This is a virtually complete transcription of the Carlton House(Saskatchewan) Journal 1796-97 by Alex Nicol

"A Diurnal Account of the Transactions &c at Carlton House near the South Branch, by James Bird in charge of that Settlement,
Commencing Sept. 7th 1796
Ending June 2 1797."

Sept. 7 1796
" Wednesday a light Breeze SW Cloudy Weather with a little Rain.
At 2 PM Mr George Sutherland embarked for Buckingham House - Men employed making their Bedsteads &c."

Sept. 8
" Thursday a light Breeze Wly Cloudy Wea.
One Man getting ready to return to Cumberland House for Goods the rest employed as yesterday."

Sept. 9
" Friday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Weather
Sent one Man in a Canoe with two Canadians for Cumberland House, one putting up Partitions and the rest putting handles to their Hatchets."

Sept. 10
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Weather
One Man employed putting up a Partition and the rest falling Stockadoes. - A South'd Indian Young Man arrived for Tobacco & brought a little fresh Meat."

Sept. 11
" Sunday a light Breeze Wly part clear part Cloudy Wea.
The Indian of yesterday went away."

Sept. 12
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
One Man putting up Cabins & the rest falling Stockadoes."

Sept. 13
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same
About 5 PM Mr Finlay the Canadian Master at this place arrived with eight Men in a light Canoe."

Sept. 14
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same
Two Tent of Indians arrived with a few Furrs."

Sept. 15
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before
Men employed as yesterday."

Sept. 16
" Friday a light Breeze WNW cloudy Wea.
Men employed as before."

Sept. 17
" Saturday light Airs variable clear fine Wea.
Men employed as before
The Indians of Wednesday finished trading and went away."

Sept. 18
" Sunday a light Breeze Wly Cloudy Weather
Eight Canadian Canoes arrived."

Sept. 19
" Monday Wind & Weather as yesterday
One Man employed in the House & the rest falling Stockadoes."

Sept. 20
" Tuesday a light Breeze NE part Cloudy part clear Weather
Men employed as yesterday - One Tent of South'd Indians arrived with a few Furrs &c part of which they traded."

Sept. 21
" Wednesday a light Breeze Sly clear fine Weather
Sent one Man away with an Indian I have engaged for a Hunter, one chopping Gate-Posts and the rest employed carrying home Stockadoes.
At 8 AM twelve Canadians embarked in two Canoes loaded with Trading Goods &c for the upper Settlements - The Indians of yesterday traded and went away."

Sept. 22
" Thursday a light Breeze Wly clear fine Wea.
Men at the House employed as yesterday. At 4 PM the Man I sent away the 9 instant with two others from Cumberland House arrived with twelve pieces of trading Goods. a few Stone Indians also arrived with a little dried Provisions."

Sept. 23
" Friday Wind & Weather as yesterday
The Men who arrived yesterday resting resting themselves & the rest employed as before. - A Man arrived from our Hunter with the Meat of a Bull Buffalo as did an Indian for a supply of Ammunition &c. the Indians of yesterday traded and went away."

Sept. 24
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NNE part clear part Cloudy Weather
Two Men employed pointing & fitting Stockadoes, three carrying them home & one making Gate Posts - The Man who arrived yesterday returned to his Tent, the Indian above went away."

Sept. 25
" Sunday a light Breeze NW part clear part Cloudy Weather with a little Rain."

Sept. 26
" Monday a stiff Breeze NW clear Weather.
Two Men employed fitting Stockadoes, three carrying them home & one Man making gate Posts."

Sept. 27
" Tuesday a light Breeze NW clear Weather.
Men employed as yesterday."

Sept. 28
" Wednesday a light Breeze SE clear fine Wea.
Men at the House employed as before, the Man arrived from our Hunter with the Meat of a Bull Buffalo & returned to his Tent."

Sept. 29
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men employed as before."

Sept. 30
" Friday a light Breeze SW clear sultry Wea.
One Man making Trenails & the rest employ'd as before - An Indian Man arrived for a supply of Ammunition & Tobacco &c."

Oct. 1 1796
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same - The Indian of yesterday received a supply of Tobacco &c and went away."

Oct. 2
" Sunday a stiff Breeze NW Cloudy Weather with showers of Rain.
Our Hunter and Man who Tents with him arrived with six unskinned Beaver and part of the Meat of a Bull Buffalo."

Oct. 3
" Monday a stiff Breeze NW Cloudy Wea. with Rain.
At 8 AM Mr Fidler with 16 Men in four Canoes (loaded with trading Goods) arrived with a Pacquet from York Factory
Employed opening Bundles (to get the Articles required for this place) & repacking them.
The Hunter went away."

" Copy of a Letter received from Mr Colen
York Factory Augt. 26 1796
Mr Bird
You are to furnish Mr Oman with as many Canoes as you can early in the Spring in Order that he may convey as many Goods as pofsible from the Rock Store House to Jack River to meet the Boats from the upper Settlements. I remain
Yours &c
Joseph Colen."

Oct. 4
" Tuesday a light Breeze Wly clear Weather
At ? AM Mr Fidler with twelve Men in three Canoes loaded with twenty seven Pieces of trading Goods embarked for Buckingham House as did four Men in one Canoe (loaded with nine Pieces) for the high Bank above Hudson House where they are to wait the arrival of Men & Horses from Buckingham to whom they deliver their Cargoe and return to this place.
Two Men employed fitting Stockdoes, one Man boring & the rest carrying them home."

Oct. 5
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NW part clear part Cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Oct. 6
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men at the House employed as before. a Man arrived from our Hunter with the Meat of two young Bull Buffalo"

Oct. 7
" Friday a fresh Breeze Wly Cloudy Weather
Men employed as before. the Man who arrived with Meat yesterday returned to his Tent."

Oct. 8
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men employed as before."

Oct. 9
" Sunday Wind and Weather as before."

Oct. 10
" Monday a fresh Breeze SW part clear part Cloudy Weather
Men employed erecting Stockadoes. An Indian arrived with a few Skins and a little dried Meat."

Oct. 11
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Oct. 12
" Wednesday a fresh Gale NW cloudy Weather
Men at the House employed as before. the Man who tents with the Hunter arrived with the Meat of a young Bull Buffalo and returned to his Tent. The Indian of Monday traded & went away."

Oct. 13
" Thursday a strong Gale Ely cloudy Weather
Men employed as before."

