This is a virtually complete transcription of the Carlton House (Saskatchewan) Journal 1797-98 by Alex Nicol

"A Diurnal Account of the Transactions and Occurrences at Carlton House by James Bird.
Commencing Oct. 9th 1797
Ending-----May 31 1798 Inclusive."

Oct. 9 1797
" Monday a light Breeze Sly clear Weather.
At 7 AM Mr Wm Tomison with twelve Men in three Canoes embarked for Buckingham House. Three Men getting ready to go on hunting, one Man employed opening packages & the other three (who arrived yesterday) resting themselves."

Oct. 10
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze ESE clear Weather
Sent three Men with Horses on hunting & the rest employed falling Logs for a Cook Room. - Four Men in one Canoe loaded with trading Goods arrived from Cumberland House."

Oct. 11
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
The Men who arrived yesterday resting themselves the rest employed as before."

Oct. 12
" Thursday a light Breeze NW clear Weather
All hands at the House employed building a Cook Room, the three Men who went away on Tuesday arrived with the flesh of two Cow Buffalo and return'd to their Tent."

Oct. 13
" Friday a light Breeze Sly clear fine Weather
Men employed as yesterday - Six Men arrived from Cumberland House (in a light Canoe) to winter here."

Oct. 14
" Saturday a fresh Breeze ESE clear Weather
The Men who arrived yesterday resting themselves the rest employed as before."

Oct. 15
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Weather."

Oct. 16
" Monday a fresh Breeze SE clear Weather.
Sent six Men to get Wood for Canoes and Roots and the rest employed building a Cook Room."

Oct. 17
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Oct. 18
" Wednesday a light Breeze Sly clear Weather
Men employed building a Chimney in the Cook Room."

Oct. 19
" Thursday a light Breeze Sly clear fine Wea.
Two Men sawing Plank & rest employed plaistering the Cook Room - Three Men arrived with the Meat of two Bull Buffalo."

Oct. 20
" Friday Wind and Weather as before.
Two of the Men who went for Canoe wood arrived with a few Splinters, the rest employed as before."

Oct. 21
" Saturday a fresh Gale NW Cloudy Weather with Rain
The two Men who arrived yesterday return'd with Provisions to their Tent. two Men employed repairing the Path down the Bank and the rest as before."

Oct. 22
" Sunday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Weather
At 9 AM Mr Rofs with three Men in one Canoe arrived from Cumberland house & delivered me the following Letter dated
Cumberland House 15th Oct. 1797
Dr Sir,
I am under the necefsity of sending three Men in one Canoe for a few necefsary Articles of Trading Goods as pr List inclosed, which I hope you will send if you can conveniently spare them. - I wish you would dispatch them as quick as pofsible, Wishing you health plenty and a good Trade, I remain Dr Sir
Your obedient
humble Servant
P. Fidler."

Oct. 23
" Monday a light Breeze Sly clear fine Weather
Two Men employed laying a Floor in the Cook Room and the rest employed cutting fire Wood.
Two Indians arrived with a few Beaver Skins."

Oct. 24
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze SE Cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday. The Indians of yesterday traded and went away."

Oct. 25
" Wednesday light Airs Sly Cloudy Weather
Early AM Mr Rofs and Men embarked for Cumberland House. Men at the House employed as yesterday. Three Men arrived with a Canoe load of Timbers & Splinters, for Provisions & return'd to their Tent.

Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Fidler
I have sent you what we could pofsibly spare of the different Articles You requested as pr Account inclosed and am sorry it's not in my power to supply you with a little dried Provisions. - Wishing You a pleasant Winter I remain, Sir
Your humble Servant
James Bird."

Oct. 26
" Thursday a fresh Gale NW Cloudy cold Wea. with showers of Snow.
One Man employed making a Door for the Cook Room, Taylors making Cloaths and the rest cutting fire wood."

Oct. 27
" Friday a fresh Gale NW Cloudy cold Weather
Men at the House employed as yesterday, those who were getting Canoe Wood arrived having taken nearly sufficient for five Canoes."

Oct. 28
" Saturday light Airs Nly clear sharp Weather
Four Men employed moving Cabins and the rest as yesterday. - A good deal of Ice driving in the River."

Oct. 29
" Sunday a light Breeze SE cloudy Weather."

