This is a virtually complete transcription of the Albany Journal part one 1778-79 by Alex Nicol.

" A Journal of the most remarkable Transactions and Occurrences ? Albany Fort from 9th September 1778 to 16th September 1779 by Mr Thomas Hutchins Chief there."

" Albany Fort Journal Commencing September 9th 1778 & Ending 6th September 1779."

Sept. 9 1778
" Wednesday Wind Variable Northerly clear Weather. in the Forenoon gave Capt. Richards his Dispatches & sent a Boat with 7 Men with him to the Sloop at the Crofs Barr. Saluted him with 11 Guns at his departure. the other Men Clearing away the Cargo. Rec'd 250 Fish."

Sept. 10
" Thursday Wind North Cloudy raw Weather. Armourer Repairing Indian Guns. Carpenter Glazing Windows, Taylors working for the Men. 2 Brewing. 1 at the Gates. 2 Cooking. Cowkeeper as Usual. 1 in the Warehouse, 1 Fishing. Three fish. Indeed every body (both Old & Young Indian European) have got a Cold & Sore Throats. 2 Men writing. Myself & Mr Favell Trusting Capt. Afsup & Lieut. Earchekeshick? Tuber?
Rec'd 300 Geese & 400 Fish besides 82 from our Netts."

Sept. 11
" Friday Wind & Weather as Yesterday with Some Rain. Sent 15 Men up the River to get Timber. 2 Men cleaning Geese. The Rest as on Yesterday. The Indians went away. Sent some Brandy and Tobacco by them to their Friends. Rec'd 103 Geese and 276 Fish. Traded some Shoe Leather."

Sept. 12
" Saturday Wind Northerly with Cloudy Weather. The Men packing Biscuite Powder & Shot &c for the Goose Tent and other Necefsary Jobs. Rec'd 183 Fish from our Nets."

Sept. 13
" Sunday Wind Southerly fine Clear Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Gave the Men Brandy."

Sept. 14
" Monday Wind SE fair Weather. Armourer Repairing hunting Guns. Carpenter making Hog Sties. Cooper & 4 Men washing Casks. Sent 7 Men with Geo. Sutherland & D. Spence to serve Powder &c to the Indians at Bonds Creek. Some Indians came in with Fish & Geese. Hugh Linklater Narrowly escaped wounding his Hand by the bursting of his Gun."

Sept. 15
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as Yesterday. 2 Men Building? 1? Fishing. 6 levelling the Ground in the Boat Yard. The Rest as Yesterday. Rec'd 346 Fish & some Geese."

Sept. 16
" Wednesday Wind SSE pleasant Weather. Men employed as on Yesterday. in the Evening the Men came home with 46 pieces of Timber. Rec'd 68 Geese."

Sept. 17
" Thursday Wind & Weather still the same which makes me very Anxious about the Ship, as the Sloops are not yet returned, Tho the Captain went from hence the 9th Inst. The Men Employed getting up the Timber & packing Goods for Henley and E. Main."

Sept. 18
" Friday Wind Variable to NE blows hard with Cloudy Weather. the Labourers Clearing Waterhole Creek & Packing Goods. The Tradesmen at their Several Branches. Some Indians came in with Fresh Beaver, Geese & Fish."

Sept. 19
" Saturday Wind North Cloudy Weather. The Men Packing Goods for Henley & E. Main & Cutting Firewood. No news yet from the Ship. Gave the Men Brandy."

Sept. 20
" Sunday Wind WbS? Clear Weather. Divine Service as Usual."

Sept. 21
" Monday Wind Variable from W to NNW blowing very hard. at Sun Rise saw two Sloops in the Offing. in the Afternoon the came up to the Fort. hauled the Moose Sloop to the Launch & Unloaded them? of her Cargo. The Ship and Brigg Sailed yesterday from Moose River."

Sept. 22
" Tuesday Wind SSW but more moderate. Unloaded the Moose Sloop and put Stones into her. Rec'd 340 Fish from Indians & 90 from our Nets. Two Indians came in with fresh Beaver. Dried Venison & Shoe Leather. Gave the Men Brandy to drink to Kings Health."

Sept. 23
" Wednesday Wind NNW Clear Weather. The Moose Sloop Sailed for Moose River. Unloaded part of the East Main Sloops Cargo."

Sept. 24
" Thursday Wind & Weather as before. Finished unloading the East Main Sloop & put Stones in her with part of her Cargo for E Main House."

Sept. 25
" Friday Wind Southerly with Rain. The Men Employed packing Goods & Provisions for Henley & East main. Tried the Seine Net & got 200 Fish. Received also 90 from our other Netts & 283 from Indians and 131 Geese."

Sept. 26
" Saturday Wind Easterly clear Weather for the Most Part. Sent 9 Men to Bonds Creek with Salt and Casks & to bring home Geese, in the Evening they returned with 10 Casks. The other Men loading the Eastmain Sloop and Packing for Henley. Gave all hands Brandy."

Sept. 27
" Sunday Wind Westerly fine Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Gave Mr Atkinson his Commifsion & dispatches. Rec'd 270 Fish from Indians and 136 Geese also 107 from Our Netts."

Sept. 28
" Monday Wind SSE blows fresh with Rain. 20 Men Preparing for the Henley Journey. The Rest packing the Cargo for that place."

Sept. 29
" Tuesday Wind Westerly blows hard with thick Wea. Which detains the Henley Boats. The East Main Sloop Sailed early in the Morning. the People employed as before. Made a present to Lieut. Caw,fris,was,ka,thou, an Old Blind Man to maintain him from the Factory."

Sept. 30
" Wednesday Wind southerly Clear fine Weather. Dispatched John Robinson, David Sanderson, J. Smith, Wm Mannie, Peter Johnson, Robt. Cromartie, John Spence, Tho. Dickson, And. Corrigal, Robt. Flatt, Tho. Flatt, Robt. Robinson, And. Sena, Mag. Bacchie, J. Rowland, Nichol Spence, Cha. Stengar and John Lutit, with two Boats for Henley House. Sent also John Best and Hugh Linklater to afsist over the Great Fall. the Men at Home Cleaning Geese and other necefsary Work. Received 201 Geese & 236 Fish from Indians."

Oct. 1 1778
" Thursday Wind WNW fine pleasant Weather. Dispatched Mr Favell with Robt Isbister & Peter Ballentine , the latter to stay in the Room of George Wilson Taylor wanted for East Main. for Henley House. 20 Men with the Boats 2 at the North River. 1 Cooking. Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Writing. Armourer repairing Indian Guns. Myself, Surgeon and Servant in the Warehouse."

Oct. 2
" Friday Wind NNE blows hard with much Rain. People Employed as before. One of the Esquimaux Hunters came back another is coming. the other four as Stoped at Moose River by the Indians there (& disabled in their Drunkenefs.) from coming here."

Oct. 3
" Saturday Wind South blows hard but Clear Weather. People as on Thursday. Rec'd Some Fish & Geese from Indians. Another of the Esquimaux Hunters Returned, Gave The People Brandy."

Oct. 4
" Sunday Wind WBS blows hard with Rain. Divine Service as Usual. Best & Linklater returned from Afsisting the Boat Over the great Fall."

Oct. 5
" Monday Wind West blows an hurricane with rain at times. 20 Men going to Henley. 2 at Bonds Creek. Linklater and Best resting themselves. Armourer Cleaning Geese, Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Writing."

Oct. 6
" Tuesday Wind West by N Clear Sharp Weather. Ice gathering on the Shore. People at home taking up part of the Launch & attending Indians, many of whom left off hunting."

Oct. 7
" Wednesday Wind SSE hard Gale with Snow in the Morning & afterwards W and blowing a Storm. People at home Cleaning Geese an attending in the Warehouse finished Trusting the Indians of Yesterday. A Child born on the plantation."

Oct. 8
" Thursday Wind Variable fine Weather the Armourer Repairing Indian Guns & Kettles. Cooper and 1 Man Pickling Geese. 1 at the Gates. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. The Rest in the Warehouse. Daniel & Magnefs Kirknefs came down from Henley with George Parock who has been unfortunately much Wounded by the Accidental discharge of his Gun. The People at Henley all well, much Water in the River And the Boats proceeding up with Alacrity."

Oct. 9
" Friday Wind NW cloudy Weather much Snow fell last night. the People Employed as on Yesterday. Rec'd 127 Geese. More of the Indians left off hunting and took Debt."

Oct. 10
" Saturday Wind Variable sharp frosty Weather. the Men at home taking up Nets & Cutting Firewood. An Indian came in with some Geese & fresh Beaver for Trade & Another left off hunting & took Debt. Daniel & Kirknefs set off for Henley."

Oct. 11
" Sunday Wind Southerly Myself ill, therefore had no Divine Service. Rec'd 9 Geese from Indians."

Oct. 12
" Monday Wind SSE. 20 Men gone with the Boats to Henley. 2 at Bonds Creek. 1 attending on poor Parock The Rest getting up the Boats moorings. In the afternoon sent 5 Men to fetch Geese from Bonds Creek."

Oct. 13
" Tuesday Wind South much Rain in the Afternoon & Evening. at Night the Boat returned with Geese Powder &c from Bonds Creek as all the Indians to the Northward have givening? over hunting, Traded 16 Geese."

Oct. 14
" Wednesday Wind Variable from South to NW Rain and Sleet at times. 2 Brewing. 2 Cleaning & Salting Geese. Armourer reparing Indian Guns, 1 at the Gates, Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. 1 attending George Parock, 1 at Bonds Creek, 20 gone to Henley."

Oct. 15
" Thursday Wind NW mild Weather with light Snow. The Men at home getting Boats up the Bank & making pickle for Geese."

Oct. 16
" Friday Wind & Weather as yesterday only Colder. The Men at home Stowing Geese in the Celler, Securing? Gunpowder & other Necefsary jobbs. George Sutherland came home from Bonds Creek with 9 Casks Geese. Rec'd 148 from Indians & 98 Fish."

Oct. 17
" Saturday Wind and Weather as yesterday rather ? Afternoon the Men employed at home in Cutting Firewood and other Jobbs. Received a few Fish."

Oct. 18
" Sunday Wind ESE blowing very hard with much Snow. Divine Service as Usual."

Oct. 19
" Monday Wind as Yesterday but lefs Violent with Showers of Rain. Armourer at the Forge. Carpenter & 1 Man fixing Gates to the Boathouse. Hugh Linklater salting Geese, 1 attending George Parock. 2 Sick, Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. Rec'd 16 Geese & 150 Fish from Indians. The Men and Boats Returned from Henley all well there. George Wilson came down to go to Eastmain. Peter Ballentine Stays at Henley in his Room."

Oct. 20
" Tuesday Wind North Cloudy Weather with continual Rain. The Henley Men resting themselves, the other as Yesterday and packing Feathers."

Oct. 21
" Wednesday Wind Westerly raw Cold Weather. The People getting up the Henley Boats & Stowing Timbers. Rec'd 240 Fish from Indians & 10 Geese."

Oct. 22
" Thursday Wind and Weather as yesterday. 2 Men Brewing, 2 Sick, 1 attending Parock, 2 Writing. Carpenter & 1 Man making Tables, Armourer at the Forge, Taylors work'g for the Men, 1 Repairing the Seine Net. 2 Grinding falling Axes, 6 taking up Garden Stuff, Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. The Rest Cutting Firewood. Rec'd 14 Geese from Indians."

Oct. 23
" Friday Wind SE Cloudy Weather. the Men Employed as Yesterday. Received 200 Fish from Indians."

Oct. 24
" Saturday Wind NW Cloudy Weather with Sleet. 7 Men hauling the Seine in Yarrows Creek Caught 3.400 Fish but very Small. 3 Grinding Oatmeal the Rest as before. Rec'd 15 Geese."