Oct. 14
" Friday a strong Gale NW Cloudy Weather with Snow
Men employed as yesterday till 11 AM when the badnefs of the Weather obliged them to leave off work."

Oct. 15
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
Men employed as before."

Oct. 16
" Sunday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Wea.
A few Stone Indians arrived with a little dried Provisions."

Oct. 17
" Monday a light Breeze NW Cloudy cold Weather with Snow at times.
One Man employed chopping Logs, ten at the pit Saw & the rest falling wood to raise our Victual Shed with. - The Stone Indians of yesterday traded and went away & a South'd Indian arrived with a few Beaver Skins."

Oct. 18
" Tuesday a light Breeze Wly Cloudy Weather
Two Men employed making Gates two sawing Plank and the rest fetch grafs for building a Chimney. - The four Men who accompanied Mr Fidler to Hudson House arrived with a Horse and a little Cows Meat."

Oct. 19
" Wednesday a light Breeze NW clear Wea.
Two Men employed making Gates and the rest building a Chimney. - A Man arrived with the Meat of two Cow Buffalo & returned with another Man to his Tent."

Oct. 20
" Thursday a light Breeze NW Cloudy Wea. with Snow.
Two Men sawing Boards and the rest employed as yesterday. - Four South'd Indians arrived with a little dried Provisions part of which they traded."

Oct. 21
" Friday a light Breeze NW Cloudy Weather
One Man employed cutting out a Window one chopping Logs & the rest as before.
The Indians of yesterday went away."

Oct. 22
" Saturday light Breezes Sly Cloudy Wea.
One Man repairing the floor of the House, two fetching white Earth & the rest employed as yesterday."

Oct. 23
" Sunday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy cold Weather - A little Ice driving in the River."

Oct. 24
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW cloudy Wea.
Ten Men sawing Boards, one laying part of a floor & the rest employed plaistering the House."

Oct. 25
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze Wly Cloudy Wea.
Two Men sawing Boards, one laying a Floor & the rest employed fetching grafs. - Two Men arrived from our Hunter with the Meat of two Cows and returned to their Tent."

Oct. 26
" Wednesday light Breezes Sly Cloudy cold Weather.
Two Men employed making Ashes for Soap and the rest removing and enlarging the Meat Shed."

Oct. 27
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Oct. 28
" Friday a light Breeze SE Cloudy Weather
Two Men employed making Soap & the rest building a Meat Shed."

Oct. 29
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Oct. 30
" Sunday a light Breeze SE clear fine Wea.
Two Men arrived from the hunting Tent with the Meat of two Cows & returned to their Tent."

Oct. 31
" Monday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Wea.
Two Men employed sawing Boards and the rest building a Meat Shed."

Nov. 1 1796
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze Wly clear fine Wea.
Men employed as yesterday. - Two Indian Lads arrived with a few Skins."

Nov. 2
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Wly Cloudy Wea.
Two Men sawing Plank, one chopping Logs, one planing Boards & the rest employed plaistering the Meat Shed."

Nov. 3
" Thursday a light Breeze SE Cloudy Wea.
Men employed as yesterday - Two Indian Men arrived with a few Beaver Skins."

Nov. 4
" Friday a fresh Breeze SW clear fine Wea.
Men employed as before. - The Indians of yesterday traded and went away
The River clear of Ice."

Nov. 5
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
One Man lining a Room (with Boards) two sawing Plank & the rest laying the floors of the Shed and cleaning the yard - Two Indian Men arrived with a few Furrs."

Nov. 6
" Sunday a fresh Breeze Wly clear Weather
The Indians of yesterday traded and went away."

Nov. 7
" Monday a fresh Breeze Ely part cloudy part clear Weather.
One Man employed lining a Room, two sawing Plank one laying upper floor of the Meat Shed two burying Canoes & the rest employed gathering small Stockadoes."

Nov. 8
" Tuesday a strong Gale NW Cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Nov. 9
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Nly Cloudy cold Weather.
Four Men employed sawing Plank, one making Cupboard and the rest erecting small Stockadoes for dividing the front and back Yards.
Four Canadians arrived from Buckingham House and brought me the following Letter from Mr Sutherland, dated
Edmonton House Oct. 20th 1796
Dr Sir
I received your favor by the Canadians a few days ago, am very glad to hear your Neighbour does not intend building another house this Season. by this means you will be able to send me a good many more Men in the Spring to afsist down with the Boats and Canoes & in case I should not have another opportunity I wish you to send as many Men as you can spare as soon as pofsible after the River breaks & send up at the same time all the Trading Goods remaining except what will be necefsary to procure Bark and Provisions in the Summer. if there should be any spare goods at Cumberland House use your best endeavour to get it sent up also as I will be short of many Articles here, especially Ball. - I arrived here the 3rd inst. and have traded upwards of 1000 MB in Furrs some of which are but of a very indifferent quality but I was forced to take them.

The reason I did not write you when I sent you the Horse in the Fall was as follows - Mr Shaw overtook me at the crofsing place and told me that some of Mr Finlays Men were to return that Day & asked me if I had any Commands to you, I told him I wished to send you a Horse by his People which he readily agreed to but by this time our Canoes were about ten Miles a head consequently I had neither Pen nor Paper. all the News I had to tell you was that the Stone Indians had been lurking about Buckingham House all the Summer and in the end stole some Horses. two of the Stone Indians have been killed by the South'd Indians in the very act of carrying off Horses belonging to both Houses. a Frenchman also shot a South'd Indian in the pious Act of taking away a few Horses that did not belong to him.

As there are several of your branch Indians come to hunt in this part of the Country & I make no doubt but many of them of your Debtors I wish you would send me a list thereof that I may stop at least part of them.
Am glad to hear you have a good quantity of Bark therefore build as many Canoes as you can, let them be between the large and small size that is, Canoes that three Men can take down & two up. - Collect as much Pitch as you can as the Boat will require a good deal of that Article. Wishing you a plentiful Winter & a good Trade
I remain Dr Sir,
Your obedient
humble Servant
George Sutherland."

Nov. 10
" Thursday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Weather with Snow.
Men employed as before - An Indian arrived from the other side the River with a few Skins.
Much heavy Ice driving in the River."

" Friday a light Breeze Sly clear sharp Weather
Men employed as before - The Indians of yesterday traded and went away."

