In the year of 1779-1780 George Sutherland was sent from Fort Albany at Hudson's Bay south to find new places to trade. He ended up at Sturgeon Lake(Ontario). Here is a partial transcription of his journal. Bear in mind that "pedlars", "French","Canadians"and "NWC" (North West Company) are just about-but not quite-synonyms. This is the shorter version. Click here for a more complete version
" A Journal keept by George Sutherland containing the most particular Occurrances that happened when he wintered near or with the pedlars inland. commencing July 26 1779 and ending May 31 1780"

July 26 1779
..." set out from Albany Fort at half past one oClock P.M. accompanied by Captain abetawabeno and much ea te wa peshu and to winter with them up country. the french set out at the same time but we hardly had got 3 Miles from the fort when the latter went ashore to track. but they not being acquainted with that branch they run there canoe upon a stone and broak it which made us put up at 3 oClock. the Indians mended the canoe in the Evening."

July 31 1779
"this morning the Indians told me that they were to set off and leave the Canadians and at the same time they had not room for me in their canoe, but desired me to take my passage with the french and that I would meet them up country. this did not sound very well in my ears however I am determined not to return hapen as it will, death before dishonour says my countryman. gave the Indians a little flour and they set off. we set off at 8 oClock and trackt up the river ? Miles and put up at 7 in the Evening. the french are heartily tired of tracking, their feet are all blistered, they say that the Anglois are no better then slaves and that their feet are made of stell"

Aug 3 1779
..." set out at 9 oClock, trackt up the river ? Miles and put up at 7 oClock in the Evening. we had the misfortune to brake our canoe which delayed us greatly. never did I see such a parcel of lazey fellows as these frenchmen are, and they are fit to Eat the divel and smoak his mother. for they must stop and smoak and Eat at every miles end. as for my part I don't know how we will be able to get up as they have no master to rule them so that every wane dous as he thinks fit. we have left our small canoe and all hands are come into the large one. I don't know how we will prosper on this tack"

Aug, 7 1779
..."stayed several days a mending our canoe. I cannot help remarking that Exactly at noon we had a Whirle wind on the opposite shore not above 800 yds from us. it first made a Terrible noise in the Woods then it all of a suden it got into the Water it made a noise like a clap of thunder making the Water flye from it like a perpendicular fall. it then run against the currant making the water fly from it like fogg. it then vanished about 300 yds up the river. it raged with such violence that it struck us all deaf for the space of a half an hour, there was none in the company that Ever saw the like before. the best of it was the dumb man notwithstanding he did not hear anything as soon as he saw the Water fly he fell to the ground as if he had been shot where he lay for dead a good while"

Sept. 2 1779
..." about an hour after we put up there came 3 canoes of Indians to our tent. I understand they ware agoing down to Glo[ucester House] to take debt for the winter. gave them a little Tobacco which pleased them mightyly they not having smoakt any this 3 weeks past as they say. I cannot help remarking last night about 9 oClock the Wind got to NW which brought with it a terrible storm of Wind rain hail thunder and lightning which lasted till four oClock this morning. the thunder was nothing but one continual flash and so bright that a short sighted man would be able to read the smallest print without the help of Specticles for the space of several hours. the hailstones was large pieces of Ice about the size of a partridges Egg. it knocked the pitch off our canoes as they lay bottom up which will take several hours to repair."

September 13 1779
..." I saw an old Indian man and his wife here who told me that two large canoes of french had passed by here about a week ago and are to winter at posh co coggan lake, gave the poor old man a little tobacco and a knife. never did I see such an old creature breathing. I dare say he has been one of those who Escaped in the Ark. I have a notion if a clever critic could only get the adventure of this poor old mans life that he would make up such along story of it that it would bring him more money then the story of rome would bring one if I was to write it for which reason I will not try it."

Sept.23, 1779
"Wind & cloudy weather with continual rain. set off at 7 oClock AM. paddled acrofs part of the lake SbW 2 1/2 mile. came to a tent of Indians four Men three women and seven Children. gave them some Tobacco. the one armed Man was one of the party. and as he was the man with whom I was to have winterd I thought that I was to have left the french now and go along with him. but to my great surprise he told me plainly that he could not take me with him because he had a large family and his country was very poor and the Indians always Starved here abouts. he likewise said that all the Indians here about would not be able to Maintain one Man among them all winter. ho lo where the divel have I got to now where all the Indians cannot maintain one person. this is bad news for me however I must take my chance with the french the best way I can."

Sept 24, 1779
..."stayed here with the Indians afishing all day. by these Indians we are informed that there are pedlars abuilding a house at the other End of this lake to Winter here. and it is on this lake where monsieur mogenest left two men last spring to build a house for him againest he returned in the fall as he Expected to have got into the companys Service as soon as he got to hudsons bay. however the men built the house according to their Masters orders but when the pedlar came and found a house butt for the Companys use as they Supposed for then they sent their men across the lake with orders to burn it to ashes which they compleated after two days of hard labour. it was hard to burn as it was all green wood. this is only Indians information but to convince us of the truth of it Mr. Coates received the following letter this Evening from the master of the pedlar house at the other end of this lake.

