Churchill Journal 1787-88
This is a virtually complete transcription of the Churchill Factory Journal 1787-88 by Alex Nicol

" A Journal of the most remarkable Transactions and Occurrences at Churchill Factory from 21st August 1787 to 19th August 1788 William Jefferson Chief."

" William Jefferson's Journal Chief Factor at Churchill Factory in Hudsons Bay North America for and under the Command of the Honourable Governor, deputy Govenor, and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into the said Bay from 21st of August 1787 to the [blank]"
[Title page]

" Remarks at Churchill Factory"

Aug. 21 1787 Tuesday
" Wind variable. Men employ'd in geting Mr Prince's Furrs and Deer skins on board the Sloop. Closed your Honours Packets which I deliv'd to Mr Prince to give to Captain Tunstall."

Aug. 22 Wednesday
" Wind Easterly Credited 4 Northern Indians several articles of Trading-goods to enable them to procure Provisions for themselves and Furrs to bring here next Spring.
Four S'd Indians went over the River to endeavour to kill some Geese, and two Englishmen up the River to procure Fish for we have had nothing but salt provisions for some time. Armourer and his mate making Ironwork for the Launch. Taylor making Cloathing for Indians others at various necefsary Jobs. Ship and Sloop returned in our river by contrary Winds."

Aug. 23 Thursday
" A stark calm. Men employed at the Launch preparing to brew table Beer, Stowing away a few Casks of ? for next Year and other duty. Ship and Sloop still in our River."

Aug. 24 Friday
" Wind Easterly. Men employed at the Launch, brewing table-beer, repairing Casks for 12 Mile Point. opened the Cask N93 of this year found deficient as per Invoice 24 doz. of Buttons, 2 ? of Silk and ? of Twist. Received not mentioned in the Invoice 2 Table cloths and 2 Napkins."

Aug. 25 Saturday
" Wind NW with pleasant Weather. Your Honours Ship and Sloop Sailed for York Factory. I hope in God they will arrive safe at YF and the Ship with You in due time, your Servants employed at the Launch, Sawing and spliting wood for my use &c. Four Indians that went away on Wednesday returned unsuccefsfull."

Aug. 26 Sunday
" Wind NW I performed Divine Service which I have done ever since I had the Honour to Serve You when agreable to My Superiours to have it performed. Indians that came yesterday went away."

Aug. 27 Monday
" Wind SW with pleasant weather. Shipwright repairing a whaleing boat. Armourer and his mate making Ironwork for the Launch; Tailor making Coats for Indians. Fishermen brought 34 Pike and Indians two small Deer weight 160 lb. Men employed at various necefsary Jobs."

Aug. 28 Tuesday
" Wind NW I sent fourteen Men with your Hounours? Long-boats, and two small boats with empty Casks. Salt and Shot to the Twelve mile point to be ready against next Spring Goos season; And bring home the 2129 Geese salted last Spring. Remainder of the Men collecting Stones for the Launch. Fishermen returned to their duty."

Aug. 29 Wednesday
" Wind Variable At 6 AM Men and Boats returned with the Geese. Four home Indians that went from here on the 18th Ult. came for a supply of Ammunition &c. they brought 280 lb of Venison."

Aug. 30 Thursday
" Wind Westerly Men employed building the Launch, Sawing and Spliting Wood for my Room, and other necefsary Jobs."

Aug. 31 Friday
" Wind Southwardly I sent three more home Indian Men and their Families with those that came on Wednesday to procure provisions for themselves untill the Spring and Furrs to bring here. Men employed as Yesterday. Fishermen brought 30 Pike."

Sept. 1 1787 Saturday
" Wind Southerly forepart of the day calm and agreable Weather. sent six men with Your Honours long boat to bring a large Sled and other things wanted here from the late Fort. Sent the Fishermen up the River to bring home their Tent, Kettle &c there being no probability of geting any more Fish at present. Remainder of the Men employed as Yesterday. Eight N. Indians came here to be trusted with some Trading Goods to enable them to support their Families & procure Furrs to bring here next Spring. At 2 PM a strong gale of Wind came on which hindered Your long Boat from geting here."

Sept. 2 Sunday
" A strong gale of wind Easterly with rain. We were obliged to defer a Divine Service an Account being brought that Your Honours long boat was in great danger of being lost at the late Fort, and at the same time our Rafts of Fire-wood was breaking loose from their moorings by the Surf on the shore which (seperately) required the afsistance of all their Men here. I sent three to afsist the Six before sent with the long Boat, also Mr Stayner to superintend he being acquainted with marine affairs; At noon I had the pleasure to see Your Long boat arrive safe and our Rafts secured from all danger."

Sept. 3 Monday
" Wind Northerly Men employed carrying fire Wood (brought here last July) and seting it up in a Pile for future use."

Sept. 4 Tuesday
" Wind Variable Men employed as yesterday."

Sept. 5 Wednesday
" Wind NE with cold weather Men employed as Yesterday."

Sept. 6 Thursday
" Wind Variable Men employed in carrying up fire wood which they finished. William Fisher lame by a fall he got on the Rafts. Peter Sinclair troubled with a pain in his breast all the Rest thank God are in perfect Health."

Sept. 7 Friday
" Wind SSW with pleasant weather. Shipwright repairing a Boat. Cooper and two other men boarding the Launch. Tailor making Cloaths for Indians. Remainder of the Men secureing the Launch with stones and other necefsary Jobs."

Sept. 8 Saturday
" Wind Westerly with agreable Weather. Four Men went up the River to kill Geese. Received 10 Geese from a Northern Indian who has been detained here some time his Wife being so lame she is not able to walk, nor he to haul her, until Snow is on the ground. Men employed as yesterday."

Sept. 9 Sunday
" Wind Easterly with snow. Performed Divine Service."

Sept. 10 Monday
" Wind Northerly. Shipwright repairing a boat. Cooper and Sawyer geting Wood ready for boarding the Warehouse-floor, others Sawing and spliting wood for my room. geting Stones for the Launch and other necefsary Jobs. Received 18 Geese from the four Men that went up the River on Saturday."

Sept. 11 Tuesday
" Wind Westerly Shipwright and the other Men employed as Yesterday except the Mason and another man that is repairing fire places &c."

Sept. 12 Wednesday
" Wind Variable Shipwright repairing Boats Cooper and Sawyer preparing Wood for the Warehouse-floor. Taylor making Cloaths for Indians. Armourer making Rings & Bolts for the Launch. Remainder placeing Salt provisions in their proper Sheds, Geting stones for the launch, Sawing wood for my Room and other things requisite to be done. Two Indians returned that was sent from here to York Fort with an Account of the safe arrival of Your Honours Ship Sea Horse on the 14th Ult."

Sept. 13 Thursday
" Wind SW Tradesmen and others employed as yesterday except two that is prepareing to brew small Beer. In the Evening a Port Nelson river Indian and two home Indians arrived here. they brought a few Summer Beaver skins and 130 lb of Venison."

Sept. 14 Friday
" Wind variable Men employed as Yesterday. Traded with the Indians and gave them every encouragement in my power to be industrious in procuring Furrs to bring here next Year."

Sept. 15 Saturday
" Wind SW with agreable weather. Men employed at various Jobs. Received 45 Geese killed by Men up the River."

Sept. 16 Sunday
" Wind and weather as Yesterday. Performed Divine Service. at 7 PM we had the pleasure to see Your Honours Sloop arrive safe into our River from York Factory."

Sept. 17 Monday
" Wind NE with Snow. Men employed in geting the Sloop to our Launch, unloading her &c."

Sept. 18 Tuesday
" Wind Easterly Shipwright repairing a Boat. Cooper Sawyer and another man boarding the Warehouse floor. Remainder Sawing and spliting wood for my Room and other necefsary Jobs. Mr Prince and his Men drying Sloop sails &c."

Sept. 19 Wednesday
" Wind Variable Men employed as Yesterday four excepted that are taking Wine and Bacon out of their Chests placing the former above and below my Bed, Scrapeing the latter and hanging it up for a few days in my Cook-room which experience has proved to be of service to it."

Sept. 20 Thursday
" Wind Northerly with agreable Weather. Mr Prince and his Crew puting Sloops stores in their Winter quarters. Shipwright repairing a Boat and a Man picking Oakam for him.Cooper, Sawyer, and two other Men boarding the sides and floor of the Warehouse. Armourer repairing and cleaning hunting Guns. Tailor and his Man making winter cloathing for the Officers. Remainder of the Men taking up our Turnips, Green Pease, and Coleworts, out of the Garden."

Sept. 21 Friday
" Wind NE with cold Weather. Tradesmen & their afsistans employed as Yesterday, others turning up our Garden ground &c produce this Year. Green pease 1 1/2 Gallon. Turnips 8 bushels, and Coleworts a few boilings for Chiefs table and some to give to the other Men."

Sept. 22 Saturday
" Wind NW with cold Weather Men employ'd as Yesterday, except Sloops crew who are Coiling up rafting ropes and properly placeing several articles near the Launch. Received 24 Geese from the Men up the River."

Sept. 23 Sunday
" Wind NE with moderate Weather. Performed Divine Service. Fresh provisions being very scarce here Mefs Prince Stayner and another man went up the River to endeavour to procure some Fish. Men that came down the River yesterday returned up this Afternoon."