Nov. 12
" Saturday a fresh Breeze Nly clear cold Wea.
Men employed lowering & reerecting the Flag Staff cleaning the yard &c. - The River full of drifting Ice."

Nov. 13
" Sunday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy cold Weather
The River Ice closed in the course of last Night."

Nov. 14
" Monday light Airs Ely Cloudy Weather with thick Snow
Men variously employed within Doors & cleaning the Snow out of the yard in the evening."

Nov. 15
" Tuesday light Airs variable clear sharp Wea.
Four Men employed sawing Boards and the rest cutting fire Wood - One Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch Meat."

Nov. 16
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Sly Cloudy Weather
Four Men employed sawing Boards & the rest burying a Canoe, cutting fire Wood and repairing Sleds &c - The Man who arrived yesterday returned to his Tent."

Nov. 17
" Thursday a fresh Breeze Wly part Cloudy Weather with light Snow & part clear
Sent three Men with Dogs and Sleds for Meat one Man cutting fire Wood & the rest employed chopping Logs & sawing Boards."

Nov. 18
" Friday light Airs Ely Cloudy Weather with Snow
Two Men employed Sawing, one making a Counter, one cutting fire Wood & the rest making a Gate. - The Men who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Nov. 19
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Wea.
Sent two Men for Meat, one making a Counter and the rest employed cutting fire Wood and cleaning the Yard."

Nov. 20
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy cold Weather
The Men who went for Meat yesterday arrived with the flesh of a Cow Buffalo.
Nine Canadians set off for Buckingham House by whom I sent the following Letter for Mr Sutherland.

Dear Sir
You may depend upon my sending up all the Men and goods that can pofsibly be spared from this place (and Cumberland House if the Season will permit) early in the Spring if I can be supplied with a Steersman, the two who are here will at that time be employed making Canoes (if we get our Birchrind home safe. I have lately been informed that the Mountain in which it was left was on Fire some time ago) and exclusive of these there is only one Man who can with any degree of propriety be trusted with a Canoe.

The Indians of this place have made no fall hunt worth mentioning, I have only traded about 300 MB since you past & have but a poor prospect of getting anything considerable this Season owing to a scarcity of Beaver of which here is an universal complaint & such a Number of our Traders having left this quarter (an Account of whose Debts I have inclosed) as also the late improvements the Canadian Traders have made in the quality of their Goods, a few Years since many Indians who from the large quantities of Spiritious Liquors given them were induced to go to the Canadian House, the superiority of our Cloth, Guns &c tempted to trade those Articles with us, but they now find themselves as well supplied by the Canadians. - I find our Guns very indifferent this Year both in their Locks & Stocks, those are in general of a dark red colour & of course not much fancyed by the Indians, our Neighbour's Guns far surpafs them in appearance.

I have at present about 5 or 6 Cwt of Fatt with a proportionate quantity of beat & dried Meat & hope to be able to make fifteen or twenty bags of Pimmecan in the Spring, the Buffalo are tolerably near us and we have the appearance of a plentiful Winter for fresh Meat - Wishing You every happinefs I remain
Your humble Servant
James Bird."

Nov. 21
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Wea.
Two Men sawing boards one putting up shelves in trading room and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Nov. 22
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men variously employed."

Nov. 23
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as before
One Man making a Chair, one looking for Birch to make Sleds, the rest employed making Soap & cutting fire Wood."

Nov. 24
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
Sent four Men for Meat & the rest employed cutting fire Wood &c."

Nov. 25
" Friday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men at the House employed as yesterday. those who went for Meat arrived with the flesh of two Cow Buffalo. two Indians also arrived with a few Furrs."

Nov. 26
" Saturday a fresh Breeze Wly Cloudy Weath.
Two Men sawing Birch for Sleds, one making a Chair, two fetching home Birch & the rest cutting fire Wood & cleaning the yard."

Nov. 27
" Sunday a fresh Breeze Wly clear fine Wea.
The Indians of Friday traded and went away."

Nov. 28
" Monday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent four Men for Meat, one Man employed making Kegs, two making Sleds & the rest cutting fire Wood."

Nov. 29
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as before
Men at the House employed as yesterday. those who went for Meat arrived."

Nov. 30
" Wednesday a light Breeze SE Cloudy Wea.
Sent four Men for Meat, two Sawing Birch for Sleds, two putting the Horses to grafs and the rest cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 1 1796
" Thursday a light Breeze SE clear fine Wea.
One Man employed making Sleds & the rest cutting fire Wood. those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Dec. 2
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Sent four Men for Meat and the rest employed as yesterday."

Dec. 3
" Saturday a light Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
Men at the House employed as before those who went for Meat arrived with the flesh of two Cows."

Dec. 4
" Sunday a light Breeze NW Cloudy Weather with thick Snow."

Dec. 5
" Monday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Wea.
Sent four Men for Meat two sawing Birch for Sleds, Taylor at work for Trade and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 6
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
One Man making Sleds. Taylor making Cloaths for the Men and the rest employed cutting fire Wood, those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Dec. 7
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as before
Sent four Men for Meat, one making Sleds & the rest employed cutting fire Wood.
An Indian Man arrived for Men to fetch Furrs."

Dec. 8
" Thursday a light Breeze Ely Cloudy Weather.
Two Men getting ready to go away with the Indian of yesterday & the rest (at the House) employed cutting fire Wood, those who went for Meat yesterday arrived as did an Indian with a few Furrs."

Dec. 9
" Friday a light Breeze NW Cloudy Weather
Sent two Men away with the Indian of Wednesday, three for Meat & the rest employed cutting fire Wood. - The Indian of yesterday traded and went away."

Dec. 10
" Saturday a fresh Breeze Wly part Cloudy part clear warm Weather
Men at the House employed cutting fire Wood & cleaning the Yard, those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Dec. 11
" Sunday a light Breeze Wly Cloudy Wea.
A Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch Meat."

Dec. 12
" Monday a light Breeze SE clear fine Weather.
Sent three Men for Meat, one making small Kegs, Taylor making Chiefs Coats and the rest employed cutting fire Wood. - The Man who arrived yesterday returned to his Tent."

Dec. 13
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
Men at the House employed as before. those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Dec. 14
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent four Men for Meat (who returned) & the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 15
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Weather with light Snow
One Man employed making small Kegs & the rest cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 16
" Friday a light Breeze Nly clear sharp Wea.
Men employed as yesterday."