Oct. 30
" Monday a light Breeze Sly clear Weather
Two Men employed removing Cabins, one making a Door four fetching Grafs and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Oct. 31
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Four Men employed knocking down a Chimney and the rest as before. - Two Men arrived from the hunting Tent with the Meat of two Bulls & one red Deer."

Nov. 1 1797
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as before.
Six Men employed rebuilding a Chimney, two taking up part of the Floor & the rest cutting fire wood. Those who arrived yesterday went away."

Nov. 2
" Thursday a light Breeze Wly cloudy Weather
Two Men employed planing Boards for the Floor and the rest building a Chimney. - One Man arrived from the hunting Tent with the Meat of a Cow Buffalo. two Indians also arrived with a few Wolves Skins."

Nov. 3
" Friday a light Breeze SW clear Weather
Three Men laying a Floor and the rest variously employed. - The Indians of yesterday went away as did the Man who arrived from the hunting Tent."

Nov. 4
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Two Men employed sawing Boards, one laying a Floor & the rest employed finishing the Chimney and sweeping the Yard."

Nov. 5
" Sunday a light Breeze Nly cloudy cold Weather with heavy Snow in the Evening."

Nov. 6
" Monday a fresh Gale NW Cloudy cold Weather with light Snow.
Two Men sawing Boards, one chopping Logs and the rest employed cleaning Snow out of the Yard & cutting fire wood - Three Indians arrived with a few Beaver Skins."

Nov. 7
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy Weather
Two Men sawing Boards, one chopping Logs and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Nov. 8
" Wednesday a light Breeze NW clear sharp Weather
Men employed as yesterday. - At 10 AM the River Ice closed and at 3 PM a Man arrived from the hunting Tent but was unable to crofs the River."

Nov. 9
" Thursday light Airs Sly clear sharp Weather
Two Men sawing Boards, one making a Bench, one making Kegs, Taylors at work for the Men & Trade, the rest employed plastering the House."

Nov. 10
" Friday a light Breeze Nly clear sharp Wea.
Sent two Men to endeavour to find the hunting Tent who return'd in the evening without being able to effect it. two Men sawing Boards, one repairing Sleds and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Nov. 11
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy cold Weather with heavy Snow in the evening
Men employed as yesterday."

Nov. 12
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy cold Wea."

Nov. 13
" Monday a light Breeze Sly clear sharp Weather
Sent one Man to look for Birch for Sleds, one repairing old Sleds, one making small Kegs and the rest employed cleaing Snow out of the yard and cutting fire Wood - A Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch meat. - Three Indians also arrived with a few Furrs."

Nov. 14
" Tuesday light Airs NE cloudy cold Weather
Sent five Men with the Man who arrived yesterday for Meat, one repairing Sleds, Taylor at work for Trade and the rest employed Getting home Meat killed near the House.
The Indian of yesterday traded and went away."

Nov. 15
" Wednesday light Airs Nly cloudy cold Weather with Snow.
One Man employed planing Boards for a Partition two fetch home Birch for Sleds, one Man sweeping Snow out of the yard and the rest employed cutting fire Wood - The Men who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Nov. 16
" Thursday a light Breeze Ely cloudy Weather
Sent five Men for Meat and the rest variously employed."

Nov. 17
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men at the House variously employed. those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Nov. 18
" Saturday a light Breeze Ely cloudy sharp Wea.
Two Men employed sawing Birch, one making small Kegs, Taylor at work for Trade, one Man planing Boards and the rest getting fire wood.
Late in the Evening two Cumberland House Indians arrived carrying a few Beaver Skins."

Nov. 19
" Sunday a light Breeze SE cloudy Weather with light Snow at times
The Cumberland House Indians went away."

Nov. 20
" Monday light Airs Nly Cloudy Weather
Sent five Men for Meat, one planing Boards Taylor at work for Trade, one Man lame, one looking for the Horses and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Nov. 21
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men at the House employed as yesterday. those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Nov. 22
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Wea.
Sent five Men for Meat, one putting up a Partition one making Kegs and the rest employed falling fire Wood."

Nov. 23
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same - Those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Nov. 24
" Friday a light Breeze Nly & cloudy Weather
Men variously employed."

Nov. 25
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men at the House variously employed, those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Nov. 26
" Sunday light Airs Nly cloudy rimy Wea."

Nov. 27
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy Weather
Sent four Men for Meat one bending Sleds, one Man making small Kegs, Taylor making Cloaths, two unwell and the rest with a Horse hauling home fire Wood."