Sept. 24 Monday
" Wind NbE with hazy weather. Shipwright repairing a boat and a Man picking Oakham for him. Armourer and his Mate cleaning and repairing Guns. Cooper Sawyer and two other Men boarding the sides and Floor of the Warehouse. Taylor and his afsistant making winter Cloathing for the Officers. Sloops Mate making Feather bags, Rapped? Gun cases &c out of old Canvafs. Remainder of the Men Sawing and spliting Wood."

Sept. 25 Tuesday
" Wind Variable with Snow and Sleet. Men employed as Yesterday."

Sept. 26 Wednesday
" Wind Easterly Men employed as before. received 6 Geese from Hunters with information they can get no more therefore I ordered them to come home with their tent &c. Mefs Prince, Stayner and the other Man also returned with 5 small pike and Six Ducks. They could not get to the proper fishing place for want of water in the River and not one Goose could they get."

Sept. 27 Thursday
" Wind NW with dark and cloudy Weather. Tradesmen at their former Jobs. Remainder collecting stones sawing wood &c."

Sept. 28 Friday
" Wind NE with gloomy weather. Mr Prince & three other men went to three mile bluff to endeavour to procure Partridges for their is neither Geese or Fish to be got. I have only been able to serve out 10 days Country Provisions since the 21st Ult."

Sept. 29 Saturday
" Wind Easterly with hazy weather. Men employed at their former Jobs. Mr Prince and his Men brought 36 Partridges and a Hare."

Sept. 30 Sunday
" Wind variable with dark cloudy weather & Snow. Performed Divine Service."

Oct. 1 1787 Monday
" Wind NE with cloudy weather and Snow. Shipwright repairing boats. Cooper, Sawyer, and John Budge, weather boarding inside of the Warehouse and making a convenience for keeping Kettles Cags &c in. Tailor and his Man Cuting leather Shoes and Mittens for the Men. Armourer repairing huning Guns. two Men afsisting the Steward to put up eleven weeks provisions for eight Men. others at sundry employments."

Oct. 2 Tuesday
" Wind NW with cold snowey driftey weather. Sent the men Beaver toggys, Caps, and Mittens. also gave them Leather for Shoes, and Mittens, to serve them twelve months. Employed them in securing the small craft for the Winter, grinding hatchets for the Wooders, and other things requisite to be done."

Oct. 3 Wednesday
" Wind Northerly cold weather with Snow Shipwright repairing a boat. Cooper Sawyer and John Budge altering an Old Wooding Sled. the one that has been in use since we last came here being quite uncerviceable. Taylor at work for the Men others repairing tents ? up Split wood &c."

Oct. 4 Thursday
" Wind NE with cold weather and Snow. Men employed as yesterday except 4 that I sent to look for Partridges who brought thirteen in the afternoon. Partridges are the scarce'st I ever knew them at this time of the Year. Four Men sent out last week only got one after walking major part of a day different ways."

Oct. 5 Friday
" Wind Variable with cold weather. Shipwright as before Cooper and his afsistants making and repairing dogs-Sleds. Armourer and two other men making Shoeing for a large Sled. Tailor and his mate makeing and repairing Beaver-toggys. Five men brewing small beer remainder at Various Jobs."

Oct. 6 Saturday
" Wind NW with cool weather. Tradesmen and their afsistants employed as Yesterday. Seventeen men went with the major part of eleven Weeks provisions for the Wooders."

Oct. 7 Sunday
" Wind Northerly and cold. Performed Divine Service."

Oct. 8 Monday
" Wind NW with hazy disagreable Weather. Sent eight Woodfallers to their Station and seven to help them to haul their provisions tent beding &c and bring home the Sled. Four Men went to look for partridges but returned without a bird. they saw some Deers tracks. In the Evening I sent three Indians After them for we have not one article of fresh provisions."

Oct. 9 Tuesday
" Wind NE a Strong gale with snow. Shipwright with his afsistant repairing a boat. Cooper and two other men making and repairing Dog sleds. Tailor making Officers cloathing. Bricklayer & another Man building Fox-traps near the late Fort. Remainder grinding-Oatmeal &c. Indians that went away yesterday return'd killed two Doe Deer and three Fawns."

Oct. 10 Wednesday
" Wind SW with very agreable Weather. Tradesmen and others employed as yesterday."

Oct. 11 Thursday
" Wind and Weather as yesterday. Mr Prince and three other Men being yesterday supplyed with Guns Ammunition Netts Tent Kettles &c. they went this morning up the River to kill partridges Fish or any other kind of provision and I supplyed three Men with every necefsary article to go on this side of the River on the same duty tomorrow. Two men went to examine some Wood and to give their opinion if it would or not answer the purpose I want it for which is to build a Small House for the Whalers during the Fishing season. Musketoes and Sand-flies at that time are so numerous and troublesome that for want of proper rest on the nights they are so debilitated they can not go to their Duty with the alacrity requisite."

Oct. 12 Friday
" Wind NE a strong gale with cold weather. Men sent Yesterday to look for wood return'd with an account of its being the best near this place. Cooper Sawyer and John Budge lineing Mr Stayner's and four other bed places with thin boards to keep rime from their beding during Winter. others at various Jobs."

Oct. 13 Saturday
" Wind NW a very strong gale Tradesmen employed as Yesterday. Remainder carrying salt provisions to the Watering pond, Grinding Oatmeal &c."

Oct. 14 Sunday
" Wind Northerly with agreable weather. Perform'd Divine Service."

Oct. 15 Monday
" Wind Westerly. Shipwright repairing a boat. Cooper & his afsistants lineing bed places. Tailor making Cloathing for Indians Armourer Cleaning and repairing Guns. Eight men falling firewood. Seven hunting. remainder at various Jobs."

Oct. 16 Tuesday
" Wind NW with agreable weather. At 5 AM Mr Stayner with three other Men went over the River to kill Partridges &c which are nineteen from the Factory. Tradesmen employed as yesterday others making bags, picking Oakham, Cuting wood, &c."

Oct. 17 Wednesday
" Wind Westerly with pleasant weather. Men employed as yesterday. Two Northern Indians arrived with an Account that many more were near Seal River in great want of provisions."

Oct. 18 Thursday
" Wind Southerly with warm weather. Shipwright making a boats keel. Armourer and his Man making a keel-band. Cooper and his Afsistants making and repairing dog-sleds Tailor making Cloaths for Indians, others picking Oakham &c. Receiv'd 84 Partridges and 16 Fish from Mr Prince. Northern Indians went with a Supply of Ammunition and Oatmeal to their friends."

Oct. 19 Friday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday Received 40 Partridges from Thomas Spence. Eight N. Indians brought 168 lb of Venison, 100 Deers tongues, 16 Deer skins, 3 Otters and 2 Martins."

Oct. 20 Saturday
" Wind Southerly Warm weather with rain. Received a Deer and 30 Partridges from Mr Stayner's tent. Men employed at various Jobs. Northern Indians went away."

Oct. 21 Sunday
" Wind and weather as Yesterday performed Divine Service. Hunter returned to his tent."

Oct. 22 Monday
" Wind SW with remarkable warm weather for this time of the Year. Received two Small Deer from Geo. Williamson. 69 Fish and 50 partridges from Mr Prince. I have ordered the Hunters not to kill any more Partridges untill the weather becomes colder for we can not keep them sweet."

Oct. 23 Tuesday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Shipwright repairing a Boat. Cooper Sawyer and John Budge lineing bed places. Armourer cleaning Trading Guns. Tailor and Wm Taylor making cloaths for trade. two men brewing small beer. Seven hunting. Eight falling wood others at sundry Jobs. Hunters returned to their tents."

Oct. 24 Wednesday
" Wind variable with agreable weather Men employed as yesterday."

Oct. 25 Thursday
" Wind Northerly Tradesmen employed as before others picking Oakham, cleaning the Yard &c."

Oct. 26 Friday
" Wind Westerly with agreable Weather Tradesmen at their former Jobs others picking Oakham &c."

Oct. 27 Saturday
" Wind variable Received 36 Partridges from Mr Stayner and 80 Fish from Mr Prince."

Oct. 28 Sunday
" Wind Easterly with cold weather. Performed Divine Service."

Oct. 29 Monday
" Wind westerly with clear cold weather. Shipwright repairing a boat. Cooper and his afsistants making and repairing Sleds for hunters. Tailor making Cloaths for Indians. eight falling Wood. remainder picking Oakham &c."

Oct. 30 Tuesday
" Wind and weather as yesterday. Cooper and his afsistants making drawers for my Bed-room others employed as yesterday. Received 60 Partridges by George Williamson. A snow bunting was killed at the Factory. latest I ever knew them here."

Oct. 31 Wednesday
" Wind SW with agreable weather. Tradesmen and others employed as before. Received three white Foxes killed with setting Guns. Twelve Northern Indians came to get a supply of ammunition &c. they did not bring one Skin of any kind to trade haveing traded all they had with Mr Prince."

Nov. 1 1787 Thursday
" Wind SE with agreable weather. Northern Indians went away. Men employed at their former Jobs."

Nov. 2 Friday
" Wind SW with warm weather. Sixty Northern Indians (Men Women and Children) arrived they only brought three white Foxes and four deer skins.
NB all the above Indians and? their? families? came here to kill Geese for us and? after? ? season is over. they go? to the Northward ? ? trade with Mr? ? the? few? articles they have procured return'd? here to be trusted Ammunition and other articles to enable them to support themselves and families, and Furrs to bring? here in the Spring."[very faint writing]

Nov. 3 Saturday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Received 100 Partridges 40 Fish and two Foxes from Mr Prince and 84 Partridges from Mr Stayner."