Oct. 25
" Sunday Wind SE Cloudy Weather.Divine Service Suitable to the day. Traded 24 Geese & 250 Fish from Indians. Gave the Men Brandy to drink the Kings Health."

Oct. 26
" Monday Wind Variable mild Cloudy Weather. Carpenter repairing Tables, Armourer Repairing Indian Kettles, 1 helving falling Axes, Taylors working for the Men, 2 putt'g up Martin Traps, 7 hauling the Seine caught more fish then the little Boat could bring so left part behind. 3 Grinding Oatmeal, 6 Cutting firewood, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual, 2 Writing. 1 attending Parock who seems to be on the Recovery. All the hunting Indians are Trusted & gone off."

Oct. 27
" Tuesday Wind Northerly Raw cold Weather. Carpent'r Repairing Hog Styes, 2 Salting Geese, Taylors working for the Men. 3 fetching Geese from the Southward, 7 Men with the Seine met with Good Succefs tho lefs than yesterday. 3 Grinding Oatmeal, 5 Cutting Firewood, Armourer, Cowkeeper, Cooks & Writers as before. 1 attending George Parrock."

Oct. 28
" Wednesday Wind Southerly Cloudy Weather. 1 Man mending Nets. 2 preparing for Chickney. 2 making a Tent for the Wooders, 3 at work with the Fish. Sent J. Best to hunt & Trap at Canoes Rivers, 2 Men carrying his Things. the Rest as Yesterday. A Boat load of Fish from the Seine."

Oct. 29
" Thursday Wind Southerly with rain in the Morning but NW with Snow in the afternoon. 7 Men with the Seine got but little Fish, 3 grinding Oatmeal, 2 Brewing. Sent Hugh Linklater & James Rowland to hunt and Trap at Chickney. 2 Men to afsist them with their Lumber & to bring the Geese left at Bonds Creek. Taylors, Writers, Cooks & Cowkeeper as before. Armourer cleaning Setting Guns, 1 attending Parrock who Seems rather Worse. 1 Mending Netts."

Oct. 30
" Friday Wind NW sharp Weather with some Snow. Sent 11 Men to Sprig & Collect firewood up the Fishing Creek. 2 to Yarrows Creek with Setting Nets. 1 up the River to Trap & Hunt. The Rest as before."

Oct. 31
" Saturday Wind Variable Veering? to the Southward with Cloudy Weather. the people at home getting the Frozen Fish into the Warehouse for Fear of a thaw. Gave the People Brandy."

Nov. 1 1778
" Sunday Wind SSW Clear Weather and Thawing. Divine Service as Usual. 2 Indians arrived with Letters from Gloucester House & Henley. the Men at the Former are well, but the Indians exceeding Troublesome and reports are Spreaded of a design to kill our people There. Poor John Martin was unfortunately drowned at Henley last Tuesday & his Body cannot be found. he was one of the best of Servants, but too much addicted to drinking."

Nov. 2
" Monday Wind Southerly cloudy mild Weather. 11 Men at the Woods, 6 Hunting, Trapping and Fishing. Four fetching Geese from the Southward. Armourer cleaning Guns, Taylors working for the Men, 1 Sick, 1 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Traded 68 Geese from the Indians."

Nov. 3
" Tuesday Wind NW with much Snow. 4 Men Cutting Firewood, The Rest as on Yesterday. 5 Men came home with a good quantity of Fish Caught by the Seine and went away again. Rec'd some Rabbets & Fish from Indian Women."

Nov. 4
" Wednesday Wind Westerly cloudy Weather. the Men employed as on Monday."

Nov. 5
" Thursday Wind West Clear Sharp Weather. 11 Men at the Woods, 9 hunting Trapping and Fishing. the Taylors working for the Men, Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. Parock under the Surgeons Care and growing better. Armourer making Graters, the Rest Cutting Firewood. An Indian came in with one Goose & Some Rabbets. Gave the Men Brandy to drink prosperity to Old England."

Nov. 6
" Friday Wind Variable Sharp Weather. Much Ice in the River. the Men employed as Yesterday."

Nov. 7
" Saturday Wind SE mild Clear Weather. the River full of Ice driving with the Tides. the People at home Cutting Firewood & other Necefsary Jobbs."

Nov. 8
" Sunday Wind SE cloudy Weather with Snow. Divine Service as Usual. Gave the Men Brandy. 1 Martin from Mr Watlington."

Nov. 9
" Monday Wind Westerly Snow all the Morning. the River full of Floating Ice. 11 Men at the Woods. 8 Hunting & fishing. Armourer and one Man at the Forge. Taylor working for the Men. 1 Sick. 2 Splitting Firewood. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Writing. Rec'd 10 Rabbets from an Indian Woman."

Nov. 10
" Tuesday Wind Southerly mild Cloudy Weather. The Men Employed as Yesterday."

Nov. 11
" Wednesday Wind NW blows hard with snow and Drift. 2 Men Shoaring up the boats. the Rest as before. The Cattle came home for Shelter took part of them In."

Nov. 12
" Thursday Wind W Clear sharp Weather. the River Full of Ice. 11 Men at the Woods. 8 hunting Trapping & fishing. Taylors working for the Men. 1 Sick. 1 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Cutting Firewood."

Nov. 13
" Friday Wind Variable Easterly Cloudy Weather. the Men Employed as Yesterday."

Nov. 14
" Saturday Wind NE cloudy Weather. the River Froze over Yesterday. The Men at home Cutting Firewood & killed an Ox. Gave the Men Brandy."

Nov. 15
" Sunday Wind NW blows hard with Cloudy Wea. Divine Service as Usual. Rec'd 20 Rabbets from Indians."

Nov. 16
" Monday Wind West Sharp Clear Weather. 11 Men at the Woods. 7 Hunting Trapping & Fishing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Parock under the Surgeons Care. 3 Splitting Firewood. 2 Writing. Taylors Working for the Men. Armourer & 1 Man weighing Fish & Cutting up the Ox."

Nov. 17
" Tuesday Wind Westerly Clear Weather. 2 Men Brewing. the Rest as before."

Nov. 18
" Wednesday Wind & Weather as Yesterday. 2 Men killing Pigs, the others as on Monday. In the Evening a Spark from the Chimney Catched upon the Wood parapet but happily was discovered & Extinguished just as it had began to blaze."

Nov. 19
" Thursday Wind West Cloudy Weather. the Men at home Getting Water Casks in the House and other Jobs. as on Monday."

Nov. 20
" Friday Wind Variable Cloudy Weather. the Men employed as on Monday. Rec'd 60 Rabbets from Indian Woman."

Nov. 21
" Saturday Wind West Cloudy Weather. People at home opening the Waterhole Splitting Firewood and other Jobs. The Wooders Fishermen & J. Best came home. Rec'd 330 Fish 40 Rabbets, 1 Stage Fox, 4 Minks and 14 Martins from them."

Nov. 22
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Divine Service as Usual. Wooders and Fishermen returned to Their Tents. Gave the Men Brandy."

Nov. 23
" Monday Wind WBS cloudy Weather. 11 Men at the Woods. 9 hunting Trapping and Fishing. Rec'd 19 partridges. Armourer and 1 Man forging Works for Gun locks. Taylors working for the Men. 2 the Surgeons list. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Splitting Firewood."

Nov. 24
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as Yesterday with a little Snow. People employed as before. the Fishermen brought home their Things as there are no Fish to be got. Received 40 Rabbets from an Old Indian Man."

Nov. 25
" Wednesday Wind SW blows hard Cloudy Weather. 3 Men washing Casks. the Rest as before. Rec'd 1 Martin from Watlingtons Traps."

Nov. 26
" Thursday Wind NW little Snow Cloudy Weather. 11 Men at the Woods. 5 hunting & Trapping. 4 Brewing Table Beer. 3 Splitting Firewood. 1 Sick. Taylors working for the Men. 1 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Received 42 Rabbets from Indian Woman."

Nov. 27
" Friday Wind WSW with Some Snow & Sharp Weather. 3 Men Brewing Small Beer. the Rest as Yesterday."

Nov. 28
" Saturday Wind Westerly Cloudy Weather with Snow. 2 Men opening the Waterhole. Tradesmen as before. the Rest Splitting Firewood. The wooders came home to bake Bread. Gave the Men Brandy."

Nov. 29
" Sunday Wind West Clear Sharp Weather.Divine Service as Usual."

Nov. 30
" Monday Wind South blows hard with Drift. 6 Men Hunting and Trapping. Armourer Cleaning Musquets. 1 Sharpening Saws. 1 making Watering Nets. Taylors working for the Men. 1 Sick. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. The Rest Splitting Firewood. Hugh Linklater came home with 1 Red Fox Staged, 1 Mink, 6 Martins, 100 Partidges & 50 Rabbets."

Dec. 1 1778
" Tuesday Wind NW sharp drifting Weather. 11 Men at the Woods. 4 Hunting & Trapping. Armourer, Netmaker & Taylors Cook & Cowkeeper as Yesterday. Linklater preparing to Set off to morrow. 2 Writing. 5 Splitting Firewood."

Dec. 2
" Wednesday Wind Westerly Clear sharp Weather. Hugh Linklater Returned to his Tent. The Rest as on Yesterday."

Dec. 3
" Thursday Wind variable Southerly Cloudy at times with little Snow. the Men employed as on Tuesday."

Dec. 4
" Friday Wind Westerly Cloudy Weather. 2 Men Brewing. The Rest as before."

Dec. 5
" Saturday Wind WBS Cloudy Weather with Some Snow and Drift. Armourer & 1 Man repairing Steel Traps. 2 at the Waterhole, the Rest as before. Wooders came home to bake Bread as did also John Best who brought 6 Martins 1 Red & 1 white Fox neither in full Season. 30 Rabbets and 40 Partridges."

Dec. 6
" Sunday Wind Variable drifting Sharp Weather. Divine Service as Usual. the Wooders Returned to their Tent. David Sanderson who was Sent up the River the 30 of October & Should have returned a week ago is not yet come back which makes me very uneasy fearing some accident has befallen him."

Dec. 7
" Monday Wind Easterly coarse? Cloudy Weather. 11 Men at the Woods. 5 hunting & Trapping. Sent Mr Watlington with Boat for a few days ? to help him home with his Things. Armourer and 1 Man making Springs to Steel Traps. Taylor working for the Men. 1 repairing Partridge Nets. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. Hodgson Writing. 4 Splitting Firewood. An Indian came in well gooded & paid his Debt."

Dec. 8
" Tuesday Wind Westerly Sharp Clear Weather. the Men employed as Yesterday. An Old Man came in with a few Martins and Rabbet Skins."

Dec. 9
" Wednesday Wind Southerly Clear Sharp Weather. The Men Employed as on Monday."

Dec. 10
" Thursday Wind Westerly Clear sharp Weather. Armourer Cleaning hunting Guns. Taylors working for the Men. 3 Grinding Oatmeal. 11 at the Woods. 5 hunting & Trapping. 4 Splitting Firewood. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. 1 Writing. John Best brought home his Bedding with 3 Martins."

Dec. 11
" Friday Wind WSW Clear fine Weather. the People employed as Yesterday."

Dec. 12
" Saturday Wind Westerly Clear Sharp Weather. 2 Men opening the Waterhole. 4 Splitting Firewood. 2 fixing Baits to Steel Traps & Setting Guns. the Rest as before. Hugh Linklater came home Only one Martin, 40 partridges & 25 Rabbets. Mr Horne? & two Men arrived with Letters from Moose Fort, all well there. The Wooders brought home their Bedding having finished Sprigging & Collecting the Wood. An Indian came in very well gooded Chiefly in Martins. Received some Pheasants from Indians & Gave the Men Brandy."