Dec. 17
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men's employ the same."

Dec. 18
" Sunday Wind & Weather as before
The Men who went away the 9 inst. arrived with 85 MB in Furrs."

Dec. 19
" Monday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy cold Wea.
One Man making small Kegs, Taylor at work for trade, those who arrived yesterday resting themselves and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 20
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as yesterday.
Mens employ the same - An Indian Man arrived with a few Furrs."

Dec. 21
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as before
One Man employed making a Door, one making Kegs, Taylor at work for Trade and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 22
" Thursday a fresh Breeze Nly Cloudy cold Wea.
Sent two Men for Meat (who returned in the evening) & the rest employed as yesterday."

Dec. 23
" Friday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent two Men to look for the Horses who return'd in the afternoon, the rest employed as before."

Dec. 24
" Saturday a light Breeze Sly Cloudy Wea.
One Man employed making small Kegs, one lining a Room, Taylor making Chiefs Coats & the rest employed cutting fire wood & cleaning the Yard."

Dec. 25
" Sunday a light Breeze Nly Clear fine Weather
A Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Men to fetch Meat."

Dec. 26
" Monday a fresh Breeze Wly Cloudy Weather
Sent four Men for Meat ( who returned) one making Kegs, Taylor at work for Trade and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 27
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent four Men for Meat (who returned in the Evening) and the rest employed cutting fire Wood &c."

Dec. 28
" Wednesday light Airs Sly Cloudy Weather with Snow
Men variously employed."

Dec. 29
" Thursday a fresh Gale NW Cloudy Weather
Men employed as before."

Dec. 30
" Friday a light Breeze Sly Cloudy Weather with Snow.
Sent two Mem for Meat (who returned ) one making small Kegs, Taylor at work for Trade and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Dec. 31
" Saturday a fresh Breeze Wly Cloudy Weather
One Man making Snow Shoes, one making Kegs, Taylor making Chiefs Coats and the rest employed cutting fire Wood.
Our hunter and Family arrived."

Jan. 1 1797
" Sunday a light Breeze Sly clear fine Wea."

Jan. 2
" Monday Wind and Weather as yesterday
One Man arrived from the hunting Tent (having killed a Cow Buffalo) for Men to fetch Meat."

Jan. 3
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze SW clear sharp Wea.
Sent two Men for Meat (who returned) one making Snow Shoes, one making Kegs, Taylor at work for trade & the rest employed cutting fire wood - The Man who arrived yesterday with the Hunter returned to their Tent."

Jan. 4
" Wednesday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Wea.
Men employed as yesterday."

Jan. 5
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday
One Man making Snow Shoe frames, one making small Kegs, Taylor at work for the Men & the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 6
" Friday Wind & Weather as before
Men employed as yesterday."

Jan. 7
" Saturday a fresh Breeze Ely cloudy Wea.
Men employed as before."

Jan. 8
" Sunday a light Breeze SW clear fine Weather."

Jan. 9
" Monday Wind SSW part Cloudy part clear thawing Weather.
Sent four Men for Meat, one Man making Sleds & the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 10
" Tuesday a fresh Gale Wly cloudy warm Wea.
Sent four Men for Meat (who returned) one making Sleds, Taylor at work for Men & the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 11
" Wednesday light airs variable Cloudy Weather
Sent three Men for Meat (who returned with the flesh of 2 Cows) the rest employed as yesterday."

Jan. 12
" Thursday light Airs Nly Cloudy Weather
One Man making a large Sled, one making Kegs, Taylor at work for the Men and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 13
" Friday Wind, Weather and Men's employ as yesterday
An Indian Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Brandy and Men to fetch Meat."

Jan. 14
" Saturday a light Breeze NE Cloudy warm Weather
Sent three Men for Meat (who returned with the flesh of 2 Cows) one Man making a large Sled, one making Kegs Taylor at work for the Men & the rest employed cutting fire Wood & cleaning the Yard."

Jan. 15
" Sunday a light Breeze NW Cloudy Weather
An Indian Man and his Wife arrived with a few Furrs part of which they traded."

Jan. 16
" Monday a fresh Gale NW Cloudy Weather with Snow at times.
Sent two Men with the Indian of yesterday to fetch some Furrs he left at his Tent, one Man making a large Sled one making Kegs Taylor at work for the Men and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 17
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NW clear Wea.
Men employed as yesterday."

Jan. 18
" Wednesday a light Breeze Sly clear Wea.
Sent two Men with Horses to the hunting Tent & the rest employed as before."

Jan. 19
" Thursday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Wea.
One Man making small Kegs, Taylor at work for the Men & the rest cutting fire Wood. those who went away on Monday arrived, as did the two who went to the hunting Tent with the Meat of two Cows."

Jan. 20
" Friday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather with Snow.
Sent four Men for Meat, Taylor at work for Men & the the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 21
" Saturday a light Breeze Ely Cloudy Wea.
One Man employed making small Kegs Taylor making Cloaths for the Men and the rest employed cutting fire Wood and cleaning the Yard."

Jan. 22
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Weather."

Jan. 23
" Monday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent two Men for Meat (who returned) one Man making Snow Shoes, Taylor at work for Men & the rest cutting fire Wood - Three Cumberland House Indians arrived as also a South'd and three Stone Indians from the Southward with a few Furrs and a little dried Provisions."

Jan. 24
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze ENE Cloudy Wea.
Men employed as yesterday."

Jan. 25
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Wly Cloudy warm Weather
Sent two Men away with the Cumberland House Indians for Furrs & the rest employed as before - The Stone Indians of Monday went away."

Jan. 26
" Thursday a strong Breeze NE Cloudy Wea. with Snow and drift
One Man making small Kegs Taylor at work for Men and the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Jan. 27
" Friday a fresh Breeze Ely Cloudy Weather with Snow at times.
Sent two Men for Meat who returned with the flesh of a Cow Buffalo the rest employed as yesterday."

Jan. 28
" Saturday a light Breeze SE Cloudy Weather
Men at the House employed as before those who went away on Wednesday arrived with 70 MB in Furrs, an Indian Man also arrived for Men to fetch Furrs."

Jan. 29
" Sunday a light Breeze Wly clear fine Weather
A Man arrived from the hunting Tent for Ammunition & Men to fetch Meat."

