This is a virtually complete transcription of the Brandon House Journal 1794-95 by Alex Nicol.

" A Journal of a Journey from Osnaburgh House to Brandon House; with a Continuation afterwards."

July 31 1794
" Thursday Wind SW fine weather at 5 PM sett off in five Battauxs for Brandon House & the [he uses shorthand for "the", I won't] following Men viz. Mr John Linklater, Andrew Taylor, John Easter, William Kirknefs, David Brown, Hugh Linklater Creole, James Brown, John Anderson. Will. Lutitt, John Scarth, Mag. Groundwater, Robt. Taylor, James Johnstone, Will. Corrigall, Magnus Flaws, Alex. Towers, James Yorstone, James Work, Louis Jollycoeur, Will. Tullock, David Spence, Tho. Richards Creole, Magnus Yorstone, John Merryman, Peter Hewstone and John Corston went to Sandy Point only 2 Miles put up for the Night."

Aug. 1 1794
" Friday Wind SW fine day went to Tupas Island & put up for the Night."

Aug. 2
" Saturday Wind and Weather as before. got within four Miles of the long carrying place, put up for the Night."

Aug. 3
" Sunday Wind Nly fine weather at 7 AM came to a long carrying and launching place acrofs a neck of Land about 850 yds long, got all the Cargoe & Craft over by 3 PM then went with the Current till the came to a ripple full of rocks & stones called the Burnt carrying place. carry'd & launch'd on the North side of the Creek put up for the Night, sent men to make dams to make the Water rise higher the Craft not able to pafs yet."

Aug. 4
" Monday Wind Sly fine Weather went about 2 1/2 Miles to another carrying & launching place made more dams carry'd on the South side 60 yds then went to the long burnt carrying place about 3 Miles sent six Men to make dams no Water in the Creeks for the Craft. at 2 PM past thro all hands Lake then came to a ripple called Lively Fall carry'd the Goods on the S side all rocks & stones lower'd the Craft by the Line, went about 1/4 Mile and put up for the Night."

Aug. 5
" Tuesday Wind Sly fine day went about 1/2 Mile to a ripple carry'd the Goods on the North side & lowered the Craft by the Line then went 1/4 Mile & came to another Ripple then went about 1 1/2 Mile to a fall called by the Frenchmen crape? fall carry'd and launched on the South side about 50 yds then went about 3 Miles to the Cat falls launched on the S.side then went about 6 Miles to a fall called rocky slanting fall carryed the Goods & got the Craft down by Water."

Aug. 6
" Wednesday Wind SbW went a Gun shot & came to a fall carry'd the Cargoe & got the Battauxs down by water at 1/2 past 7 AM lop'd a stick for curiosity sake went about 16 Miles to a ripple at the Head of Lake Sal got all down by the Line & carry'd the Cargoe on the South side went 2 Miles in Lake Sal and put up for the Night."

" Thursday Wind & Weather as before went about 20 Miles this day slept at a place called the big? stone. Shewequenafs?, Afsimip? & Shegenaite? &c came to us with a little Meat for Brandy and Ammunition gave him 2 Gns in a present as I pass'd him."

Aug. 8
" Friday Wind SWbW went about 18 Miles this day slept at Tupas old House. in the middle of the Night we had one of the most tremendous storms of Wind accompan'd with rain, thunder & Lightning as ever we had seen in the Country."

Aug. 9
" Saturday Wind WNW blows a heavy Gale a head went about 30 Miles to a place called Manitobar, a remarkable point of Land indeed."

Aug. 10
" Sunday Wind from NW to SE sailed for the first time went about 30 Miles to the foot of Lake Sal then found the Current went about 1 Mile to a fall and put up for the Night."

Aug. 11
" Wind Nly fine day got the Craft and Cargoe over by 9 oClock? the carrying place is on the S. side about 40 yds then went? about 10 Miles to the Southw'd. came to 3 Rivers called but in reality it is only a branch comes into another River. saw sevrl Ind. traded some Rice and Leather &c for Brandy. - went about 2 Miles & put up for the Night. NB breakfast at another fall about 1 Mile from the first one carry'd & launch'd on the S side."

Aug. 12
" Tuesday Wind Sly fine weather sett of & went to the long carrying place, unloaded the Craft and carry'd all the Cargoe before breakfast. the Carrying place is 1 1/4 Miles at least?. got all the Craft over by Night loaded & obliged to stay all Night it being dark & men tired. Inds. came to me with Beaver flesh and Venison. Mr Linklater fell down & nearly fractured his Leg; 2 Canoes of other Inds. was pafs'g? here traded some fatt and shoe Leather."

Aug. 13
" Wednesday Wind SE cloudy weather with rain went 2 Miles to the little fall carr'd the Cargoe & launched the Craft on the N side got breakfast & went about 4 Miles to Sutherland? point & put up the Weather being very bad."

Aug. 14
" Thursday Wind NE cloudy weather blows fresh sailed about 15 Miles thro Gov. Weggs Lake & came to 3 falls launch'd & carryed on the N side the launching was only about 6 yds & ? all the rest the carrying place up High Hill about 100 yds. 4 Boats got down safe and the Craft Tho. Richards steered happened to upsett in the fall & nearly lost the life of 2 Men one dragged a shore in a miserable condition & the other Mag. Yorstone save himself by Climbing on the top of the Boat after she was upsett. lost the Box of Tag?, frypan?, Hatchets, Tobacco Brazil, Musquet, and many small things of? Mens Cloaths detain'd us some time before we could get the Battaux ashore the being very near the Head of the other fall. the whole Length of the Line gave the Men Grog to cheer them up being much cast down. row'd? 200 yds to the other carrying place on the N side about 65 yds then Went 1/4 Mile to the last fall and put up for the Night."

Aug. 15
" Friday Wind & Weather as Yesterday launched the Craft & carryed the Cargoe about 45 yds on the N Side into Scabitchewan? Lake sailed to the fall carryed on the N side upwards of 300 yds owing to the height of the Water in general they carry only 100 yds got the Craft down by the Rocks & Water together no proper launching place then rowed about 9 Miles acrofs the Lake and Met 2 Canoes of Inds. Capt. Met,we ash. he gave me a Letter from Mr John McKay put up on the N side of the Lake for the Night nigh the? Rivers mouth paid for Beavers flesh and Venison &c. gave him a present of Brandy also."

Aug. 16
" Saturday Wind WNW fine hot weather. went about 8 Miles pafsed Mr Sutherlands old house got breakfast then went about 10 Miles put up for the Night."

Aug. 17
" Sunday Wind SW hot weather went about 9 Miles pafsed the River that goes to the 5 Carrying places got breakfast then pafsed the Rivers mouth & came to a long Ripple which we run on the S side then went about 6 Miles to Yorstone fall carry'd on the N side about 70 yds got the Craft part down by Water & part down by launching over rocks &c. then went 1/4 Mile to another fall called Kettle fall & put up for the Night."

Aug. 18
" Monday Wind WSW rainy weather carried the the Cargoe & launch'd the Craft over a high hill on the S side went about 1/4 Mile farther crofs'd the River & came to an Ind. carrying place, carry'd all the Cargoe to a Creek behind about 400 yds we? had to carry; all hands went with the Craft to the S side and launched over rocks &c about 200 yds a very bad fall Indeed rowed round the neck of Land & came up the Creek to the Goods loaded & went about 5 Miles put up for the Night."

Aug. 19
" Tuesday Wind SE row'd thro' Lakes & Islands till breakfast time; then went about 10 Miles to a fall carry'd & launched on the S side over rocks &c then went about 10 Miles being very late put up for the Night."

Aug. 20
" Wednesday Wind Wly went out of our track to go to Mr McKays house got there to breakfast."

Aug. 21
" Thursday Wind Nly fine day the Men washing and making bread."

Aug. 22
" Friday Wind NW left Mr McKay about 9 oClock and went about 12 Miles to a fall called Portage deLisle fall carryed the Goods on the S side then went to the War point and put up for the Night, traded some Rice &c this day."

Aug. 23
" Saturday Wind Wly fine weather rowed about 10 Miles & came to a broad fall 1/4 Mile crofs the river launched the Craft & carryed the Cargoe over rocks & run'd the foot of the falls after being loaded (all on the S side) then went about 6 Miles to three falls put up for the Night carried the Cargoe over."

Aug. 24
" Sunday Wind Wly fine day went round the fall with the Craft the carrying place is about 500 yds long then went 20 yds acrofs a bay 2d fall & unloaded the Craft &c. got breakfast then went 1/4 Mile to the 3d fall carry'd & launched over rocks &c all on the N side called them the Cockiammys then went about 3 Miles to Slave fall Carryed the Cargoe on the N side and got 2 Battauxs over the fall this Night on the S side." [also something I can't read in the margin]

Aug. 25
" Monday Wind Nly blows fresh got the other 3 Craft over the fall then loaded & sett of went about 6 Miles to another fall launched and carryed the Goods then went 8 Miles and came to the Grand Rapide run it with all in on the North Side then went about a mile farther and got onto the Creek called the Pinaway it clears the falls in the White River which is very bad by all Accounts put up for the Night at the first launching place."

Aug. 26
" Tuesday Wind Wly blows a head carry'd eleven times this day launched over rocks and stones several Canadian Canoes overtook us belonging to Mr Peter Grant, Mefs Cardin?, Dupont and Moose?, gave them a Supper and all hands Grog."

Aug. 27
" Wednesday Wind Wly started very early & the Canad. also. In the Morning carried 700 yds & launched the Craft over rocks &c. got breakfast & went 6 Miles to another fall carryed and launched went another Mile & came to a fall carryed the Cargoe & launched the Craft put up for the Night. Mr Linklater very Sick not able to work or do any thing."

Aug. 28
" Thursday Wind Nly set of early went 4 Miles to a Ripple when the water is low they must launch at it. then went about 6 Miles and got breakfast out of the Pineway came to a Large Lake and rowd 6 Miles saw Wesucaug? Gang on an Island got a few furrs & some Meat &c. gave him 2 Gns of Brandy by Mr McKays desire. Then went about 5 Miles to the 1st fall of the Bonno carry'd and launched over a rock and put up for the Night. Mr Linklater very sick."

Aug. 29
" Friday Wind SW cloudy weather went 1/4 Mile to the 2d Bonno launched and carried over a rock then went to 3d Bonno carryed the Goods over 925 Yds at least then got breakfast, the Men went round the 4 falls took them near five hours, loaded and went about 1 Mile put up for the Night."

