt a little better by eating some pounded Cherries?"

Apr. 9
" Thursday Wind West a fresh Breeze with fine clear Wea. Sent Magnus Twat and seven Men to get Splinters & Timbers for Canoes and the rest employed at the Prefs, packed 20 bundles of furrs. one Duck killed to day by one of the Men."

Apr. 10
" Friday Wind Southerly a small Breeze with clear warm Weather. it being good Friday did not put the Men to duty. at Noon two Canadians arrived brought 105 made Beaver in Wolves and Foxes 83 lbs Fatt and 40 lbs beat Meat, which they traded for sundry articles. they are free and have been hunting for themselves all Winter without the afsistance of any Indians. one Indian Lad came for Tobacco in the evening."

Apr. 11
" Satuarday Wind SW a small Breeze Weather as Yesterday. Sent three Men with Dogs to bring home Splinters and Timbers for Canoes, who return'd in the afternoon, the rest employed at the Prefs packed 16 bundles of furrs, in the evening two Indian Lads arrived from the Beaver Hills, these inform me of a Melancholy accident that happened amongst them when drinking some Liquor. an Indian that arrived here on the seventh of March was unfortunately shot dead on the Spot by exchanging their Guns with each other one of which was loaded and had been snapped several times and did not fire, another good Indian that Trades here unfortunately took the Gun to try as the others had done, but no sooner had he put his finger to the Tricker then it unfortunately went off and killed him that the Gun pointed too, dead, the deceased had a good deal of Credit from me as also had several more which have thrown all away so that it will be a great lofs to this place."

Apr. 12
" Sunday Wind NNE a fresh Breeze Weather part cloudy part clear. in the evening one Young Indian arriv'd for Tobacco."

Apr. 13
" Monday Wind Westerly a small Breeze with clear fine Weather. Sent 6 Men to gather Pitch and to bring home Splinters and Timbers, and the rest variously employ'd. John Flett much better. Thomas Hay still continues very bad Doctor James's Powders being the only Medicine here there is directions for. I have given it him for some time past according to the directions, and last Night he Vomited a small quantity of bloody matter, as to David Thompson he mends but very slowly. gave the Indians Tobacco and some ammunition and they went away."

Apr. 14
" Tuesday Wind Westerly a fresh Breeze with clear Weather. Sent 6 Men to bring home stuff for Gunnells, also Splinters for Canoes the rest employed about various Jobbs, the Indian that came on Sunday went away."

Apr. 15
" Wednesday Wind variable light Breezes with clear warm Weather. sent seven Men for Timbers and Splinters, also to bring the Men home as the Water rises fast in the River. at ten OClock they all return'd, two Men looking for 3 stray Horses but did not find them, the rest employ'd about odd Jobbs."

Apr. 16
" Thursday Wind ENE a fresh Gale first part clear latter part Cloudy. two men sawing Gunnells for Canoes, two Men drefsing Timbers for Ditto, and the rest variously employed. in the evening a Canadian arrived, which is one of those that came in free last Autumn, and intends to go down to York Factory. he has brought thirty Skins, eight of which he owes in Credit. at Noon the River broke up in several places about the Islands."

Apr. 17
" Friday Wind variable Weather for the most part Cloudy with Rain towards evening. Gilbert Laughton repairing the Boat and the rest employ'd as Yesterday. at noon the River came down and stopped abreast the House."

Apr. 18
" Satuarday Wind NW a stiff Gale Cloudy with Snow and Sleet most of the day no Working without doors. the River Ice about 300 Yards farther down."

Apr. 19
" Sunday little Wind variable with clear cold Weather."

Apr. 20
" Monday Wind Westerly a fresh Breeze Weather as Yesterday. Gilbert Laughton and one Man repairing the Boat. Magnus Twatt and one man working at Canoe gunnells, one man repairing the gates, two Men looking for three Horses which I suppose to be stolen as they cannot be found. John Flett tolerable well but Thomas Hay rather worse, the rest cutting fire Wood and making Paddles, two Geese and one swan from James Tate to day, also 3 Buffalo Calves."