Mr. Coates, I have sen thes letre to tel you that Mr. Shaw and me has burraned your hus that Michel and Conow mad hear. we did this becaus you ran away with Mr. Solomons peltere(pelts?) an I think you can dou no beter a thing than mak al the hast you can to buld anothear on and when I se you I wil tel you mor abut it and I am yours? James Clark. Lake Sturgon suptambre the 27 day 1779

This is an Exact copy of our pedlars letter both in words and spelling. besides this Gentleman must keep odd sort of time because he dates his letter 27th and Mr Coates received it the 24th. besides it has been in the Indians custody these five days. I hear that Mr Clark wears a sword. what a pity it was that I did not bring an old Cutlass up with me that I might Swagger along side these Pedling animals but stop Stop till I get on my ruffled shirt and my Gold laced hat I will cut some small figure yet. I have a good mind to make a sword out of an old Ice Chizzle but if I find it to be truth that the author of the afore written letter wears a sword If Ever I get to hudson's bay again I will have on an old Cutlass if I am obliged to sling it with ropyarns."

Sept. 29 1779
"set out at 11 oclock to pay a visit to the pedlars. paddled a cross the lake 12 Miles course SW. I supose they knew we was acomming because as soon as we came in sight they hoist their flag and saluted us with several guns. and I did not forget to return them the salute. as soon as we landed I was very well received by Mr James Clark the Master an Englishman. and indeed I was very well Entertained by him. the first thing I had was a glafs of Jamaica rum. and pork and plum pudding for dinnar. after dinnar had the other glafs and in the Evening Tea sweetend with refined suggar. then we had fish for supper with salt, pepper, vinager, and mustard. Indeed I was surprised to see such good things in this part of the country. as I am to winter here it is time Enough to give any account? of them when I get better aquainted With them. I Expected to have got a great deal of American news. but as these people never go any farther then lake Superior they hardly Ever hear any thing. and when any news comes to Quebec or mountreal from the Colonies it is always printed in the newspapers that the English gain Every battle that is fought. and kill great numbers of the americans although it may be quite to the contrary. this method is taken to discurage the canadians from going to Join the colonies. and a very good one too. for I hear that very little Encouragement would be sufficient to turn the canadians againest the English. although they say themselves that canada is much better since the English took it then it was before. as when it belongs to france if a man had two oxen the king took one and they served his nighbour the same so that I found one ox, and my nighbour another to place? with this and many other Crueltys the poor canadians ware subject to formarly that they are not now. and yet they would Join the colonies for all that. the only news that Mr Clark could tell me was that there was no sign of peace. and that the Americans had taken pofsefsion of the misa sippy fort pit? and the Ilinos?. and had drawn from the spanish and french who are settled at new orleans 1200 lbs? of powder which they have brought into the Colonies by the Ohio river. that they have destroyed two or three villages of savages. one in particular belonging to the Cherokees the length of seven times the flight of an arrow. it is likeweas said that they intend to attack Mitchilimakinac and detroit this summer. it is likeweas added that they intend to pay us a visit at hudsons bay the next year but I think they have got Enough to doo at home yet. but he told me better news then all this. which was that there are no more then twenty canoes of pedlars gone into the upper country above york fort this year for want of goods. and the usual number of canoes that went to that part of the country Exceeded two hundred yearly. this gives me great hope that the Companys settlements to the northward will give a good account this year."

Oct. 7 1779
" the canadians say they don't know which of Albany or Mitchelimancanac is the farthest off from this Lake. they think that they are nearly Equal in distance. only they would raither come two voyages from the latter then one from the formar on account of the difference on the road. the french say that the road from Albany to here was the last place in the world that was made. and they hope it is the first place to be destroyed."

Oct. 8 1779
"Employed aworking at our house today. in the Evening there came two canadians to us belonging to Mr Clark to see the other french man. they told me that Mr Clark wanted to see me. I Excepted of his invitation and I intend to set off to see him tomorrow morning. but I don't chuse to carry my Journal with me so that I cannot write before I return. Indeed it will be time Enough as I have nothing now to write about."