Dec. 13
" Sunday Wind Westerly Clear Weather. Divine Service as Usual. David Sanderson came home with 2 Otters & 5 Martins."

Dec. 14
" Monday Wind West Sharp Clear Weather. Armourer Repairing Guns. Taylors working for the Men, 4 Clearing the Sawpit. 5 putting down Traps and Partridge Nets, 2 Grinding Oatmeal, 4 Splitting Firewood, 2 Writing. 1 Sick, Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. 3 hunting & Traping. Hugh Linklater returned to his Tent. Received 30 partridges."

Dec. 15
" Tuesday Wind NE raw Cloudy Weather. 7 Men Cutting and Splitting Firewood, 3 in the Surgeons List, the Rest as Yesterday. the Indian of Saturday went away. he brought above 300 Martins & a few other Furrs to the Amount of 140 Made Beaver. Sent his Old Father a Present of Brandy & Tobacco. Received 14 partridges from the Nets."

Dec. 16
" Wednesday Wind West Small Airs warm Weather. Sent 4 Men with David Sanderson to fetch Rabbets from his Tent. 5 Men Netting Partridges, 4 in the Splitting yard, 2 hunting, Taylors working for the Men. Cooper making Sleds, 4 in the Sick List, Armourer Cleaning & Repairing Guns, 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Hugh Linklater and James Rowland brought home their Bedding & 1 white Fox. Rec'd 57 Part. from the Nets."

Dec. 17
" Thursday Wind Westerly Clear mild Weather. 10 Men at the Partridge Nets, the Rest as on Yesterday. Rec'd 32 partridges."

Dec. 18
" Friday Wind Variable Clear mild Weather. 8 Men putting down Setting Guns and Traps. 5 at the Nets, the Rest as on Wednesday. Received 35 partridges from the Nets. An Indian came in very much weak and emeciated without any Goods & Starving to emplore help for a Family he had left in the Same distrefs two days ago."

Dec. 19
" Saturday Wind Easterly foggy Weather. 8 Men at the Partridge Nets. 2 at the Waterhole, 4 Clearing the Yard, 5 gone to fetch Rabbets up the River, 1 Writing, 2 Sick, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. Taylors working for the Men, Armourer Cleaning Guns, 1 Making martin Strechers, Sent Hugh Linklater with an Indian with provisions to the distrefsed Indian Mentioned yesterday. Mr Horne? & his Men set off on their Return to Moose Fort. Rec'd 37 partridges from the Netts."

Dec. 20
" Sunday Wind West Drifting sharp Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Gave the Men Brandy."

Dec. 21
" Monday Wind Westerly Clear fine Weather. 5 Men Fetching Rabbets. 3 hunting. Taylors working for the Men. Armourer repairing Guns. 2 Writing. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 at the pitsaw, 2 Sick. 8 Men in the Splitting Yard. Late last Night H. Linklater returned having brought the Furrs belonging to the Starved Indians & left them 20 Miles off."

Dec. 22
" Tuesday Wind & Weather as Yesterday. H. Linklater Round Guns & Traps no luck. 2 Brewing the Rest as on Yesterday. David Sanderson and his Men came home with 107 Rabbets. The Indian and his Family mentioned Yesterday came to the Fort."

Dec. 23
" Wednesday Wind WNW Sharp Clear Weather. Carpenter Repairing the Sawhorse, 2 Boiling Oil, 2 Scowering? pewter, 3 Washing the House. the Rest Splitting Wood and Other Jobbs."

Dec. 24
" Thursday Wind Variable moderate Weather. People Cleaning their Cabbins and preparing for Christmas."

Dec. 25
" Friday Wind Westerly Clear Sharp Weather. Divine Service Suitable to the Festival."

Dec. 26
" Saturday Wind and Weather as Usual. Men diverting themselves with Football."

Dec. 27
" Sunday Wind WSW mild Cloudy Weather Divine Service as Usual."

Dec. 28
" Monday Wind Easterly warm Cloudy Weather with little Snow. Men Cutting Firewood & diverting themselves."

Dec. 29
" Tuesday Wind Southerly warm Snowing Weather. Mr Cramer & some Men went to build a log Tent at the Lake to the Southward. Sent Parock for some things the Doctor had left about 3 Miles off. but he did not return all Night."

Dec. 30
" Wednesday Wind Westerly blows very hard. The Lead of the NW Flanker was Rolled up and 2 Sheets blown quite off. the Door leading to the Necefsary was broke to peices. Sent 2 Men to See for Parock & found him Setting in an Indian Tent very heartily not having yet been for the Things. The Men returned in lefs then 3 hours, but parock did not come until near Sun Set, for which I put him in Irons As an Example to others."

Dec. 31
" Thursday Wind Variable with snow. the People Splitting Firewood & amusing Themselves. Traded 30 Rabbets from Indian Woman."

Jan. 1 1779
" Friday Wind Westerly Sharp Weather with low drift. Men playing at Foot ball. an Indian came in very well Gooded chiefly in Martins."

Jan. 2
" Saturday Wind North Sharp Weather with Snow. 1 Man at the Gates. the Rest Splitting Firewood."

Jan. 3
" Sunday Wind Westerly Sharp drifting Weather. Divine Service as Usual."

Jan. 4
" Monday Wind Southerly Sharp Clear Weather. the Men putting down Guns & Trapps, 8 Netting partridges, 2 Brewing, the Rest Splitting Firewood. Mr Cramer and 2 Men went to lay out a few days. Rec'd Only 5 partridges from the Netts."

Jan. 5
" Tuesday Wind North with Snow and Drift. the People Cutting Firewood. The Men that accompanied Mr Cramer returned."

Jan. 6
" Wednesday Wind Westerly Sharp Clear Weather. The Men employed as Yesterday."

Jan. 7
" Thursday Wind Westerly Clear fine Weather. the Men looking at the Guns & Traps, Armourer Stocking a Gun. 8 Making a path to haul Hay. 9 Splitting Firewood, 1 Sick. 1 Cutting Corks. 2 Writing. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 1 White Fox from the Guns."

Jan. 8
" Friday Wind Variable Southerly Clear Weather. 16 Men hauling hay from the Flatts, 3 Splitting Firewood. The Rest as before. 5 White Foxes from the Guns and Traps. An Indian and his Family pitched away."

Jan. 9
" Saturday Wind Westerly with Snow. The Men Employed as yesterday. Finished bringing home the Hay. Received 5 White Foxes from our Guns & Traps. Gave the Men Brandy. Mr Cramer came home."

Jan. 10
" Sunday Wind Westerly Clear Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Rec'd 1 White Fox from the Guns."

Jan. 11
" Monday Wind Westerly clear sharp Weather. 2 Men Trapping Foxes, Armourer Stocking Guns. 3 at the pitsaw, 2 Sick, 2 Writing. 2 putting Rails round the Hay Stack, Taylors working for the Men. Cooper Repairing Sleds. 3 Splitting Firewood. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 9 Men preparing to go to the Woods. 1 Red & 3 White Foxes from the Guns."

Jan. 12
" Tuesday Wind Westerly very Sharp Weather. Sent 9 Men up the River to procure timber, 2 Brewing. the Rest as yesterday. 3 White Foxes from the Guns."

Jan. 13
" Wednesday Wind Variable Clear Weather, 2 Men opening the Waterhole. the Rest as on Monday. Rec'd 4 White Foxes from the Guns."

Jan. 14
" Thursday Wind Southerly Clear Weather. 4 Men in the Splitting Yard. the rest as before. Rec'd 1 White Fox from the Guns and 6 others were eaten."

Jan. 15
" Friday Wind Westerly Clear Sharp Weather. The Men employed as on Tuesday. Rec'd 4 White & 1 Red Foxes from the Guns and Traps."

Jan. 16
" Saturday Wind WSW Clear Weather, the Men Employed as before. Rec'd 5 White & 1 Blue Foxes from the Guns & Traps. Gave the Men Brandy. part of the Wooders came home to bake Bread. Rec'd a few Rabbets & Pheasants from the Indians."

Jan. 17
" Sunday Wind West Clear Sharp Weather. Divine Service as Usual. The Wooders returned to their Tents. Three white Foxes from the Guns & Traps. 3 Northern Indians came in with Goods late at night."

Jan. 18
" Monday Wind SW Sharp Weather with low Drift. 9 Men getting Timber. 2 Grinding Oatmeal, 1 with the Surgeon Trapping: 2 looking after Guns and Traps, brought 3 white Foxes, Armourer repairing Indian Guns, 2 at the pitsaw. 2 Writing. Taylor Cutting out Coats for Trade, 2 Splitting Firewood, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Sick, Cooper Repairing Cags. Two Indians and their Families pitched away for the Spring."

Jan. 19
" Tuesday Wind Southerly Snow & drift. 1 Man Sharpening Crofs Cut Saws. Carpenter Jobbing, 2 Brewing, the Rest as Yesterday, Traded with the Northward Indians who brought 100 1/2 Made Beaver including above 200 Martins."

Jan. 20
" Wednesday Wind Westerly Sharp drifting Weather. 4 Men Splitting Firewood, 2 Round Guns & Traps brought 1 Red and 3 White Foxes, the Rest as on Monday, the Indians of Sunday went away. Sent some Brandy and Tobacco to the Old Father. They are the Murders that killed the 3 Indians two years ago, but as they offer no injury to us & always come well gooded I take no Notice of the Affair As I never enter more then by Admonition in Indian disputes, knowing however that those Indians who went away last Monday, are laying in waite to plunder & perhaps Shoot them - I have Sent George Sutherland & Mr Watlington a days Journey with them to protect them and desire the Indians not to hurt them."

Jan. 21
" Thursday Wind Westerly very Sharp Weather. Sanderson Returned from Mr Cramer. 3 in the Splitting Yard. 2 at the pitsaw, Armourer stocking a Gun, Taylors working for Trade. 2 after the Guns & Traps, Rec'd 4 white Foxes, 9 getting Timber. 2 Sick, 2 Writing. Cooper repairing Cags. Sutherland & Watlington Returned but with all my precaution it cost the Indians who went away yesterday a new Blanket & part of their Brandy (to those mentioned on Monday) as a peace offering, the latter were laying in ambush not 2 Miles off & would have entirely Stript? the Former & perhaps murdered them if I had not interposed. 3 Men arrive with Letters from Henley all well there, the Men were 11 Days coming down which they attribute to the Roughnefs of the Ice which Obliged them to walk part of the way through the Woods, instead of keeping the River."

Jan. 22
" Friday Wind Variable Sharp Weather. the people employed as yesterday. no luck from the Guns."

Jan. 23
" Saturday Wind Easterly mild Weather. 2 Men opening the Waterhole, the Rest as on Thursday. Rec'd 7 White and 1 Blue Foxes from the Guns & Traps. Wooders came home to bake Bread, Gave the Men Brandy."

Jan. 24
" Sunday Wind Southerly mild Snowy Weather. Divine Service as Usual, The Wooders went to ther Tent. Sent 3 Men more with Them to afsist in hauling out the Timber."

Jan. 25
" Monday Wind West Clear Sharp Weather. 12 Men at the Woods, 2 at the pitsaw, 2 Cutting firewood, Taylors working for Trade. 3 Sick. 2 Writing. Cooks and Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Round the Guns & Traps. Received 3 White Foxes."

Jan. 26
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Carpenter Making a Quadrant Case, Armourer making hinges for Do. the Rest as before. Received 3 White and 1 Red Foxes."