Apr. 21
" Tuesday Wind WSW a stiff Gale Weather clear and much warmer than Yesterday. the Men employ'd as before. at noon the South Cannel Ice gave way and went down, and the Water fell about three feet."

Apr. 22
" Wednesday Wind Notherly a fresh Breeze with clear hot weather. Magnus Twatt and two Men turning Timbers for Canoes, Gilbert Laughton finished repairing the Boat, and the rest variously employed. late in the evening two Indians arrived from the red Deer Hills & brought no more than two Wolves two Beaver & four Martins."

Apr. 23
" Thursday Wind Southerly a small Breeze with very warm Weather. Sent James Tate and Magnus Annell to look for the lost Horses and the rest employed about various Jobbs. the Indians that came last night went away early this morning."

Apr. 24
" Friday Wind variable from South to WNW a fresh Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear. Gilbert Laughton making Staples and Bolts for the Gates out of Iron Hoops, and the rest employed as before. in the evening one Tent of swampy ground stone Indians arrived very poorly gooded, also one Indian arrived from the Northward, brought two Beaver also wants Men to fetch Birchrind. at 10 last night the River came down and continues driving full of Ice, but the Water has fallen two feet from two in the morning."

Apr. 25
" Satuarday Wind variable with fine clear Weather. 6 Men with myself set out at three in the Morning, and at noon return'd brought seven Rolls of Birchrind and near 30 Beaver in furrs, my reason for going to bring it was to prevent it from falling into the Canadians hands. at two in the afternoon William Flett the Younger and six Indians arrived from the Blood & Peecanow Indians.these bring but indifferent accounts from those few that are coming in having but little or nothing with them owing to their Indolence and the great quantity of Snow all over the Country by which the Trade at this place will suffer much this Year. rigged one of the afsinnepoiet Indians and gave him seven Gallons of Brandy. the Men at the House variously employed. Sent Nine fathoms Tobacco 11 1/2 lbs Powder and some Vermillion to the Indians."

Apr. 26
" Sunday Wind Southerly a fresh breeze with clear fine Weather. at 10 AM the Men arrived on the other side the River as also did the Indians, and at one PM got all acrofs the River 17 Men 20 Women and a Number of Children, out of which I Cloathed nine, and gave each Leader seven gallons of Brandy."

Apr. 27
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. the Men variously employed. traded with the Indians, made the Leaders presents, and put the greater part of them acrofs the River. late in the evening one Indian Lad came for Tobacco which he got and went away."

Apr. 28
" Tuesday Wind variable light Breezes with hot Weather. Gilbert Laughton doing Jobbs in the Smith's way Magnus Twatt and one man making Canoe work, and the rest employ'd crofsing Horse and Indians. three Tents arrived, and those went away that arrived the 26 Inst. and have brought no more than 1200 made Beaver in Wolves, Foxes and a few Beaver with a small quantity of Provisions, which is far short of what they brought last Year from that quarter."

Apr. 29
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Breeze first part Cloudy with Rain latter part clear Weather. Sent ten Men to dig Roots for Sewing Canoes, Carpenter and Smith as before and the rest employ'd attending the Gates and doing other necefsary duties about the House. rec'ed the remainder of Trading Goods brought back by James Gaddy, James Spence and those with them as also the furrs which amounts to above 1000 made Beaver, the greatest part of which are small Foxes. the Indians very drunk."

Apr. 30
" Thursday Wind Westerly a fresh Breeze Weather clear till the evening afterwards part Cloudy. the Men employ'd as Yesterday, paid the Men for part of their trapping in Slops and other articles Wanted. late in the evening an Indian arrived from the other side brought 6 Rolls of Birch rind."