Nov. 28
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Wea.
Men at the House variously employed, those whose went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Nov. 29
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Weather
One Man making Sleds, one making small Kegs. Taylor at work for Trade and the rest employed falling fire Wood. - An Indian Man arrived with a few Skins."

Nov. 30
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same. - The Indian of yesterday traded and went away."

Dec. 1 1797
" Friday light Airs Sly clear Weather
Men variously employed."

Dec. 2
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy Wea. with light Snow at times.
Sent three Men with Dogs and Sleds to fetch home Birch Sticks, Taylor at work for Trade, one Man making Kegs, two ill and the rest employed cutting fire Wood & sweeping the Yard. - A Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch the Meat of a Cow Buffalo."

Dec. 3
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday
The Man who arrived yesterday return'd to his Tent."

Dec. 4
" Monday light Airs Sly cloudy Weather
Sent two Men for Meat (who arrived), one Man making Kegs, Taylor making small Coats for Trade, two ill, and the rest employed falling fire Wood."

Dec. 5
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent two Men for Meat (who return'd), the rest employed as before. - Three Cumberland House Indians arrived with a few Furrs."

Dec. 6
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy warm Weather
Two Men sawing Birch for Sleds and the rest employed as before."

Dec. 7
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy warm Weather
Men employed as yesterday - The Indians of Tuesday went away. - A Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch Meat."

Dec. 8
" Friday light Airs variable cloudy Weather
Sent five Men with Dogs and Sleds for Meat. one Man (John Clouston) to look for the Horses (who was so unfortunate as to walk acrofs the line of a set Gun which immediately went off but luckily for him only two Shot struck him, one of which pafsed thro' the Calf of his Leg and the other lodged against the bone of his Leg), the rest employed hauling home fire Wood."

Dec. 9
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Four Men unwell and the rest variously employed."

Dec. 10
" Sunday Wind and Weather as before."

Dec. 11
" Monday Wind and Weather as before
Sent four Men for Meat, four unfit for duty, (one from a wound in his Leg and the rest from violent Coughs and Colds) and the rest making a path to haul home fire wood through.
An Indian Man arrived with a few Wolves Skins."

Dec. 12
" Tuesday a light Breeze NE cloudy cold Weather with light Snow
Two Men with a Horse hauling home Wood, two clearing Snow out of the Yard, one making Sleds & the rest at the House unfir for duty. those who went for Meat yesterday arrived. - The Indian of yesterday went away."

Dec. 13
" Wednesday a light Breeze Nly clear sharp Wea.
Sent four Men for Meat, the rest who are fit for duty variously employed."

Dec. 14
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday
The Men who went for Meat yesterday arrived. the rest as before."

Dec. 15
" Friday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Weather
Sent five Men for Meat, three ill, and the rest with a Horse employed hauling home Wood."

Dec. 16
" Saturday a fresh Gale NW cloudy cold Wea.
The Men who went for Meat yesterday arrived. the rest as before."

Dec. 17
" Sunday a light Breeze Nly clear sharp Weather."

Dec. 18
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent five Men for Meat, three ill, and the rest employed hauling home fire Wood."

Dec. 19
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as before.
The Men who went for Meat yesterday arrived, the rest as before."

Dec. 20
" Wednesday light Airs sly Cloudy Weather
Sent four Men for Meat, Taylor making Cloaths for the Men & the rest employed hauling home fire Wood."

Dec. 21
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
The Men who went for Meat arrived, the rest as yesterday."

Dec. 22
" Friday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Weather
Sent five Men for Meat, four ill, one Man making small Kegs, one making Sleds and the rest employed cutting out a Water Hole &c."

Dec. 23
" Saturday light Airs Nly clear sharp Weather.
The Men who went for Meat yesterday arrived, three Men hauling in Wood and sweeping the Yard the rest as yesterday."

Dec. 24
" Sunday a fresh Gale NE Cloudy Weather with Snow
An Indian arrived with a few Skins which he traded and went away."

Dec. 25
" Monday a light Breeze Nly cloudy Weather
Two Cumberland House Indians arrived from acrofs the River with 8 Br Skins."

Dec. 26
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent five Meat, two fetching home Horses, one making small Kegs, three ill, and the others falling fire Wood."