Nov. 4 Sunday
" Wind NW with agreable Weather. defered Divine Service to dispatch the Northern Indians to their hunting grounds for during the time they are here they not only requir'd Provisions but are constantly requesting other articles."

Nov. 5 Monday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. sent two Men up the River to survey some Wood. Shipwright geting his work as forward as pofsible that he may (agreable to your Honours order per Capt. Tunstall) go in the Sloop to the Northward next Year. Tailor making kaiding? Cloaths. Armourer repairing Guns others picking Oakham &c. killed three White Foxes with leg traps near the Factory. nine Northern Indians brought 34 Deer skins and 280 lb of Venison."

Nov. 6 Tuesday
" Wind variable with Snow. Northern Indians after geting Guns, Ammunition, and many other articles on trust, they went away. Ten Men out a hunting. Eight falling Wood, others employ'd as Yesterday."

Nov. 7 Wednesday
" Wind NW with cold Weather. Tradesmen and others employed as before. Cooper and Sawyer that went to survey the Wood up the River returned with an Account of there being very few trees worthy of notice."

Nov. 8 Thursday
" Wind NW with cold snowey weather Received 80 partridges from Thomas Spence. Men employed as before."

Nov. 9 Friday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Men employed at various Jobs. Received 80 Fish and a Fox from Mr Prince. Three White Foxes killed by Factory Guns and traps."

Nov. 10 Saturday
" Wind Variable with agreable Weather. Shipwright Cooper Sawyer and two other Men Sharping their tools and geting every thing ready to go on Monday to procure Wood for the Whalers and other uses. Tailor at work for trade. Armourer repairing-guns. two men attending seting-guns and traps at the late Fort, and present Factory, others making foxes &c. Received 80 partridges from Mr Stayner's tent."

Nov. 11 Sunday
" Wind SW with agreable weather. Performed Divine Service. Two Foxes killed by our Guns near the Factory."

Nov. 12 Monday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Armourer cuting old Guns for setting guns. Tailor at work for Trade. two Men attending Guns and Traps. Eight cuting down fire-wood. Five geting Wood for the Whalers house Eleven hunting. others making Foxes &c. This Afternoon John Inkister inadvertantly moved a bate before the Cock of a loaded setting Gun was put down which lodged great part of the Shot in his only hand. I hope in God he will soon get the use of it again there being no Fracture."

Nov. 13 Tuesday
" Wind Sw with warm weather for this time of the Year. Received 80 Partridges from Mr Prince. Armourer Taylor Mason Steward Cooks and two Labourers all employed on Necefsary duty. John Inkisters hand in a promising way for a quick reinstatement."

Nov. 14 Wednesday
" Wind SW with thawey weather which has melted great parts of the Snow exposed to the Sun."

Nov. 15 Thursday
" Wind NW a hard frost with snow. Received 100 partridges from Mr Stayner."

Nov. 16 Friday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Armourer repairing Guns. Tailor making trading Cloaths. Steward making Fishing Netts. two men attending-guns and traps. Twenty four a Hunting and Hewing down Wood. Remainder at necefsary Jobs. Received 100 Partridges and a Porcupine from Mr Prince, and 80 partridges from Thomas Spence."

Nov. 17 Saturday
" Wind SW with agreable weather. Men employed as yesterday. Received 100 Small pike from Indians who returned again to their tent."

Nov. 18 Sunday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Performed Divine Service."

Nov. 19 Monday
" Wind NW a hard frost with Snow. Tailor at work for Indians. Armourer cleaning trading-Guns. Steward making netts. Two men attending Guns and traps. Hunters & Wooders as per last Week. others at necefsary Jobs. Received 100 Partridges and 20 Fish from Mr Prince."

Nov. 20 Tuesday
Nov. 21 Wednesday
" Wind Easterly with cold Weather. Men employed as on Monday."

Nov. 22 Thursday
" Wind Variable with Snow. Men at their former Jobs. Received 100 Partridges from Mr Stayner."

Nov. 23 Friday
" Wind Easterly and cold. Tailor at work for Indians. Armourer cleaning Sloops Musquets. Steward making Netts. others taking Snow out of the Yard &c."

Nov. 24 Saturday
" Wind Variable with cold weather. Men employed as yesterday Received 40 partridges from Thomas Spence."

Nov. 25 Sunday
" Wind Northerly with cloudy weather and Snow. Two Northern Indians brought 72 lb of Venison, defered Divine Service. traded the Indians Meat and trusted them with some Goods to enable them to support themselves and procure Furrs to bring here next Spring. They went away in the Afternoon."

Nov. 26 Monday
" Wind westerly with Snow. Armourer repairing Guns. Tailor making trading Cloaths. Steward making Fishing netts. Cooks and others at necefsary Jobs. Received 92 partridges and 15 Fish from Mr Prince and 40 partridges and 8 Fish from two home Indians."

Nov. 27 Tuesday
" Wind Westerly with cloudy weather Men at their former Jobs."

Nov. 28 Wednesday
" Wind Westerly with clear agreable Weather. Tradesmen as before, others geting every thing ready for brewing small Beer tomorrow."

Nov. 29 Thursday
" Wind Easterly with a thick fog. Two men Brewing small Beer. others at their former Jobs."

Nov. 30 Friday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Received 100 Partridges and 14 Fish from Mr Prince. George Charles brought word from Thomas Spence (with whome he has been the whole season) that all the partridges are gon from the part they are tenting."

Dec. 1 1787 Saturday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Received 100 Partridges by Mr Stayner and 80 from Indians. George Charles returned to his tentmates with orders to stay a few days hoping Partridges will return to them again - Men here cannot be employed during the cold weather so advantageously as procuring Provisions and Wood."

Dec. 2 Sunday
" Wind Easterly a thick fog and warm weather. Performed Divine Service."

Dec. 3 Monday
" Wind Easterly with cloudy warm weather. Men employed in taking Salt provisions out of water and puting more in. Cuting Wood &c. Mr Stayner returned to his tent."

Dec. 4 Tuesday
" Wind SW with hazy weather Tailor making Cloaths for Indians. Armourer cleaning and repairing Sloops Musquets and Pistols. others wheeling Snow out of the Yard &c."

Dec. 5 Wednesday
" Wind Westerly with close hazy weather. Men employed as Yesterday."

Dec. 6 Thursday
" Ditto Weather. Tailor making Cloaths for Indians. Armourer making hinges. others wheeling Snow out of the Yard &c."

Dec. 7 Friday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Received 100 Partridges from Mr Prince from Thomas Spence 50, Indians 60."

Dec. 8 Saturday
" Wind NW with cold weaher. Received 100 Partridges 2 Rabbits and a white Fox from Mr Stayner. Hunters and Indians returned to their tents."

Dec. 9 Sunday
" Ditto Wind and weather. Performed Divine Service. John Inkister now thank God is capable to peform any duty required of him."

Dec. 10 Monday
" Wind NW with clear cold weather. Twenty four Men from the Factory procuring Provisions and Wood, others taking salt provisions out of our watering pond and puting more in &c."

Dec. 11 Tuesday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Armourer repairing Officers Guns. Tailor making Indian Cloaths. Steward making Fishing Netts others Cooking &c."

Dec. 12 Wednesday
" Ditto wind and Weather Received 130? partridges and a Rabbit from Mr Stayner by Peter Gun. Men employed as Yesterday."

Dec. 13 Thursday
" Wind Westerly with clear cold Weather Men at various Jobs."

Dec. 14 Friday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Received 127 Partridges and 40 Fish from Mr Prince and 80 partridges from Thomas Spence. Four home Indians came with some Martins, others are coming to get a supply of Ammunition &c. Game of all kinds has been very scarce with them by their Accounts."

Dec. 15 Saturday
" Ditto Wind and Weather Hunters returned to their Tents."

Dec. 16 Sunday
" Wind NW with cold Weather. Performed Divine Service."

Dec. 17 Monday
" Wind NW with clear cold weather. Mr Prince sent word on Friday that he had killed more Partridges and Fish then he and his Men could get home before Christmafs without help therefore early this morning I sent seven Men to afsist them. At 11 AM Mr Prince arrived with 20 Fish."

Dec. 18 Tuesday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Seven Men I sent Yesterday and two of Mr Princes Men brought 880 Partridges. Received 70 partridges from Thomas Spence, and 120 from Mr Stayner. Five home Indians arrived with 550 Martins belonging to themselves and their friends they left on their traping-ground."

Dec. 19 Wednesday
" Traded with the above Indians and gave them every encouragement in my power to return to their friends and procure as many Martin &c as they can to bring here next Spring. Received 160 Partridges and 69 Fish from Mr Prince's tent."

Dec. 20 Thursday
" Wind NW with clear cold weather. Received 140 Partridges from Mr Stayner and 20 by Tho. Spence. George Charles and George Williamson who returned to the Factory agreable to order Partridges having entirely left their hunting Ground."

Dec. 21 Friday
" Wind SW with mild weather. Four families of our home Indians arrived with 250 Martins."

Dec. 22 Saturday
" Wind and weather as Yesterday. Hunters Sawyers and Woodfallers returned to the Factory to continue during the Christmafs Holydays. Received from the former since October the? [sometimes they use a Y with a squiggle for "the"] 10th 3574 Partridges, 419 Fish, 269 lb Venison, 6 Rabbits, 4 Foxes, and one Otter."