May 1 1789
" Friday Wind NW a stiff Gale with Sleet and Rain at times. the Men making Paddles and doing odd Jobbs Within doors traded a few Skins with the Indians for Liquor. Thomas Hay much worse than before, and David Thompsons Leg I am afraid will turn out to a mortification as the Joint of his Ancle never lowered of the swelling."

May 2
" Satuarday Wind NW a stiff gale with Showers of Hail at times. Gilbert Laughton lame having cut his hand. Magnus Twatt and one Man drefsing Splinters and making a ground frame for a Canoe, and the rest employ'd at the Prefs packed 22 bundles of furrs to day."

May 3
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. traded with some of the Indians, and gave them several articles they were not able to Trade. in the evening three Indians came for Tobacco which they got and went away. at nine PM Several Indians called out Murder on the other side the River, who was brought acrofs and informs that two Indian men are Mortaly Wounded by drinking some Liquor sent from the French House, by an Indian to debauch them and afterwards take their furrs from them in return."

May 4
" Monday Wind Westerly a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy with Snow at times also Snowed much in the Night. the Men employ'd crofsing the Indians and attending the House and gates. the Weather being so very cold that nothing can be done either in Building or repairing Canoes. Thomas Hay so very bad that he cannot come out of Bed without afsistance. the Indians that arrived to day is so poor and ill to please that there is no dealing with them, these use to bring 600 Beaver and has not brought 250, but the expences will be near half that quantity."

May 5
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. traded with the Indians and put most of them acrofs in the evening. they were very poor and very expensive. the Men employed about various Jobbs."

May 6
" Wednesday Wind NW a fresh Gale with Snow at intervals. the Men employed at the Prefs packed 23 bundles of furrs to day. Thomas Hay very bad."

May 7
" Thursday Wind variable light Breezes with clear Weather. in the forenoon packed 8 bundles of furrs, but as the day turn'd Warmer, left off and repair'd Canoes, also cleared off the Indians, and crofsed them over to the North Side in the evening. at 6 PM Thomas Hay fainted way and lost the use of his Tongue, in which state he continued till eight then departed this life, all above his Stomach is very much swelled."

May 8
" Friday Wind Southerly light Breezes with clear fine Weather. Magnus Twatt and three Men building a Canoe. William Folster and one man making a Coffin. Gilbert Laughton making Nails for the same. James Tate very ill of a Pain in his back, which seized him Yesterday when lifting a bundle of furrs, the rest employed at the Prefs and taking care of the Horses. packed 21 bundles of furrs to day and in the evening Enterr'd the body of Thomas Hay. one Tent of Indians arrived from the Northward but like all others poorly gooded."

May 9
" Satuarday Wind Northerly a fresh Gale Weather Cloudy with a little Snow in the forenoon afterwards clear. the Men variously employed the Weather being too cold for repairing Canoes, traded with part of the Indians that arrived Yesterday, and rigged one of them. pack eight bundles of furrs to day."

May 10
" Sunday Wind Northerly a small Breeze with a cold clear air. cleared off the rest of the Indians and they went away, one Tent of Sufsew and two of afsinnepoiet Indians arrived brought a trifle of furrs and a little Provisions. also an Indian came from the Northward who brings the disagreeable News of seven Indians being murdered a little time ago and he himself received a stabb in his left Shoulder but not mortal altho much degected? gave him some Tobacco, and sent James Gaddy and three Men men more with five Horses to bring what furrs there is at the Tents. in the evening embarked James Tate and five Men more in two Canoes with 20 bundles furrs and 264 lbs Pimmecan. also several articles of Trading Goods for the South Branch, having ordered two of the Men to go their to afsist in bringing down the Canoes, Goods now sent amounts to 131 1/10 made Beaver."

May 11
" Monday Wind variable light Breezes with clear Weather till Noon afterwards Cloudy. the People employed repairing Canoes, and building a new one. traded with the Indians that arrived yesterday and they went away. James Gaddy and those with him return'd on account of the Indian falling in with the other Indians and? got drunk and they could not get him to go with them and they did not know the road."