Dec. 27
" Wednesday light Airs Sly clear fine Weather
Sent three with Horses to drag Meat, those who went for Meat yesterday arrived, the rest as before."

Dec. 28
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
One Man making small Kegs, one making Sleds (two ill (,one from a complaint in his Lungs & the other from a violent Cold) one lame & the rest employed hauling fire Wood into the Yard."

Dec. 29
" Friday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather
Sent five Men for Meat and the rest as yesterday."

Dec. 30
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
At 6 AM Thomas Isbister, was found dead in his bed, (about an hour after he had expired), We imagine his sudden death to have been occaisioned by the bursting of an Abcefs which had formed in his Lungs, as he had for some little time past complained of a pain in his Breast. Two Men employed making a Coffin."

Dec. 31
" Sunday Wind & Weather as before
The Men who went for Meat arrived. - At 3 PM interred the remains of the late Thomas Isbister.
Two Indians arrived for Tobacco."

Jan. 1 1798
" Monday light Airs Sly cloudy rimey Weather
Several South'd and Stone Indians arrived with a few Wolves Skins and some dried Provisions part of which they traded."

Jan. 2
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men employed hauling in fire Wood
The Indians trading."

Jan. 3
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as before
Sent five Men for Meat, one Man lame and the rest employed cutting fire Wood.
The Indians finished trading and went away."

Jan. 4
" Thursday light Airs Nly Cloudy cold Weather
Sent four Men for Meat who arrived, one Man making small Kegs and the rest as before."

Jan. 5
" Friday light Airs Ely Cloudy Weather
Sent five Men for Meat (who arrived) the rest as before."

Jan. 6
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent three Men for Meat (who returned), the rest employed hauling in fire Wood and cleaning the yard."

Jan. 7
" Sunday Wind and Weather as before
An Indian Man arrived."

Jan. 8
" Monday a fresh Breeze Sly part clear, part cloudy Weather
Sent two Men for the Meat of a Cow Buffalo (which they arrived with) one Man making Kegs, one chopping logs, one lame and the rest employed cutting fire Wood. - The Indian of yesterday went away."

Jan. 9
" Tuesday light Airs SE part clear, part cloudy warm Weather
One Man employed making small Kegs & the rest taking Ice into the Meat Shed."

Jan. 10
" Wednesday light Airs SW clear thawing Weather
One Man employed making Kegs, Taylor at work for Trade and the rest employed cutting fire Wood. - One Man arrived from the hunting Tent (with the Hides of two Bulls) for Men to fetch Meat."

Jan. 11
" Thursday a light Breeze Wly cloudy warm Weather
Sent two Men with the Man that arrived yesterday for Meat (who return'd) the rest employed as before."

Jan. 12
" Friday a light Breeze Wly clear warm Weather
Two Men employed sawing Boards and the rest as before."

Jan. 13
" Saturday light Airs variable Cloudy Weather
Men employed as before. Two Cumberland House Indians with their Families arrived."

Jan. 14
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Weather with Snow in the evening.
An Indian and his Wife arrived with a few Wolves Skins and a little Fatt which they traded."

Jan. 15
" Monday a fresh Gale NE cloudy Weather with Snow
Men employed hauling Snow out of the Yard and cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 16
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NNE cloudy Weather
One Man making Kegs, two sawing Boards and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 17
" Wednesday a light Breeze Wly clear sharp Wea.
Men employed as yesterday. - The Indians of Saturday went away acrofs the River."

Jan. 18
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men at the House employed as before. - One Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch Meat."

Jan. 19
" Friday a fresh Breeze Sly Cloudy fine Weather.
Sent five Men with the Man of yesterday for Meat the rest employed as before."

Jan. 20
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Wea.
Men at the House employed as before, those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Jan. 21
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday"

Jan. 22
" Monday Wind and Weather as before
Sent six Men for Meat and the rest employed falling fire Wood."

Jan. 23
" Tuesday light Airs NE clear Weather
Men at the House variously employed, those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Jan. 24
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent three Men for Meat (who arrived), one Man making Snow Shoe Frames, one making small Kegs and the rest employed cutting Wood."

Jan. 25
" Thursday light airs SE cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Jan. 26
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Jan. 27
" Saturday light Airs Sly clear warm Weather
Sent two Men for Meat who arrived, the rest employed cutting fire Wood and sweeping the Yard."

Jan. 28
" Sunday light Airs Wly cloudy Weather."