Dec. 23 Sunday
" Wind SW with clear warm weather for the time of year. Performed Divine Service"

Dec. 24 Monday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Men employed cleaning the Houses, Yard &c"

Dec. 25 Tuesday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Performed Divine Service Suitable to the day."

Dec. 26 Wednesday
Dec. 27 Thursday
Dec. 28 Friday
Dec. 29 Saturday
" Wind and Weather variable with warm weather for this time of the Year. Men employed at some necerfsary duty in the mornings and in the Afternoons at innocent amusements suitable to the time."

Dec. 30 Sunday
" Wind SW with agreable weather. Indians came home for Provisions. Defer'd Divine Service."

Dec. 31 Monday
" Wind NW with cold clear weather Men employed in taking out salt provisions from the Watering-pond and other Jobs."

Jan. 1 1788 Tuesday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday Men at various amusements as usual here on this Day."

Jan. 2 Wednesday
" Wind Northerly with cold weather. Twenty Eight Men employed in geting every thing requisite for their going from the Factory tomorrow."

Jan. 3 Thursday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Mefs Prince Stayner and four other men went to procure Partridges. Seventeen to haul fire wood to the water side. Four to saw Wood for the Whalers house and a man with two Dogs to haul it to a convenient place for bringing it home."

Jan. 4 Friday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Men employed cuting wood &c."

Jan. 5 Saturday
" Ditto wind and Weather. Men employed as Yesterday. John Johnston returned from his tent. he not being able to work for a violent Rheumatick pain in one of his knees. a Sawyer came for some things he wanted."

Jan. 6 Sunday
" Wind NW cold weather with Snow. Performed Divine Service. Sawyer returned to his tent."

Jan. 7 Monday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Armourer cleaning and repairing setting Guns. Six Men a hunting. Seventeen hauling fire wood. four Sawing Wood and one with Dogs. One Man lame at the Factory Six others at Sundry Jobs."

Jan. 8 Tuesday
" Wind NW with clear cold weather. Received 240 Partridges from Mefs Prince and Stayner."

Jan. 9 Wednesday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Mr Colen requesting per Letter (dated Sept. 5th 1787) that I would write to him at the usual time of corresponding, expecting he would not have any Indians to send here. I therefore this day sent two Indians with Letters and a few small articles to York Factory."

Jan. 10 Thursday
Jan. 11 Friday
" These two days Wind variable with cold weather. Men at the Factory employed in Cuting Wood and other necefsary Jobs."

Jan. 12 Saturday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Wooders and Sawyers came for Provisions and returned again to their tents. I supplyed four familes of our home Indians with Guns Ammunitions &c to go and procure provisions for themselves and Furrs to bring here in the Spring."

Jan. 13 Sunday
" Ditto wind and Weather Performed Divine Service."

Jan.14 Monday
" Wind NW with cold Weather. Twenty seven men on Duty from the Factory as per last Week. Eight at home (John Johnston excepted) grinding Oatmeal &c."

Jan. 15 Tuesday
" Wind NWest with very cold weather. Mr Stayner Peter Gun and Thomas Spence with the afsistance of two Dogs brought 500 Partridges. Robert Pearson having dislocated his shoulder by a fall on the Ice, he came to the Factory for the Surgeons afsistance."

Jan. 16 Wednesday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Mr Stayner having froze one of his toes remains at the Factory. Thomas Spence and Peter Gun return'd to their tent."

Jan. 17 Thursday
" Wind NW with cold weather. John Johnstons knee being much better he returned to his Tent. Armourer cleaning and repairing old Guns. remainder at various Jobs."

Jan. 18 Friday
" Wind Southerly with mild agreable weather Men employed as Yesterday."

Jan. 19 Saturday
" Wind Northerly with agreable weather. a Sawyer came home for a weeks provisions for himself and four mefsmates and a Wooder for some articles he wanted."

Jan. 20 Sunday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Sawyer and Wooder returned to their Tents after attending Divine Service. In the afternoon two York Fort Indians arrived with Letters requesting some articles of Trading-Goods &c."

Jan. 21 Monday
" Wind SW with moderate weather. Armourer repairing Old Guns. Twenty six Men on Duty from the Factory others Grinding oatmeal and at other necefsary Jobs."

Jan. 22 Tuesday
" Wind NW with very cold weather. Rec'd a Buck Deer wt 100 lb from an Indian and 400 Partridges from Mr Prince."

Jan. 23 Wednesday
" Wind variable with agreable weather Men at their former Jobs."

Jan. 24 Thursday
" Wind Northerly with clear moderate Weather. York Fort Indians returned home with answers to the Letters they brought and some trading-goods &c wanted there."

Jan. 25 Friday
" Wind and weather as yesterday. Four home Indians and their families went away to procure provisions for themselves and families and Furrs to bring here in the Spring."

Jan. 26 Saturday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Wooders and a Sawyer came for provisions which they got and returned to their tents."

Jan. 27 Sunday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Performed Divine Service."

Jan. 28 Monday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Twenty Seven men on Duty from the Factory, others at necefsary work."

Jan. 29 Tuesday
" Ditto Wind and Weather Received 400 Partridges from Mr Prince by Thomas Spence and Peter Gun."

Jan. 30 Wednesday
" A strong Gale of wind Northerly with drift which obliged Hunters that came Yesterday to remain at the Factory."

Jan. 31 Thursday
" Wind Northerly with agreable weather. Hunters returned to their tent. Received 340 lb of venison from Indians."

Feb. 1 1788 Friday
" Wind NW with very cold weather."

Feb. 2 Saturday
" Wind NW with cold drifting Weather a Sawyer came for a Weeks provisions for himself and tentmates."

Feb. 3 Sunday
" Wind NW with clear agreable weather. Sawyer returned to his Tent."

Feb. 4 Monday
" Wind NW with very cold weather. Twenty Six men on duty from the Factory others grinding Oatmeal &c."

Feb. 5 Tuesday
" Ditto wind and Weather. Rec'd 400 Partridges from Mr Prince. Two Indians sent from here to go to York Factory 9th Ult. returned with the agreable news that all there enjoyed health."

Feb. 6 Wednesday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Mr Stayner agreable to his request returned to his Tent (with the two Men that came Yesterday) his Toe by his own and the Surgeons information being Reinstated."

Feb. 7 Thursday
" Wind Northerly with cold weather supplyed the two Indians (that were at York Factory) with ammunition and other articles to go and procure Furrs to bring here in the Spring."

Feb. 8 Friday
" Wind and weather as Yesterday. There is not one Indian now at or near the Factory except one Woman and her three Children all the others are endeavouring to procure Furrs."

Feb. 9 Saturday
" Ditto Wind and weather. Wooders came for a fortnights provisions and returned again to ther Tent. a Sawyer also came for a Weeks provisions for himeslf and 4 mefsmates. Robert Persons shoulder being almost recovered he returned to the woods."

Feb. 10 Sunday
" Wind Easterly with cold weather. Defered Divine Service two or three people being all that could attend."

Feb. 11 Monday
" Wind NE with agreable weather. Received 400 Partridges from Mefs Prince and Stayner."

Feb. 12 Tuesday
" Wind NE with agreable weather. Eight Wooders came here according to order to afsist in making a hole in the Ice on our River to receive Salt provisions. They with two men from the Factory were eight hours in cuting a hole and taking out the Ice which was upwards of five Feet thick. Wooders returned to their Tent in the Evening."

Feb. 13 Wednesday
Feb. 14 Thursday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Twenty eight men on duty from the Factory remainder at various Jobs."

Feb. 15 Friday
" Ditto wind and Weather. Some of our home Indians having had very bad succefs in procuring provisions since their departure. They sent five boys to request some Oatmeal from me."

Feb. 16 Saturday
" Wind NW This day the Sun rose and set with a large Cone of Yellow light perpendicular to it and on each was a Parelium most beautifully tinged with all the colours of a rain-bow, and in the night a Paraselene on each side of the Moon; The whole day was very cold but having no Thermometer or Barometer I could not tell how many degrees it was below the freezing point."

Feb. 17 Sunday
" Wind NW with moderate weather. Performed Divine Service Indians returned with Provisions to their friends."

Feb. 18 Monday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Mefs Prince Stayner Peter Gun and Thomas Spence with the afsistance of two Dogs brought 600 partridges."

Feb. 19 Tuesday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Partridges being gon from the Hunting-ground and we having got as many as will serve for the present Mefs Prince and Stayner remain at the Factory the other Men returned to their Tent to bring home partridges killed."

Feb. 20 Wednesday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Men employed in puting provisions into our water hole and taking that out which was put in last week."

Feb. 21 Thursday
" Wind SW with mild agreable weather. Hunters returned with 600 Partridges, 4 Rabbits, and a Fox. Men at the Factory picking Oakham making Netts &c."

Feb. 22 Friday
" Wind NW with cold weather Hunters returned to their Tent."

Feb. 23 Saturday
" Wind Westerly with cloudy weather and Snow. Wooders came for a fortnight provisions and returned to their Tent."

Feb. 24 Sunday
" Wind SW a warm agreable day. Performed Divine Service."

Feb. 25 Monday
" A strong gale of wind NW with clear cold weather. Hunters brought 200 partridges two Foxes and some Feathers. Seventeen Men hauling fire wood. Four Sawing wood for the Whalers house. one with Dogs hauling it to one place for bringing home. Four bringing home Partridges from Mr Princes tent. Two attending Factory Guns and Traps. Remainder picking Oakham &c."