May 12
" Tuesday Wind NNE a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy with a cold air. the Men employed pitching and repairing Canoes, but go slowly on, on account of the coldnefs of the Weather. in the evening one of the Indians return'd that went away Yesterday, brought one Beaver which he traded and went away."

May 13
" Wednesday Wind NE a fresh Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear. the Men employed as Yesterday. at noon embarked 6 Men in two Canoes with 22 bundles of furrs and 264 lbs Pimmecan for their Journey down."

May 14
" Thursday Wind variable fresh Breezes with a cold air very bad Weather for repairing Canoes which makes it go but slowly on. James Gaddy with myself taking a survey of the remains of trading. in the evening one tent of Indians arrived from the South Branch brought nothing."

May 15
" Friday Wind NW a fresh Breeze with Cloudy Weather. the Men employed pitching and rpairing Canoes, and got their Provisions for the Journey down to York Factory."

May 16
" Satuarday Wind Notherly a fresh Gale with Cloudy Weather. at five AM embarked 6 Canoes on their Journey down Loaded with 64 bundles of furrs and 924 lbs Pimmecan. got the other two Canoes ready for embarking tomorrow Please God health and Weather permits. it has been one of the coldest Springs I ever knew; not one night as yet without a strong frost."

May 17
" Sunday Wind NNW a stiff Gale with Cloudy Weather. at 10 AM embarked five Men in two Canoes myself included loaded with 28 bundles of furrs 300 lbs Pimmecan. have left the following Person to take care of the House and Goods all the Summer, James Gaddy in charge as he is best acquainted with the Languages of the Peckenow and Blood Indian nations, James Spence Sen., Wm Rich, Alexander Corrigal, Andrew Flett, Robert Garston, John Halcrow, and Halcrow Smith. my reason for leaving so many men is that the Indians are much more daring then they used to be. We Paddled and Sailed till eight PM then put up. David Thompson by his own desire I am taking down but god knows what will come of him."

May 18
" Monday Wind and Weather as before. at five AM we embarked paddled and Sailed, till half past 6 PM then put up at the lower end of the Eagle hill which is above 100 Miles from Manchester House, pafsed by 20 Tents of Afsinnepoiet Indians from the Southward."

May 19
" Tuesday Wind variable fresh Breezes with clear Weather. at five AM we proceeded and paddled till half past six then put up, at noon come up with two Canoes that went ahead, had killed several Beaver."

May 20
" Wednesday Wind SSW a fresh Breeze Weather as Yesterday. at five AM we embarked and Paddled till ten then came up with six of the Canoes that was a head. also two Men from the South Branch waiting our arrival and at Noon I set out for that place with 7 Men more and two kegs of Brandy, as nothing else with procure Bark but that article. at 9 PM three Men with myself arrived at the South Branch found Mr Walker and all under his direction well, I thank God."

May 21
" Thursday Wind Southerly a fresh Gale with clear Weather. got three Canoes ready for setting off tomorrow Please God Wind and Weather permits. at ten AM Andrew Davey and the other Men arrived with two kegs of Brandy containing 15 Gall, 1 Qt, 1 Pt for Mr Walker to procure Birchrind in the Summer."

May 22
" Friday Wind Easterly a stiff Gale Weather part Cloudy part Clear. at five AM I embarked with five Men in three Canoes, loaded with 36 bundles of Furrs and 600 lbs Pimmecan, we paddled till nine PM then obliged to put up a heavy Rain breaking out."

May 23
" Satuarday Wind and Weather as Yesterday a heavy Rain last night which continued till eight this morning. at ten AM we proceeded, and at eleven got into the main River, here two Canoes was waiting for us, and the rest has gone a head, we paddled hard till eight PM then put up."

May 24
" Sunday Wind and Weather much the same as before. at five AM we proceeded and paddled till past eight then put up. saw many grizzled, brown, and black Bears to day feeding along the Shores on drounded Buffalo of which there are great Numbers."