Jan. 29
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent six Men for Meat (who return'd), one Man making small Kegs and the rest employed falling fire Wood - An Indian arrived with a little Fatt and a few Wolves."

Jan. 30
" Tuesday light Airs Sly clear warm Weather
Sent five Men for Meat (who arrived), the rest employed falling fire Wood &c - The Indian of yesterday traded and went away."

Jan. 31
" Wednesday light Airs variable clear thawing Weather
Sent eight Men for Meat (who arrived), the rest variously employed. - An Indian and his Wife arrived with 10 Wolves and a little Fatt &c."

Feb. 1 1798
" Thursday light Airs Wly clear thawing Weather
Sent six Men for Meat & the rest employed cutting fire Wood. - The Indian of yesterday traded and went away."

Feb. 2
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent five Men for Meat and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 3
" Saturday light Airs Sly cloudy warm Wea.
Sent six Men for Meat and the rest variously employed."

Feb. 4
" Sunday light Airs Ely clear fine Weather."

Feb. 5
" Monday light Airs variable, cloudy Weather
Sent six Men for Meat (who arrived), the rest employed cutting fire Wood &c."

Feb. 6
" Tuesday a light Breeze NE cloudy Weather
Sent four Men for Meat (who arrived) the rest variously employed."

Feb. 7
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Sly cloudy Weather
Two Men sawing Birch for Sleds, one Man making Kegs, Taylor making Chief's Coats and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 8
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Weather
Men variously employed. - Two Indians arrived with a few Wolves Skins."

Feb. 9
" Friday light Airs Nly cloudy Weather
Men variously employed. - The Indians of yesterday traded and went away."

Feb. 10
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men variously employed."

Feb. 11
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Weather."

Feb. 12
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Wea.
One Man employed making small Kegs, Taylor making Cloaths, and the rest falling fire Wood
A Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch Meat."

Feb. 13
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent five Men for Meat (who arrived) and the rest employed cutting firewood."

Feb. 14
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as before
Sent six Men for Meat (who return'd) the rest variously employed."

Feb. 15
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Weather
Sent five Men for Meat, the rest variously employed."

Feb. 16
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men at the House variously employed - Our Hunter and Men arrived with the Tent &c."

Feb. 17
" Saturday Wind and Weather as before
Men employed cutting fire Wood and cleaning the yard."

Feb. 18
" Sunday Wind and Weather as before."

Feb. 19
" Monday a strong Breeze NE with thick Snow."

Feb. 20
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Two Men getting ready to go to Cumberland House, one Man making Kegs, Taylor making Cloaths for the Men and the rest employed hauling Snow out of the yard."

Feb. 21
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Wea.
One Man making Kegs and the rest employed putting Ice in the Meat Shed. - An Indian Man and his Wife arrived with a few Wolves Skins. a Cumberland House Indian also arrived."

Feb. 22
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent two Men off for Cumberland House, the rest employed as yesterday. - The Indian Man & Woman who arrived yesterday went away."

" Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Fidler
Dr Sir
By the Bearers (N. Leith and John Clouston) who are to afsist Magnus Twatt up to this place, you will receive Letters from Mefs Tomison and Sutherland &c.
Your Indians have all been up this way but finding no Beaver, a part of them returned in January towards Cumberland & have perhaps visited you eir this. the rest are on the opposite side of the River and I am uncertain whether they intend returning to you or not.
I am sorry to inform you of the death of Thomas Isbister which happened on the 30th of December after a short illnefs. I imagine it to have been occasioned by an Abcefs having formed in his lungs which burst & immediately suffocated him.
There are no Furrs to be got here save a few wretched Wolves, a few of which I intend sending you to pack with your Beaver. - In the Provision way we are more fortunate having a tolerable Stock of all kinds. - I have sent you a little Fatt and am sorry it's not in my power to send you a greater quantity, owing to the great depth of Snow.
Wishing you a pleasant Spring
I remain
Your humble Servant
James Bird."

Feb. 23
" Friday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy Weather
Sent two Men with the Indian of Wednesday for Furrs, one making small Kegs and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 24
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Feb. 25
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy Weather"

Feb. 26
" Monday a fresh Breeze Sly part clear part cloudy Weather with Snow at times
One Man making Kegs and the rest cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 27
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Feb. 28
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men at the House employed as before, those who went with the Indian of Friday last arrived with 70 MB in Furrs & some Fatt & pounded Meat."