Jan. 30
" Monday light Airs Sly clear fine Wea.
Sent four Men with the Indian of Saturday to fetch Furrs, three to fetch Meat (who returned) Taylor at work for the Men & the other Man lame - The Man who arrived yesterday returned to his Tent."

Jan. 31
" Tuesday light Airs Sly Cloudy warm Wea.
Sent three Men for Meat (who returned) one Man lame & the other employed making small Kegs.

Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Oman by some Canadians who set off for Cumberland house
Mr Oman
As another opportunity may not offer, I embrace the present to inform You, that You are to send a Canoe up to this place as early in the Spring as the Season will pofsibly admit of with whatever Goods &c can be spared from Cumberland House that they may be forwarded from hence to Buckingham.

I am apprehensive that our Birchrind is burned as the Hill in which it was laid is reported to have been on fire last Autumn. and I have not hitherto been able to get any satisfactory intelligence concerning it, should it be safe I shall probably be able to spare you the quantity You request.

Four or your Indians have been here ( Brafsy &c) but brought very few Furrs.
I remain
Your humble Servant
James Bird."

Feb. 1 1797
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent two Men for Meat (who returned) the rest employed Cutting fire Wood &c - An Indian Man and his Family arrived with a few Furrs."

Feb. 2
" Thursday a fresh Breeze SW Cloudy Wea.
Sent two Men for Meat (who returned) one Man making small Kegs, one lame & the other employed cutting fire wood."

Feb. 3
" Friday a light Breeze Wly Cloudy Wea.
Sent two Men for Meat who returned with the flesh of a Cow Buffalo. Taylor at work for the Men and the other Man employed cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 4
" Saturday a light Breeze Nly AM, PM a fresh Gale NE with Snow
Sent two Men for Meat (who returned) & the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 5
" Sunday a light Breeze Sly clear warm Weather.
Sent four Men to put the Meat of seven Cow Buffalo killed near the House on a Stage."

Feb. 6
" Monday a light Breeze Ely Cloudy Wea.
One Man lame & the rest employed fetching home Meat."

Feb. 7
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Feb. 8
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather.
Sent four Men to Stage the Meat of 6 Cows killed near the House, the other Man lame - The Men who went away the 30 Ult. arrived (with 80 MB in Furrs) as did the Men who went away this Morning with a little Meat."

Feb. 9
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent four Men with Dogs and Sleds for Meat (who returned with the flesh of 4 Cows) one Man lame & the others resting themselves.
Nine Canadians arrived from the upper Settlements & brought me the following Letter from Mr Sutherland dated
Edmonton House Jan. 13 1797
Dear Sir
your favor of the 28th of Nov. arrived here on Christmas Day. - am sorry your fall Trade is so little but hope You will make it up in the course of the Winter. yet this is what can hardly be expected as many of your Indians are in this quarter and doing nothing but pounding Buffalo. I'll endeavour to get as much of your Debt from them as pofsible.
Trade at this place is great at this Season being about 6000 MB. I will be short of some Articles a List of which I have inclosed.
I wish You to send only one Canoe with five or six Men as we will have craft enough to carry down the Furrs as far as Cumberland. - Your People need not be afraid of the fall Indians as they have been in here and traded about 1000 MB in Furrs with me. Mr Shaw & myself took them severely to task for their past conduct & nothing prevented us from retaliating on them but the consideration of our being under the necefsity of leaving but a few Men inland in the Summer, but to do them Justice they seem to be sensible of what they have been guilty of, they say they have been lately like Wolves but promise to conduct themselves with propriety in future. they made me a present of three Horses with a few Wolves & the same to Mr Shaw in order to make peace with us which we did accordingly - I am very glad to hear you are likely to make 20 Bags of Pimmeecan as there is very little beat Meat or Fatt brought in here as yet & still lefs at Buckingham
I am glad to hear that a good understanding subsists between you and your Neighbour Mr Finlay, its also the case here Mr Shaw being an excellent Neighbour by this means we bring the Natives to Terms, a contrary conduct I am convinced answers no end to either party it makes the Natives impertinent and by that means creates an unnecefsary expence to our Employers.
Since the cold Weather commenced the Buffalo have been plenty near us & I hope by this day Month to have laid in our Winters Stock that equal succefs may attend you is the wish of Dr Sir
Your obedient
humble Servant
George Sutherland."

Feb. 10
" Friday a strong Breeze NE Cloudy Weather with Snow
Sent four Men for Meat (who returned later in the Evening) two getting ready to go to Cumberland house, one lame & the rest employed cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 11
" Saturday a fresh Breeze SW clear Weather
Men employed cutting fire Wood & cleaning the Yard &c."

Feb. 12
" Sunday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Our Hunter arrived with his Family to be paid for hunting."

Feb. 13
" Monday a light Breeze Sly clear sharp Wea.
Sent four Men for Meat, one chopping Logs for Block Houses, one making Sleds & the other two set off for Cumberland House with the following Letter &c

Mr Oman
A great probability of Mr Sutherlands proving in want of Guns, Cloth, Tobacco, Brandy &c occasions my sending (agreeable to his desire) two Men down to Cumberland for what they can fetch away of these Articles & hope you can make it convenient to send a couple of yours to accompany them back as far as the Nippowian? from whence they may return as I propose sending down two Men with Provisions to meet the Bearers at that place that they may be able to take a good load of Goods that I may be enabled to dispatch a Canoe with Goods for Buckingham House immediately after the breaking of the River Ice. - It will neverthelefs be necefsary for You to send a Canoe to this place early in the Spring as pofsible with whatever Trading Goods you may be then able to spare, as also to inform me at present what You imagine the quantity of each Article will be, which will enable me to Judge what it will be prudent to send Mr Sutherland from hence.

If your Birchrind is so bad as to be unfit alone to make Canoes of or the quantity of the good small enough to admit of its being taken in the Canoe You send up in the Spring, You had better send it with Mr Twatt as Mr Sutherland exprefses a wish that he might be here to conduct the Canoe Building, the Canoes hitherto made at this place having proved so very indifferent.

I remain
Yours &c
J. Bird.
PS have sent You the pit Saw."

Feb. 14
" Tuesday a light Breeze Nly clear sharp Wea.
One Man chopping Logs for Block Houses, one making Sleds & the other cutting fire Wood. those who went for Meat yesterday arrived."

Feb. 15
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Sent four Men for Meat, the rest employed as yesterday - Our Hunter went away."