May 25
" Monday Wind variable from East to WNW stiff Gales Weather Cloudy with Rain. at half pas four AM we embarked and paddled till Noon then obliged to put up for the Rain."

May 26
" Tuesday Wind between W and NW a stiff Gale with clear Weather. at five AM we proceeded sailed and paddled till nine PM then arrived at Cumberland House, the other Canoes having arrived a little time before; found all well thank God, but very poor Trade, which was no more than I expected well knowing that the private Writings carried on between Mr Hudson and the Canadian Masters has done much hurt as they have planted Canoes all round so that few Indians can pafs. I should be sorry to day this was it not well known by many others besides myself, it is true the Tobacco is very bad, for what Indians come here trade none of that Commodity."

[No entries]

June 9 1789
" Tuesday Wind variable in the South quarter light Breezes with clear hot Weather. at seven AM embarked 20 Men, myself included in eight Canoes, loaded with 90 Bundles of furrs and Provisions for the Journey. also embarked six Indian Canoes loaded with 25 bundles, and there still remains some bundles left for Want of Men to Man the Canoes. I have left Malchom Rofs in charge of Cumberland with John Allen and John Kirknefs have also left David Thompson it being impofsible to carry him down in the Condition he is in."

June 10
" Wednesday Wind variable from SE to WSW fresh Gales with Thunder and Rain at intervals. at 4 AM we proceeded and Paddled till 3 PM then put up for the rain."

June 11
" Thursday Wind and Weather variable. at 3 AM we embarked and paddled till four PM then put up about 10 Miles through the Cedar Lake the Wind blowing fresh from ESE, and inclinable to Rain, so that I did not think it prudent to crofs to the long point."

June 12
" Friday Wind ENE a strong Gale Weather Cloudy with rain all day."

June 13
" Satuarday Wind as Yesterday and blowed much harder with rain till Noon afterwards more moderate, but not moderate enough to proceed."

June 14
" Sunday Wind variable from WNW to ESE and blowed fresh towards evening. at five AM we embarked and paddled till 7 PM then arrived at the great fall, then carried till nine and put up; pafsed by eight Canoes of Canadians from the Northward loaded with 22 packs in each and six Men."

June 15
" Monday Wind SE a fresh Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear. at 6 AM got all over the carrying place, but could not go down the fall for fear of Weting the furrs."

June 16
" Tuesday Wind and Weather variable. at four AM we proceeded down the fall and at eight got all safe down thank God afterwards proceeded through the great Lake but soon fell in with a great quantity of Ice laying along the Shores which put us in the greatest danger had not the Providence of God favoured us with Calm Weather not being able to land before six PM after having gone back some Miles and then not without much difficulty there being much swell on the Shore and the Water very Cold."

June 17
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. at three AM we embarked and Proceeded paddled all day and all night without stopping, a very thick fogg for these two days past not being able to see the land a hundred yards from the Shore."

June 18
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before. at noon one Canoe with myself arrived at the Randesvou Lake, here we found seven Tents of Indians, most of which had debt from Mr Joseph Colen last Year but have traded most part of their Winter Furrs with the Canadians at the Poplar River which renders some of them unable to pay their Credits at present; I left orders with Mr Joseph Colen last year. should the Men stay that was left down to send two Canoes to that part of the Country to prevent the Canadians running away with the Companys property but I hear they all went home and but few came in their room, whereby there is a great many wanted; above 60 good able men is wanted to secure the Companys property in this quarter and inland."

June 19
" Friday Wind variable with a heavy squal of Thunder and Rain, towards evening, the Men being very much fatigued did not proceed to day. at 8 AM one Indian Canoe arrived that Malchom Rofs sent off the day after we came away with six bundles of furrs."

June 20
" Satuarday Wind Southerly a stiff Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear. at seven AM we embarked Sailed and paddled till eight PM then put up at the entrance of Euchewe mames, several Canoes embarked from the Randesvou for York Factory to pay their Debts."