Feb. 26 Tuesday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Hunters returned to bring home their Tents Kettles Netts beding &c. Men at the Factory employed as Yesterday."

Feb. 27 Wednesday
Feb. 28 Thursday
" These two days Wind Variable with cold weather. Hunters came home with their Tents &c."

Feb. 29 Friday
" Wind Westerly with mild agreable weather. Men employed in opening the water-hole taking provisions out and puting more in."

Mar. 1 1788 Saturday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday Men at the Factory employed in cuting Wood Wheeling Snow out of the Yard &c."

Mar. 2 Sunday
" Wind SW with fine agreable weather. Performed Divine Service."

Mar. 3 Monday
Mar. 4 Tuesday
Mar. 5 Wednesday
Mar. 6 Thursday
" These four days Wind and Weather variable. Men employed in making a track for to haul to the Factory the Timber and boards Sawn for the Whalers house and other Uses. Grinding Oatmeal, Wheeling Snow out of the Yard &c."

Mar. 7 Friday
" Wind NWest with drift. Men employed in opening the Water hole &c."

Mar. 8 Saturday
" Wind Westerly with agreable weather. Wooders came home for a fortnights provisions which they got and returned to their tents. Sawyers according to order having finished Sawing came to the Factory."

Mar. 9 Sunday
" Wind westerly with a low drift. Performed Divine Service."

Mar. 10 Monday
" Wind Easterly with snow. Men at the Factory employed in hauling home timber and boards for the Whalers house and other uses."

Mar. 11 Tuesday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Men also at the same Work."

Mar. 12 Wednesday
Mar. 13 Thursday
Mar. 14 Friday
" These three days Wind and Weather Variable. Men employed in hauling home timber and boards. Killed a white fox with one of our seting Guns."

Mar. 15 Saturday
" Wind SE with Snow and drift. Men employed opening the Water hole and other Jobs. Two Wooders came for some articles they wanted."

Mar. 16 Sunday
" Wind and Weather as yesterday. Wooders after attendng Divine Service returned to their tent."

Mar. 17 Monday
Mar. 18 Tuesday
Mar. 19 Wednesday
" These three days Variable Winds with Snow and Drift which is frequently spoiling the Woodhaulers tracks which will greatly hinder them from dispatching that work so soon as I could Wish."

Mar. 20 Thursday
" Wind Easterly with Snow and Drift. Men grinding Oatmeal &c. Weather not permiting them to haul home timber and boards."

Mar. 21 Friday
" Wind Northerly with clear cold Weather. Men opening the Water hole &c."

Mar. 22 Saturday
" Wind Northerly with cold weather. Men at the Factory hauling home Timber and boards. Wooders came for a fortnights provision which they received and returned to their tent."

Mar. 23 Sunday
" Wind NW with cold weather Performed Divine Service."

Mar. 24 Monday
" Wind NW with a low drift. Mefs Prince Stayner and George Taylor went over the River to tent for a few weeks to procure Partridges as our present stock will not be sufficient for us until Geese comes; Men hauling home Timber and boards."

Mar. 25 Tuesday
Mar. 26 Wednesday
" Wind Northerly these two days with Snow and Drift. Men hauling home timber and boards Grinding Oatmeal &c."

Mar. 27 Thursday
" Wind Westerly with clear agreable Weather. Men employed as Yesterday."

Mar. 28 Friday
" Wind NW with Snow and drift. Received 140 partridges from Mefs Prince & Stayner. Men at the Factory opened the Water hole &c."

Mar. 29 Saturday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Men hauling home Timber and boards. Hunter returned to his Tent and Mr Bentley with him for a few days pleasure."

Mar. 30 Sunday
" Ditto Wind and weather. Performed Divine Service."

Mar. 31 Monday
Apr. 1 1788 Tuesday
Apr. 2 Wednesday
Apr. 3 Thursday
" These four days Wind NWest Cold Weather with Snow and Drift. Men in the Morning hauling home timber and boards. in the Afternoon Grinding Oat-Grots &c."

Apr. 4 Friday
" Wind NWest with cold Weather Men employed as Yesterday."

Apr. 5 Saturday
" Ditto Wind and weather. Men employed in opening the Water hole, repairing their Sledtrack &c. Mefs Bentley and Stayner brought 300 Partridges. Wooders came for a fortnight Provision and returned again to their Tent."

Apr. 6 Sunday
" Wind Westerly with agreable weather. Mr Stayner after attending Divine Service returned to his Tent."

Apr. 7 Monday
" Wind Westerly with warm agreable weather. Twenty men absent from the Factory hunting and hauling-wood remainder houling home timber and boards grinding Oat-Grots &c."

Apr. 8 Tuesday
" Forepart of this day Wind NWest with Snow and drift. latter part Wind SW with clear warm weather. Men employed as Yesterday."

Apr. 9 Wednesday
Apr. 10 Thursday
Apr. 11 Friday
" These three days Wind Easterly cold drifty weather with Snow. Men at the Factory hauling home Timber and boards Grinding Oat-Grots &c Two Foxes killed at the Factory."

Apr. 12 Saturday
" Wind NWest with cold weather. Mr Prince brought 300 Partridges. Men employed as Yesterday."

Apr. 13 Sunday
" Wind SWest with clear moderate Weather. Mr Prince after attending Divine Service returned to his Tent. A snow bunting killed first this Year which is the latest I ever remember them to come which is a presage of a late Goose season."

Apr. 14 Monday
" Wind SW with agreable weather. Seventeen Men hauling fire wood, three killing partridges remainder hauling home the last of the timber and boards. got two Foxes with Factory setting Guns."

Apr. 15 Tuesday
" Wind SW with warm weather. Cooper Sawyer Peter Gun and John Budge Sharpening tools to begin the framing of the Whalers house. Armourer repairing Pen Mauls Tailor making Cloaths for Indians Others wheeling snow out of the Yard &c. In the Evening we had rain snow and hail."

Apr. 16 Wednesday
" Wind NE with Snow Shipwright repairing a boat. Cooper and his three afsistants edging boards and fitting the framing of the Whalers house. Tailor and his two afsistants making Cloaths for Indians. Armourer repairing setting-guns. Steward and George Charles making Fishing-netts and attending Factory setting-guns and traps."

Apr. 17 Thursday
" Wind NWest with cold Weather Men employed as yesterday."

Apr. 18 Friday
" Ditto Wind and Weather Mr Stayner brought 300 Partridges and an Eagle which was shot by one of their setting Guns. In the Afternoon Mr Stayner returned to his tent."

Apr. 19 Saturday
" Wind westerly with agreable weather. Wooders according to order returned to the Factory they have hauled a pile of firewood 61 Yards round which with Oeconomy will be sufficient for next Winter."

Apr. 20 Sunday
" Wind variable with warm agreable Weather. Performed Divine Service."

Apr. 21 Monday
" Wind Easterly with cold driftey weather. Shipwright caulking a Boat. Armourer repairing hunting-guns. Tailor and two other Men making cloaths for Indians. Cooper Sawyer and John Budge making and fiting the frame of the Whalers house. Seventeen Men hauling rafting Ropes to the new Wood-pile. Steward and George Charles making fishing-netts. Remainder of the Men at necefsary Jobs."

Apr. 22 Tuesday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Seventeen Men hauling parts of the framing of the Whalers house to Musketo point where it is to be erected. remainder of the Men as Yesterday. We having got as many Partridges as will serve us untill the Geese come Mefs Prince Stayner and George Taylor returned home with their Tent beding &c. brought 330 Partridges and 3 Foxes."

Apr. 23 Wednesday
" Ditto wind with milder weather. In the Morning Your Honour's Servants employed as Yesterday. In the Afternoon fired at a Mark as usual on this day to induce them to take a pleasure and make them expert in using a Gun to procure provisions or any other exigency."

Apr. 24 Thursday
" Wind Westerly with cold weather. Shipwright Painting a boat. Cooper Sawyer and Jn Budge making and repairing small slds for hunters. Taylor and Bricklayer making Cloaths for Indians. Steward and George Charles making fishing-netts. Armourer making a keel-band for a boat; Remainder hauling timber and boards to Musketo-point."

Apr. 25 Friday
" Wind Westerly with cold weather early this morning Twenty men went to Twelve Mile Point with necefsaries for the Season. fifteen of which returned in the Afternoon the other stayed to get wood to burn during the Season. Two home Indians arrived with 120 Martins they left Major part of our home Indians a few days ago in great want of provisions."

Apr. 26 Saturday
" Wind SW with warm agreable weather. Tradesmen at their former Jobs. Remainder making foxes Wheeling Snow out of the yard &c."

Apr. 27 Sunday
" Wind SW with warm weather. Performed Divine Service."

Apr. 28 Monday
" Wind SW with rain. Eight of our best English hunter went to the Islands to kill Geese & John Inkister to Cook for them. Three families of our home Indians arrived they brought 274 Martins &c. Though the afsertion of an Indian is not to be depended on The appearance of these Indians denoted they had been in great want of provisions."

Apr. 29 Tuesday
" Wind westerly with warm weather. Mr Stayner and five other Men at 12 Mile point. Nine at the Islands. Shipwright repairing a Boat. Cooper Sawyer and John Budge making and repairing Sleds to haul Geese on and Window frames for the Whalers house. Tailor and two other Men making Cloaths for Indians. Steward and George Charles making fishing-netts. Armourer repairing hunting-Guns. Remainder Wheeling Snow out of the Yard making foxes &c."