Aug. 30
" Saturday Wind Nly launched and carry'd on the N side then went about 2 Miles to another fall long carrying place launched the boats over rocks and part lower'd with the line. during breakfast time 6 Canad. Canoes past us for the Grand North, we loaded & went about 3 Miles to the Silver falls launched & Carryed about 90 yds then rowed 100 yds acrofs a bay to the 2d fall & carry'd the Goods 800 yds long got the Craft half down this Night; Mr Linklater very sick."

Aug. 31
" Sunday Wind SE blows fresh launched the rest of the Craft and loaded then went about 5 Miles to a ripple run it all in, went 1 Mile & came to another ripple obliged to lowered? with the line then went about 2 Miles to Mr D. McKays fall carry'd the Cargoe & got breakfast. some of the Craft they launch'd on the N side then went about 3 Miles to a long Ripple run it on the N side with all in then went about 6 Miles and came to a Canadian House no person being there went about 6 Miles to the first point on the North side in the Winapeg put up for the Night."

Sept. 1 1794
" Monday Wind NbW blows a hurricane obliged to go to an Island very rocky scarcely any wood on it."

Sept. 2
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday not able to stir from the Island Mr Linklater very bad."

Sept. 3
" Wednesday Wind SbW moderate weather left the Island & went about 12 Miles sailed till a sudden Gale of Wind very near upset us obliged to make for land & pulld? head to Wind got into a sandy bay."

Sept. 4
" Thursday Wind Nly blows fresh launched the Craft over the sand &c and sailed most part of the day in the Lake put up within 8 Miles of the Red River Mouth."

Sept. 5
" Friday Wind SE blows fresh got into the Rivers Mouth by 10 oClock then had Grog & breakfast for Joy, went about 5 Miles against a strong Current. Mr Linklater getting better."

Sept. 6
" Saturday Wind NE blows fresh sailed up the Current 20 Miles put up for the Night."

Sept. 7
" Sunday Wind Nly warm weather tracked, rowed and sett got only 15 Miles this day the current very strong and deep."

Sept. 8
" Monday Wind Nly sett of very early rowed and ? all day came to the fork saw several Inds. who I was obliged to give Brandy too as we Pafs the same as the Canad. does. got some shoe Leather & a Sturgeon &c. the Water that is at the fork is white to look at on the N side which is our track called the Osnaboin River, the other river called Red River is black to look at & goes on the opposite side which leads to a large Lake called Red Lake & then runs thro' the Pout? Ind.? paid an Indian to hunt for us to the House being short of Prov. havg lost 2 bags of Meat this day by the Wolves."

Sept. 9
" Tuesday Wind variable cloudy weather rained a little at Night saw a herd of Buffalo in the Plains went 15 Miles this day."

Sept. 10
" Wednesday Wind W fine day John Easter killed a young Bull this day in the plains. 3 Canoes of Inds. came to us, wanted me to let one of the Craft go up the other River we pafsed, but I could not do it. - went 12 Miles."

Sept. 11
" Thursday Wind NW blows hard went 13? Miles this Day. Ind. killed a Swan, a Goose & a few Ducks."

Sept. 12
" Friday Wind Nly cloudy day went about 15 Miles gave Canicanash a Hatchet in Debt & powder & Shot. got 7 Ducks this day."

Sept. 13
" Saturday Wind NE blows fresh got only 10 Miles many sandy shoals in the River Inds. killed 8 Geese & 24 Ducks."

Sept. 14
" Sunday Wind Nly obliged to lead part of this day went about 14 Miles got a few Ducks & Geese."

Sept. 15
" Monday Wind NW blows a head went 12 Miles, slept at a beach opposite an Island. got 2 Geese from our hunter."

Sept. 16
" Tuesday Wind Sly fine day pafsed an Island and could not find Meat Mr McKay left no mark behind. went about 16 Miles & put up, sent 2 Men back for to look for the Meat took the Indian Canoe."

Sept. 17
" Wednesday Wind N fine weather Set of very early went about 6 Miles & saw Canadian Canoes & Ind. Canoes, much Surprized found it was one Mr Neal McKay Clerk for Mr Cuthbert Grants Co. they had been 5 days here and building a House &c. gave us plenty of fresh Meat stop'd here for the day and waited for our Men they found nothing.
NB. The Soehi Ind. plauging me much for Liquor they being all drunk obliged to give them 3 Gall. and afterwards they brot me plenty of Meat & fatt besides shoe Leather which I paid in Powder, Shot, Brandy &c &c."

Sept. 18
" Thursday Wind variable fine day went about 4 Miles Opposite to the burnt carrying place saw several Inds. and traded Meat, Leather & fatt from them about 1 Mile farther saw an Ind. that traded with Mr D McKay last year brot Prov. in plenty which loaded our Craft, gave them Brandy & Ammunition they brot a Letter from Mr Suther'd. Paid them for it in Brandy."

Sept. 19
" Wind Sly blows fresh rains very hard could not start this day."

Sept. 20
" Saturday Wind Nly cold weather snowed all last Night went about 8 Miles put in for breakfast during that time Mr Cadott & Furney? pafsed us going down to meet Canoes they was expecting from Mackanau? gave them a little fresh Provisions went about 6 Miles & put up for the Night."

Sept. 21
" Sunday Wind W cloudy day went about 18 Miles past Mr McNabs? Island."

Sept. 22
" Monday Wind NNE sharp weather went 13 Miles this day."

Sept. 23
" Tuesday Wind NW sharp weather went about 16 Miles this day."

Sept. 24
" Wednesday Wind NE cold weather went about 6 Miles took breakfast and about 1 Mile above saw a Battaux coming down to meet us with Provisions which we stood in no need off having more than we can use to our station received Letters from Mr Sutherland."

Sept. 25
" Thursday Wind NE cold weather rained hard last night went about 12 Miles."

Sept. 26
" Friday Wind Nly fine weather went about 15 Miles this day."

Sept. 27
" Saturday Wind Ely fine weather went about 18 Miles and sleept at the Pine Fort found 2 of Mr Peter Grants men here waiting for us begged me to take up a few parcels of Goods for him a thing I did not vastly like to do, but he behaved very generously to Mr Sutherland and took him & the men in his Canoe last year from River Capel, under these Circumstances I thought it no harm to Oblige him."

Sept. 28
" Sunday Wind NE snowy weather went about 5 Miles got breakfast & could go no farther sent the Letters by one Man overland to Mr Sutherland."

Sept. 29
" Monday Wind NE calm but a little Snow got breakfast before we started went about 18 Miles and put up for the Night."

Sept. 30
" Tuesday Wind Sly sett off early saw some Inds. and traded Meat from them altho' we had plenty went about 11 Miles only this Day."

Oct. 1 1794
" Wednesday Wind SE cloudy weather went about 15 Miles before breakfast stopt at the Suroe? Creek & cleaned our Guns &c being about 4 Miles from the House then went and got about 3 PM to Brandon House. found Mr Southerland and all well several Inds. there & others came in, brot up 4 Bags of Meat we took up & did not use."

" Expences coming in for Provisions, Presents Correspondence allowance of Brandy to each Man pr Day 1/2 pint and a dram, saluting Inds. & at the Settlements &c &c."
[Then there is a list of what "27 men" used on the trip which I'm skipping but it's online if you want to see it.]

Oct. 2
" Thursday Wind Wly fine weather Men resting themselves gave a Keg of Brandy to the 3 Afsinoils? that traded yesterday with Mr Sutherland. An Ind. Chief came in begging for a little Brandy at Night he went away."

Oct. 3
" Friday Wind NW gave orders for the Men to prepare to winter with Mr Sutherland, the other packing Goods."

Oct. 4
" Saturday Wind and Weather as before the Men employed as Yesterday."

Oct. 5
" Sunday Wind S fine day performed divine Service."

Oct. 6
" Monday Wind SW fine clear weather early in the Morn'g 3 Battauxs sett off for Inland with the following Persons Vizly? Robt. Taylor, James Yorstone, Andrew Taylor, Will? Corrigill, James Slater, Alex Towers, John Easter, John Anderson, John Merryman, James Work, Will. Tullock and Will. Kirknefs."

Oct. 7
" Tuesday Wind Nly fine weather Mr Sutherland went by foot as far as the Grand Rapid saw Inds. going to Mr Augees sent Brandy & Tobacco to them and got several to come to me they brot plenty of Meat, fatt & 80 B. in Wolves & Leather at night all drunk."

Oct. 8
" Wednesday Wind Nly fine day got all the Inds. dispatched this day and at night 3 Inds. with horses came in fetch'd them acrofs the river, men putting things to rights about the Houses &c Inds. drunk."

Oct. 9
" Thursday Wind Variable the Inds. went away brot plenty of Meat and fatt, only few furrs Men sharpening their Hatchets &c."

Oct. 10
" Friday Wind SW Men employed putting and overhauling the Meat traded &c &c."

Oct. 11
" Saturday Wind Sly fine day an Indian came in for a Gun in trust? I ventured at last to trust him."

Oct. 12
" Sunday Wind WbN fine weather performed divine Service."

Oct. 13
" Monday Wind & Weather as before. James Johnstone, David Spence and Robt. Eunson relaying the floor in Masters room. David Brown, John Corston, Peter Hewstone, Hugh Linklater falling & cutting wood. Tho. Richards, Louis Jollycoeur looking out for Inds.. Mag. Cleet & John Scarth at work for the Men they being almost all naked & in want of Cloaths. James Brown & Magnus Flaws cooking & waiting on self. James Moore cook for the Men, Mr Linklater and self variously employed."

Oct. 14
" Tuesday Wind NE sharp weather Men as before."

Oct. 15
" Wednesday Wind Weather and Men as before. I rec'd a visit from Mr Hay he informs me several Canoes is come up from the Southward to Winter in this River a Mr Pheloam? Levelett &c &c."

Oct. 16
" Thursday Wind Ely fine day 2 Inds. came in very early for Brandy and Tobacco, sent 2 Men with them, about 2 oClock the Ind. appeared, fetched them acrofs in the boat drunk at Night. 3 Canadian Canoes pafsed us on their way for Capel ? A Mr Augee & Beaubein."

Oct. 17
" Friday Wind Nly sharp weather traded with the Inds. and sett them away paid them for Provisions &c."

Oct. 18
" Saturday Wind NW sharp weather, the Men cutting firewood &c."