Feb. 16
" Thursday Wind & Weather as before
Men at the House employed as before, those who went for Meat arrived."

Feb. 17
" Friday a light Breeze Sly Cloudy Wea.
Sent four Men for Meat, one making Sleds & the rest cutting fire Wood."

Feb. 18
" Saturday a light Breeze Sly AM Cloudy Weather with light Snow. PM clear & sharp
Men at the House employed as yesterday, those who went for Meat with one Man who was at the Tent arrived with the last of the Meat & the Tent &c."

Feb. 19
" Sunday light Airs Sly clear sharp Wea.
Copy of a Letter sent to Mr G. Sutherland
Dear Sir
Yours of the 3rd of Jan. came to hand the 9 inst &? on the 13th I sent off a couple of Men (according to your wish) for Cumberland House. the quantity of Goods these can be able to fetch will I imagine be but trivial, yet as it's probable that the Indians of this place will not come to the Houses before I can be resupplyed from Cumberland I flatter myself I shall be able to send you a tolerable proportion of most of the Articles you mention. I think I may venture (accidents excepted) to answer for your receiving three or four Kegs of spirits as many Rolls of Tobacco, six or ten Guns a Keg of Powder a few small Hatchets and a little Ball with what other Articles can pofsibly be spared in the Spring.

I am sorry to inform you that Trade at this place continues amazingly small, not exceeding 900 MB nor can I even hope that it will more than equal last Year. in the Provision way (at least fresh Meat) we are more fortunate having allready laid in a good Stock

The amicable manner in which you & Mr Shaw carry on the Trade at Edmonton appears enviable, particularly when contrasted with the method of conducting here. - Mr Finlay seems determined to get all the Furrs he pofsibly can regardlefs of the expence he may be at in procuring them, the large quantity of Goods he brought here (according to his own Account 150 Pieces) enables & perhaps in some measure ? him to persevere in this plan.
Wishing you a pleasant Spring with a continuation of the succefs you have experienced, I remain Dr Sir
Your obdt humble Servant
James Bird."

Feb. 20
" Monday a fresh Breeze Wly clear thawing weather
Two Men chopping Logs, one lame and the rest falling fire Wood."

Feb. 21
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NE clear sharp Weather
Two Men with a Horse hauling home fire Wood two chopping Logs and the rest falling fire Wood &c - About 11 AM two Canadians arrived with the dead Body of an Indian which they found about three Miles up the River, it proved upon examination to be an old Man who was coming alone to the Houses, but meeting with three others who had gone from our Neighbours on Sunday Morning they so intoxicated him as to occasion (apparently) his being froze to death."

Feb. 22
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NW clear Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Feb. 23
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men's employ the same."

Feb. 24
" Friday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Wea.
Two Men employed chopping Logs & the rest employed falling Logs & with a Horse hauling them home."

Feb. 25
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Two Men chopping Logs, two with a Horse hauling home Wood & the rest employed falling fire Wood & cleaning the Yard."

Feb. 26
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NW clear Weather."

Feb. 27
" Monday a fresh Gale Ely Cloudy Wea. with Snow
Two Men getting ready to go with Provisions to meet those I sent to Cumberland House, two chopping Logs & the rest employed falling & with Dogs hauling home Wood."

Feb. 28
" Tuesday a light Breeze Sly Cloudy Wea.
Sent two Men with Provisions to meet those I sent to Cumberland, ten chopping Logs & the rest putting Ice in the Meat Shed. - The two Men I sent off this Morning with the two Men from Cumberland arrived with some Goods & the following Letter from Mr Oman dated, Cumberland House Feb 22nd '97
Mr Bird
Your Men arrived here the 18 inst which gave me great satisfaction to hear that all was well above. - I have sent You the following Articles viz. Cloth 1 Piece Ball 1 Bag. Brandy one Keg, Powder 1 Keg & 1 Roll of Tobacco, I would have sent You 4 Guns but the Men could not take them - As for sending Men up I have no Dog but one at this House and am not sure but the Indians will be in then our Neighbours is ready for all occasions for whatever chance comes for they go if the Indians come here as well as if they went to them. - If the Indians do not come in here there will be half a Keg of Powder to come up in the Spring & some ? Tobacco & a good quantity of Brandy & Blankets. for Knives there are but five here.
Mr Twatt that you mentioned he will not be up in the spring for he is to make a Canoe here by Mr Sutherlands orders
I remain
Your humble Servant
Mitchel Oman."

Mar. 1 1797
" Wednesday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Weather with Snow.
Two Men chopping Logs, the two who arrived from Cumberland resting themselves & the rest employed as yesterday."

Mar. 2
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Ten Men employed making a block House one making small Kegs, Taylor working for the Men & the rest cutting fire Wood."

Mar. 3
" Friday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Mar. 4
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW clear sharp Weather.
Men employed as before."

Mar. 5
" Sunday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Three Cumberland House Indians arrived."

Mar. 6
" Monday light Airs variable Cloudy Weather
The Cumberland House Indians went away. I sent two Men with them to fetch a few Furrs left at their Tents, one Man employed chopping Logs & the other lame - An Indian lad arrived for Men to fetch Furrs."

Mar. 7
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Seven Men getting ready to go away with the Indian of yesterday to fetch Furrs and endeavour to find our Birchrind, one Man making a Block House & the rest falling Stockadoes."

Mar. 8
" Wednesday a light Breeze Sly clear Wea.
Sent seven Men with the Indian of Monday to fetch Furrs & birchrind, the rest employed as yesterday."

Mar. 9
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday.
Mens employ the same."

Mar. 10
" Friday a light Breeze NE Cloudy Wea.
Men employed as before."

Mar. 11
" Saturday a fresh Breeze Wly clear thawing Weather.
One Man chopping Logs, one getting dry Wood & the rest employed gathering Stockadoes. Three Cumberland House Indians arrived with a few Furrs and a little dried Meat."

Mar. 12
" Sunday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather with Snow."

Mar. 13
" Monday light Airs variable Cloudy Weather
The Indians of yesterday went away, Men at the House variously employed."

Mar. 14
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze Ely Cloudy Wea.
Men employed as yesterday."

Mar. 15
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Sly early AM clear afterwards Cloudy warm Weather
Men employed building a Block House.
An Indian Man and his Wife arrived with a little dried Provisions which they traded & went away."