Apr. 30 Wednesday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Men employed as Yesterday."

May 1 1788 Thursday
" Wind SW with warm weather. Mr Stayner and three Men that was procuring Wood at Twelve Mile point arrived safe here after seven hours walking. Five Northern Indian Goose hunters arrived with an Account that several of their friends were within a few days walk of the Factory in great want of Provisions."

May 2 Friday
" Wind SE with warm weather. Northern Indians returned to their friends with some Ammunition oatmeal &c. Two Men brewing Small beer first brewed since last November. In the Evenng ten Northern Indians arrived with Furrs."

May 3 Saturday
" Wind and weather as Yesterday. Traded with the above Northern Indians and they went away. last of our home Indians and Six Northern Indians arrived with Furrs. N. Indians that came yesterday brought 601 MBeaver."

May 4 Sunday
" Wind SWest with warm weather. defered Divine Service and traded with Northern and home guard Indians, former brought 400 MBeaver, latter 500 Martins and a few Beaver skins. Northern Indians went away in the Afternoon."

May 5 Monday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Cooper Sawyer John Budge and John Sinclair went to erect the Whalers house. Shipwright and his Mate repairing the Boats. Tailor and his Afsistants making Cloaths for Indians. Armourer and his Mate making Iron-work for Boats. Nine Men at the Islands two at Twelve Mile Point. Remainder picking Oakham &c."

May 6 Tuesday
" Wind Northerly with a hard frost. Mefs Prince and Stayner went to Twelve Mile Point, the former to kill Geese, the latter to serve the Indians with Ammunition &c. Your Honours Servants employed as Yesterday."

May 7 Wednesday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Two Northern Indians brought 70 Beaver Traded with them and sent them to Twelve Mile point to kill Geese."

May 8 Thursday
" Wind SW with warm agreable weather. Rec'd Six Geese (first killed this Year) Suplyed all our home Indians with Guns &c and they went to Twelve Mile point to kill Geese. Mr Bentley detained in his Chambers by the Gout in his hands."

May 9 Friday
" Ditto wind and weather. Eighteen Northern Indian Men and their families arrived Yesterday brought 400 MBeaver after being supplyed with Guns &c they went to Twelve Mile Point."

May 10 Saturday
" Wind SW wih agreable Weather. Received 10 Geese from the Islands Thomas Spence return'd from the Islands he being attacked with a violent pain in his brest. Mr Bentley not able to get out of bed."

May 11 Sunday
" Wind Southerly with warm weather. Major part of Your Honours Servants requesting to take a walk defered publick service. Mr Bentley and Thomas Spence keep their Beds."

May 12 Monday
" Wind Westerly with pleasant weather. Shipwright repairing a Boat. Armourer repairing Indians Guns. Tailor and two Men to afsist him making Cloaths for Indians. Steward and George Charles tieing up Martins. Others cleaning the Yard, plantation &c. Two Men sent this Morning to the Islands returned with 24 Geese. Rec'd 32 from Twelve Mile Point."

May 13 Tuesday
" Wind variable with cloudy weather. Men employed as Yesterday. William Linklater and George Charles finished tieing up 3500 Martins."

May 14 Wednesday
" Wind SE with agreable weather. Received 70 Geese from the Lake and 12 from Twelve mile point. Steward and George Charles making fishing netts. Tradesmen at their former Jobs. Others Grinding Oat-Grots. Mr Bentley and Tho. Spence still detained in the Cabbins by sicknefs."

May 15 Thursday
" Wind SE with moderate weather. Nicholas Garson and his afsistants returned home. they having erected the Whalers house. Tradesmen at their former Jobs the others turning up the Garden-ground, Grinding Oat-grots &c."

May 16 Friday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Tradesmen employed in their branches, others as yesterday except one Man that is attending Mr Bentley he being very ill. Thomas Spence is on the recovery."

May 17 Saturday
" Wind variable with Snow at intervals. Men employed as yesterday. Received 36 Geese from Twelve mile point and 12 from the Islands. George Taylor returned from Twelve Mile point with his forefinger and Thumb of his left hand very much hurt by a new trading Gun bursting with a very moderate load in it."

May 18 Sunday
" Wind Easterly with hazy weather. Peformed Divine Service. George Taylors hand I hope will soon be reinstated, lofs of the first Joint of his fore finger excepted. Mr Bentley and Tho. Spence on the Recovery. Received 23 Geese from Twelve Mile point and 12 from the Islands."

May 19 Monday
" Wind variable thick weather with Snow. Shipwright repairing a Boat. Cooper Sawyer and John Budge getting getting wood ready to build some Offices behind our present habitation. Tailor making Cloaths for Indians. Others at various Jobs."

May 20 Tuesday
" Wind Northerly and Cold. Men employed as yesterday some Northward and Southward Indian Women came from Twelve mile point for provision Geese &c being very scarce."

May 21 Wednesday
" Wind NWest with cold weather. Received a letter this Morning from Mr Stayner requesting some Geese for he had not received a Goose from Northward or Southward Indians for 3 days past. If Geese should not be plenty I should be Obliged to detain Indians at the Factory to supply us with provision (in lieu of procuring Furrs) my stock of English provision being very small and when provisions are short Anerchy takes place of Subordination."

May 22 Thursday
" Wind Easterly cold weather with Snow and drift. Men employed as on Monday Six Northern Indian Women came for Oatmeal to support themselves and friends at Twelve mile point."

May 23 Friday
" Major part of this day a strong gale of wind NW with Snow some Southward Indian Women came for Oatmeal brought 46 Geese and a Swan."

May 24 Saturday
" A strong gale of wind NWest with clear Cold Weather; Tradesmen at their former Jobs. remainder picking Oakham for the Sloop, boats, and Whalers house. Received 31 Geese from Twelve Mile point."

May 25 Sunday
" Wind NWest with cold weather. Performed Divine Service."

May 26 Monday
" Wind Variable with cold Weather. Shipwright painting a Boat. Tailor making Cloaths for Indians. Cooper Sawyer & John Budge making ready for building some Offices to Contain Paint, Jackscrews, Empty Casks, Rundlets, Sleds, Wheelbarrows, Spades, Shovels, Pickaxes and many other things that require to be housed when not in use to keep them from being lost or damaged by being exposed to the Weather. Remainder of Your Honours Servants employed at Various Jobs requisite to be done."

May 27 Tuesday
" Wind as yesterday with agreable weather. Received 10 Geese from the Islands 125 Geese 1 Swan and one Crane from Twelve mile point."

May 28 Wednesday
" Wind SE with agreable weather Two Men sent this Morning to the Islands for Geese returned with 24. Cooper went this Morning to Twelve mile point to afsist in Salting the Geese, repair and head up the Casks. Men employed as before except Nicholas Garson and three Men that are delving Garden ground and sowing Pease."

May 29 Thursday
" Wind and weather as Yesterday. Men employed as before except two that are soaking and drying Deer skins."

May 30 Friday
" Wind variable with calm cloudy weather Two Men sowing Garden Seeds. Tradesmen as before. Remainder clearing ground for the before mentioned Offices."

May 31 Saturday
" Wind Easterly with very cold weather. Tradesmen employed as before. others repairing the outside of the Magazine, Soaking? Stretching and Drying Deer Skins &c."

June 1 1788 Sunday
" Wind ditto with agreable weather Performed Divine Service."

June 2 Monday
" Wind variable with agreable weather. Shipwright working on board of the Sloop. Tailor making Cloaths for the Officers. Armourer making Nails. Two working in the Garden. Jn Wilson and John Budge making the frame of the new Offices. Steward and George Charles making Fishing netts. Five Men at Twelve Mile point. nine at the Islands. Remainder of the Men Leveling the ground and collecting mudd and stones for the Offices."

June 3 Tuesday
" Wind Easterly with rain. Tradesmen and others employ'd as yesterday. Received 25 Geese from the Lake and 10 from the Islands with disagreable news of their being very small hopes of getting more. I have ordered them to stay a few days longer hoping they will get a few, knowing we shall have great Occasion for all we can get by receiving a letter this Morning from Mr Stayner which acquainted me that the Season at Twelve mile point was over and only 1132 Geese has been killed exclusive of those they eat, and I have only recived from other places 282, total of which are not half that was killed two Years last past, which with the small Stock of English Provision I have at present Alarms me Honourable Sirs.
Not that any of Your Servants here have occasion to be apprehensive of wanting provisions but that Your Honours Trade will be hurt by detaining Indians near the Factory to procure Provisions in lieu of Furrs. I hope Your Honours after Mature deliberation on this Subject will not curtail any of the Provisions Indented for."

June 4 Wednesday
" Wind SEast with rain. Armourer not able to work he having got the Rhumatism in one his Hands & George Gibbins is confined to his Bed by a violent pain in his breast. George Tailors hand as well as can be expected. Remainder employed as on Monday."

June 5 Thursday
" Wind NW a hard frost with Snow. Two Northern Indians arrived with an Account that they left some of their friends within four days walk of this place in want of Ammunition. They likewise informed me that the Major part of the Northern Indians I entrusted with a large quantity of trading goods last year will not soon be here, but when they do come they will make a recompence for the confidence I put in them with more goods than they ever had before, by paying their debts though large. I have frequently Observed Northern Indians would punctually pay their debt but would not have a single skin more. I therefore thought If their debt were larger it might induce them to be more industrious which has proved to be the case by the few already come here. Mefs Prince Stayner and Nicholas Garson returned from Twelve mile point also the major part of the Northward and Southward Indians."