Mar. 1 1798
" Thursday a fresh Gale Wly cloudy Weather
Men variously employed."

Mar. 2
" Friday a fresh Gale Wly first part clear, latter part cloudy Weather
Sent two Men to tent with the Cumberland House Indians & take care of what Skins they may kill, the rest variously employed."

Mar. 3
" Saturday a strong Gale NW cloudy Weather with snow at times
Men variously employed."

Mar. 4
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy Weather."

Mar. 5
" Monday a fresh Breeze Sly part clear, part cloudy Weather
One Man employed making Kegs, Taylor making cloaths, two Men sawing Wood for Canoes and the rest with a Horse hauling home fire Wood."

Mar. 6
" Tuesday a light Breeze NE part clear, part cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Mar. 7
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Wly clear sharp Weather
Men variously employed."

Mar. 8
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy cold Wea.
Men employed pounding Meat &c."

Mar. 9
" Friday a fresh Gale NE cloudy cold Weather with Snow.
Men employed cutting fire Wood & cleaning the Yard."

Mar. 10
" Saturday a light Breeze SE clear fine Wea.
Men employed as yesterday."

Mar. 11
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday."

Mar. 12
" Monday wind and Weather as before
Two Men looking for the Horses, one making Kegs, two getting Wood ready for Canoe building. Taylor making Cloaths and the rest sewing Pimmeecan Bags."

Mar. 13
" Tuesday a fresh Gale NW cloudy Weather with a little Rain
Men variously employed. - The Men who were tenting with the Cumberland House Indians arrived with a few Beaver Skins."

Mar. 14
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NW clear Weather
Men variously employed."

Mar. 15
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent two Men to live with the Cumberland House Indians - the rest variously employed."

Mar. 16
" Friday a light Breeze Ely cloudy Weather
Men variously employed."

Mar. 17
" Saturday a light Breeze SE clear Weather
Men variously employed."

Mar. 18
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday."

Mar. 19
" Monday a light Breeze Sly clear warm Wea.
Three Men planing Wooden Work for Canoes and the rest variously employed - Magnus Twatt with the two Men who went off the 22nd Ult. arrived from Cumberland House, and delivered me the following Letter, dated, Cumberland House 11th March 1798
Dr Sir
I received your favor the 7 inst by the arrival of Nicholas Leith & John Clouston. they had a bad and tedious Journey on account of the great depth of the Snow and very rough Ice in several places. - Magnus Twatt accompanies them back to superintend the Canoe building at your place.
Mr Oman's not returning to your house in the Fall (tho met at a short distance from it) as particularly requested, for Ice Chizzels, Files, Hatchets &c, and the Indians belonging to this place coming purposely for these Articles and could not be supplyed with them, they were under the necefsity of going elswhere. - The above want of Iron Work will be the lofs of a great many good Skins to the Company. - The Indians said when they came here in the Fall for Ice Chizzels &c that they should hunt Beaver near this place all Winter and whatever they might kill we should have got as there is no Opposition here.
Mr Rofs and party got froze in near 60 Miles from the House in the Fall, and it was near Christmas before we could get the Trading Goods hauled down here.
Our Fishing has turned out worse than usual, altho' we have had 10 Nets constantly down - At present they scarcely afford us 2 days pr Week. Am happy to hear you are better off for Provisions as we are badly off here for want of it.
Wishing you health and a good Trade
I remain Dr Sr
Your humble Servant
P. Fidler."

Mar. 20
" Tuesday a light Breeze NW clear Weather
Six Men getting ready to go and look for Pitch, those who arrived yesterday resting themselves and the rest variously employed."

Mar. 21
" Wednesday light Airs Sly clear fine Weather
Sent off six Men to gather Pitch, the rest variously employed."

Mar. 22
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Four Men employed planing Canoe Wood, two lame (one from a strain in his Leg and the other from the Rhumatism) Taylor making Cloaths, one Man looking for the Horses & the rest variously employed."

Mar. 23
" Friday Wind and Weather as before
Men variously employed."

Mar. 24
" Saturday a fresh Breeze WNW clear fine Wea.
Men employed as before."

Mar. 25
" Sunday Wind and Weather as yesterday."

Mar. 26
" Monday Wind Weather as before
Three Men employed planing Canoe Wood, two splitting Wood, one looking for the Horses and the Taylor making Cloaths, the other two lame."