Jan. 27
" Wednesday Wind SSW Cloudy mild Weather. 1 Making Sleds, 2 Brewing, the Rest as before, 1 white Fox."

Jan. 28
" Thursday Wind Variable sharp Clear Weather. 2 Making Sleds. 3 preparing for Gloucester, 3 do. Henley, 12 at the Woods, 2 Sick, 1 Cutting Corks, Armourer at the Forge. 2 at the pitsaw, Taylors working for the pacquet Men, 1 Writing. Cooks and Cowkeeper as Usual. An old Indian came in to Solicit provisions for his Starving family to enable them to reach the Fort."

Jan. 29
" Friday Wind WSW Clear pleasant Weather. the Henley Men set off for that place, Sent J. Hodgson with my watch and proper Instruments to determine the Latitude Longtitude and distance from Henley. David Sanderson and Corrigal accompany him, 2 Men Round the Guns and Traps brought 1 White & 1 Red Fox, 2 Grinding Oatmeal. the Rest as before. Sent some provisions to the Starved Indians by two Women."

Jan. 30
" Saturday Wind WSW Cloudy warm Weather with Some Snow & Drift. The people employed as before, The Starved Indians came in with about 80 Made Beaver in Beaver & paid their debts. Rec'd 5 White Foxes."

Jan. 31
" Sunday Wind South Cloudy mild Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Received 3 White Foxes from the Guns."

Feb. 1 1779
" Monday Wind Variable Mild Weather. 11 Men at the Woods, 2 at the pitsaw, Taylors working for Trade. 3 Round the Guns, Received 2 White Foxes, 2 at the Waterhole. Mr Cramer and George Parock gone to lay out a few Nights. Armourer Repairing Guns, 1 Cutting Corks, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual."

Feb. 2
" Tuesday Wind WSW Clear fine Weather. the Men employed as Yesterday 2 White & 1 blue Fox from the Guns."

Feb. 3
" Wednesday Wind NNE Cloudy moderate Weather. The Men as on Monday. No luck with Guns or Traps."

Feb. 4
" Thursday Wind Westerly with much Snow & drift. 11 Men at the Woods, 2 at the pitsaw, 2 Brewing, 2 grinding Oatmeal. Taylors working for Trade, Armourer Stocking a Gun. 2 Splitting Firewood. 1 Cutting Corks. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual."

Feb. 5
" Friday Wind WNW Clear sharp Weather with Some drift. the Men employed as Yesterday, 1 White Fox from the Guns & Traps. An Indian came in and paid his Debt & beg Some Victuals might be sent to 2 families (16 persons) who are Starv'g on their way hither, they have not been able to get any for their Children since the Middle of last Month."

Feb. 6
" Saturday Wind West with some Snow. 2 Men at the Waterhole, the Rest as before. Wooders came home to bake Bread. Sent an Indian with provisions to those mentioned Yesterday. 1 Fox from our Guns."

Feb. 7
" Sunday Wind NW sharp Weather with drift. The Wooders Returned to their Tent. The Starved Indians came in but very lean & Weak however they brought above 120 Made Beaver. Gave the Men Brandy."

Feb. 8
" Monday Wind Variable Cloudy drifting Weather. 11 Men at the Woods, 2 at the pitsaw, 3 looking after Guns & Traps brought 1 White & 2 Coloured Foxes, 2 grinding Oatmeal. Taylors working for Trade, 1 at the Gates. Armourer repairing Indian Guns. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 1 Cutting Corks."

Feb. 9
" Tuesday Wind WSW mild Weather with snow. the Men employed as before, 1 Fox from the Guns, 4 Men Arrived with Letters from Eastmain & Moose River all well there. An Old Indian came in with about 30 Made Beaver in Foxes Chiefly White."

Feb. 10
" Wednesday Wind WSW Snow and drift. the Men employed as before, No luck from the Guns."

Feb. 11
" Thursday Wind SW with Snow & drift. the Men Employed as on Monday. The Wooders brought home their Bedding have finished hauling Firewood to the Bank Edge for Rafting next Summer. 12 White Foxes from the Guns."

Feb. 12
" Friday Wind Variable very Sharp Weather. Armourer Stocking a Gun. Taylors working for Trade. 2 at the pitsaw. 1 Sick. 3 Fox hunting brought 2 white ones, 1 Cutting Corks, 2 Brewing. 2 Grinding Oatmeal, the Rest in the Splitting Yard."

Feb. 13
" Saturday Wind WSW Clear pleasant Weather. 2 Men at the Waterhole, the Rest as on Yesterday."

Feb. 14
" Sunday Wind SW mild Snowing Weather. Divine Service as Usual. 2 Foxes from the Guns, Gave the Men Brandy."

Feb. 15
" Monday Wind Westerly fine Clear Weather. Sent 9 Men to fall a Winters firewood up the Fishing Creek. Carpenter helving falling Axes, Cooper mending Sleds. Armourer mend Indan Kettles, Taylors working for Trade. Cooks and Cowkeeper as Usual, 3 Fox hunting brought only 1 White Fox. 2 at the pitsaw. 4 Splitting Firewood, 1 at the Gates and 1 Cutting Corks."

Feb. 16
" Tuesday Wind Westerly pleasant Clear Weather. Men employed as Yesterday. James Robinson and Matthew Tate Returned to Eastmain, Sent also George Wilson Taylor Agreable to Mr Atkinsons Request John Johnson & Tho. Johnson remain here. Rec'd 2 Coloured & 1 white Fox from our Guns & Traps."

Feb. 17
" Wednesday Wind North blows hard with much Snow and Drift. the Men employed on indoor jobs as the Weather is So very bad."

Feb. 18
" Thursday Wind WSW Clear fine Weather. 9 Men at the Woods, Carpenter making a Teaboard, Cooper helving Axes. Armourer repairing Guns, Taylors working for Trade, 3 Fox Hunting brought one White Fox. 2 at the pitsaw, 1 at the Gates, 1 Cutting Corks. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Splitting Firewood. An Indian an his family pitched away."

Feb. 19
" Friday Wind Variable pleasant Mild Weather. Two Men Brewing the Rest employed as before. Three Indians and their families pitched away. Rec'd 3 Foxes from our Guns."

Feb. 20
" Saturday Wind Westerly Clear fine Weather. 2 Men at the Water hole, the Rest as before. Two families of Indians came in poor & Starved having had the misfortune to burn Their Tent & lost all their Furrs Guns and every thing. 7 Foxes from the Guns, Wooders came home to bake Bread. Gave the Men Brandy."

Feb. 21
" Sunday Wind Variable Clear fine Weather. Divine Service as Usual."

Feb. 22
" Monday Wind Northerly Cloudy mild Weather. 9 Men at the Woods, Armourer Stocking a Gun. Taylor working for Trade, Carpenter fitting up writers Cabbin, 1 Sick. 1 planing Boards, 1 Cutting Corks, One at the Gates, Cooks and Cowkeepr as Usual, 3 Fox hunting No luck. 2 grinding Oatmeal, 3 Splitting Firewood."

Feb. 23
" Tuesday Wind NNW Sharp drifting Weather. the Men employed as Yesterday, No luck from the Guns or Traps."

Feb. 24
" Wednesday Wind WSW Clear pleasant Weather. 9 Men at the Woods, Armourer Stocking a Gun, Taylor working for Trade. Carpenter and 1 Man fitting up the Writers Cabbin, 1 picking Okham, 1 Sick. Gatekeeper Cooks and Cowkeeper as Usual, 3 Fox hunting brought home two, 2 Splitting Wood, 2 Shovelling Snow, An Indian pitched away."

Feb. 25
" Thursday Wind SSE Clear pleasant Weather. Men employed as yesterday. 2 Foxes from the Guns, An Indian and part of his family pitched away."

Feb. 26
" Friday Wind Easterly Cloudy mild Weather. 2 Men Brewing the Rest as before, 2 Foxes from the Guns."

Feb. 27
" Saturday Wind NW Cloudy mild Weather. 2 Men at the Waterhole, the Rest as before, Wooders came home to bake Bread, 2 Foxes from the Guns."

Feb. 28
" Sunday Wind Variable Clear fine Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Wooder returned to their Tent, Gave the Men Brandy, One White Fox from The Guns."

Mar. 1 1779
" Monday Wind SW Cloudy Weather. 9 Men at the Woods, Armourer repairing Indian Guns, Taylor working for Trade. Carpenter at the wrtiers Cabbin, 1 Sick. 2 Shovelling Snow, 1 at the Gates, 3 Fox hunting Rec'd 2 Foxes. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Splitting Firewood, 2 at the pitsaw, Cooper repairing Cags."

Mar. 2
" Tuesday Wind Easterly Cloudy Weather with Snow. the Men employed as Yesterday, 2 Foxes from the Guns, an Indian Man came in with Some Fish and Rabbets. A poor Old Woman died on the plantation. She was the Oldest person belonging to this Settlement."

Mar. 3
" Wednesday Wind Variable Clear pleasant Weather. the Men employed as Yesterday. Myself went to see how the Wooders come on with their Work. 4 Foxes from the Guns."

Mar. 4
" Thursday Wind Easterly Cloudy Weather with Snow. 9 Men at the Woods. Armourer repairing Guns, Taylor working for Trade, Carpenter & Mate making a Snow Sled, 1 Sick. 3 Splitting Firewood, 1 at the Gates. 3 hunting brought 3 Foxes. Cooper repairing Hog sties, Gatekeeper Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. Some partridges from Indians."

Mar. 5
" Friday Wind Northerly Clear Sharp Weather. the Men employed as yesterday, 4 Indians came in with a large quantity of Venison & Some Shoe Leather but no Furrs. No luck from the Guns and Traps."

Mar. 6
" Saturday Wind Easterly Sharp Foggy Weather. 2 Men at the Waterhole, the Rest as before. Wooders brought home their Things having finished Falling. No luck from the Guns or Traps, Gave the Men Brandy."

Mar. 7
" Sunday Wind Variable warm Snowy Weather. Divine Service as Usual. The Indians of Friday went away. Sent 3 Men with them to fetch Venison left a days Journey off."

Mar. 8
" Monday Wind North Clear fine Weather. 3 Men Fox hunting, Carpenter and Mate making a Snow Sled. Armourer Stocking a Gun. Taylor working for Trade, Cooper Repairing Kegs, 2 at the pitsaw, 4 Clearing the Sawpit, 2 Grinding Oatmeal. 3 Splitting Firewood. 1 Sick. 1 at the Gates, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual, at night the Men returned with Venison."

Mar. 9
" Tuesday Wind Northerly Clear Weather. Carpenter & Mate making a Sentry Box, 8 Men carrying Snow out of the Yard. 3 Resting themselves, the Rest as yesterday. J. Johnson Received a Contusion on his back by the Snow Sled. some Indians pitched away."

Mar. 10
" Wednesday Wind Easterly Cloudy Weather. 10 Men Sleding out Snow. 2 Sick. The Rest as before."

Mar. 11
" Thursday Wind East SE Cloudy Weather with Snow and Drift. Tradesmen as before. Labourers tying Quills."

Mar. 12
" Friday Wind Variable moderate Weather. 2 Men Fox hunting. Carpenter & Mate making a Sentry Box. Armourer Stocking a Gun. Taylor working for Trade, Cooper Repairing Cags. 2 at the Sawpit, 5 getting Timber to the Sawpit, 2 Brewing. 4 Shovelling Snow. 3 Sick. 1 Making Cartridges for Musquets. Cooks and Cowkeeper as Usual."

Mar. 13
" Saturday Wind North Clear Weather, 2 Men at the Waterhole, the Rest tying Quills, Splitting Wood and Clearing the yard of Snow. No luck from the Guns Since the 4th Instant. Gave the Men Brandy."