June 21
" Sunday Wind SE a fresh Breeze Weather Cloudy with Rain. at half past three AM we embarked paddled till eight then obliged to put up for the Rain. at 4 PM put off again and paddled till half past eight then put up."

June 22
" Monday Wind variable fresh Breezes with clear Weather. at half past three AM we proceeded paddled and carried till nine PM then put up on the hill carrying place. several of the Men lame of Cuts and Bruises."

June 23
" Tuesday Wind Easterly Weather as Yesterday. at half past three AM we embarked and paddled till eight PM then put up at the entrance of the deep Water, or Pethepaw,wennsfree? Lake killed one small Moose today which is barely sufficient for one Meal for all hands."

June 24
" Wednesday Wind variable light Breezes with very hot Weather. at three AM we embarked and paddled till four PM then put up. Sent Mitchell Oman with eight Canoes a head, so that we may not incumber one another on the carrying and handing places."

June 25
" Thursday Wind Southerly light Breezes with fine clear Weather. at half past three AM we embarked paddled handed and carried till nine PM then put up more than half way through Mashkechequan Lake."

June 26
" Friday Wind WSW a fresh Breeze with clear Weather. at three AM we embarked, paddled and carried till eight PM then put up in the swampy Lake, as also did the Indians except four Canoes that are behind."

June 27
" Satuarday Wind ENE a strong Gale Weather part Cloudy part clear; could not proceed down the Hill River with safety so laid by and repair'd a Canoe that was broke Yesterday also some others that wanted some little repairs."

June 28
" Sunday Wind Northerly a stiff Gale with Rain from eight oClock last night till Noon this day afterwards clear but blowed hard. still Weather bound. And. Davey out of order with a boil below his Navel which hurts him much."

June 29
" Monday Wind as Yesterday a fresh Breeze Weather part Cloudy part clear. at two AM we embarked and paddled, handed and carried till half past eight PM then put up half way down Chakatanan River."

June 30
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. at half past three AM we proceeded and paddled till 8 PM then put up half way down Steel River, Met two Canoes on their return from the factory which informs us that many of the People has been very bad and by the description given I suppose to be the Scurvy which is a shocking disorder in this Country."

July 1 1789
" Wednesday Wind NNE a stiff Gale Weather for the most part Cloudy. at two AM we embarked and paddled hard till three PM then put up seven Miles from the factory owing to the Current and Wind being too strong to paddle against."

July 2
" Thursday Wind in the NE quarter light Breezes with fine Weather. at half past eleven PM we embarked and paddled till one AM then arriv'd safe at York Factory. I thank God for the same, and no More than two men in the factory able to afsist in carrying up furrs."

" William Tomison."

" South Branch house Sept. 12th 1788
Mr Tomison,
I have taken the Liberty with pleasure to Convey two or three lines to meet You a little below the Branches, by one of my Hunters Pa tha sew athin nue ; I have also embarked by him 140 lbs Pimmecon for You knowing myself the last Year it would have been exceptable.
This Summer I have made very little Provisions, few Skins, and plenty of Birchrinde enough for 9 Canoes if wanted.
The Indians that fled to the S. the last year I have heard from them, that they are all coming in about the arrival of the Canoes; also the Hat man, and a great many others besides him. The stand by four Legs the stone Indian is deceased. Mr Monteur has given it out amongst the Indians that he is to have a House built about the Nipo win this fall, and great Gangs of them is Pitched down that way through the great disturbances that accurred this Summer between the Fall and Southward Indians has made some of them fly downwards; I have nothing more material to relate. but Conclude wishing succefs to the Companys Affairs, hoping every felicity to attend You and all under your Command.
So I remain
Your most obedient & humble Servant
William Walker."