Mar. 27
" Tuesday light Airs Nly part clear, part cloudy warm Weather
The Men who were tenting with the Cumberland House Indians arrived. they met two Canadians going to the Tents with Liquor &c
An Indian arrived with a little Fatt which he traded and went away."

Mar. 28
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy cold Wea.
Sent the two Men back again, who arrived yesterday with Liquor &c in case they Canadians should stay at the Indians Tents till Skins were killed, the rest as before."

Mar. 29
" Thursday a fresh Gale NE cloudy cold Weather with thick Snow in the Evening.
Men variously employed, those who went away yesterday arrived having met the Canadians returning home."

Mar. 30
" Friday a fresh Gale NE with thick Snow
Men employed putting Snow out of the Yard."

Mar. 31
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NE part cloudy part clear Weather
Men variously employed."

Apr. 1 1798
" Sunday a light Breeze SE Weather as yesterday."

Apr. 2
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent two Men to fetch home the Horses, four getting Wood ready for Canoe building and the rest variously employed."

Apr. 3
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as before
Sent two Men away with the Horses to take care of them, the rest employed as before."

Apr. 4
" Wednesday a fresh Gale NE with Snow
Men at the House variously employed. those who went for Pitch the 21th Ult. arrived."

Apr. 5
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy cold Weather
The Men who arrived yesterday resting themselves the rest variously employed."

Apr. 6
" Friday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy cold Weather
Men variously employed."

Apr. 7
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Three Men employed planing Canoe Wood and the rest cutting fire Wood."

Apr. 8
" Sunday a light Breeze Sly clear fine Weather."

Apr. 9
" Monday a fresh Breeze SE clear fine Weather
Men variously employed."

Apr. 10
" Tuesday a fresh Gale NW Weather, cloudy & clear alternately with showers of Hail.
Four Men employed planing Canoe Wood & the rest making Pimmeecan. - Made 25 Bags."

Apr. 11
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men variously employed."

Apr. 12
" Thursday a light Breeze NE clear Weather
Men variously employed."

Apr. 13
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men variously employed."

Apr. 14
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Seven Men employed bending Canoe timbers, the rest, cutting fire Wood and sweeping the Yard."

Apr. 15
" Sunday a fresh Breeze ESE clear cold Weather."

Apr. 16
" Monday a fresh Breeze ESE cloudy cold Wea.
Six Men employed bending Canoe Timbers and the rest falling fire Wood."

Apr. 17
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NE cloudy cold Weather with Showers of Snow
Four Men employed planing Canoe Wood and the rest falling fire Wood. - The River Ice made a move, but stopt again in a few Minutes."

Apr. 18
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Ely cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Apr. 19
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday, Mens employ the same. - The River Ice moved again and continued to drive about half an hour then stopt."

Apr. 20
" Friday a fresh Breeze Ely cloudy Weather
Men employed as before. - The River Ice broke in the course of last Night & continued driving down."

Apr. 21
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men employed as before."

Apr. 22
" Sunday a fresh Gale Wly clear Weather."

Apr. 23
" Monday a fresh Gale Ely cloudy Weather with Rain in the afternoon
Four Men began making a Canoe and the rest employed falling fire Wood."

Apr. 24
" Tuesday a fresh Gale ENE cloudy Weather
Men variously employed. - Two Stone & South'd Indians arrived with a few Wolves Skins."

Apr. 25
" Wednesday a fresh Gale ESE Weather, clear & cloudy alternately
Men employed sewing a Canoe. - Two Cumberland House Indians arrived."

Apr. 26
" Thursday a fresh Gale SE part clear, part cloudy Weather with Rain
Sent two Men with the Indians of yesterday to fetch their furs. the rest employed sewing a Canoe & crofsing some South'd Indians who arrived. The Indians of Tuesday went away."

Apr. 27
" Friday a light Breeze Sly clear hot Weather
Four Men employed at a new Canoe and the rest crofsing Indians, who went away. - The Men who went away yesterday arrived with 70 Br Skins."

Apr. 28
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NE first part cloudy, latter part clear Weather
Four Men employed timbering a new Canoe, one unwell & the rest employed cutting fire Wood &c."

Apr. 29
" Sunday Wind & Weather as yesterday."