Mar. 14
" Sunday Wind and Weather as Yesterday, Divine Service as Usual. 1 Fox from our Guns."

Mar. 15
" Monday Wind West Sharp Foggy Weather. 2 Foxes. Carpenter and Mate making a pair of outer Gates. Armourer at the Forge.Taylor working for Trade. Cooper repairing Cags. 2 at the pitsaw, 2 Sick, 1 picking Oakham, 1 Making Cartridges. 10 Sleding Snow out of the Splitting Yard, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. An Indian & his Family came in with a little Venison and paid his debt."

Mar. 16
" Tuesday Wind Westerly Clear mild Weather. the Men employed as before."

Mar. 17
" Wednesday Wind NNW Clear sharp Weather. the Men employed as on Monday, 3 Foxes from the Guns and Traps."

Mar. 18
" Thursday Wind Easterly with Snow, 2 Men Brewing the Rest as on Monday. No luck from the Guns & Traps."

Mar. 19
" Friday Wind North sharp Clear Weather. Men employed as on Monday. Some Indians pitched away to fish & Snare Rabbets."

Mar. 20
" Saturday Wind Variable from East to N. thick Weather with Snow, Tradesmen as before, Labourers opening the Water hole, Splitting Firewood, and other jobbs. Mag. Kirknefs, Wm Irvin & peter Ballentine came down from Henley for Trading Goods, Mr Favell ill, the others all in health - Pacquet Men set off from hence for Gloucester the 18 last Month."

Mar. 21
" Sunday Wind N Clear pleasant Weather. Divine Service as Usual. 3 Indians came in with 160 Rabbets, 1 Porcupine and a few Furrs."

Mar. 22
" Monday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. 3 Fox Hunting. Armourer & Mate at the Forge. Taylor working for Trade. Cooper making Sleds, 2 at the pitsaw. 7 in the Splitting yard, 1 Shovelling Snow, 2 grinding Oatmeal. 1 picking Oakham, 1 Sick, Carpenter and Mate making Gates. Cooks and Cowkeeper as Usual. An Indian came in with Some Furrs and a good quantity of Venison."

Mar. 23
" Tuesday Wind North Clear fine Weather. 2 Men in the Warehouse packing Goods for Henley, 4 Men making Sleds. The Rest as on Yesterday. An Indian an his family came In with a few Furrs & a large Supply of Venison. A White Fox from our Guns."

Mar. 24
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. 3 Men Fox hunting, Armourer and Mate at the Forge, Taylor working for Trade. 4 making Sleds, 1 at the Gates, 2 at the pitsaw, 1 Sick. Carpenter & Mate making new Outer Gates. 8 getting Pine Brush to Secure the Boats from the Sun. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. An Indian came into Trade and brought a little Venison. Rec'd also some Fish and Rabbets from another."

Mar. 25
" Thursday Wind and Weather as before. 4 Men preparing to go with Trading Goods to Henley. 2 Fox hunting. 3 Grinding Oatmeal, 4 Wheeling Snow out of the yard, the Rest as before. An Indian came in with Some Trout & Jack Fish."

Mar. 26
" Friday Wind ENE Clear fine Weather. 7 Men preparing to go with Goods to Henley House. Wm Spence & Wm Laughton arrived from Henley. the place being Short of provisions. the Men that afsisted John Hodgson with provisions from Henley returned the 13. Mr Favell ill, 1 Fox from the Guns."

Mar. 27
" Saturday Wind EbS Clear warm Weather. Mr Cramer Set off for Henley. Sent John Spence to attend him. also Magn Kirknefs, Wm Irvin, Peter Ballentine, Tho Flatt, James Rowland & Robt Robinson with Cloth Blankets, Shot &c to Henley House & as the Albany Men are Victualled for the Journey down, I sent 3 Men to afsist part of the Way. Tradesmen as before. Labourers opening the Waterhole & Cutting Wood."

Mar. 28
" Sunday Wind ESE Clear fine Warm Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Gave the Men Brandy. 3 Indians pitched away to Snare Rabbets."

Mar. 29
" Monday Wind Easterly Clear warm Weather. Armourer forging Iron Work. Carpenter & mate making Gates. Taylor working for Trade. Cooper making Sleds, 2 at the pitsaw. 3 Fox hunting. 1 at the Gates. Bricklayer preparing Staves for Lathing. 2 Brewing. 3 heaving Snow off the Sheds. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Henley Men Snow blind. A poor Child died Last night of a Consumption. Another Indian pitched away."

Mar. 30
" Tuesday Wind SSE Cloudy Weather with Snow & Rain. The Men employed as Yesterday. John Hodgson, David Sanderson & And. Corrigal returned from Gloucester House with Letters from thence all well at both places, & 392 Made Beaver at Gloucester House. Mr Favell has Sent Alex Johnson down to be maintained here until the Boats go up."

Mar. 31
" Wednesday Wind South with Cloudy Weather. Tradesmen as before. Labourers Cutting Wood, Ordered the Setting Guns & Traps to be brought home. two Indians came in with 71 Made Beaver & 17 Beaver in Venison."

Apr. 1 1779
" Thursday Wind ESE warm thawing Weather. 5 Men washing Casks for Geese & Henley Cargo. 3 Shovelling Snow & taking up the platforms off the Sheds. 2 Netting, the Rest as before."

Apr. 2
" Friday Wind Easterly Cloudy With Rain. this being Good Friday had Divine Service Suitable to the Occasion."

Apr. 3
" Saturday Wind WSW Cloudy warm Weather. 2 Men Brewing. 2 at the Waterhole. 2 fetching home Steel Traps. 3 Clearing the Warehouse, Tradesmen as before, the Rest Splitting Firewood."

Apr. 4
" Sunday Wind WBS Cloudy Weather blows hard. Divine Service as Usual. Two Indians came in with 2 Otters & a few Rabbets and Fish. One of them fired at a Goose an Extraordinary Circumstance, thus? Earley?. Gave the Men Brandy."

Apr. 5
" Monday Wind Northerly Clear Weather. Carpenter and Mate making Gates. Armourer fiting? up works. Taylor working for Trade. Cooper trimming Casks, 2 at the pitsaw. 3 packing Goods for Henley. 3 at the Oatmeal Mill, 1 making netts for Henley. 1 at the Gates, 5 Splitting Wood, 1 Fetching home Steel Traps, 4 gone with Goods for Henley. 3 Afsisting them with provisions, 1 Writing, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual."

Apr. 6
" Tuesday Wind NW Cloudy Weather. The Men employed as before. the Men that afsisted with provisions for Mr Cramer &c returned."

Apr. 7
" Wednesday Wind SE Clear mild Weather. 5 Men breaking Limestone, the Rest as before. an Indian came in very well gooded & brought a little Venis."

Apr. 8
" Thursday Wind NW Sharp Clear Weather. the Men Employed as before Except 2 Brewing."

Apr. 9
" Friday Wind West Clear mild Weather. The Men Employed as before, packed part of Gloucester House Cargo to be ready for the Spring. An Indian came in to request Afsistance for his Father."

Apr. 10
" Saturday Wind NE Clear raw Weather. Sent David Sanderson and an Indian with Some provisions to Capt. Questack they came in about dinner time pretty well gooded. 2 Men at the Waterhole. the Rest as before. Rec'd 200 Rabbets from Indian Woman."

Apr 11
" Sunday Wind NE Clear fine Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Gave the Men Brandy."

Apr. 12
" Monday Wind Easterly fair mild Weather. Carpenter and mate making Rails for the upper works, Armourer Cleaning Musquets. Taylor working for Trade, Cooper making 8 Gallon Rundlets for Gloucester. Bricklayer burning Lime, 2 at the pitsaw, 2 Clearing the Warehouse, 2 making Traces, 1 at the Gates, 1 making Nets for Henley, 2 Brewing, the Rest making Brooms. An Indian came in & paid his Debt."

Apr. 13
" Tuesday Wind NNE Clear fine Weather. Men employed as Yesterday. Several Indians came in with Goods & Venison."

Apr. 14
" Wednesday Wind Easterly Cloudy Weather with Snow. Carpenter and mate making Rails, Armourer repairing Indian Guns, Taylors working for Trade, Cooper making 8 Gallon Rundlets. Bricklayer & 4 Men drawing the Limekiln, 4 packing Gunpowder &c for Gloucester, 1 making Nets for Henley. 1 at the Gates. 2 Sick, 1 Writing. 4 Cutting Firewood, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Indians & their families came in well gooded & brought Some Venison, 4 Families pitched away for the Hunt."

Apr. 15
" Thursday Wind NW blows & Snows very hard & has blown the Leads off the NE & NW Flankers. 1 Man at the Gates. Tradesmen as before. Labourers making Wads for Cannon. The 4 Men sent with Goods to Henley the 27 Ult. returned. Mr Favell being ill has detained Mr Cramer untill the River opens & Sent down Peter Ballentine in his Room."

Apr. 16
" Friday Wind Westerly Cloudy Cold Weather. Tradesmen as Yesterday. Labourers carrying Snow out of the Yard & afsisting in Relaying the Lead on the Flankers which was blown off by yesterdays Gale of Wind. Several Indians & their families came in to the hunt well gooded & brought Some Venison and Shoe Leather."

Apr. 17
" Saturday Wind Northerly Cloudy raw Weather. Tradesmen at their Respective branches. 3 Grinding Oatmeal. 2 Making Burgoe? for Indian Feast. 2 at the Waterhole. The Rest Splitting Firewood. Some more Indians came with Furrs & to attend the Hunt."

Apr. 18
" Sunday Wind WNW Clear pleasant Weather. Several Indians came in to the Hunt very well gooded. Attending these and others drunk without obliged me to omit divine Service. Traded some Venison and Shoe Leather. Gave the Men Brandy."

Apr. 19
" Monday Wind Westerly fine warm Weather. 1 Man at the Gates, 2 Brewing. 2 in the Warehouse, 2 Writing. 6 Lathing the East ? of the East Shed. Taylor working for Trade. Armourer repairing Indian Guns. Cooper drawing of Brandy for Henley & Gloucester. 2 at the pitsaw. 1 making Nets for Henley. 5 Screening Lime. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. The Rest Splitting Firewood."

Apr. 20
" Tuesday Wind SW Clear warm Weather. 2 Men Cleaning the Cellars. the Rest as before. a Goose Seen."

Apr. 21
" Wednesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Several Geese flew. 2 Men bring plank from the Sawpit. 8 Screening Saw dust. and Clearing the Sawpit, the Rest as on Monday. Several Indians pitched away for the Hunt."

Apr. 22
" Thursday Wind Variable from N to S. Sent the Men with Ammunition & Biscuite to the Goose Tent at Bonds Creek. the Tradesmen at their several Branches, the Rest variously employed. dispatched the remainder of the hunting Indians to their Station for the Hunt. A few Geese Seen."

Apr. 23
" Friday Wind Northerly Cloudy Weather. Men exercising Small Arms. Several Geese Seen."

Apr. 24
" Saturday Wind Variable with Snow towards night. 2 Men Brewing. 2 opening the Waterhole, 2 Slinging Cags for Gloucester. 6 Lathing. the Rest as before."

Apr. 25
" Sunday Wind NNE Cloudy Weather with Snow. Divine Service as Usual. Received 1 Goose. several Indians came in for Provisions."