Mar. 16
" Thursday a fresh Gale NE Cloudy Weather with Snow
Men at the House employed as yesterday. one of those who went away the 8 inst arrived with about 100 MB - An Indian arrived."

Mar. 17
" Friday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Weather.
Two Men employed hauling Stockadoes one resting himself and the rest making a Block House."

Mar. 18
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Mar. 19
" Sunday a fresh Breeze WNW clear Weather
The six Men who went away the 8 inst arrived without finding the Birchrind. and Indian Lad also arrived for Ammunition and Tobacco &c."

Mar. 20
" Monday a light Breeze Sly clear thawing Weather
Six Men getting ready to go with the Indian of Thursday (who is the Man that took the Birchrind) for Birchrind. those who arrived yesterday resting themselves."

Mar. 21
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NE clear Weather
Sent six Men away with the Indians of the 16 & 19 insts for Birchrind, two with a Horse hauling home Stockadoes, one looking for Wood for Canoes & the rest making a block House."

Mar. 22
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

Mar. 23
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men employed as before."

Mar. 24
" Friday a fresh Gale NE cloudy Weather with Snow.
Two Men with a Horse hauling home Stockadoes & the rest making a Batteau. A Swan seen."

Mar. 25
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NNE Cloudy cold Weather
Two Men getting Stockadoes & the rest employed as before - Two Cumberland House Indians arrived with a little Provisions and a few unskinned Beaver."

Mar. 26
" Sunday a fresh Breeze S clear Weather.
The Indians of yesterday went away."

Mar. 27
" Monday a light Breeze Ely part clear part Cloudy Weather
Two Men making a Batteau & the rest a path to haul it home through."

Mar. 28
" Tuesday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather
Two Men with a Horse hauling home Stockadoes and the rest employed as before."

Mar. 29
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy cold Weather.
Two Men falling small Stockadoes & the rest employed as before. The Men who went away the 21st inst arrived with 35 small Rolls of very narrow Birchrind."

Mar. 30
" Thursday a fresh Breeze SW clear fine Weather
Two Men looking for Canoe Wood, those who came home yesterday resting themselves & the rest employed getting small Stockadoes."

Mar. 31
" Friday a fresh Gale NW clear Weather
Sent four Men to get Wood sufficient for making two Canoes three pointing Stockadoes & the rest pounding Meat."

Apr. 1 1797
" Saturday light Breezes variable AM Cloudy Weather with Snow - PM clear
Men employed pounding Meat and cleaning the Yard, those who went away for Canoe Wood on Friday arrived."

Apr. 2
" Sunday a strong Gale NW Cloudy cold Weather with heavy showers of Snow."

Apr. 3
" Monday a fresh Breeze Nly clear sharp Weather
Sent five Men for Pitch four for Canoe Wood, Taylor making Cloaths & the rest sewing fettles for Bundles."

Apr. 4
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men at home employed as before."

Apr. 5
" Wednesday a light Breeze SE clear sharp Weather
Men employed as before."

Apr. 6
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather with Snow
Men employed as before."

Apr. 7
" Friday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men at the House employed as before. those who went for Canoe Wood arrived with sufficient for two Canoes."

Apr. 8
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW clear Wea.
Taylor making cloaths & the rest employd getting Ribbands for Stockadoes, two of the Men who went for Pitch on Monday arrived as did an Indian with a few Skins which he traded and went away."

Apr. 9
" Sunday a fresh Breeze SW clear fine Weather
Three Men who went away on Monday last arrived with a little Pitch."

Apr. 10
" Monday a fresh Breeze ESE clear Wea.
Two Men sawing Ribbands (for Stockadoes) and Gunnels for Canoes, one digging a trench, three fitting in Stockadoes, Taylor making Cloaths & the rest employed digging up Stumps &c."

Apr. 11
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Two Men planing Canoe Wood, four getting Birch for the Prefs & the rest employed as before."

Apr. 12
" Wednesday a fresh Gale Wly clear Weather
Two Men employed chopping Wedges, one boring Stockadoes & the rest employed as before. - An Indian Lad arrived for Tobacco &c."

Apr. 13
" Thursday a fresh Breeze Nly Cloudy cold Weather with Snow
Two Men employed planing Canoe Wood, one chopping Wedges. Taylor making Cloaths & the rest employed making Pimmeecan.
The Indian of yesterday went away."

Apr. 14
" Friday a fresh Breeze NNE Cloudy cold Weather.
Two Men pointing Stockadoes, seven digging a Trench and the rest employed as before."

Apr. 15
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

Apr. 16
" Sunday a fresh Gale Nly clear cold Wea."

Apr. 17
" Monday a fresh Breeze Nly clear cold Weather
Two Men employed planing Splinters for Canoes, Taylor making small Coats & the rest erecting Stockadoes."

Apr. 18
" Tuesday a strong Gale Ely cloudy Wea. with Snow
Two employed peeling Stockadoes, two planing Splinters & the rest making Mallets & Wedges."

Apr. 19
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze Ely Cloudy Weather with Snow.
Men employed cleaning Snow out of the Yard &c."

Apr. 20
" Thursday a fresh Breeze ENE part clear part Cloudy Weather
Men variously employed."

Apr. 21
" Friday a strong Gale NE Cloudy Weather
Two Men employed planing Canoe Wood, Taylor making Cloaths and the rest employed tying up Furrs - Two Indian Men arrived for a supply of Tobacco &c."

Apr. 22
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Two Men employed planing Canoe Wood & the rest packing Furrs. - The Indians of yesterday went away."

Apr. 23
" Sunday a fresh Breeze Nly clear cold Weather."

Apr. 24
" Monday a fresh Breeze NE clear Wea.
Two Men planing Canoe Wood, Taylor making Cloaths & the rest employed digging a Trench for Stockadoes."

Apr. 25
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Eight Men employed erecting Stockadoes & rest as yesterday."

Apr. 26
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
Men employed as yesterday - The River Ice broke & continued driving down."

Apr. 27
" Thursday AM a light Breeze Sly PM a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy cold Weather
Men employed as before."

Apr. 28
" Friday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
Four Men getting ready to embark for Buckingham House, two planing Canoe Wood Taylor making Cloaths and the rest employed cleaning out the back yard &c."

Apr. 29
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Weather with Snow.
Sent one Man to look for our Horses (who returned without being able to find them, we therefore suppose they are stolen by an Indian who went from our Neighbour's yesterday) the rest employed as yesterday."