June 6 Friday
" Wind NW a hard frost with Snow. Received 20 Geese and a Swan from the Islands. Remainder of the Northward and Southward Indians came from 12 Mile point and I paid them for killing picking and cleaning Geese."

June 7 Saturday
" Wind NW with agreable weather. Four Men sent this Morning to afsist the Men at the Islands home with their Tent Kettles Beding and twenty Geese arrived safe. Armourer and George Gibbins at work again."

June 8 Sunday
" Wind SW with warm agreable weather. Defered Divine Service and Supplyed home guard Indians with Ammumition &c to procure provisions for themselves and us."

June 9 Monday
" Wind Northerly with cold weather. Southward Indians went over the River and Supplyed Mr Prince Thomas Merriman and Alexander Hunter to go up the River tomorrow to procure Provisions And seven Men to the Hay marsh to make fire wood into rafts. 14 Northward Indians arrived."

June 10 Tuesday
" Wind Westerly with moderate weather. Traded with the Northward Indians they brought 700 Made Beaver, Rafters, also Mr Prince and his men went away. Armourer making the frame and Iron Work for the new Offices laying the foundation, gathering stones and Gravel to level the ground; This Evening Alexander Hunter arrived with the Melancholy news that Mr Prince and Thomas Merriman were drowned by their Boat upseting with them Seven miles up the River."

June 11 Wednesday
" Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Norther Indians went away. Mr Stayner and three other Men that went to look for the unfortunate Men and their Boat returned with the Boat but could not find the Corps."

June 12 Thursday
" Wind SW with warm weather. River Ice broke up and part went away."

June 13 Friday
" Honourable Sirs
The greatest lofs we have sustained by the unfortunate Accident which has befallen Your late Amiable Industrious and capable Servant Mr Thomas Prince obliges me to appoint George Taylor to the Command of Your Honours Sloop and George Williamson to be his Mate. They being capable deserving Men I hope Your Honours will establish them. Shipwright and his mate repairing the Sloop. Cooper Sawyer Bricklayer and John Budge erecting the Offices. Armour making Ironwork for the Sloop. Harpineers geting every thing ready to go on the Whale fishery next week. Tailor making Indian boys Cloaths. George Charles writing. Steward making Fishing-netts. Seven Men making fire-wood into rafts. Remainder wheeling Stones and Gravel to the new Offices."

June 14 Saturday
" Wind Westerly a thick fog with cold weather. Men employed as Yesterday Though all our home Indians are looking out for fresh provisions. It was not in my power to give Rafters any that came for some."

June 15 Sunday
" Wind NW with cold weather. Performed Divine Service. Received 100 lb of Venison from two Indians who say that Deer are the Scarcest they ever knew them to be."

June 16 Monday
" Ditto wind and Weather Sloops Crew (as follows) are on board geting her ready to go to the Northward. George Taylor Master, George Williamson Mate, Robert Gouland Shipwright, Alexander Hunter, James Irvin, John Mackimme, George Gibbins, and William Taylor Sailors. John Inkister Cook.
NB. Not having a Sufficient number of Seamen to Man the Sloop I sent two Landsmen George Gibbins and William Taylor and they having only Six pound per year wages I took the Liberty to give each of them a Hat and Lined Jacket and hope Your Honours will further consider them. Received 87 lb of Venison and 16 Geese from home Indians."

June 17 Tuesday
" Wind NE cold weather. Harpineers and John Budge went with one of the Boats up the River to endeavour to kill White Whales. Indians that came yesterday returned over the River again and Mr Stayner agreable to his own request went with them. Men employed as follows. Nine on board of the Sloop. Seven rafting. Three Whaleing. Cooper and Sawyer tarring the Whalers House. Three fishing and hunting, Tailor, Armerer, Steward, Writer, and Cooks employed in their seperate Stations."

June 18 Wednesday
" Wind NW with cool agreable weather. Men employed as yesterday."

June 19 Thursday
" Wind SW with agreable weather. received 15 fish and 9 Geese from Fishermen."

June 20 Friday
" Wind SE with agreable weather Men employed as before."

June 21 Saturday
" Wind a fresh breeze SE with fine Weather. Whalers brought a White whale which I ordered to be skined also all others that are caught, according to Your Honours order 1786. Rafters came for Provisions. Two York Indian Men their Wives and Children came here to see some of their friends. they brought a Letter from Mr Colen informing me that they had a most terrable deluge on the breaking up of the River Ice. Water rose many feet deep in their dwelling House and their other buildings are a mere Wreck."

June 22 Sunday
" Wind Westerly with cool weather. Defered Divine Service. Major part of the men being engaged in bringing home Indians from over the River. Received 60 lb of Venison."

June 23 Monday
" Wind SW with warm agreable weather. York Indians returned home and our Indians to their hunting-ground. Sloop Master his Mate Shipwright and seven more men busy on board of the Sloop. Seven rafting. Three a Whaling. Cooper and Sawyer making a bench to Skin Whales on. Two geting things ready for brewing small beer tomorrow. Bricklayer and his man gathering stones for Lime. George Charles writing. Steward making fishing-netts. Mr Stayner and Surgeon Hunting. Cooks at various Jobs. Got two small Salmon at Cuckolds point first caught this Year. Musketoes and and flies numerous and troublesome for the first time this year, they coming early gives us hopes of geting a sufficient quantity of Salmon and a flattering prospect for geting Whales."

June 24 Tuesday
" Wind Southerly warm weather with rain. Two Northern Indians that went three days ago to look for Provisions returned without any. Three Canoes of Southern Indians arrived."

June 25 Wednesday
" Wind Easterly with agreable Weather. Your Honours Servants employed as on Monday except two that are brewing small beer."

June 26 Thursday
" Wind SWest with agreable weather. Cooper and Sawyer at Work on the Offices. Bricklayer and two other Men breaking lime stones. Remainder at various Jobs."

June 27 Friday
" Wind Variable. Men employed as yesterday."

June 28 Saturday
" Wind Southerly with warm weather. Musketoes and Sandflies numerous.Rafters having made all their Wood into 39 rafts they returned to the Factory. Whalers brought a blue Whale. The season for killing those Fish being likely to come on shortly I supplyed the following Men with old Canvafs for Frocks and Trousers also every other thing requisite to go on that duty tomorrow. Thomas Spence and Peter Gun Harpineers Afsistants John Budge John Sinclair Hugh Gray. Peter Sinclair and William Oman to Cook for them. Sloops Crew busy on board and geting every thing ready to brew Beer on Monday for their Voyage. Remainder of the Men at Various Jobs. George Gibbins Sick excepted."

June 29 Sunday
" Wind SE with rain at intervals the Whole day. Harpineers and their Afsistants went to their House."

June 30 Monday
" Wind SWest with cloudy weather. Sloopers brewing Beer Sawing Wood and geting other things ready for their Voyage. Cooper repairing Casks for the Sloops Beer and Oil if they should receive any. Armourer making some Iron work for the Sloop. Tailor making Coats for Indians. Bricklayer and three other Men filling the Lime kiln. Steward and George Charles tying up Quills. Remainder at various Jobs. Three Canoes of Southward Indians and one of Northward arrived with an Account that the Major part of our Northern Indians will not come untill the Fall."

July 1 1788 Tuesday
" Wind Southerly Warm Weather. Musketoes numerous and troublesome. traded with the two Northern Indians and they brought 140 MB. Men employ'd as yesterday. Mr Stayner and 4 Indians arrived from over the River brought 128 lb of Venison."

July 2 Wednesday
" Wind SE with warm Weather. George Taylor and all his Crew on board of the Sloop also the Cooper and Sawyer to take her down to the Graving place next Tide. Received 8 small Salmon from Fishermen."

July 3 Thursday
" Wind SE with agreeable Weather Sloop went to the Graving place. Received from Indians Shoulders, sides, Legs and Rumps of 2 Buck deer weight 280 lb."

July 4 Friday
" Wind Southerly with a little rain. Sent every Man at the Factory (Officers, Steward, George Charles and a Cook excepted) to endeavour to get Home our Fire Wood. Whalers on their Duty. Sloop and her Crew at the Graving place."

July 5 Saturday
" Wind Easterly with warm Weather. Men yesterday sent to get Home our Rafts who with the Afsistance of the Whalers were not able to get them Home, after Working all the last Night, Tide failing them unexpectedly, therefore will be obliged to go this Evening to endeavour to get part of them home."

July 6 Sunday
" Wind South with warm Weather deferred divine Service. Major part of the Men being employ'd in getting Home our Rafts. Twenty Northern Indians that has not been here before since we last arrived brought an Account that a leader and His followers will be here in a few Months."

July 7 Monday
" Wind Variable with agreeable Weather. Last night got all our Rafts safe Home. Traded with the Northern Indians and they went away. they brought only 300 Beaver being in want of Articles necefsary to procure Furrs. Two Sloopers brewing Table Beer for there Voyage."

July 8 Tuesday
" Wind Southerly with warm Weather. Taylor at Work for the Men. Shipwright repairing our Long Boat. Armourer repairing and cleaning Sloops Musquets and Pistols. Cooper and Sawyer repairing Casks for the Whalers Sloop. Table and Small Beers For Factory use. remainder at Various Jobs."