Apr. 26
" Monday Wind Variable Round the Compafs. Armourer Cleaning Trading Guns. Carpenter making Rails. Bricklayer & 6 Men lathing the E Shed. Taylor working for Trade, 2 Writing. 1 Making Netts for Henley. 5 Cutting Wood. 2 at the pitsaw. 2 Shovelling Snow. Sent Geo Sutherland, David Spence & N Spence to the Goose Tent at Bonds Creek. also 5 Men to make the Stage and pitch the Tent. 2 hauling Canoes. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. Several Indians came in for Food & Ammunition for the Hunt."

Apr. 27
" Tuesday Wind Easterly moderate Clear Weather. 5 Men covering the Boats with Spruce, 2 Securing the Casks in the Cellar, 2 peeling setting poles. The Rest as Before."

Apr. 28
" Wednesday Wind NNW blows hard with drift. Tradesmen as before. Sent 2 Men to deposit provisions for Mr Cramer in Case the Ice should detain him at a distance from the Fort. Bricklayer & 1 Man making a Stage for Mortar. 2 Repairing Boat Sail. 5 preparing Slabs for platform. 1 peeling Setting Poles. 2 at the pitsaw, 2 Brewing. 6 Cutting Pease Sticks. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Writing. Received 1 Goose & 5 Small Beaver from Indians."

Apr. 29
" Thursday Wind Variable with Snow. the Men employed as Yesterday. Received 1 Goose. the Indians are Starving for Food the hunting Season being remarkably late, which Runs hard upon my Stock of Grain as there are about 130 Natives depending on it."

Apr. 30
" Friday Wind Variable from SW to SE Clear Weather. the Men employed as before. The Men sent up the River Returned this afternoon. No Geese yet tho several have flew Past."

May 1 1779
" Saturday Wind Southerly Clear Warm Weather. 1 Man at the Waterhole. 1 Cleaning the Yard. the Rest as before. 2 Indians Came well gooded. Received 6 Geese."

May 2
" Sunday Wind Variable Southerly warm Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Received 39 Geese."

May 3
" Monday Wind North Cold Cloudy Weather. Carpenter & Mate Making Rails, Armourer Repairing Guns, Taylor working for Trade. Bricklayer & Mate making Mortar, 1 making Netts. Linklater & Sanderson making Yards & Mast pr? Henley Boat. 8 Men Clearing the Boats, 2 Brewing. 6 hewing Slabs pr? platforms, 1 painting Oars, 3 at Bonds Creek, 1 writing, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. Received 29 Geese."

May 4
" Tuesday Wind NW blows fresh Clear raw Weather. Armourer and Mate forging Iron Work for the Boats. 5 Scraping the Boats, 3 Grinding Oatmeal, 1 painting Oars, 2 making Setting poles. 6 Fetching Geese from Bonds Creek, the Rest as before, Except 1 Sick. 5 of the Men sent to Bonds Creek returned about noon, but the 6th not arriving by 3 oClock in the Afternoon (tho the Others left him near the poles about 1 1/2 Mile off) I sent 3 Men to the Northward and two to the Southward in Search of him. he was at Bonds Creek once before on the 22 ult. which makes it more Strange that he mifsed his way espesially in sight of the Fort."

May 5
" Wednesday Wind Northerly Clear pleasant Weather. 12 Men in Search of Walter Wood on different Routes, they set off at 4 OClock in the Morning & did not return until night & then without Succefs so that we fear he is drowned as the Water Rises Fast. Called 5 Indians off from the hunt & Sent them in Search of him with a promise of a reward. a Dog that Accompanied him came last night to a Tent 14 Miles to the Southward which makes me think he has Crofsed the River mouth instead of coming up to the fort. The Men at home Variously employed."

May 6
" Thursday Wind North Clear fine Weather. Carpenter and Mate making Rails. Armourer Cleaning Trading Guns. Taylor working for Trade. Cooper and 2 Men making Setting Poles. 9 Men Tarring Boats &c. 7 dubbing Slabs for platforms. 2 painting Oars. Bricklayer & Mate making Mortar for plastering. 1 Making Netts. 2 Writing. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. The Water Rises much along Shore. The Indians Sent in Search of Walter Wood returned late this Evening having been as far as Na,ta,tisha on the South Coast. they found his Track near two miles out to sea upon the Ice, but as the Waters are now much out they imagine he must have been drowned as they could not trace him on the other Side of the Water, tho they Surrounded it & were near drowning them Selves in Returning as the Ice broke under their Feet and forced them to take a Circuite of many miles out of sight of Land, but being a Clear day the Sun directed them to find the Shore. paid them 20 Made Beaver for their Trouble. It is a Matter of surprize to every one how this poor infatuated Man could be lost as it was not a fortnight since he was the same way before & was parted with but a little below the Pole where had he followed the Willows Or even looked at the poles he must have come Right up to the Fort. The day was perfectly Clear & it could not be more then 12 OClock at Most when he Crofsed the River, consequently had many hours Sun to see his Mistake & return but the Indians Say he kept Strait on. He has left a Widow & one Child."

May 7
" Friday Wind SE Clear mild Weather. Tradesmen as before. Labourers Securing the Boats, Woodpile, Timber &c in Case of a deluge, the Water Still Rising. Rec'd 58 Geese."

May 8
" Saturday Wind Northerly Clear fine Weather. 2 Getting Boat Stores in Order. 5 laying platforms. 7 getting Tent poles. 2 Brewing. 1 making Setting poles, Cooper making pails, the Rest as before. Rec'd 21 Geese. In the Afternoon Observed the River breaking up 2 Miles above the Fort, Made the Signal for Indians to Retreat from the Marsh."

May 9
" Sunday Wind & Weather as Yesterday. Divine Service as Usual. the water came in from the Head of the Islands & overflowed the plantation. the South Channel of the River broke up, the other Still fast."

May 10
" Monday Wind Northerly Cloudy Weather with Snow. Men Splitting Wood & other necefsary jobs. the River Stands fast on this Side as before, the plantation & Gardens Covered with Water. Sold the Effects of the late Water Wood by Auction."

May 11
" Tuesday Wind Variable from WBS to NE Cloudy Wea. with Snow at times. Armourer Cleaning Trading Guns, he Observes that they are in general inferior to what used to be sent out, that they are Some an Indian will not Trade & that Wilsons Guns are the best amongst them. Carpenter & Mate fixing Rails Rd the Fort, Taylor working for Trade, 1 making Nets, 4 getting the Boats Rigging in Order, 10 Carrying Snow out of the front Garden. 4 Cleaning plantation. Cooks and Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Sick. 2 Writing and 2 Brewing."

May 12
" Wednesday Wind North Clear Weather. The Men Cleaning Cabbins & Guard Rooms, the River the same state as on Sunday. No Geese in the Fort or any to be Seen flying. am Obliged to Serve European provisions to the Men in the time of the Hunt, hard lot."

May 13
" Thursday Wind Easterly Clear Weather. Armourer & Mate at the Forge. Carpenter & Mate fixing Rails Round the Fort. Cooper making pails. Taylor working for Trade. 1 making Nets. 2 Sick. 2 Repairing Boats Rigging. 4 plaister'g. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual, 2 Writing. 3 at Bonds Creek. The River still the Same and the Water falling apace."

May. 14
" Friday Wind Southerly warm Clear Weather. 2 Men Brewing the Rest as Yesterday."

May 15
" Saturday Wind Variable Round the Compafs Clear Warm Weather. Tradesmen at their Respective Branches. Labourers Splitting firewood & other Jobbs. drew the Cartridges out of the Cannon & Reloaded them with grape Shot. At 4 OClock this Morning the Ice broke up on this Side & Overflowed all the plantation, filled the Cellars & destroyed the abutement of the Launch. The River remains full of Ice but the Water rather abated. Gave the Men Brandy."

May 16
" Sunday Wind North Clear Weather. this Morning the River Ice ? ? below and left Clear Water & Soon After Mr Cramer and Jenkin? Daniel arrived from Henley which place had nearly been destroyed by the Deluge & some Trading Goods lost and spoiled by it. An Indian an is family came in to Trade. his brother was Shot dead by Indians at Henley House the 12 Instant."

May 17
" Monday Wind NE Cloudy Weather with much Snow. Carpenter and Mate making Rails. Armourer fiting up works. Taylor working for Trade. Cooper making pails. 1 Making ? , 1 in the Warehouse, 1 keeping the Gates, 3 at Bonds Creek, 6 Clearing a pafsage for the Boats thro the Ice. Cooks Cowkeeper and writers as Usual the Rest Splitting Firewood."

May 18
" Tuesday Wind Easterly Cloudy milder Weather. 5 Men in the Boat fetching Geese from the Southward. 1 making Nets. the Rest as Yesterday."

May 19
" Wednesday Wind Variable Clear warm Weather. the Men employed as yesterday. Capt. Muscowenatauga came down to Trade with 2 Canoes well gooded. Rec'd 141? Geese."

May 20
" Thursday Wind Variable Clear warm Weather. the Men employed as Yesterday. 4 in the Warehouse. 1 at the Gates. Armourer repairing Indian Guns. Traded with the Indians of yesterday. Rec'd 38 Geese."

May 21
" Friday Wind South Clear Sultry Weather. the Tradesmen as before. Labourers fetching Geese & attending the Indians who are drunk impertinant & troublesome for Brandy. Received 167? Geese."

May 22
" Saturday Wind North blows hard Cloudy Weather. people employed as Yesterday. Capt. Muscowenatauga and his people went away. Several Indians left off hunting."

May 23
" Sunday Wind & Weather as Yesterday. Divine Service as Usual. more Indians left off hunting. Sent J. Best and an Indian to Bonds Tent to fetch Geese and see how the Ice was in the North River he returned at Night. Jenk Daniel & 3 Indians set off this Morning for Henley House with Trading Goods & Provisions."

May 24
" Monday Wind North warm Clear Weather. 22 Men preparing for Henley and Gloucester, Tradesmen at their several Branches, Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. Sent a Boat to Bonds Creek to fetch home Geese. Capt. Afsup with 9 Canoes came in to Trade poorly Gooded. The Rest of the Indians left off hunting."

May 25
" Tuesday Wind Southerly Clear Weather. the Boat returned from Bonds Creek with Geese and powder and Shot they inform me the Ice is very bad in the River so that it will be impofsible to set the Boat off this two or three days, the people as Yesterday. Lieut. Earchekeshick came in to Trade."

May 26
" Wednesday Wind SE Clear warm Weather. Carpenter setting Stockades, 3 with the Smith mending Graplings, 3 in the Warehouse. The Rest Launching the Boats &c. Traded with the Indians of Yesterday."

May 27
" Thursday Wind SE cloudy Weather with Rain in the Afternoon. people digging Gardens laying drains &c. Sent two Men to Bonds Creek to fetch Geese. Paid most of the Hunting Indians and sent them away to their Summer Quarters."

May 28
" Friday Wind West Clear hot Weather. dispatched Jn Robinson. Jn Lutitt, Peter Johnson, Robt Cromartie, Robt Robinson, Magnus Backie, Jn Johnson, Charles Stengar, David Sanderson, Wm Manny, Robert Flatt, James Rowland, John Spence, Thomas Flatt, And. Corrigal, Jn Sutherland, Andrew Sena, Wm Spence, Peter Ballentine, Will. Laughton, Alex Johnson and George Parock in three Boats to Henley House with Trading Goods and provisions for that place and Gloucester. the 7 last Men to reside at Henley. from whence I have Ordered Wm Knarston to be sent to Gloucester to replace Adam Moade whose Contract expires at Shiptime."

May 29
" Saturday Wind East blows hard. People Variously Employed. Gave the People Brandy to drink the Kings Health."

May 30
" Sunday Wind SW Clear Weather in the Morning but Cloudy in the Afternoon with Thunder Lightening and Rain. Divine Service as Usual."