Oct. 19
" Sunday Wind SW fine weather an Ind. came in for Brandy sent 2 Men with him, they came & bro't about 40 Beav, gave him a Shirt and Coat he hav'g rec'd cloathing from Mr McKay last year altho' he brot nothing. Mr D McKay beat one of his Sons was the reason he was dubious of coming here now, for fear that Mr McKay was come back again."

Oct. 20
" Monday Wind Nly sharp weather Ice all thro the River Men x cutting wood into Cords for the Winter."

Oct. 21
" Tuesday Wind SW blows a hurricane Men as before."

Oct. 22
" Wednesday Wind Wly moderate fine weather. In the Afternoon John Richards with Inds. came in, he intends to stay now and mend his behaviour he lays all the blame on Donald McKay as he threaten'd to run him thro' the first Opportunity they fell out when they was both drunk; The Inds. brot fresh Meat & a few Skins."

Oct. 23
" Thursday Wind NW clear weather the Men as before Inds. went away."

Oct. 24
" Friday Wind Sly fine weather the Men variously employed hewing plank for a Cupboard getting Oak for Staves ready to dry small Kegs."

Oct. 25
" Saturday Wind SW cloudy weather all hands falling firewood; in the Afternoon Mr John Hay came from below his Canoes will be here to morrow, to build near us. rain'd very hard."

Oct. 24
" Sunday Wind Sly fine weather performed divine Service Mr Cadott &c came from the Grand Rapide."

Oct. 25
" Monday Wind Nly cloudy weather with rain 6 Men preparing to go with Mr Linklater to the burnt carrying place to winter. 2 Men hewing boards 2 Cooks 2 Taylors at work for the Men one attending Self one prep'g stuff for Rundlets John Richards hunting Pheasants."

Oct. 28
" Tuesday Wind Nly cloudy weather the Men employed as Yesterday."

Oct. 29
" Wednesday Wind S fine weather Men packing Goods for Mr Linklater."

Oct. 30
" Thursday Wind NE with mizling rain at 8 AM Mr John Linklater Master, Tho. Richards, Lois Jollycoeur, Peter Hewstone, David Brown and John Corston and Hugh Linklater set off in one Battaux loaded to build a house if pofsible at the Portage where we left Mr Neal McKay. got 2 Bags flour, 800 lb Meat, 150 lb fatt & 180 lb Beat Meat to maintain them till they can get a hunter were they winter."

Oct. 31
" Friday Wind NW snowy weather Men employed looming the House."

Nov. 1 1794
" Saturday Wind NW cloudy weather Men as Yesterday."

Nov. 2
" Sunday Wind NW sharp weather spent the Day religiously."

Nov. 3
" Monday Wind Nly sharp weather James Johnstone & John Richards making a Cabin. James Brown attending Self Magnus Cleat & John Scarth at work for the Men, Magnus Flaws & David Spence cutting firewood James Moore Cook, Robt. Eunson cleaning staves for Rundlets. 2 Inds. came in with a little Meat."

Nov. 4
" Tuesday Wind Nly with Snow Men as before Mr Wm McKay paid me a visit & drank tea he arrived from above & is going to take charge at the Portage in lieu of Mr Neal McKay who has behaved amifs and not obey'd his Orders."

Nov. 5
" Wednesday Wind NE snowy weather let of some fire works this Evening & gave the Men Grog."

Nov. 6
" Thursday Wind N sharp weather the Men as before."

Nov. 7
" Friday Wind NW sharp weather Men employ'd as before."

Nov. 8
" Saturday Wind NW blows fresh Men cutting firewood."

Nov. 9
" Sunday Wind SW blows a heavy Gale with Snow at noon three Indians came in with a few Wolves, at Night they all got drunk bro't about 30 MB."

Nov. 10
" Monday Wind Nly snowy weather. Inds. went away. James Johnstone rep'g the House & Robt. Eunson making Kegs. Magnus Cleet & John Scarth at work for the Men. James Brown attending Self. David Spence cutting firewood, Magnus Flaws and James Moore cooks. John Richards hunting."

Nov. 11
" Tuesday Wind NW sharp weather Men as before the River near set fast with Ice."

Nov. 12
" Wednesday Wind Nly sharp weather Men as on Monday, the River sett fast."

Nov. 13
" Thursday Wind Nly fine weather 2 Men making Sleds the others as on Monday."

Nov. 14
" Friday Wind Sly cloudy weather the Men as before."

Nov. 15
" Saturday Wind SE cloudy weather, Men putting in wood for the fires."

Nov. 16
" Sunday Wind NW fine weather an Afsiniboil came in for Brandy & Tobacco, sent 2 Men with them they bro't flesh & about 30 Wolves, they drank in the House which I find is the custom in these parts for fear they should carry a part to the other houses."

Nov. 17
" Monday Wind NE cold weather the Indians of yesterday went away. I gave the Chief Ind. a Coat & a Hat bro't plenty of Meat, fatt and Tongues."

Nov. 18
" Tuesday Wind Sly very severe weather Men making Sleds, Kegs, Cooking &c."

Nov. 19
" Wednesday Wind SW sharp weather Men as before. an Ind. came in hav'g left his family & horses behind sent Men to afsist them to the house being very sharp day. Indians drunk."

Nov. 20
" Thursday Wind NW cold weather Men afsisting the Indians acrofs the River with their things. John Richards gone with them to collect my Debts. Traded a horse this day."

Nov. 21
" Friday Wind Nly sharp weather Men as before an Indians came in with Meat."

Nov. 22
" Saturday Wind NW blows fresh with Snow the Indians went away."

Nov. 23
" Sunday Wind Weather as before Self took bad with the Gout."

Nov. 24
" Monday Wind Nly snowy weather Robt. Eunson making Kegs, James Johnstone & David Spence hewing plank for a bench to put Meat on in the Shed. Magnus Cleet & John Scarth at work for the Men. James Brown attending Self. James Moore and Magnus Flaws X cutting wood for the Winter. Self hardly able to walk for the Gout."

Nov. 25
" Tuesday Wind Nly with Snow the Men employed as before."

Nov. 26
" Wednesday Wind NW cold weather the Men as before."

Nov. 27
" Thursday Wind Weather & Men as before. Mr Cadott &c paid me a Visit from the Grand Rapide. 4 Inds. came with a few furs Inds. drunk."

Nov. 28
" Friday Wind W cloudy weather the Men employed as on Monday."

Nov. 29
" Saturday Wind Nly clear weather. Men hauling in wood for the fires. Mr Cadott &c returned to their Houses. At noon Richards John came home bro't not a single Skin of my Debt got drunk with the Inds. at their Tents and helped to kill a poor harmlefs woman he says he stabbed her on the back but her husband had cut her throat before. god only knows what the Consequences may be for it's Impofsible for her to Survive long. a very hard thing he cannot even be trusted to go to any place were Liquor is and he is the only person that understand the Language for not one Man now with me Scarcely understand one word except James Brown. Richards had been all Summer with these Indians till our Arrival in the fall. he have spoke very little good of Mr Donald McKay for all the Inds. gave him a bad name for beating them & threatened to do mischief to McKay had he returned. at night an Indian bro't a new Gun back he traded lately being brooke the first time he went to fire out of her, also want men to his Lodge with Cloth & Brandy (Capt. Jepormausish? a Cree)."

Nov. 30
" Sunday Wind NE snowy weather. Sent with the Indian of Yesterday sent Magnus Cleet and David Spence to their Lodge."

Dec. 1 1794
" Monday Wind Nly with Snow. John Richards hunting James Johnstone making Sleds, Robt. Eunson making Kegs James Brown attending on Self, Magnus Flaws and James Moore Cooks John Scarth at work for the Men. at noon James Slater, John Merryman, James Work, Alex Towers and Magnus Groundwater arrived from afsisting Mr John Sutherland to his wintering ground. at the same time came from the burnt Carrying place or Portage de Praries, Louis Jollycoeur and David Brown from Mr Linklater."

Dec. 2
" Tuesday Wind Wly cold weather the Men resting."

Dec. 3
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as before Men cleaning the Yard of Snow."

Dec. 4
" Thursday Wind Ely blows fresh. the Men gone to haul Oak home for sawing Sleds and making Kegs."

Dec. 5
" Friday Wind NE soft weather Men as before."

Dec. 6
" Saturday Wind N warm soft weather John Richards killed 4 Cattle this week and the Men hauled them home."

Dec. 7
" Sunday Wind Sly windy weather In the Morning Mag. Cleet & David Spence came home from the Ind. Lodge brot 30 MB at night some Afsinipout Inds. came in with Meat & fatt but no furs."

Dec. 8
" Monday Wind Sly blows a hurricane three Men preparing to go to Mr Linklater, 4 Men cutting and hauling wood for the fires 2 Men cooking one Man attending on Self 2 Taylors making Caps and Mittens for the Men two Men cleaning the saw pit of Snow &c James Johnstone making a Chair for the Master. John Richards hunting, towards Evening an Indian (brother to the woman stabbed) came in for Men to go to his Lodge for my Debts & to haul his Sister who died last night of the Wounds she received, he begged hard for some Brandy to go to the other Inds. and drink with them gave him 2 Gns."

Dec. 9
" Tuesday Wind Nly windy weather sent Louis Jollycoeur, John Merryman and Alex Towers to the Portage to Mr John Linklater the others variously employed."

Dec. 10
" Wednesday Wind Sly fine weather sent Robt. Eunson and David Brown to the Indian Tent. they did not greatly like to go for fear the Inds. should do them harm to prevent that I would Send no Liquor this time. A french man went also for their Debts."

Dec. 11
" Thursday Wind Wly blows fresh. John Richards killed four Cattle last night, sent the Men to haul them home."

Dec. 12
" Friday Wind Wly fine weather the Men hauling home wood for the fires. In the Morning the Afsinipouts of the 7th went off Sent 2 Gns of Brandy & Tobacco to a Captain that took Credit from me last fall. 2 Inds. from the Northward came in with a few furrs drunk in the House all Night."

Dec. 13
" Saturday Wind NW fine weather, Indians went to the Head of the Path about 1/4 Mile & put up and began to drink they brot about 25 MB."

Dec. 14
" Sunday Wind Wly blows fresh. Robt. Eunson & David Brown came home with 35 MB in Wolf skins they intend to haul the Corpse in as soon as they make their Sleds. A frenchman arrived from the Portage informs me Mr Linklater lies dangerously sick. John Richards killed 2 Cattle."

Dec. 15
" Monday Wind and Weather as before sent the Men to haul the Meat home, John Richards and James Slater hunting killed a Cow."