Apr. 30
" Monday a fresh Breeze Ely clear Weather
Sent four Men to endeavour to find the Cumberl'd House Indians, the rest employed sewing a Canoe &c.
Two Indians arrived & brought 12 Br Skins."

May 1 1798
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NE clear Weather
All hands employed sewing a Canoe. - Two of the Men who went away yesterday arrived being unable to find their way to the Indians. - The Indians of yesterday went away."

May 2
" Wednesday a light Breeze NE part clear, part cloudy Weather.
Men employed as yesterday."

May 3
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before
Men variously employed - Two Men who went away on Monday last arrived with 42 Br Skins."

May 4
" Friday a light Breeze Nly cloudy Weather with Rain and Snow
Men variously employed."

May 5
" Saturday a light Breeze Ely part clear, part cloudy Weather
Men employed sewing a Canoe."

May 6
" Sunday a fresh Breeze Nly cloudy Weather."

May 7
" Monday a fresh Breeze NE part clear, part cloudy Weather.
Sent two Men to dig ground for Potatoes, two to the Cumberland House Indians & the rest employd making a Canoe."

May 8
" Tuesday light Airs Nly Weather as yesterday
Men employed as yesterday, those who went away yesterday arrived as did the Cumberland House Indians."

May 9
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Two Men getting ready to go to Cumberland House and the rest variously employed."

May 10
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before.
Sent two Men in a Canoe off for Cumberland House. - The Indians of Tuesday all went away in an old large Canoe for Cumberland House."

May 11
" Friday a fresh Gale Sly clear Weather
Men variously employed."

" Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Fidler
A Canoe of Canadians who it is said are going to Cumberland House, but who, I imagine, intend waiting for your Indians at some of the carrying places nearest this place, occasion my sending the Bearers to accompany them in case you should have no Men so high up the River, with a little Liquor Tobacco &c.
As our proportion of Wolves is too great for the few Beaver we have I have sent you down an hundred, which I hope you will be able to divide among your bundles without any inconvenience.
We have four Canoes nearly made, but I am afraid our Birchrind is too bad, tho sufficient in quantity to make a fifth.
I remain Sir
Your humble Servant
James Bird."

May 12
" Saturday a fresh Gale Wly clear Weather
Men variously employed."

May 13
" Sunday a fresh Gale NW part clear, part cloudy Weather."

May 14
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW Weather as yesterday
Men employed sewing a Canoe."

May 15
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

May 16
" Wednesday light Airs variable sultry Weather.
Sent four Men in a Canoe & two with Horses up the River to meet the Bungees, one Man ill and the rest variously employed."

May 17
" Thursday a fresh Breeze Wly part clear, part cloudy sultry Weather
Two Men employed at a Canoe & the rest tying up Furrs."

May 18
" Friday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Two Men employed digging in the garden and the rest employed pounding Meat &c. - Two of the Men who went away on Wednesday arrived in a Canadian Canoe, the rest remain at the entrance of the setting River to wait the Bungees."

May 19
" Saturday a strong Gale Wly part clear, part cloudy Weather
Men employed prefsing Furrs."

May 20
" Sunday a strong Gale NW With Thunder and Rain."

May 21
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW part clear, part cloudy Weather
Two Men employed digging in the Garden & the rest employed pitching the five new Canoes."

May 22
" Tuesday a fresh Gale Wly Weather as yesterday
Men variously employed."

May 23
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men variously employed."

May 24
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy Weather
Men variously employed. - Two Indians arrived with a few Beaver Skins."

May 25
" Friday Wind and Weather as before
The Men who went away on Friday last arrived, the rest variously employed."

May 26
" Saturday a fresh Breeze Nly cloudy Weather
Men variously employed."

May 27
" Sunday a fresh Gale NW clear Weather."

May 28
" Monday a fresh Gale Sly clear Weather
Men variously employed."

May 29
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze SW Weather clear and cloudy alternately, with small showers of Rain.
At 8 AM Mr Tomison and party arrived from Buckingham House."

May 30
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze SW clear Weather
Early AM Mr Tomison & party embarked for Cumberland House. - Men employed getting Canoes &c ready to embark tomorrow.
Early AM William Walker ran away to some Indians who are tenting about 20 Miles off."

May 31
" Thursday a fresh Breeze SW cloudy Weather
Early AM sent off eight Men in four Canoes for Cumberland House & in the evening I embarked with two Men in one Canoe. left Magnus Twatt in charge & five Men with him at the House."

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