May 31
" Monday Wind North Cloudy Weather with Rain most of the day. The People employed digging the Gardens and other Jobbs."

June 1 1779
" Tuesday Wind North Cloudy cold Weather with Some Rain. people hauling the Seine got a few Fish. Saquot and Some Indians went to Moose River, Sent Letters by them."

June 2
" Wednesday Wind East Clear Weather. Men employ digging the Gardens. Sent 2 Indians with Letters for Severn York Fort and Churchill."

June 3
" Thursday Wind SE with Rain most of the day. The Men working in the Gardens &c."

June 4
" Friday Wind North Cloudy Weather. people working In the Gardens and doing other odd jobs. Hoisted the Flag & Gave the Men Brandy to drink the kings health."

June 5
" Saturday Northerly Wind Cloudy Weather. Men hauling the Seine got a few Fish."

June 6
" Sunday Wind NE Clear Weather. Divine Service as Usual."

June 7
" Monday Wind SE Weather Cloudy. people working in the Gardens &c some of the Indians that Stayed last Fall at Moose Returned from thence."

June 8
" Tuesday Wind Easterly Cloudy Weather with Rain in the Evening. Men working in the Gardens &c."

June 9
" Wednesday Wind NE Cloudy Weather with Rain. 2 Men packing Feathers, 2 tuying Martins, 2 making Candles, 2 Writing. Taylor working for Trade, Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Rec'd 16 Geese from Indians, Several Indians Arrived from Moose Fort. Lieut. Enneese & Sons came down to Trade, brought Letters from Gloucester and Henley House, all well at both places, Plenty of provisions and near 900 Made Beaver traded at the former. The Trade at the latter much the Same as this time last Year, and the Boats arrived there on Sunday Afternoon."

June 10
" Thursday Wind NW blows fresh Clear Weather. 3 Men in the Gardens, Armourer mending Indian Guns. The Rest in the Warehouse attending Indians, the Indians of Yesterday Traded."

June 11
" Friday Wind Northerly Clear Weather. Armourer mending Guns, the Rest hauling the Seine got no Fish, the uplanders went away, the Boats Returned from Henley this Morning. all well there."

June 12
" Saturday Wind NW Clear Weather. 7 hauling the Seine in Yarrows Creek got no Fish. the Boatsmen Resting themselves, the Rest doing other odd Jobbs."

June 13
" Sunday Wind East Clear Weather in the Morning but rain in the Evening. dispatched Jn Robertson, Jn Luttit, Robert Robinson, Magnus Backie, Peter Johnson, Charles Stengar, Robt. Cromartie, Robt. Flatt, John Johnson and 2 Indians for Henley House. Sent John Best & Hugh Linklater to afsist them over the Great Fall. 6 Canoes of Northward Indians came in to Trade. Gave the Men Brandy."

June 14
" Monday Wind NE weather Cloudy & moderate. 3 Afsisting in the Warehouse. Armourer mending Indian Guns. One attending the Gates. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual, the Indians of yesterday Traded and went away. John Best and Hugh Linklater Returned. Traded a large quantity of Shoe Leather."

June 15
" Tuesday Wind North Cloudy Weather with Rain. The Men Clearing the Warehouse, packing Coats for Henley and doing other Jobbs."

June 16
" Wednesday Wind Northerly with Continual Rain. Taylor at work for Trade. Carpenter Repairing Martin prefses. Armourer making Iron work for ditto, One Repairing Nets. One Casting Lead for do. 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as usual. Malcom Jock picking Oakhum."

June 17
" Thursday Wind North Cloudy Cold Weather. Carpenter and 2 Men hanging the Outer Gates. the Rest partly as Yesterday. Hauled the Seine got only 4 Fish."

June 18
" Friday Wind SE Cloudy Weather with Rain. Armourer mending Guns. 2 Mending Netts. Carpenter fixing Rails Round the Shed. 2 Writing. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Variously Employed."

June 19
" Saturday Wind NE Clear Weather. Armourer mending Guns. Carpenter fixing Rails. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest as Yesterday."

June 20
" Sunday NE Wind cloudy Weather. Divine Service as Usual."

June 21
" Monday Wind NE Clear Weather. Carpenter fixing Rails. Armourer making hinges for Doors. Coopers making Buoys. 1 mending Nets, 2 Writing. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual."

June 22
" Tuesday Wind NE Clear Weather. Armourer filing? up Work. Carpenter fixing Rails, Coopers making Buoys. 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. 1 in the Gardens. Taylor at work for Trade. the Rest doing other odd Jobs."

June 23
" Wednesday Wind West Clear Weather. Armourer fiting? up work. Carpenter fixing Rails. Coopers making Buoys. the Rest as Yesterday. the Boat returned from Henley this Morning all Well there. Wm Laughton (who is ill) came down with Them."

June 24
" Thursday Wind NE Clear Warm Weather. the People as Yesterday. the Boatmen resting themselves. 2 Canoes of Northward Indians came into Trade."

June 25
" Friday Wind SE Clear hot Weather. 9 Men getting Ready to go to Henley. Armourer fiting up work, Carpenter fixing Rails. Coopers making Buoys. 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Bricklayer mending fireplaces. the Rest as before. the Indians of Yesterday traded and went away others came in with Venison."

June 26
" Saturday Wind North Clear hot Weather. dispatched Jn Robinson, Jn Lutit, Robert Robertson, Magnus Backie, Peter Johnson, Charles Stengar, Robert Cromartie, Robt. Flatt, John Johnson and Wm Laughton (who is much better) for Henley House. The People at home employed as Yesterday."

June 27
" Sunday Wind NE Cloudy Weather. Divine Service as Usual."

June 28
" Monday Wind Easterly Cloudy Weather. Carpenter fixing Rails. Coopers making Buoys. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Variously employed. Mr Horne & another Man arrived from Moose Fort to Request Mr Cramers Afsistance Mr Kitchen being ill."

June 29
" Tuesday Wind Northerly Cloudy Cold Weather. 6 Men getting ready to go with a Boat to Moose River the Rest partly as Yesterday. Traded 150 lb fish."

June 30
" Wednesday Wind Variable from North to South Clear Weather. Mr Horne & his Mate and Mr Cramer and 5 Men went off in a Boat to Moose River. Carpenter fixing Rails. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Writing."

July 1 1779
" Thursday Wind Variable from North to South Cloudy Weather with Rain. People at home Variously Employed."

July 2
" Friday Wind Variable Clear Weather. 2 Brewing. 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. 1 painting."

July 3
" Saturday Wind East Clear Weather. Men Employed as Yesterday."

July 4
" Sunday Wind East weather Clear and Cloudy. Divine Service as Usual. Rec'd Some Fish from Indians."

July 5
" Monday Wind Variable from N to E Clear hot Wea. 2 in the Warehouse packing Martins, Carpenter repairing the Launch, Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Rec'd 130 lb fish from Indians."

July 6
" Tuesday Wind South blows hard Cloudy Weather with Rain. Carpenter Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual, the Rest in the Warehouse Sorting furrs. the Boat arrived from Henley with a Cargo of 1900 Made Beaver. Gave the Men Brandy."

July 7
" Wednesday Wind SW blows very hard Cloudy weath. with Rain. Carpenter Cook and Cowkeeper as before. the Boatmen Resting themselves, the Rest in the Warehouse Sorting Furrs."

July 8
" Thursday Wind NW Cloudy Weather with Rain. Carpenter and 3 Men new flooring the Launch, Armourer making Staples for Rafting Timber. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest in the Warehouse tying Quills."

July 9
" Friday Wind NW Clear Weather. people much the Same as Yesterday. An Indian came in with Some dried Venison."

July 10
" Saturday Wind SE Clear Weather. Carpenter at the Launch, Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest in the Warehouse Sorting the Henley Furrs."

July 11
" Sunday Wind SE Clear Weather. Divine Service as Usual. Rec'd a good Quantity of Fish, one of the Indians came down from afsisting the Men up at Gloucester, he says that three of the Canoes were Overturned in the falls Some of the Men bruis'd and part of the Cargo lost, as he left our People privately I have no Account from them so cannot tell particular. An Indian Came in with some fresh Venison. I am very Anxious for the Safety of our Men who went the 30 June to Moose Fort, fearing they might be lost in the Gales of Wind of the 6th & 7 Inst. as the Wind as been fair two days and no appearance of the Boat."

July 12
" Monday Wind Variable light Airs Clear Weather in the Morning but Thunder lightening and Rain in the Afternoon. Sent 9 Men up the River to Raft Timber Early in the Morning dispatched two Indians to Moose Fort with Letters in quest of the Boat and Men, happily they met her about Noon and returned. Sent 4 Men to Afsist towing the Boat up. the Rest Variously employed. Rec'd 2 Casks of Geese and 10 Gallons of Genoa Oil from Moose Fort. Mr Kitcherns? health much impaired every body else well."

July 13
" Tuesday Wind Variable Cloudy Weather with Rain. the Men that Came from Moose River Resting themselves. Armourer at the Forge, 1 Sticking pease, 1 Writing. Carpenter making a Chest. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual."

July 14
" Wednesday Wind North Cloudy Weather. 2 Men brewing. One balling Spunyarn. 3 in the Warehouse the Rest as before."

July 15
" Thursday Wind South Cloudy Weather. Carpenter making a Chest. Armourer at the Forge. 1 Strapping Buoys. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual, the Rest Variously Employed. Lieut. Earchekeshie came in to take Debt."

July 16
" Friday Wind South moderate Weather. sent 6 Men in a Boat to help the Wooders home with the Timber, the people at Home Variously Employed."

July 17
" Saturday Southerly Wind moderate Weather. all the hands employed getting the Timbers up the Bank. Lieutenant Earchekeshie went away."

July 18
" Sunday Wind West Cloudy Weather with Thunder Lightening & Rain. Divine Service as Usual. Mr Atkinson the Surgeon and some Indians came from Moose Fort. Gave the people Brandy."

July 19
" Monday Westerly Wind Clear moderate Weather. 4 Men getting Beacons, 5 getting Stones. 9 Men setting the Sand head Beacon. 2 Writing. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Variously employed."

July 20
" Tuesday Wind SE Cloudy Weather. Carpenter & 4 Men Repairing the parapet. Armourer Repairing Guns, 3 Men peeling? Beacons, 2 Slinging Buoy Stones. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Writing. the Rest partly as Yesterday. 2 Indians Arrived with Letters from Mr Favell acquainting me that some Canadians were on the way Coming down here."

July 21
" Wednesday Wind SE Weather Clear & Moderate. People employed as before. Mons. Maugenest, Mr Coates, 7 Canadians and 3 Indians with one large & 2 Small Canoes came down to make proposals to the Company."

July 22
" Thursday Wind North Clear Weather. 7 Men laying Buoys, Tradesmen as before. One at the Gates, 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Variously Employed. Sent John Best and an Indian with Letters to Henley and 2 Indians with letters to Moose Fort. Mr Kipling and 4 Men arrived in the Boat from Gloucester House and Adam Moade returned from Gloucester in the Room of Wm Knarston."

July 23
" Friday Wind Northerly Clear Weather people as Yesterday."

July 24
" Saturday Wind Northerly Cloudy Weather. 2 Men Brewing. 3 Men Cleaning the yard. 2 Writing. Armourer mending Guns. Taylors at Work pr Men, the Rest Variously Employed. Capt. Mekefsue? with 3 Canoes from the Northw'd came in to Trade. Gave the people Brandy."

July 25
" Sunday Wind NE Clear Weather. busy preparing to dispatch Mr Coates and the Canadians and agreed with 2 Indians to carry George Sutherland Inland. had no Divine Service. Rec'd Some Venison and Bears flesh."