Dec. 16
" Tuesday Wind SW soft weather Men hauling meat home and bringing in wood for the fires. - John Richards killed a Cow & a Calf."

Dec. 17
" Wednesday Wind SW Men hauling Meat home. In the Afternoon Indians came in with the Corpse."

Dec. 18
" Thursday Wind Nly fine weather all hands making a stage & a box to put the Corpse in."

Dec. 19
" Friday Wind Nly blows fresh Men hauling home firewood all day and taking care of the House. Inds. from the other houses very troublesome for Liquor & says the Englishmen killed their Countrywoman. at noon Captain Jackash called here bro't nothing. John Richards killed a Cow."

Dec. 20
" Saturday Wind Nly warm weather sent Men for the Cow but they lost the Path & could not find her; the rest cleaning the Yard."

Dec. 21
" Sunday Wind SW warm day John Richards & five Men went after the Cow but the Wolfs had eat her almost up."

Dec. 22
" Monday Wind Sly warm weather Men hauling xmas wood into the Yard. James Slater killed a young Bull."

Dec. 23
" Tuesday Wind Sly blows fresh the Men gone to haul the Bull home. at noon Capt. Nish,was,we,cappo came with a few Wolves."

Dec. 24
" Wednesday Wind Wly fine day the Indians went away served 3 Bags flour, one Bag of Bacon, a little Butter & Cheese."

Dec. 25
" Thursday Wind SW blows fresh read prayers to the Men. Mefs Hay, Augee & D Charley dined here this Day."

Dec. 26
" Friday Wind Wly fine day Louis Jollycoeur and Hugh Linklater came from the Portage for Medicines."

Dec. 27
" Saturday Wind Wly fine weather Hugh Linklater and Alex Towers gone with Medicines to Mr Linklater."

Dec. 28
" Sunday Wind WbN fine weather spent the Day Religiously self bad with the Gout."

Dec. 29
" Monday Wind NW clear weather James Slater killed a Cow sent Men for her. at night an Indian came in with a few furrs gave him some Brandy to drink."

Dec. 30
" Tuesday Wind Nly with Snow the Men making holiday the Indian of Yesterday went away."

Dec. 31
" Wednesday Wind NW very sharp weather. Men holiday making. bad with the Gout."

Jan. 1 1795
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before. Mefs Cadott, Leovilett & Rochblave came here to breakfast. Self still lame with the Gout."

Jan. 2
" Friday Wind Nly sharp weather two Men preparing to go to the Portage. John Richards and James Slater out hunting no cattle nigh hand."

Jan. 3
" Saturday Wind Nly sharp weather sent Louis Jolycour and Mag. Groundwater to the Portage with Medicines."

Jan. 4
" Sunday Wind Nly sharp weather spent the Day Religiously."

Jan. 5
" Monday Wind NE clear sharp weather. at 9 AM three Indians came in with a few furrs."

Jan. 6
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as Yesterday. Inds. bro't 16 MB in foxes and Kitts, they inform me of the Death of an Afsniboin Captain who took debt from me in the fall, they wanted Liquor to drink over his Grave, most of the Natives are gone to Mountain la Bofs this Winter being nearer their hunting ground and poorly used here last Year they say they get a 3 foot Gun for 8 Beaver and a large keg of Liquor for 10 B., We are four houses here and very little made at any of them as yet, this Mountain le bofs is a new station to prevent Inds. from coming down this way. If I had but a man that I could put trust in I would have had goods there also, but having only five Craft in with me brot too little of every Article I am in hopes with Mefs Sutherland & Linklaters exertions to encrease the Trade this Year. their is now upwards of 20 Houses in this River only."

Jan. 7
" Wednesday Wind Wly fine day got the Inds. this Morng to kill me some Cattle being close to the House they killed me 4 which they got Brandy & Ammunition for. at noon they return'd to their Tents, sent all hands to haul home Meat."

Jan. 8
" Thursday Wind Nly sharp weather Men hauling home Meat."

Jan. 9
" Friday Wind WbN cold weather. at noon Capt. Utchehauk & 3 Inds. came in with a few Skins & flesh at night Inds. drunk in the House."

Jan. 10
" Saturday Wind N sharp weather too severe for the Indians to go away. John Richards killed 3 Cattle this Week, also paid an Indian for 3 Cows this week."

Jan. 11
" Sunday Wind W clear sharp weather dispatched the Indians away."

Jan. 12
" Monday Wind NW sharp weather. Robert Eunson & James Johnstone making Kegs. Magnus Cleet and John Scarth making Captains Coats, John Richards and James Slater hunting, Magnus Flaws and James Moore cooks, James Brown attending on Self. David Spence, David Brown, James Work & John Merryman X cutting firewood. Rec'd a Letter from Mr Sutherland by Mr Peter Grant."

Jan. 13
" Tuesday Wind NW sharp weather. Men variously employed. Mr Peter Grant spent the day with me."

Jan. 14
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as before. Men employed as on Monday."

Jan. 15
" Thursday Wind, Weather & Men as before."

Jan. 16
" Friday Wind Sly blows fresh Men as before."

Jan. 17
" Saturday Wind Ely moderate weather . Men hauling firewood home at night 2 Inds. came here & some went to the other houses."

Jan. 18
" Sunday Wind East cloudy weather. Indians drunk. Men taking care of the House brot 17 MB and Some piece Meat & fatt."

Jan. 19
" Monday Wind Nly mild weather 2 Men making Rundlets? Taylors as before, Cooks as before 2 Men hunting the others cutting firewood."

Jan. 20
" Tuesday Wind NW clear weather Men as before. at noon three Indians came in with a few furrs they got drunk before they would open their furrs. John Richards Killed 2 Cattle this day and I have engaged an Ind. to hunt for us also at 5 Pluis? for each Beast & find a Gun and Ammunition for him, he havg finished hunting for one of the Canadian Houses & was paid off. he killed one Cow this day."

Jan. 21
" Wednesday Wind and weather as before Men hauling Meat home."

Jan. 22
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before the Indians of the 20th went away they bro't 30 MB. At night Nishwaswecappo came in with a few Wolves & Tongues."

Jan. 23
" Friday Wind Nly fine weather the Men taking care of the House, the Indian of last night went away. at noon 3 Afsiniboils came in bro't 17 MB gave them some Brandy to drink, late in the Evening a ? came in for Men to go to their Tents for to Trade furrs gave them some Brandy and they went and drank with the other Inds, our Hunter killed 2 Cows."

Jan. 24
" Saturday Wind Wly fine day the Indians of last night went off and sent James Brown, Mag. Cleet, David Brown and John Merryman with Goods and Some Brandy. Men hauling home Meat. Capt. Kiskertehaganan an Afsnaboin came in brot 30 MB cloathed him as he paid my Credit, Indians drunk, paid for Meat, fatt &c &c."

Jan. 25
" Sunday Wind NW fine day some of the Inds. went away others came in bro't about 40 MB Meat & fatt gave one of the Indians a Coat & Hat, went out to drink with the other Indians."

Jan. 26
" Monday Wind Variable fine weather dispatch'd all the Afsiniboils Men taking care of the House."

Jan. 27
" Tuesday Wind Nly clear weather Men hauling Meat home the Indian having killed 5 Cows last Night."

Jan. 28
" Wednesday Wind SW Men repairing Sleds &c."

Jan. 29
" Thursday Wind Nly blows fresh Men making Potash the Hunter killed three Cattle."

Jan. 30
" Friday Wind NW moderate weather Men hauling home Meat."

Jan. 31
" Saturday Wind NW fine weather Men gone to haul Meat home two Indians came in bro't some Meat and Fatt."

Feb. 1 1795
" Sunday Wind NW snowy weather the Meat hauling Meat home hunter killed two Cattle."

Feb. 2
" Monday Wind vatiable Men cleaning the Yard of Snow mending Sleds making Soap &c."

Feb. 3
" Tuesday Wind Nly fine weather two Men preparing to go to Mr Sutherland the others cutting firewood."

Feb. 4
" Wednesday Wind NE cloudy weather Men cutting firewood. at noon James Brown, Mag. Cleet, John Merryman & David Brown came home bro't 100 MB. at night an Indian came in bro't 10 B. for a Gun."

Feb. 5
" Thursday Wind, Weather and Men as before."

Feb. 6
" Friday Wind W fine weather sent Robt. Eunson and James Slater with Tobacco and Knives to Mr Sutherland. In the Evening 2 young Men from Capt. Jepowmausish's Tent bro't a dead Child to be put on a stage and sent for Men to go to his Tent for Meat & what furrs he has & carry Brandy & Ammunition."

Feb. 7
" Saturday Wind NW Men hauling firewood. James Johnstone made a Box for the Child & put her on a stage. at noon Capt. Pe,pea,tu,ca sent his Son in with Meat & fatt for Brandy as he intends to bring his furrs himself."

Feb. 8
" Sunday Wind NE calm warm day the Inds of yest'y requested Brandy to drink, I did not choose to give them any here & they went away. paid for 290 lb dry Meat 32 Tongues. at noon 2 Lodges of Afsniboins came in to pitch their Tents for the Spring; Traded Meat & fatt for Brandy."

Feb. 9
" Monday Wind Nly cloudy weather the Inds. of the 6th went away. Sent James Brown, David Spence, John Scarth, John Merryman, James Work and David Spence with them. they carry'd Brandy & Ammunition, James Johnstone making a hand prefs, Mag. Flaws & James Moore Cooks Magnus Cleet making Cloaths."

Feb. 10
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as before. Men hauling Meat home hunter killed 4 Cattle, James Brown & Men return'd from the Inds. Tents with 580 lbs Piece Meat 70 lb Pounded Meat 101 lbs Fatt and 30 Tongues & a few Wolves."

Feb. 11
" Wednesday Wind Sly blows fresh Men hauling Meat home John Richards kill'd 2 Cows."

Feb. 12
" Thursday Wind Nly snowy weather Men hauling Meat home, Traded some Indian Corn from Inds. at the other Houses."

Feb. 13
" Friday Wind Nly fine weather Men hauling Meat home Capt. Quin,que,han,ca sent his Son for Brandy & Tobacco and 2 Men to go to his Tent."

Feb. 14
" Saturday Wind Ely cold raw weather sent James Brown and John Scarth with the Indian for their furrs, at night they returned with furrs and 2 Bundles of Meat."

Feb. 15
" Sunday Wind Nly fine weather 5 Lodges of Inds. came in. Kiscutehagan &c brot few furrs but plenty of beat Meat &c."

