Building Hudson House

Hudson House William Tomison
Oct. 11 1779
..."Not having Provisions for the men obliges me to send Robert Longmoor and Malcholm Rofs with three Horses in Search of food. also sent James Spence Junior and the low Country Indian down to Cumberland House with 200 Made Beaver in Furrs. William Leutit still sick. Isaac Batt fell into a Badger hole some time ago and is unfit for Duty. The rest felling wood for building and Clearing ground for the House."

Oct. 12
..."The people employed four men hewing Logs for building the rest laid the foundation and put up two tiers of Logs all round the House is 37 foot Long and 27 foot broad."

Oct. 14
..." At six oClock in the Evening Robert Longmoor and Malcholm Rofs returned from hunting they brought 200 lbs of green Buffaloe flesh which is very acceptable not having any Provisions to serve the men for these four days past."...

Oct. 15 1779
"Cold freezing Weather. Three men a hewing five men felling and the rest a building."...

Oct. 16
..."Sent Robert Longmoor and Malcolm Rofs to clear a track upwards. The rest employed hewing and building."...

Oct. 17
..."freezing weather. The River almost Choaked with Ice."

Oct. 18
..."thawed a little at noon. The People employed as last week"..."In the Evening three families of Afsinee Poet Indians arrived from acrofs the River. They have brought some dried provisions but no Furrs."

Oct. 19 1779
"Cloudy with Hail at times, Traded with the Indians that came yesterday and they went away. These inform me of Eleven Tents being further on which information induced me to send Robert Longmoor away with them to endeavour to bring them in with what furrs and Provisions they may have. I have sent with him for the above purpose 12 lbs tobacco. I have also sent off Isaac Batt with a supply of Ammunition and what other things is requisite to kill Buffalo. the rest employed a building and Collecting Stones for the Chymneys. In the Evening Captain Jute? arrived over land with nineteen men to build a House he informs me that Holmes is to bring up goods to him in Canoes."

Oct. 20
..."continual Snow. four men employed about the Chimneys. The rest felling and hewing wood for building"

Oct. 21
..."Weather as yesterday. The men employed about the Chimneys and getting Small Sticks for flooring"..."William Leutit still Sick. William Copeland lame having cut his Leg with the Hatchet."

Oct. 22
..." a drizzling Snow The men employed as yesterday. The badnefs of the Weather and only one Auger makes the building go on but Slowly. We had three Augers at first Two of which broke the first and second day. It is a great shame that such Scandelous Stores should be sent to a place where they canot be repaired."...

Oct. 23
..."thawed a little at noon. four men at work on the Chimneys four laying the upper floor and the rest employed building the walls. The sick and lame as before."

Oct. 24
"At noon several of the Natives Pitched away to their Winter Quarters."

Oct. 25 1779
"Clear warm weather, The People employed four at the Chimneys. The rest putting up the ridge Pole and getting stuff for the roof."

Oct. 26
"The men employed getting stuff for the roof. William Leutit and William Copeland on Duty"..."In the Evening arrived Isaac Batt with 120 lbs of Buffalo flesh"...

Oct. 27
"warm weather. The men employed puting on the roof of the House."...

Oct. 28
"Weather as yesterday. Sent James Spence to bring home meat from Isaac Batt. Two men employed sawing Boards for the Doors. Three men putting on the roof. The rest painting the outside with mud."

Oct. 29
"fresh breeze with Clear weather. The People employed. Two men getting Grafs to thatch the House. Two men sawing boards. Magnus Twat fixing the Door Jamb. The rest putting grafs and mud on the roof for thatching"...

Oct. 30
"Magnus Twat making the outer Door. The rest employed as yesterday."...

Oct. 31
"freezing Weather at noon several of the Afsinee Poet Indians arrived with furrs and Provisions to Trade four of the above went past to the Canadian Settlement"

Nov. 1
"Weather wind the same as yesterday The people employed Magnus Twat finished the outer Door and did other trifling Jobbs in the Carpenter way. The rest about various duty."...