July 26
" Monday Wind North Cloudy Weather with Rain at times. 2 Men Sick, the Men repairing for the Woods. One at the Gates, the Rest in the Warehouse. Mr Coates & the Canadians went away. Sent George Sutherland with 2 Indians Inland. Mons. Maugenest Stays at Albany."

July 27
" Tuesday Wind NW Cloudy Weather. Sent 14 Men to the Woods. 2 in the Warehouse. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest in the Warehouse."

July 28
" Wednesday Wind Variable Cloudy & Clear with Some Rain in the Evening. Armourer mending Guns. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. 2 Writing, the Rest Variously Employed. Wm Spence & Peter Ballentine came down with the Henley Papers."

July 29
" Thursday Wind North Cloudy Weather with Rain. 13 Men at the Woods. 2 painting. 1 Sick. Taylor at work for the Men. 2 Writing. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. Armourer Making Wood Screws, the Rest as before."

July 30
" Friday Wind North Cloudy Weather. 13 at the Woods. 2 Writing. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest putting down part of the Launch, 2 families of Indians came in to Hunt. Rec'd near 100 lb fish Some dried Venison & Ducks & Plover."

July 31
" Saturday Wind NW Cloudy Weather with Rain. The Wooders Came home to bake bread. 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest at the Launch."

Aug. 1 1779
" Sunday Wind Variable Clear Weather. Divine Service as Usual. the Wooder went to their Tent."

Aug. 2
" Monday Wind Variable Clear Weather. 13 at the Woods. Armourer making bolts for the Launch, 2 Setting Beacons, 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. Taylor at Work for the Men. one working at the Boats. David Sanderson, Thomas Flatt and an Indian arrived from Gloucester House brought 145 Beaver, traded there Since Mr Kiplings departure. Several Indians came in to Hunt."

Aug. 3
" Tuesday Wind SW Clear Weather. Men employed as Yesterday. An Indian came in with Shoe leather to get Brandy & went away again. I very much wonder at the E Main Sloops not being yet arrived as Mr Atkinsons Instructions were to be here the last day in July at farthest and the Wind as been often Favourable."

Aug. 4
" Wednesday Wind Variable from W to NW Clear Weather. All hands employed getting down 7 Rafts of Firewood to the Fort. An Indian came with Letters from Moose Fort for Mr Thomas Atkinson to return thither. He says he saw the East Main Sloop going into Moose River the 2nd Instant."

Aug. 5
" Thursday Wind Variable from N to SE fine Clear Weather. Sent Mr Thomas Atkinson with 2 Indians to Moose Fort. 23 Men carrying Firewood up the Bank. 2 Writing. 1 Cooking."

Aug. 6
" Friday Wind SE Clear fine Weather. the Men Employed as yesterday. At 5 Saw a Sail in the offing at 7 She made the East main Signal which was answered at the Fort. but the Wind & Tide failing She brought up at the Crofs barr. Sent Mr Kipling and 6 Men with a Boat to her."

Aug. 7
" Saturday Wind Southerly Clear Weather. People employed as before. the Sloop came up to the Launch."

Aug. 8
" Sunday Wind East Clear Weather. Men Employed getting the Eastmain furrs ashore. Therefore had no Divine Service. Some Indians came in with Ducks & Plover. Traded a White Whale. Gave the Men Brandy."

Aug. 9
" Monday Wind North Clear Warm Weather. Cooper making Buoys, 18 Carrying up Wood, 2 Brewing, 2 Writing. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Packing Beaver."

Aug. 10
" Tuesday Wind Easterly Clear fine Weather. Sent 7 Men in a boat to kill and bring home an Ox. 3 Sick. Tradesmen as before. 5 Getting Stones for Ship. the Rest packing homebound Cargo."

Aug. 11
" Wednesday Wind Variable pleasant Weather. the Boat returned with a young Ox. 7 Men Cutting Grafs. The Rest as before. Capt. Questack came in for debt. The Indians Sent to Severn Returned from thence with the Northern Paquet all well there, but bad prospects of Trade."

Aug. 12
" Thursday Wind Westerly Cloudy at times. 3 Men Sick. 2 Cooking. 1 at the Gates. 7 mowing Grafs, 5 Stoneing. Armourer at the Forge. 2 Taylors working for the Men. others clearing the Warehouse. Mr Favell, Jenkin Daniel, David Kirknefs, Thomas Halcro & Robert Isbister Arrived from Henley all well there. George Sutherland Mr Coates & the Canadians Set off from thence last Thursday in high Spirits."

Aug. 13
" Friday Wind SE blows fresh Clear Weather. Henley Men resting themselves the others mowing and making Hay. Rec'd 120 lb Fish from Indians."

Aug. 14
" Saturday Wind SW Clear Weather. 9 Men Cutting Grafs. 2 Brewing. the Rest as before. an Indian came in with some Venison and Shoe Leather for Brandy. Mr Atkinson layed the Outer Buoy."

Aug. 15
" Sunday Wind North Clear fine Weather. the latenefs of the season will not let me Mifs so fine a Day for Hay making therefore had no Divine Service. Gave the Men Brandy."

Aug. 16
" Monday Wind South Clear fine Weather. 3 Men Sick. 2 Writing. Cooks & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Stacking Hay."

Aug. 17
" Tuesday Wind East Clear Weather. all hands that could be spared Stacking Hay."

Aug. 18
" Wednesday Wind SEast Cloudy Weather. 5 Men preparing to go to Henley. 5 Men fetching Spruce for Brewing. 9 Men cutting Grafs upon the Flatts, 3 Sick. 2 Writing. Armourer making Hooks pr Gun Tackles. Taylor working for the Men. the Rest grinding Scythes."

Aug. 19
" Thursday Wind South Clear fine Weather. The Men employed as Yesterday. Lieut. Capis wathou and Sons came in for Debt."

Aug. 20
" Friday Wind SSW Clear fine Weather. Sent J. Lutit, Robt Robinson, John Johnson, Wm Spence, Peter Ballentine to Henley House. Sent a Cask of Geese with them as the People are Short of provisions. Ordered 2 Men to afsist the boat to the North Main. Tradesmen as before. the others making Hay."

Aug. 21
" Saturday Wind West Cloudy with Thunder and Rain. the People employed as Yesterday."

Aug. 22
" Sunday Wind West blows very hard. Divine Service as Usual in the Evening Mr Cramer arrived from Moose River having left Mr Kitchen about 14 Miles off."

Aug. 23
" Monday Wind North Cloudy Weather with Rain. Sent 2 Men to the head of the Island to bring over those sent to afsist the Henley Boat on Friday. 9 Men mowing. Cooper tightening Cags, Armourer Cleaning Guns. Cook and Cowkeeper as Usual. 3 Sick. 2 Writing. the others making Hay. Mr Kitchen arrived last night about Midnight."

Aug. 24
" Tuesday Wind East Cloudy Weather with Rain. 8 Men getting Stones pr Ship. 9 making a Staddle? pr Hay. Armourer & 2 Men making Hooks & Thimbles. 2 Writing. 3 Sick. 2 Brewing. 1 at the Gates the others Splitting Firewood."

Aug. 25
" Wednesday Wind North Cloudy Weather. all hands employed stacking Hay on the Flatts. Received some Ducks and Fish."

Aug. 26
" Thursday Wind West Cloudy Weather. Armourer Repairing Guns. Smith at the Forge. Taylor working for the Men. 3 Writing. 2 Cooking. Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest getting stones for the Ship."

Aug. 27
" Friday Wind West Clear Weather. the Men employed as before. Mr Kitchen and his Retinue set off for Moose River. Hugh Linklater one of the most usefull Men in the place had his left hand terribly shattered by the bursting of his Gun."

Aug. 28
" Saturday Wind SE Clear fine Weather. The People employed as before. Gave the Men Brandy."

Aug. 29
" Sunday Wind South Clear fine Weather. Divine Service as Usual."

Aug. 30
" Monday Wind SW Cloudy Weather with Rain. Armourer Repairing Indian Guns. 2 at the forge making Handles for Pails. Taylors working for the Men. Cooper trimming Casks. 3 Washing Casks the Rest getting Stones for the Ship. Two Northern Indians came in to take debt."

Aug. 31
" Tuesday Wind SW Clear Weather. 2 Men brewing the Rest as Yesterday. the Northen Indians went away."

Sept. 1 1779
" Wednesday Wind SE Clear Weather. Tradesmen employed as before. Labourers getting a Raft of Poplar."

Sept. 2
" Thursday Wind North Cloudy Weather with Rain. Armourer repairing Guns. Taylors at work for the Men. one under the Surgeons Care. the Rest Variously employed."

Sept. 3
" Friday Wind and Weather as yesterday. Taylors at work for the Men. 2 Writing. Cook & Cowkeeper as Usual. the Rest Cutting poplar."

Sept. 4
" Saturday Wind SE Clear Weather. People employed as yesterday. Gave the Men Brandy."

Sept. 5
" Sunday Wind South Cloudy Weather with Rain. Performed Divine Service as Usual."

Sept. 6
" Monday Wind North Clear Weather. Taylor at work for the Men. 2 Brewing. Armourer & Smith at the Forge the Rest getting Stones &c pr Ship. Gave Mr Atkinson Orders to get ready to go to Moose River with the Sloop as I suppose the Ship will not come into these Roads so late."

Sept. 7
" Tuesday Wind and Weather as Yesterday. Men employed as Yesterday. In the afternoon David Sanderson & Jenkin Daniel returned from Moose Fort with your Honours Paquet. The Sloop got down to the Crofs Barr."

Sept. 8
" Wednesday Wind West Cloudy Weather. Saw a Sloop in the offing with the Captains Signal out. Sent 9 Men in a Boat to afsist her, the others making all Clear for receiving the Cargo. about noon Capt. Richards came up to the Fort. he has brought the following Person's for this Establishment. Edw'd Caulder Sloop Mate. John Budge Sailor. Robert Sena Smith. John Cob Taylor. John Rich, James Anderson, James Folster, Wm Rich, And. Bacckie Labourers, & Thomas Clouston Servant to Mr Hutchins. all these Captain Richards thinks enter into pay on the 3rd Inst. the day the ship arrived in the port of Moose River. The Sloop remains below the Pole, Tide being very done, Sent 2 Indians for Henley Papers."

Sept. 9
" Thursday Wind Westerly blows hard with Showers of Rain, People employed in Boats afsisting the Sloop but to no other Purpose than to get her afloat having Run a Ground in mifsing Stay's."

Sept. 10
" Friday Wind Westerly Clear Weather. Men Employed warping up the Sloop, got her to the Launch and Unloaded part of the Cargo. Gave the Men Brandy."

Sept. 11
" Saturday Wind SW Clear Weather. finished unloading the Sloop. loaded her with Stones & part of the homebound Cargo and she dropt down to proceed to the Ship."

Sept. 12
" Sunday Wind SW Clear Weather. Sloop Sailed for Moose River. discharged George Wilson & Robert Cromartie from your Service and Sent David Kirknefs to Moose Fort. where he has Contracted to stay."

Sept. 13
" Monday Wind North Clear Weather. People writing their Letters."

Sept. 14
" Tuesday Wind Easterly Clear Weather. People Squaring Logs &c for ship. The E Main Sloop appeared in the offing. The Indians returned with Henley Papers."

Sept. 15
" Wednesday Wind SSE Clear Weather. the Sloop got aground sent two Boats to her afsistance they brought her up and unloaded part of her Cargo."

Sept. 16
" Thursday Wind South Clear warm Weather. finished unloading the Sloop and put the remainder of the Cargo on board. -"

" Thomas Hutchins"

" Copied by T. F. Watlington."