Feb. 16
" Monday Wind NW fine day Men hauling Meat home the Hunter having killed 2 Cows & John Richards one, the Men attending Inds. of Yesterday. Inds. bro't parchmt Leather for Pimeticon? & Lines for tying Packs with. paid Brandy for the Whole."

Feb. 17
" Tuesday Wind, Weather and Men as before."

Feb. 18
" Wednesday Wind Sly blows a Gale Men as before."

Feb. 19
" Thursday Wind variable thawy weather Men as before the Hunter killed one Cow which is his Quantity I wanted 20. settled & paid him for the whole."

Feb. 20
" Friday Wind Nly sharp weather Men falling wood for the fires, Self bad with a sore throat."

Feb. 21
" Saturday Wind Nly cold raw weather Men as before. at Noon Capt. Quinquehanca & Gang came in to Tent brot nearly 40 B. & Meat also fatt. cloathed him he being a Capt. belonging to the NW Company for many Years. at Night all the Inds. drunk."

Feb. 22
" Sunday Wind Wly warm day Indians drunk, Men taking care of the House."

Feb. 23
" Monday Wind NW sharp weather men taking care of the House. Capt. Jepormausish & Gang came in to Pitch their Tents cloathed him & set them out to drink with the other Inds. at sun set Tho. Richards, Mag. Groundwater and Alex Towers came from Mr Linklater with furrs."

Feb. 24
" Tuesday Wind, Weather and Men as Yesterday Inds. very troublesome for Liquor."

Feb. 25
" Wednesday Wind NE fine weather Inds. getting sober. at night an Indian came in with a few skins."

Feb. 26
" Thursday Wind NW fine day Men variously employ'd. sent Tho. Richards, John Scarth, James Work, Mag. Groundwater, Alex Towers and James Moore to Mr Linklater with Brandy and Goods."

Feb. 27
" Friday Wind Nly cold weather. Men taking care of the House, a band of Afsiniboils came in brot a few Wolves & beat Meat &c. at Night drunk."

Feb. 28
" Saturday Wind, Weather and Men as before. paid for Meat &c &c."

Mar. 1 1795
" Sunday Wind Nly fine day dispatch'd a band of Afsiniboils away."

Mar. 2
" Monday Wind Nly moderate weather Men falling firewood."

Mar. 3
" Tuesday Wind, Weather & Men as before. an Indian came in from the Tents for Tobacco, as they intend to come in soon."

Mar. 4
" Wednesday Wind NE fine warm day Men making drains in the yard."

Mar. 5
" Thursday Wind, Weather and Men as before."

Mar. 6
" Friday Wind Nly sharp weather Men hauling home firewood with the big sled."

Mar. 7
" Saturday Wind NW blows fresh Men hauling wood for the Fires. at 2 PM Louis Jollycoeur, James Work, James Moore & John Corston came from Mr Linklater with Furrs Inds. being drunk from the other houses very troublesome here traded a large Tenting some dry Meat & fatt."

Mar. 8
" Sunday Wind Wly fine day spent it holy."

Mar. 9
" Monday Wind Wly blows fresh Men taking care of the House Indians drunk."

Mar. 10
" Tuesday Wind W blows a hurricane Men gone to haul Logs home for the Pitsaw."

Mar. 11
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Men taking care of the House. In the Morning Capt. Pe,pea,tu,cau & Gang came in brot 35 MB in furrs a good deal of Beat Meat and Fatt, Cloathed him and they all went out to drink."

Mar. 12
" Thursday Wind NW cloudy weather, Men taking care of the House, Indians very drunk and troublesome."

Mar. 13
" Friday Wind, Weather and Men as before paid for a good deal of Provisions in Ammunition &c. some of the Indians preparing to go away."

Mar. 14
" Saturday Wind Sly raw cold weather Captain Pe,peatu,cau &c went away."

Mar. 15
" Sunday Wind Wly sharp weather. In the Morning Capt. Jepormausish went away."

Mar. 16
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday James Johnstone making Trunnels, David Spence & James Work sawing feather edge boards, John Merryman and Mag. Flaws Cooks, James Brown attending on Self. Magnus Cleat at work for the Master, William Corrigall and David Brown falling Stockadoes to make a Garden with. 3 Men preparing to go to Mr Linklater. An Indian (Nishwas,we,cappo) came in having seen several Beaver houses wants a man to go with him he being by himself ordered John Richards and James Slater to get ready, if we do not look out for furrs we stand a poor chance so many Traders above us."

Mar. 17
" Tuesday Wind NW sharp weather. early in the Morning sent Louis Jollycoeur, James Moore & John Corston to the Portage. The Indian with John Richards and James Slater sett of at the same time gave them plenty of Powder and Shot for to subsist on; The Men variously employed, x cutting firewood, cooking, taking care of the House &c &c."

Mar. 18
" Wednesday Wind Nly blows fresh the Men as before."

Mar. 19
" Thursday Wind SE fine weather a band of Afsiniboils went away Capt. Quin,que,han,ca and The,sha,e,ne,nu. Men watching the House. at Night an Indian came in with a few Robes & some Meat &c."

Mar. 20
" Friday Wind Sly fine weather Men hauling home Logs, the Indian of yesterday went away."

Mar. 21
"Saturday Wind Wly blows fresh James Johnstone began to put a new roof on the Shed the others as before."

Mar. 22
" Sunday Wind Wly fine weather, spent the Day religiously."

Mar. 23
" Monday Wind Wly mild weather David Spence and James Work sawing boards for the Shed. James Johnstone and James Brown putting boards on the Top of the shed. Magnus Cleet at work for Self. John Merryman and Magnus Flaws Cooks, William Corrigall and David Brown hawling home Stockadoes, In the Afternoon 2 Indians (Musqua) bro't a large Tenting for Shoes? Bears flesh and Some Fatt for Brandy at night they return'd to their Lodges."

Mar. 24
" Tuesday Wind Wly fine weather Men as before, at 11 AM John Scarth and Alex Towers arrived from the Portage with Furrs."

Mar. 25
" Wednesday Wind Sly fine day Men employed as on Monday. sent John Scarth, Alex Towers, David Brown and William Corrigall gone to the Portage, Indians theived my Horse and two of Mr Augees."

Mar. 26
" Thursday Wind Sly cold weather at noon James Moore and John Corston came from the Portage with a few furrs and some trading Goods."

Mar. 27
" Friday Wind Wly cold weather the Men X cutting firewood."

Mar. 28
" Saturday Wind, Weather and Men as before."

Mar. 29
" Sunday Wind Wly blows a heavy Gale spent the Day religiously."

Mar. 30
" Monday Wind variable fine weather James Johnstone and James Brown ceiling the shed, David Spence & James Work at the Pitsaw. Magnus Cleet mending Shirts John Merryman and Magnus Flaws cooks. James Moore and John Corston x cutting firewood, Inds. arrived at the other houses last night and I find the Canadians has a rule amongst them to give every Indian from 3 to 4 Quarts of Liquor that trades with them during the Year for the last time in the Spring, I was obliged to do the same this day to all my Indians that was laying about here. I should have known nothing of this Affair if Mr Hay had not acquainted me of it. he being present when Mr Augee did it to their Indians & says it is a custom."

Mar. 31
" Tuesday Wind Nly cold weather Men employed as Yesterday, late at night Capt. Jepourmausish came in brot some leather & 2 or 3 Wolf skins for Brandy he says he has been very sick begs a few Medicines, I promise to let have some Brandy when he goes off to morrow."

Apr. 1 1795
" Wednesday Wind variable from S to NW & West. Men as on Monday the Captain of Yesterdau went back to his Lodge."

Apr. 2
" Thursday Wind Nly cold weather some of the Inds. got Powder and Shot to go away with."

Apr. 3
" Friday Wind NW blows fresh Men as before, except three laying a Platform, at noon John Scarth, David Brown, Will. Corrigall, and Alex Towers came from the Portage with Goods and Furrs."

Apr. 4
" Saturday Wind Wly blows fresh Men as Yesterday. some Osnaboins came in with Leather, Meat & Indian Corn. they informs me were my Horse is which I will soon send for."

Apr. 5
" Sunday Wind NW blows fresh, the Indians of Yesterday went away, at night some more Indians came in from Moose head."

Apr. 6
" Monday Wind SW blows fresh 6 Men falling Poplar 2 Cooks 2 Taylors variously employed. sent David Brown for my Horse with the Inds. pd for 84 lb beat Meat & 43 Tongues."

Apr. 7
" Tuesday Wind NW cold weather Men falling Poplar &c."

Apr 8
" Wednesday Wind NW fine clear weather the Men employ'd as before."

Apr. 9
" Thursday Wind NW blows fresh Men packing Furrs and burning Poplar for Ashes to make Soap."

Apr. 10
" Friday Wind, Weather and Men as Yesterday. at Night 2 Indians came in bro't some fatt and Corn for Brandy."

Apr. 11
" Saturday Wind Ely Men as before the water rises high in the River the small Creek opposite the House open."

Apr. 12
" Sunday Wind E cloudy weather with mizling rain, spent the day religiously."

Apr. 13
" Monday Win SE fine weather early in the Morning an Indian arrived from the Plains with five fresh Beaver and some Tongues went back immediately, at 9 AM arrived from the Portage Mr John Linklater Hugh Linklater and Peter Hewstone. the Men began to fall firewood."

Apr. 14
" Tuesay Wind Sly fine weather James Johnstone and John Merryman began to build a necefsary, David Spence and James Work sawing boards for it, Magnus Flaws and John Corston Cooks James Brown waiting on Self. the rest falling firewood."

Apr. 15
" Wednesday Wind, Weather and Men employed as before."

Apr. 16
" Thursday Wind Wly cloudy weather Men as before, Self lame with the Gout."

Apr. 17
" Friday Wind NW rainy weather the Men employed as before."

Apr. 18
" Saturday Wind variable cloudy bad weather the Men as before."

Apr. 19
" Sunday Wind Nly fine weather spent the Day Religiously the water in the River rises very high."

Apr. 20
" Monday Wind NW blows fresh. Ice begins to break opposite the House, Men cleaning the Yard &c."

Apr. 21
" Tuesday Wind Sly Men variously employed River full of Ice."

Apr. 22
" Wednesday Wind NW fine weather Men doing necefsary Jobbs about the House, Mr John Hay set of this day for the Portage to Mr Rhehoam? his employer."

Apr. 23
" Thursday Wind Wly very warm day Men fired at the Target gave them Grog to drink, at noon Mefs Cadott, Beaubein & Rochblave called here in 3 Canoes as they pafsed us, they wintered at the Grand Rapide, left one Trader still there."