Nov. 2
"Clear warm weather Magnus Twat puting Parchment on the Windows. The rest employed about various duty."..."Isaac Batt also arrived he informs me that there is no Buffalo nigh where he his tenting for which reason he must move further off"..." I have sent James Spence to bring home what provisions is at the Tent."

Nov. 3
"warm weather. The people employed Magnus Twat and two men laying the lower floor, two men sawing boards for the Pertitions. The rest getting stuff for flooring"..." In the evening Robert Longmoor returned from the Afsinee poet Indians. he informs me of leaving them 15 miles from here"

Nov. 4
"clear warm weather The men employed as yesterday At five in the Evening James Spence return'd with three Horse loads of Provisions the greater part of which is spoiled by being so long kept at the Tent."

Nov. 5
..."The men employed two sawing Quartering for the Pertitions Magnus Twat and two men laying the floor. The rest getting stuff for the Stockades"...

Nov. 6
" The men employed about various duty"

Nov. 8
" The people employed Magnus Twat puting up Pertitions between the mens appartment and the Trading Room Two men sawing Ribbons. Two men digging a Trench. The rest fitting Stockades to the ribbons."

Nov. 9
"The men employed as before"

"The People employed as yesterday."

Nov. 11
..."fine weather. Magnus Twat making a door for the Trading Room. Two men sawing boards. The rest setting up Stockades."

Nov. 12
..."The men employed as yesterday"

Nov. 13
..."Charles Isham and Edward Wishart ailing. The rest building a House to put the Provisions in as it cannot be kept within doors"...

Nov. 15
"Two men sawing boards. the rest finished the victualing House."

Nov. 16
..."Magnus Twat edging boards for the mens appartments. Two men sawing, the rest Collecting Stockades and fitting them to the ribbons ready for setting up"...

Nov. 17 1779
..."Magnus Twat and one man hewing Gate posts Three men turning over Provisions and carrying it to the out House. The rest employed at the Stockades and sawing boards for the mens appartments."

..."The men employed sawing boards and setting up Stockades."

Nov. 19
..."The men employed about various Duty."...

Nov. 20
..."snow in the Evening. The men finished setting up the Stockades and did other necefsary Jobbs. Captain Jute went off this morning betimes with men, Goods and every thing Else. What their reason is for so doing I do not know further then an Indian having died suddenly after drinking some of their rum at their Settlement at Sturgeon River. this accident have put them in dread of the Natives falling upon them again as they have been threatened here by a very bad Indian which told Captain Jute and Mr Holmes that he Certainly would kill Peter Pangman the first Oppertunity."

Nov. 22
..."Two men sawing Plank for the outer Gate. Magnus Twat with the rest puting up the mens Cabbins and doing other odd Jobbs."

Nov. 23
"sharp freezing Weather. The men employed as yesterday."...

Nov. 24
..." weather as yesterday. The men employed about various duty"..." The River froze fast in the Evening. She has been set in some Distance from here above a month ago."

Nov. 25
..."Magnus Twat making the outer Gates. The rest employed about necefsary Duty."...

Nov. 26 1779
"Magnus Twatt employed in the Carpenter way. The rest collecting firewood and sawing boards. Last night two Indians arrived from the Beaver River. They brought 50 made Beaver, 44 of which they would Trade for nothing but Brandy, the other 6 They traded for Ice Chifsels & Hatchets, at noon they went away and four Pegogemew Indians came for Tobacco, powder, paint etc.. without those and several other articles be sent to them before they arrive no Natives of any Tribe whatever will come to the House. This black Custom They have learned from the Canadians which is a very expensive one. In the Evening they all arrived eighteen men in number besides Women, also 16 Horses"...

Nov. 27
..."Magnus Twat finished the Outer Gate. Two men sawing boards for the mens appartment. The rest employed about necefsary duty."...

Nov. 29
..."Carpenters and Sawyers employed in their way the rest cutting firewood"...

Dec. 2
..."Magnus Twat making the mens Cabbin Doors. the rest cutting firewood"...

Dec. 3
..."Magnus Twat putting up the mens bed Places. The rest cutting firewood."...

Hudson House William Tomison
Dec. 15 1779
..."Carpenter finished the mens Cabbins"...
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