July 9 Wednesday
" Wind SW with hot Weather. Fishermen brought 3 Salmon after three days labour (Supplyed four Families of our Home Guard Indians with every thing Necefsary to go and procure provisions for themselves which they cannot get near here, and Furrs to bring here next Year) this ought Not to come in untill the 12th Inst. Indians being detained by bad Weather untill that time."

July 10 Thursday
" Wind a fresh Breeze Easterly. Shipwright repairing our Long Boat Armourer repairing and Cleaning huntg Guns. Bricklayer and his Mate attending the Lime kiln and Wheeling up Bricks to repair the kiln when the Lime is out. Steward and George Charles tying up Martins. Cooper and Sawyer building the Offices. Two Men brewing Table Beer. Eight on board the Sloop. Seven on the Whale Fishery. Two up the River endeavourg to get some Fish. remainder at Various Jobs. Indians detained by Stormy Winds."

July 11 Friday
" A Strong Gale of Wind NNW Indian Man died on our plantation last Night. Bricklayer Armourer Taylor and Three other Men emptying the Lime kiln - sleeking the Lime and Screening it. Cooper and Sawyer secureing Rafts on the Beach and two digging a Grave for the above Indian Man and burying him. remainder at Various Jobs."

July 12 Saturday
" Wind Easterly Mr Taylor having got all his trading Goods Stores Provisions and every other thing requisite for his Voyage, I delivered to him his Sailing Orders and Instructions, a Copy of which jis Verbatum transmitted to your Honours in the Corresponding Letter Book and he went on board to Sail the first favourable Opportunity."

July 13 Sunday
" Wind SW Performed Divine Service. at 3 PM Sloop got under way and Sailed."

July 14 Monday
" Wind Southerly Men at the Factory employ'd in packing Furrs. Total MB 4717 17/20 Fishermen that went up the River Thursday last Arrived with only 26 pike Necefsity obliged me to send them on the same duty 2 OClock next Morning. seven Men on the Whale Fishery. nine on board the Sloop on her Voyage. Cooper and Sawyer at the Offices. Bricklayer and his Man repairing the plaister'g of the Mens House and Old Offices. Armourer repairing Guns. Taylor cutting Beaver Toggy's, Caps, and Mittens for Winter next. remainder at various Jobs."

July 15 Tuesday
" Wind SW with warm Weather. Cooper & Sawyer Building the Offices. Taylor making trading Cloaths. Armourer repairing Guns. Bricklayer and his Man repairing the Offices others at Various Jobs."

July 16 Wednesday
" Wind SW with warm Weather. Men employ'd as Yesterday. Two Northern Indians that has not been here since We last arrived came here and after trading two Guns and getting a little Ammunition, they went to meet some of their Friends that are coming here in a day or two."

July 17 Thursday
" Wind SW warm Weather with Rain. Men emp'd as before. Whalers brought five Whales and the Blubber of a White Bear. Twenty two Northern Indian Men, Women, and Children, arrived with Furrs. Home Indians brought 316 lb of Venison. Whalers brought word that Tho. Spence was ill with the Bilious Colic and John Budge was attacked with the same disorder, a coming home in the Whaling boat."

July 18 Friday
" A strong Gale of Wind Northerly. Trad'd with the Northern Indians they brought only 420 Beaver."

July 19 Saturday
" Wind SW with agreable Weather. Whalers brought 2 White Whales and Fishermen 30 pike. Fitted out four more Families of our home Indians to go and procure provisions for themselves and Furrs to bring here next year."

July 20 Sunday
" Wind NW a strong Gale which detained Whalers and the other Fishermen that came yestarday. defered divine Service to Credit Home Indians trading Goods after which they went away."

July 21 Monday
" Wind SW with warm Weather. Cooper and Sawyer weather boarding the new Offices. Armourer overhauling the new trading Guns, many of which have very crooked Stocks, and Cocks frequently break first firing. Taylor making Cloaths for Indians. Two Men preparing for brewing small Beer tomorrow. Others at various Jobs. Three We-Che-pow-ack Indians arrived with an Account that twenty Men and their Families, will be here in a few Days; and that two more Leaders and their followers will be here in the fall from their Country. Fishermen went down the River to the old Factory to Endeavour to procure Salmon and Whalers up to kill Whales. John Budge being recovered from his Illnefs he went to afsist."

July 22 Tuesday
" Wind a fresh Breeze NW with agreable Weather. Indians went to meet their friends after receiving a little Ammunition &c. Two home Indians that stays to procure provisions and to go to York Factory with a packet on the Arrival of your Honors Ship here went to look for Deer."

July 23 Wednesday
" A Fresh Breeze of Wind NW with rain at Intervals. Whalers brought 2 Whales and Fishermen 25 small Salmon. John Budge Ill again of the Bilious Colic at the Whalers House. 2 Home Indians brought 120 lb of Venison."

July 24 Thursday
" Wind SW with hot Weather. Musketoes and Sand Flies numerous and troublesome. Received Six Salmon from Fishermen. Wechepowack Indians Mention'd on Monday arrived at the Head of whom where two old Leaders who said they came with a view to reinstate the former friendship between your Chief & them."

July 25 Friday
" Do. Wind and Weather. Traded with the above Northern Leaders and their followers and gave them in presents to the full in my power to encourage them to Induce their Country men to come here. They brought 614 MBeaver, went away in the Evening. Received 19 Salmon from Fishermen."

July 26 Saturday
" Ditto Wind and Weather. Received 13 Salmon from Fishermen and three Whales from Whalers."

July 27 Sunday
" Wind Variable with warm Weather Performed Divine Service after which Whalers and Fishermen returned to their Separate Employments."

July 28 Monday
" Wind SW Received 91 lb of Venison from 4 Indians that went over the River yestarday. Deer at the time are so harafsed by Musketoes & Sandflies that they are very poor. Fishermen brought eleven small Salmon."

July 29 Tuesday
" Wind NE with cool agreeable Weather. Nine Men with the Sloop to the Northward. Seven on the Whale Fishery. two getting Salmon from whome We received Six this day. Cooper Sawyer and another Man at Work on the Offices. Bricklayer & his Man repairing the lime kiln. Taylor at Work for Indians. Armourer repairing old Guns. others at various Jobs."

July 30 Wednesday
" Wind Variable with agreeable Weather. Men Employ'd as yestarday. Received 2 Salmon from Fishermen."

July 31 Thursday
" Wind SW Whalers brought four Whales. an old Northern Indian Leader and his tribe that has not been here before We last arrived, brought 219 MBeaver, home Indians 680 lb Venison. Fishermen 16 Salmon."

Aug. 1 1788 Friday
" Wind Variable with rain. Men employ'd at various Jobs."

Aug. 2 Saturday
" Wind and Weather as yestarday. Whalers brought 3 White Whales. Major part of the Northern Indians went away."

Aug. 3 Sunday
" Wind SW with agreeable Weather Perform'd Divine Service."

Aug. 4 Monday
Aug. 5 Tuesday
Aug. 6 Wednesday
" These three days Wind Variable with agreeable Weather. Tradesmen Emp'd in their own Branch. remainder at Various Jobs."

Aug. 7 Thursday
" Wind SE with cool Weather Men as yestarday employ'd. at 1/2 past 6 PM your Honors Ship was seen in our River."

Aug. 8 Friday
" Wind SE Ten OClock this Morning we had the pleasure to see Captain William Christopher on Shore with Your Honours Packet."

Aug. 9 Saturday
" Wind SW Men employed geting the Outward bound Cargo on Shore and placing each article in their proper department. Mr Longmore and two Indians arrived from York Factory. Received John Marsfield Cooper, on Shore this day."

Aug. 10 Sunday
" Wind SE with agreable weather Early in the Morning Men employeded in geting part of the Outward bound Cargo on shore and afterwards writing their Letters Bills &c Received 130 lb of Venison per Indians."

Aug. 11 Monday
" Wind SE Men employed in Geting Outward bound Cargo on Shore and puting the Homeward bound Cargo on board the Ship."

Aug. 12 Tuesday
" Wind Southerly with very hot weather. Men employed in geting the Outward bound Cargo on Shore. Received John Wishart on Shore."

Aug. 13 Wednesday
" Wind SW In the Afternoon Discharged John Wilson. Your Honours Ship sailed for York Factory."

Aug. 14 Thursday
" Wind Variable Whalers having boiled all their Oil 3 tun I sent the Harpineers and two other men to endeavour to procure Whales. Remainder of the Men at Various Jobs."

Aug. 15 Friday
" Wind Northerly. In the Evening we had the pleasure to see Your Honours Sloop arrive in our River from her Voyage to the Northward. Brought two Esquemau? Boys agreable to Your Honours Order."

Aug. 16 Saturday
" Wind SW warm weather with thunder Lightning and rain. Received two Whales from Whalers. Men employed in geting Sloops trade on Shore."

Aug. 17 Sunday
" A strong Gale of Wind NW which hindered us untill the Evening from geting any thing out of Sloop."

Aug. 18 Monday
" Wind Westerly with agreable weather. Men employed on board of the Sloop and packing the Sloops Trade at the Factory."

Aug. 19 Tuesday
" Closed your Honours Packet and delivered it to George Taylor to deliver it to Captain Christopher at York Factory."

" William Jefferson"