Apr. 24
" Friday Wind NE Men drying Meat &c."

Apr. 25
" Saturday Wind NE fine weather the Men drying Meat, setting Stockadoes to petition a place for a Garden."

Apr. 26
" Sunday Wind Nly fine weather spent the Day Religiously."

Apr. 27
" Monday Wind variable very warm day all hands drying Meat, making Pimecon, sewing parchment bags to put it in &c &c."

Apr. 28
" Tuesday Wind NW fine clear warm weather. Men employed as Yesterday made upwards of 20 Bags of Pimecon for our Journey down, that I may be able to start as soon as Mr Sutherland arrives which I expect will not be long."

Apr. 29
" Wednesday Wind SW cloudy rainy weather. Men hauling the piece Meat over to dry it begins to grow Mouldy."

Apr. 30
" Thursday Wind W cloudy rainy weather. Men drying Meat and some washing as they cannot do any thing else for the River. an Indian from the Plains came in with 3 fresh Beaver &? returned back at Night."

May 1 1795
" Friday Wind NW heavy rain with thunder and Lightning Men not able to work."

May 2
" Saturday Wind Wly rainy weather Men variously employed."

May 3
" Sunday Wind Nly fine clear weather spent the day religiously."

May 4
" Monday Wind NW fine weather James Johnstone and John Merryman repairing the Craft 4 Men digging in the Gardens 2 Men drying Meat 2 Cooks 1 Man attending Self 2 Men hunting after Ducks one looking out ? Jn? Linklater writing."

May 5
" Tuesday Wind NW clear fine weather The Men as before."

May 6
" Wednesday Wind NW cloudy weather with rain at times. Men variously employed overhauling the Craft &c digging the Gardens.
Ay night Mr John Richards came in for some Horses to go and fetch their things home and the furrs &c the Indian has killed, As he came along he fired at a Buffalo and his Gun burst all to pieces lamed his hand very much. Mefs Jufsoome? and Cardin arrived from the Mandalas I intend to Trade a horse from one of them to morrow if Pofsible."

May 7
" Thursday Wind Sly blows fresh sent John Richards and David Brown with 2 horses acrofs the Plains to the Indian to fetch the furrs &c. Paid Mr Cardin 30 MB for a good horse."

May 8
" Friday Wind and Weather as before at 11 AM arrivd from Shell River Mr Peter Grant with 4 Canoes he informs me Mr Sutherland will be here in a few days."

May 9
" Saturday Wind W fine day. at noon Mr John Richards, James Slater, David Brown with Capt. Nishwaswecappo came in the Horses bro't all their things 60 MB in furrs 30 B in flesh dried besides 40 Tails & a little shoe Leather, at Night Ind. drunk having cloathed him. James Work taking care of Meat in a large Lodge made of two Tentings unfortunately took fire and burnt the whole to Atoms. had the Wind been blowing we must have lost the House also as the fire was only a few Yards from it."

May 10
" Sunday Wind Sly fine weather spent the Day Religiously."

May 11
" Monday Wind N raw cold weather the Men variously employed."

May 12
" Tuesday Wind Nly with Snow In the Morning the Indian of the 9th went away. at noon Mr John Sutherland, Robt. Taylor, James Yorstone, Magnus Yorstone, William Kirknefs, John Easter, Wm Lutitt, John Anderson, Andrew Taylor, Robt. Eunson and Wm Tullock arrived from Shell River."

May 13
" Wednesday Wind, Weather as Yesterday Men packing Furrs."

May 14
" Thursday Wind Nly fine day Men repairing Craft. at noon Capt. Otterfoot & Gang came in brot 80 MB cloathed them & gave them 2 8 Gn. Kegs of Brandy they went out to drink."

May 15
" Friday Wind NW Men preparing to go down. Indians drunk."

May 16
" Saturday Wind Sly rainy weather could not start this day."

May 17
" Sunday Wind Sly fine day early in the Morning sett of in 4 Craft for Osnaburgh House the following persons Viz. Mr Robt. Goodwin Master, Mr John Sutherland Afsistant & Master at Shell River, John Richards lame, James Brown, John Easter, Andrew Taylor, Magnus Yorstone, Magnus Cleet, James Yorstone, Wm Lutitt, James Work, Alex Towers, Robt. Taylor, James Johnstone, David Brown, Magnus Flaws, Magnus Groundwater, David Spence, John Merryman, John Corston, John Anderson, also to take in at the burnt Carrying place Thomas Richards and Louis Jollycoeur who was left to take care of the Battaux &c &c. I have left Mr John Linklater in charge of your Honors Effects here and the following Men under him Viz.
1 William Corrigall
2 James Slater
3 John Scarth
4 Will. Kirknefs
5 William Tullock
6 Hugh Linklater
7 Peter Hewstone
8 Robt. Eunson
9 James Moore
NB The Master & Men not very willing to Stay the Summer for fear the Sues should visit them gave them all 1 yd of Tobacco each for encouragement.
Mr Peter Grant with 4 Canoes sett of at the Same time for the Grand Portage had made out pretty well he having made some Packs of Mandal Robes by sending Men acrofs the Country to their Villages. a thing I much wanted to do myself but had no person to conduct the Expedition. these Natives does not taste Liquor & it is the very place the North West Company is supplied with all their Horses, they grow Indian Corn, Kidney Beads also a sort of Tobacco they make themselves. I have sent down some of the Robes for samples to know if they would be of any consequence to Trade as it is easy to find there, they do get a few furrs Wolves and Beaver. The whole of our Trade this Year is about 2500 MB which is the double of what was made the last year & hope still to make considerable Increase yearly as we penetrate farther Inland the Winepeg opens a wild & full view for carrying on various Settlements to Increase your Trade by sending to Fort Dupont were a Mr Bells wintered and have? made plenty of furrs also a fine place at River la Bish where a Mr St.Germain winter'd who pafsed the 30th Aug. last with 6 Canoes in a few years all these things may be accomplished to great Advantage to your Honors Service, the Red River can supply the other Settlements with Pimeticon in the same manner as the Canad. does it certainly is more Expence for Provisions than the Furrs but Meat in this part is looked on as usefull as the furrs to the North West Company for without it they could not do any thing against Mr Tomison for it would be Impofsible to carry much Goods and Provisions from the Grand Portage to so great a distance; It would be highly prudent to have a few Men and a House at Point Pimeticon to Lodge Provisions at for the fall Service the Same as the Canadians does and not to bury it underground as we now do and get a great deal of it damaged and lost by Wolves &c which was the Case last fall with a part of what Mr McKay left to carry him back. I heard this Winter that Mr Best was on the Winepeg could he get towards the River that leads to Severn he would do very well, as the best road is the way I go & return, I shall lay every particular Circumstance before your Chief at Martins Fall that has occured to me during the Winter; Slept this Night below Fort Pinnentt. Left 3 Bags of Meat."

May 18
" Monday Wind Nly fine day went all Evening and put up to Cook and then started and drove all Night with the Current, arrived at the burnt carrying place found the two Men well repaired the Battaux, several Inds. laying here with the Canadian Traders, John Linklater only procured 360 MB this Year but this fall I hope to have it properly settled with Goods on my way to Brandon House."

May 19
" Tuesday Wind Nly fine day James Johnstone repairing the Craft."

May 20
" Wednesday Left the burnt carrying place the Canad. Traders behaved to me very politely and were I winterd we lived on very good terms, which was not the case the year before for Mr Donald McKay fired his Gun at Mr Augee as he pafsed his House in a Canoe the Ball lighted very near him, we visit one another at times; The Afsniboils bring poor furrs Wolves being the principal of their Trade and to encourage them not to Split the Wolves I would give them more Goods in Exchange than we do for split ones the Canadians have no settled standard to go by can they only get the furrs into their Houses they will give them? anything sooner than they shall carry them out to another. left 4 Bags of Meat, 70 lb Ball 4 Hatchets Ice Chifsels, Augers &c belonging to the Rems.? at the burnt carrying place."

May 21
" Thursday Wind Sly fine weather put up for rain at 3 PM half way down the River. NB I was obliged to get two of Mr Peter Grants Men to Afsist in taking down the Battaux to Point Pimeticon for at the Carrying place had she been left the Indians would have burnt her to pieces the Canadians inform'd me of their Intentions. this Mr Peter Grant is on his own Account and have nothing to do with the North West Company."

May 22
" Friday Wind SW fine day put up at night left 4 Bags of Meat this Day."

May 23
" Saturday Wind Sly Cloudy rainy weather obliged to put up at noon the Coverings being uselefs fearfull the furrs will get damaged we pafsed the Fork about 1 Mile."

May 24
" Sunday Wind and Weather stop'd 2 hours & then cleared a little. left 3 Bags of Meat and a 8 Gallon Rundlet of Fatt, put up at Nettle Creek for the Night."

May 25
" Monday Wind SW blows hard with heavy rain. could not start this day."

May 26
" Tuesday Wind variable fine weather sailed half the Day thro the Winepeg and put up at an Island for the Night."

May 27
" Wednesday Wind Ely fine calm day got out of the Lake and slept at Point Pimeticon, Mr Peter Grant invited Mr Sutherland & Self to sup with him as I shall leave him to morrow Morning his Canoes being to repair laid the Battaux safe by and she will be of the utmost Service to us in the fall if the Water is shoal in the Red River to lighten us."

May 28
" Thursday Wind Nly fine day got breakfast at Mr McKays fall and went to the Silver falls and put up for the Night, it began to rain or else the Goods would have been carried over the fall this Night."

May 29
" Friday Wind Wly fine day slept at the Bonno falls."

May 30
" Saturday Wind Wly fine day slept at James Johnston's falls."

May 31
" Sunday Wind Wly fine weather slept at the first fall in the White River, the water being very low could not go out by the Pinneway."

June 1 1795
" Monday Wind Nly fine day Mr Grant in his light Canoe came up to us and we slept together. he informs me Mr Best arrived before he started and had got an Indian to guide him to Portage deLisle. he sent word for me to wait for him which I intend to do should he not overtake us before we arrive at Portage dLisle."

June 2
" Tuesday Wind NE cloudy weather put up at the Grand Rapid for rain at noon."

June 3
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. slept at the lowest Cockiammy put up at 7 PM."

June 4
" Thursday Wind NW fine day slept at the Head of John Linklaters fall."