Apr. 30
" Sunday a fresh Breeze Sly Weather Cloudy & clear alternately
Sent two to examine whether our Horses are actually stolen or not who return'd without being able to find one of them."

May 1 1797
" Monday a light Breeze Nly Cloudy Weat.
Men variously employed."

May 2
" Tuesday a fresh Gale Wly Cloudy Weather
Sent off four Men in a Canoe loaded with twelve Pieces of Trading Goods for Buckingham House, one Man taking care of our Horses & the rest variously employed.

Copy of a Letter sent to Mr Sutherland
Dr Sir,
The amazing bad Weather we have experienced at this place prevented there being a pofsibility of my sending off a Canoe sooner. the River Ice did not break here till the 26 Ult. since when it has continued to drive down with short intermifsions till yesterday, but it still remains a matter of doubt whether the North Branch is yet open as the Country around has the appearance of Winter the Snow being still deep on the ground in every place not sheltered from the North Winds.
Have sent you five Kegs of Spirits 1 1/2 of Powder, 3 Rolls of Tobacco, seven Guns & three Bundles of Cloth &c an Account of the contents of which I have inclosed.
Am sorry to inform You that we have been much disappointed in our Birchrind, instead of 80 fathoms which we were made to expect (the Indian who takes it having never previously deceived us) & which quantity I actually paid for we only received about 30 & that so narrow as to be unfit for anything larger than an Indian Canoe. I have however had Wood taken for two Canoes & for which I am in hopes of being able to get Birchrind. - This, with my being under the necefsity of having our Horses taken care of at a distance from the House & being rather backward in our other work owing to the latenefs of the Season, prevents my being able to send you more than four Men who I however hope will prove sufficient.
Trade here is only about 1200 MB & we can expect very little more as great part of the Indians are already in the plains & declare they have not been able to find Beaver.
I remain, Sir
Your humble Servant
James Bird."

May 3
" Wednesday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy cold Weather
Sent two Men to gather Pitch, one ill, Taylor making small Coats for Trade & the rest planing Canoe Wood &c. - Employed an Indian & sent him away to were Indians are tenting to look for our Horse which was stolen & in the evening he returned with the Horse.
The River full of drifting Ice."

May 4
" Thursday AM a light Breeze SE with Snow PM clear Weather
Men at the House employed as yesterday, those I sent away the 2 inst arrived being unable to proceed on Account of the great quantities of Ice laying along Shore & the Water's continuing so high as to prevent there being able to track."

May 5
" Friday a fresh Gale Wly Cloudy Weather
Sent the Men who arrived yesterday off again with a fifth hand & J. Ballenden to conduct them over the Rapids from whence he is to return. Men at the House variously employed. - An Indian Man & his Women arrived with a few Furrs."

May 6
" Saturday Wind & Weather as before.
Men employed turning Timbers for Canoes &c.
J. Ballenden arrived."

May 7
" Sunday a fresh Breeze SE Cloudy warm Weather
Four Canadians arrived from Buckingham House who brought us two horses from Mr Sutherland. - The Indian of Friday traded and went away."

May 8
" Monday a fresh Gale SE cloudy Weather
Three Men getting ready to go for Birchrind & the rest variously employed."

May 9
" Tuesday a strong Gale NW Cloudy Weather with Snow
Sent J. Sandison with two Men and an Indian to take Birchrind, the rest employed building a block-House. - An Indian arrived for Tobacco &c."

May 10
" Wednesday a fresh Gale NW Cloudy cold Weather
Men employed as yesterday."

May 11
" Thursday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men employed getting Roots & ferrying acrofs some South'd Indians who arrived with some Stone Indians."

May 12
" Friday a fresh Breeze Nly part clear part Cloudy Weather.
Men employed as yesterday - The Indians of yesterday traded & went away."

May 13
" Saturday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Men employed as before. - Two Tents of South'd Indians arrived with a very few Furrs."

May 14
" Sunday Wind & Weather as before
The Indians of yesterday went away & four other Tents arrived with a few Furrs."

May 15
" Monday a fresh Breeze NE Cloudy Weather
Men variously employed. - Three South'd Indians arrived with a few Furrs."

May 16
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same."

May 17
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as before
Men variously employed. - The Indians of Sunday & Monday went away."

May 18
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NE Weather Cloudy & clear alternately
Men employed getting Roots."

May 19
" Friday Wind & Weather as yesterday
Mens employ the same - The Men who went away the 9 inst arrived with about 25 fathoms of Birchrind."

May 20
" Saturday Wind & Weather as before
All hands employed making a Canoe."

May 21
" Sunday Wind Weather and Men's employ as yesterday."

May 22
" Monday Wind Weather & Mens employ as before - Mr Oman with three Men & eleven Pieces of Trading Goods arrived from Cumberland House."

May 23
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as before
Two Men putting Stems in two Canoes & the rest employed digging up Stumps &c in the garden."

May 24
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as before
Two Men employed pitching a Canoe &c & the rest as yesterday. - Mr Oman with two Men embarked for Cumberland with eleven bundles of Furrs four bags of Pimmeecan a little Fatt &c."

May 25
" Thursday a fresh Breeze NW Cloudy Wea.
Two Men employed pitching a Canoe & the rest digging up Stumps &c in the Garden."

May 26
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Two Men employed timbering and Splintering a Canoe, Taylor making Cloaths & the rest employed as yesterday."

May 27
" Saturday a fresh Breeze NE part clear part Cloudy Weather with showers of Rain. Men employed as yesterday."

May 28
" Sunday Wind & Weather as yesterday."

May 29
" Monday a fresh Breeze SE Cloudy Wea.
Two Men employed pitching Canoes & the rest digging up Stumps &c in the Garden."

May 30
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as yesterday
Men variously employed.
At 9 AM Mr George Sutherland arrived with Men in nineteen Canoes & two Boats loaded with Furrs & Provisions."

May 31
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as before
Men employed prefsing Furrs &c."

June 1 1797
" Thursday a fresh Breeze Nly cloudy Weather with Rain in the morning.
At 1 PM Mr Sutherland embarked for Cumberland House.
Men variously employed."

June 2
" Friday a fresh Breeze Nly cloudy Weather with showers of Rain.
At 1 PM embarked with six Men in three Canoes for Cumberland House left James Sandison with three Men to take care of Carlton House during the Summer & procure Birchrind."

1M19 B.27/a/2