" Hudson House Sept. 22nd, 1788
Mr Walker
I am sorry that I have been under the Necefsity of detaining your People so long here on account of the following reasons, the Indians that was about here all Summer did not do any thing towards procuring Provisions on account of the badnefs of the Tobacco and the want of Liquor, so that I was induced to send for them to come in with what Provisions they had, as the Stock here was as follows dried meat 440 lbs beat meat 200 lbs fat 480 which was not sufficient for such a number of Men for 10 or 12 days Journey. You will receive from the Bearers 60 lbs Tobacco 3 tin Cannesters, 1 lb cut Tobacco, 10 1/2 Yards red Corded Cloth 3 square Bayonets 30, 200 Arrow barbs 1 lb Tea four long Pistols 3 lb light blue Beads, one four foot Gun Barrel; and two bundles of furrs which You will please to sendown with the other to Cumberland House and it will be necefsary to dispatch the Canoe for that place as fast as pofsible. You are to send no Packets in the Winter without there is a necefsity for it as those that was sent on that duty last Year, thought they could not be rewarded for their Trouble which I thought was the next to nothing as they neither carried nor hauld any Goods.
So Conclude with wish'g succefs to the Companys Affairs, health and happinefs to you and all under your direction, and remain
Your obedient
humble Servant
Will. Tomison
P.S. You will employ James Sanderson with proper afsistance to get Wood Work for Canoes this fall and in the Spring, I will send some afsistance to build."

" South Branch House Jan. 6th, 1789
Mr Tomison,
By the Bearers James Sanderson and David Copeland I embrace these few lines by way of Letter to enquire after your good state of health, hoping these will find You and all under your Command well, as we all here enjoy thank God.
My reason for sending the above mentioned person; is to let you know every particular; also the Necefsity I am in wanting, Guns, Pistols Bayonets flat, Cloth, and a few Hatchets, If you please to spare any.
The above mentioned Articles being all ended, except 9 Pieces of Cloth 2 Guns, 9 Bayonets and 2 Hatchets, I have nothing more to add but so Conclude wishing succefs to the Companys Affairs wishing every felicity to attend You And so remain
Your most obedient
and humble Servant
Will. Walker
NB. Please to let me know how the bundles are to be packed in case you should not pay me a Visit in the Spring, but I hope you will for I shall be very? glad to see you."

" Manchester House Jan. 25th, 1789
Mr William Walker
By the arrival of James Sanderson and David Copeland on the 15th Inst. I receiv'd your kind favour dated the 6th which gave me great pleasure to hear you and all under your Command enjoy pease and plenty, which happinefs thank God we all here enjoy, David Thompson excepted who had the Misfortune to break his Leg on the 23d Dec. about one mile from the House, coming down the bank of a Creek on the other side the River with some others bringing Meat to the House and before he arrived his Leg was so swelled that I found it a difficult matter to set it. what ever the Consequence may be is as yet uncertain but shall hope for the best, and that of him being in a fair way of recovery; as to your being in want of goods I have not the least doubt but Whither your prospect in the Spring may be so great as you expect, I rather doubt as I have not yet seen any Trade made there in the Spring so that many come to Trade with You in the fall for Guns and other articles of Iron work which You see no more of before the next Year; notwithstanding I have sent by the Bearers all that I can spare of those Article You are in want of; a list of which I have enclosed of the sundry Articles sent. The trade at this place 1500 made Beaver, but how the Spring may turn out I know not but shall hope for the best, several Indians has been in from different quarters, but could not bring any furrs, as the Snow is so very deep which has starved the greatest part of their Horses to death, and what is alive cannot travel so that little Trade can be expected here before most part of the Snow is gone. As to Provisions it was very scarce here till the middle of Nov. but since we have had plenty of green Meat, and have got a sufficiency to serve the present Number of Men till the first of May, but my dried Stock is very small being no more than 200 lbs beat meat 200 lbs Fatt and 100 lbs of Meat partly dried, having nothing more to add I Conclude with wishing succefs to the Company's affairs, health and happinefs to You and all under your direction and
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Will. Tomison
P.S. the list of debts I sent You some time ago You will be pleased to stop to preven rougery."