June 5
" Friday Wind and Weather as before slept at Portage D'Lisle. saw Inds. & traded Bears flesh, Beavers flesh and fresh Ducks &c &c. 2 Men came with a Letter from Jasper Corrigall to beg me to go to the House."

June 6
" Saturday Wind Sly blows fresh went to the House found Jasper Corigall and all well but much surprized to find Mr Clouston? had left the House before our Arrival."

June 7
" Sunday Wind & Weather as before Mr Best arrived here in two Canoes very happy to meet us."

June 8
" Monday Wind N blows a hurricane with rain, not able to start. - Left a Bag of Meat and fatt for the Men 85 lbs."

June 9
" Tuesday Wind NW fine day early in the Morning Sett off on our rout, also Mr Bests Canoes & Men; himself is to go with an Indian to Red Lake in a small Canoe. - breakfast at the Deer fall & then went 12 Miles and put up for the Night, saw Inds. they had no Provisions."

June 10
" Wednesday Wind Sly fine day went over three falls this day & put up about 1 Mile above the last one."

June 11
" Thursday Wind Nly blows a head could not get far this Day."

June 12
" Friday Wind NW slept about 1 Mile above Seabitchawan fall, sett 2 Netts and got Some fish."

June 13
" Saturday Wind Wly went over the 3 falls & slept at upper one were the Battaux upsett last Autumn."

June 14
" Sunday Wind East fine day went to the long carrying place put up for the Night."

June 15
" Monday Wind variable cloudy weather the Men employ'd launching and carrying Cargoe the most part of the Day went about 3 Miles to the Seperation of the 2 Rivers or properly called a Fork put up for the Night."

June 16
" Tuesday Wind Nly fine calm day left Mr Bests Men & Canoes to wait for Mr Best from Red Lake.went to Ed. Sinclairs fall & put up for the Night. several Indians came to us with some Moose flesh and fish gave Powder, Brandy for it."

June 17
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday put up at Manitobar in Lake Sal."

June 18
" Thursday Wind NW blows fresh Obliged to put up at 1 oClock for heavy rain."

June 19
" Friday Wind variable fine day slept above the Indian stone traded a little dry fish from Puckatwawaggons, Son, Mr Best came up with us this afternoon."

June 20
" Saturday Wind NE slept above the Ripple in the Creek."

June 21
" Sunday Wind variable cloudy weather slept at the Lively Ripple."

June 22
" Monday Wind NW blows fresh slept at the long carrying place next to Osnaburgh Lake."

June 23
" Tuesday Wind SW fine day slept Opposite to Mr Tupains? Island."

June 24
" Wednesday Wind variable arrived at Osnaburgh House at 2 PM found Mr James Sutherland and all well under his Command. beg leave to Conclude with wishing Succefs to your Honors Affairs
and remain
Honourable Sirs
your Obt. Humble Servt.
Robt. Goodwin"

" Expences coming out to the Men and some Provisions as pr Journal
Brandy - G. 13 1/2......54
Gunpowder - lb 12......8
Shot Ball - lb 30.........6
Flints - No. 20...........1
Gunworms - No. 4.....1
Steels - No. 4............1/2
Cloth - yds 2 1/2........5
Blankets of 3 pt 1......3
................................78 1/2"

" Correspondence during the Year"

" burnt carrying place Nov. 10th 1794
Dear Sir
By this Gentleman I have to inform you I arrived safe the 7th Inst. I stopp'd one day at Mr Hays house and went acrofs land to examine the Pine Fort finding no wood to build a House there and finding Hays house Inconvenient, I try'd for the above place which was accomplished with Trouble, the River very Shoal and Ice in it every Day. I have got a house 22 feet by 16. the Sides all high; Since my Arrival here the Gents have treated me with great Kindnefs.
I have not traded a skin nor seen any Inds. yet, I intend to send two Men with the next Travellers from this place that they may be able to find the road when any thing is wanted wishing you a good Trade. I remain Dear Sir
Your Obt. Humble Servt.
Jn. Linklater

To Mr Robt. Goodwin Master at Brandon House."

" Shell River 18th Nov. '94
Dear Sir
According to our Agreement before I left Brandon House I have sent 5 Men likewise the Pit Saw. we was stopped by the Ice before we got to my Station the last Spring but the River cleared afterwards and we have got within 2 Days Journey by Land of Cuthbert Grant station to a place called the Shell River where there are two Settlements one for Mr Peter Grant and another for the NW Company, we arriv'd here the 28th Oct. we saw no Inds. on the Journey none since we came here that has brought anything but I am in hopes they will bring me a little by and by. for much I do not expect they being so many different Concerns here. I shall send to you again if I am in the want of anything. our House is nigh finished 39 feet long 18 broad I have nothing more to acquaint you of at present wish succefs to the Hble Comp'ys Affairs I remain
D. Sir Your Obt. H. S.
John Sutherland

To Mr Robt. Goodwin"

" Portage De Praries 10th Nov. 1794
Dear Sir
I hear Mr Dumourier? is to build a House some where between this and Fort the Pinnett, the very place I cannot tell however if he builds between us and the Plains I shall build a house or log Tent along side of him, as I am not certain of this I shall say no more concerning the Affair. my next shall give you more News wishing you a good Trade I remain Dear Sir
Your Obt. Humble Servt.
Jn Linklater

To Mr Robt. Goodwin Master at Brandon House."

" Brandon House Dec. 9th 1794
Dear Sir
By these Men I have to Acknowledge the Receipt of your 2 Letters and it gave me great pleasure to hear you succeeding in getting down to the burnt Carrying place and hope you will have a good Trade. I rec'd Letters from Mr John Sutherland who informs me he got to Shell River above the place he wintered at last Year. from these exertions I hope the Trade will be considerably Increased to the Honble Companys benefit, sorry to hear your Opposition is so great against you. should you want more Men you may have them and keep them continually on the Watch thro' the Plains, my Trade I am fearfull will not be great this year for there is 3 Different partners against me and 2 More only 12 Miles above me I
Remain Dear Sir
Your very Humble Servt.
Robt. Goodwin

To Mr John Linklater Master at the burnt carrying place."

" Portage de la Praries 10th Dec. 1794
Dear Sir
I am so very bad this 10 Days past that I hourly expect to part from this world, with the Rhumitism? pains all over my body and above all in my Joints, if you send me any Medicines for those Diseases and send them as soon as pofsible altho I dont know what will become of your humble Servt., I have nothing particular to inform you of at present onley that we have but little and no Trade, all of us at this place. I remain
Dear Sir
Yours Sincerely
John Linklater
these few Lines are wrote by My Wm McKay for I am not able to write.

Mr Robt. Goodwin
This Letter was brought the 14th Inst. by a Canadian."

" Brandon House Dec. 27th 1794
Dear Sir
I rec'd a Letter from Mr Wm McKay in your name and gives me much uneasinefs that you should be uncapable of writing yourself from Illnefs. 2 of your Men Arrived here last day bro't no Letter and I have Sent you a Blister and other Medicines such as I had, also some Butter and Oatmeal for broth &c. I have no proper person to send to Afsist you, as you have Thomas Richards I rely on him he being a good Interpreter which was the very reason I sent him with you god blefs you and wish you better
I remain Dear Sir
Your Humble Servt.
Robt. Goodwin

To Mr John Linklater Master at Portage de Praries."

" Portage La Praries 28th Nov. 1794
Dear Sir
I am sorry to learn by Mr George McKay that you don't enjoy your health this while past, however I hope as you are Master of health, you will soon get better.
I have one thing to inform you of, and that is that Mefs Cadotte are gone acrofs the Neck of Land between them and the West River where all the Inds. from this place are gone hunting and where they will get all the best Trade in the red River if they are not oposed -
hoping that you will go halves with our people and send there and out sell them and get the most of the Trade and by those means we would soon make them tired of the red River; Mr George McKay & Mr Auge will furnish the half of the Goods Rum &c that is wanted men &c. Mr Cadott had made since I pafsed there 6 Packs in which he gott 60 Otters and the Remainder Beaver, Mr Grants wish is to put as much as pofsible of the Packs your way rather than any of those people should get any of them, so I hope for your own Interest you will comply with my request; I cant conclude without returning you many thanks for your kind behaviour to me in pafsing which I'll always remember with Gratitude since I cant recompence you other ways at present I remain
Dear Sir
Yours Sincerely
Wm McKay

To Robt Goodwin Master at Brandon House"

" Brandon House Dec. 15th '94
Dear Sir
I have sent you a few lines and thank you for the Care and Afsistance ye? are giving Mr Linklater in his Illnefs. Meds. I have now? sent, as for the Partnership between us I cannot say any thing to this year the want of Men prevents me; shall be happy to see you whenever you pafs this way and beg you would make no Apology for the Treatment you rec'd from me which is very natural when countrymen pafses each other, I have nothing worth relating but Conclude DrSr
Your humble Servant
Robt. Goodwin
To Mr Wm McKay Trader at Portage de la Praries."

" Portage de la Praries 28 Dec. 1794
Dear Sir
I have had the pleasure of receiving your kind Letter and the Meds. for Mr Linklater who is getting better these few days past - I have nothing worth mention to inform you from this Obscure place, we are continually running about after Skins, altho the skins dont run much after us however I return you many thanks for your kind Invitaion. Mr Linklater desires his best respects to you for he cannot write that he is getting a Little better wishing you a pleasant winter & plenty of Packs is the Sincere wish of yours Sincerely
Wm McKay

Mr Robt. Goodwin"

" Shell River 2nd January 1794
Dear Sir
By Mr Peter Grant I have the Opportunity to Inform you that we are all well at this place.
I am sorry to Inform you that they are very little to be done here, only the throwing away of Goods excepted; & if one does not throw away he will get nothing, a Indian never gets Sober to a place here, they have been no Inds. here since that has bro't me any thing; except a band of Afsiniboils they bro't me about 70 MB in Wolves & foxes & a good deal of dry Meat which is all the Trade I have got Since I left you. before the above Inds. arrived I was in great want of Provs., I have not got single Cow since James Slatter left this place only a old Bull at a chance time, which was scarcely fit to be eaten. I beg if you can spare Robt. Eunson please to send him here a little time to make a few 6 Quart or 2 Gn Rundlets they no doing here without small Kegs, If I cannot give them Kegs they will go to my neighbour who has plenty of Kegs, for they have a Cooper each of them, I shall be Short of Knives and Tobacco likewise small Blue Beads, I hear by the Canads. that the York Fort Ship was not arrived the 29th Sept. I am therefore going to send two Men to Swan River, If I can get a Guide to know the Certainty of it which stops me to send two Men to you now, I hear they are starving with hunger above us not a Buffalo to be seen; I hear one of Your Neighbours Jean batist Cadott to name has got 23 bundles of real furrs but I do not beleive it if he has 23 bundles you have got as many. I hear likewise that John Richards has killed a Ind. Woman which I wish may be a lie.
Let me know what succefs Mr Linklater has got, I am afraid I shall be obliged to send some Men down for want of Prov. there are prospects of Meat or anything else to be got here neverthelefs I shall live in good hopes I wish you great Succefs and remain with respect Dr Sir
Your Obt. Humble Servt.
Jn Sutherland.
To Mr Robt. Goodwin Master at Brandon House."

" Portage le Praries 19 Dec. 1794
Dear Sir
Your Letter of the 15th I overlooked and as to our PartnerShip, as these people above did not send it is Immaterial whether we send or not, but if you could send them word that you would give them cheaper than Cadotte & La Violette they would come to Trade with you without sending to the other end of the Portage. We at this place are badly of for Provisions altho' I have 4 hunters the Weather is so fine these few days past that the Cows don't come nigh us.
I remain DrSir
Your sincere friend? and humble Servt.
Wm McKay
To Mr Robt. Goodwin."

" Shell River 27th Jan. 1795
Dear Sir
The Gentlemen in Office at Swan River for the Honble Hudsons Bay Comp. was so kind as to pay me a visit the 26 Inst. along with my two Men & one of his own. the Gentlemen bro't a Letter from the Chief at York fort directed to Mr D McKay which you may open if you please being on the Companys Affairs he wants to know if you think we will get up in the fall as far as Mr Grants station. if so be you think we can get there, he says they could go from York fort to some other place that would be of more Advantage to the Honble Company, there will be no Trade here this Year the Inds. are all at War, I have not got 100 skins of all kinds neverthelefs I am in hopes of getting a little by and by, I wish you better succefsthan I have. Mr C.T. Isham presents Compts. to you Dear Sir
Yours Sincerely
Jn Sutherland
PS. Excuse the Shortnefs of this Letter at present.
To Mr Robt. Goodwin Master at Brandon House."

" Swan River Jan. 21st '95
Dear Sir
" By the Arrival of Mr Sutherlands people I am Informed Sir that you are Chief Factor to the English Settlements in the Red River. I have made bold to pay Mr Sutherl'd a visit concerning the same as he wishes a Communication to be open'd between us, this enclosed Letter I bro't from Gov. Colen at York Factory concerning businefs with Mr McKay, but as I am Informed that Mr McKay is gone for England you will make bold to Open it, to know the Contents, so Conclude with Wishing succefs to the Companys Affairs and
Remain Your
humble Servt.
C.T. Isham
To Mr Robt. Goodwin Chief Factor Red River"

" Mr Don. McKay Red River
? favour? Mr Isham
York Fort 18th July 1794
Dear Sir
It would be necefsary for me as a stranger to apologize for addrefsing this letter to you wer we not mutually concern'd in the intrest of our employers -
My Friend and correspondant Mr McNab having wrot for? last paquet that you wer about forming a settlement at the Red River where before I received this intelligence had given directions to Mr Isham to build on his arrival at this place a few days ago, he confirms the account and tells me he received a letter from you.
It is my wish that the Honble Companys Servants should co,operate in all undertakings for their benifet, I have given Mr Isham instructions to affoard you every afsistance in his power - not doubting but you will do the same to him, Should it be in your power to put him in a method of getting Cedar built Canoes which we much want they would be of great utility in carrying on Inland businefs from this place.
Should it be found on tryal that goods can be conveyed with greater facility from the Hon. Companys Settlements in the Bay - to Red River than from this place, I will give directions to to relinquish those posts up to you, I wish you and Mr Isham to consult together the best method for carrying on the Trade in the quarter where you are now situated. With wishing you health and Succefs and every afsistance that Seasons and Natives can afford you I Remain
Dear Sir
Your very humble Servant
Jos. Colen
PS Mr Longmoor joins me in Comps. to you."

" Brandon house 6 Feb. 1794
Dr. Sir
Your Letter of the 27th Ult. I rec'd the 2nd inst. am sorry you have such poor prospects of Trade.
I am happy to hear that Mr Isham have paid you a visit; as for getting up to Mr Grants place next fall is a question I cannot yet determine. I have wrote to the Chiefs at York fort in answer to his Letter to Mr McKay and a few lines to the Master at Swan River which you will please to forward as soon as pofsible if opportunity suits.
I have sent Robt. Eunson & Ja. Slater with Tobacco & knives, Slater you will return as soon as pofsible, he being one of my hunters if you detain Robt. Eunson any time send a Man in lieu of him; Mr Trade is very poor and little prospects of any more about 500 MB. The Ind. Capt. called seven Heads and Ten Horns [what a great name] died as he was coming to pay my Debt. almost the whole of the Inds. are gone to Montayne Bofs. I remain
Dear Sir
Robt. Goodwin.
To Mr John Sutherland Master at Shell River."

" Brandon House Feb. 6th 1795
Dear Sir
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of yours dated the 21st Ult. the 2nd Inst. I make not the least doubt that a Communication might be open'd between us at the head of this River. I have wrote my Sentiments to Mr Colon the Chief at York Fort in Answer to his Letter I rec'd directed to Mr D. McKay we will not be able this ensuing fall to reach farther than the post Mr Sutherland now Occupy as we have to go to Martins fall for our Goods. - As you have visited Mr Sutherland I make not the least doubt but he has informed you of every Circumstance down our way which leaves me little to relate. - The Trade in this Quarter is very poor Afsiniboils brings nothing but Wolves and foxes not 600 yet, hope you have good prospects, We have no lefs than 23 Canadian Houses in this River & our Servants Occupy but three of these I remain
Dr Sir Your Humble Servt.
Robt. Goodwin
To Mr Charles Isham Master at Swan River."

" Brandon House 6th Feb. '95
Dear Sir
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter dated 18th July 1794 the 2 Inst. directed to Mr D. McKay which I took the Liberty to peruse, as Mr McKay was to go to Europe on Account of his disagreement with Mr Cuthbert Grant last Spring which was the Occasion of my Wintering in the Red River. -
I gave me great satisfaction to hear that the Honble Companys Servants are so nigh each other that a Communication Might be kept up between us, It cannot be done the ensuing fall, as I have to go to Martins fall for our Goods which makes the season very late on our return. I left Mr McNab at Martins fall the 9th July Ult. and did not arrive here till the 1st October following. I had then scarcely time to send Mr Sutherland to his Wintering ground, the Ice setting in very early which gives me little Expectations of our Servants getting farther than the station Mr Sutherland now Occupy. I am not under any Apprehension but Goods can be got to Mr Cuthbert Grants station the fall 1796 for we shall have to go no farther than Osnaburgh house for the Outfit a station I have occupied 7 Years.
As for putting Mr Isham in a way to procure Cedar Built Canoes is a thing I am unacquainted with for we Seldom use them down the Bay our Men being Indifferent hands at that work but I really beleive they will take such Battaux's as we have Inland to any part, it certainly takes us much longer and retards us on our Voyage, their is no such thing as Cedar in the Red River nor any Canoes made in it.
I Should have been very glad to have consulted with Mr Isham for the best Means to carry on the businefs above. he having paid Mr John Sutherland a Visit at Shell River I make not the least doubt but every Circumstance has been communicated to that Gentlemen on the Honble Companys Affairs in this Quarter.
I am to meet Mr McNab at Martins fall about the 25th June (by agreement last fall) I shall lay the Circumstances before him as I am for Europe by return of the Ships.
Mr D McKay carried about 1200 MB out with him last Spring. I wish we may have as much this Year for the Afsinipout? Inds. hunts nothing but a few Wolves Provisions being so plenty that prevents them from hunting furrs. I beg leave to conclude wishing you health and Succefs with a good Trade.
I remain Dear Sir
Your Obt. Humble Servt.
Robt. Goodwin
Please to present my Compts. to the Gents. of your Mefs.
I forgot to Inform you another sett of Traders came late last fall into this River from the Southward in Opposition to the North West Company there is no lefs than 3 different parties in Opposition to me. -
To Mr Colin Chief at York Fort."

" Shell River House 18th Feb. '95
Dear Sir
Yours of the 6th Feb. I duly received the 15th Instant and likewise the Tobacco & knives. I will forward your letters to Swan River as soon as pofsible I can get the opportunity. You say your trade is very poor; indeed Sir in my humble opinion 500 Beaver is as much as could be expected as yet, considering the many oppositions as is at the Red River this year. I have only got as yet 130, in Wolves, foxes & Beaver skins & 23 Buffallo skins. You may make yourself easy about provisions for our journey out as I have got already about 2 or 3000 lb of dry meat & fat it has gone away with a great deal of my outfit particularly Brandy, Tobacco, Powder, Ball and knives as we must pay a very heavy price for it. if you can be without two men please to send them here about the first of April to afsist us down according to your order I have sent down Jas. Slater & Wm Corrigal. Mr Isham told me that the last intelligence he had from York Fort was the 25th of August, the Ship was not arrived then, but that was not a late ship time. I hear Mr Furney expended 10 kegs of rum and had not got two packs of furrs & very little provisions his employer sent a Common man to supercede him; am certain that some of the petty adventurers at the Red River this year is running very fast to their ruin & destruction. I wish you great succefs in furrs health & every other felicity I remain with respect
Dr. Sir
Your obd. humble servt.
John Sutherland."
" Swan River house 5th Feb. 1795
Dear Sir
By the arrival of Mr Sutherlands two men I received your kind favor, dated the 6th inst. and am happy to hear, that there is a pofsiblity of opening a Communication. I cannot find fault as my Trade amounts to 2000 MB. Sir if you or Mr Sutherland could pofsibly proceed as high as Mr Grant, you would find it greatly to our Honble employers Interest as but part of my Indians stops by the way coming into the House. we meet with better succefs in regard to furrs than we do in provisions it being a scarce article in this quarter. I am sorry to hear of so many oppositions. I have eight in this quarter. This House in opposition gets a good share as myself they having double the quantity of Trading goods. so conclude with wishing better succefs for the Honble Company & remain
Dr. Sir
Your humble serv.
C.T. Isham
PS. The Letter that you delivered to the Canadians I have never had the pleasure to see it, last year they serv'd me the same trick."

" Expenditure of Provisions at Branden house."

[Then there is a small chart I'm not including]