Oct. 24, 1779
"Mr Clark was kind enough to keep me with him since the 8th. I lived but very poorly at times. and I observed that he wanted to get free of me. because that we having only one Meal per day these five days past. this was an odd method to take. I sepose he thought this method would be as Effectual as any to make me depart from him. I took the hint and left him this morning. when I got to Mr Coates I found our kind of a house finished and a poor house they have made of it. it is only 14 feet long and 9 feet broad and the crevices filled up with Moss instead of clay. what a parcel of lazy sons of bitches these pedlars are. Mr. Clarks house is almost finished. it is 40 feet long and 20 feet broad. the one half Mr Clarks room and the Warehouse. the other half for the men with a----- above the whole. it is plastered out side and in with Clay and Straw mixt together. the Chimneys are butt about two feet high with stones then they are bult all the way up with clay and straw in the form of lath and plaster. and to my great surprise I am told that they never fall down nor take fire all the Winter. the roof is covered with Clay and straw or at least long grass. their floors are laid with heud plank as pretty as can be. they likweas have got Iron hinges to their doors and stock locks. I don't see anything that they want here for all they are so far up in the country"
"Whill I was there there came two Indians to Clark they only brought three summer Ottars and one beaver skin. the pelts was as black as the ace of spades and hardly any furr upon Either. Jas Clark traded the whole for about one and a half yards of Cloth. he told me that summer fur is as good for him as Winter and that the one sells as well as the other at Canada. I find that this is realy the same man that Wrote the letter to Mr Coates. let any body look at and Examen the afore said letter. and now again where he says Summer furr Sells as well as Winter. now what a blockhead this is. lay off your Sword and hold your tongue you thick headed blockhead and to tell you the truth you are nothing but a Ninnyhammer. I wish that we could only get all the winter furrs that are killed in the Country so he might take all the Summer furrs. divel take him and it too. then the Indians that had traded the summer furr took on trust two blankets three yards of cloth four lbs powder and 10 lbs shot and one hatchet. he then gave Each of them a present of two knives Seven flints 1/2 fathom of tabacco Brazil Eight yards of Gartering two auls two needles and about a Quarter pound of vermillion. as soon as he had given them these things he told me that he would gain by these Indians if he never saw them again. I askt him how could that be. Why only by these few Skins that I have now traded with them. now there was only three summer ottars and one Beaver skin traded from these Indians that he is to gain by, although he gave a yard and a half of Cloth for it in trade. besides the goods they took in debt and the presents that he gave them. he is to gain by them if he never sees them again. how Can this be. let them buy these goods Ever so Cheap and carrey them this far. I should think that they wuld not afoard to give so much for four stage skins. furrs most Sell very well indeed. or Elce he knows nothing about the mettar. but as I have no way at present to determine it, untill then I will look upon him in the same light that I did before. I mean A NINNYHAMMER. I told him I thought that he gave a great deal away to the Indians. oh says he you see nothing of what we are obliged to give them. but if this was in the spring of the year you would see me give them twice as much. pray sir what may the reason bee why you give them so much. why says he friend to tell you the truth We are obliged to doo it to Cox them from going down to Hudson's Bay. I ashure you Containued he you put us to a great deal of Expence. I might have said something to him that might have made us worce friends. but I did not say much because I knew very well that I would be the worce for it and the Company nothing the better. I only said that you Pedlars have hurt the Companys Trade greatly by approaching so far on their territorys however said I it was currant? the Honourable The Hudsons Bay Company intend to proscute you all for your Scandalous proceedings. and to take such other measures as to prevent any of you from comming to the northward of Lake Superior to trade. and that he could doo no better thing for him Self then to lave this part of the Country as fast as possible. and If he thought it too late in the fall now to depart that he ought to be off soon in the Spring. and when he got to lake Superior to tell all the other pedlars that have connections here what a dangerous Risque they run if they attempt to come into this part of the Country next year. but should any person attempt to come he may Expect to meet with his deserts. Jas Clark asked me what steeps this was that was so dangerous. I told him that I did not know and if I did that I was not authorized to tell any further then the danger of it might bee. I thought scame? would have frightened the dog and if it does no good it can do no harm. he listened to me very attentively and at last told me that he saw a libel at the great Carrying place some years ago notifying to us that we was to depart from this part of the country or otherweas might Expect to be prosecuted according to the Law and such a parcel of stuff. but you see continued he we took no more notice of it then if it had been a pamphlet. and indeed says he it put me very much of one becawse Everybody that Ever read fell laughing at it with an air of derision because you most remember? it is not in your Companys powr to hinder us because this part of the country belonged to Canada Ever since Canada was Canada. we argued a long time upon this at last he grew warm upon it. then I was obliged to Strick having no mean comments at hand.I found that he was only Employed by other people. I asked him if he never heard his Employers Say that they were under Apprehension of being prosecuted by the Hble HBC. no say he the only thing that I Ever heard them Say was desiring us to get nearer and nearer to you. I wish continued he that we could get within one hundred miles of Hudsons Bay which I make no dout but what we will in a few years. we would not only get more furrs but of a better kind. we sadly want our packs composed of some of your Hudsons Bay guinea Martins. I belive he said this apurpose to vex me. and as it is natural for a person to take the cause of those off whom he has his bread I could not bear him any longer. I fell a damning the whole bundle of them and told him that if they attempted to come any nearer to us that we would send them asmoaking hot to the Divel and such a parcel of Stuf. we had a hot battle of it and I belive it was in consequence of my making Such a Strong Resistance that he put me to one meal a day. besides I came of this morning fasting although it was half past ten oClock when I set off."

At this point he starts writng once a month.

Oct.30 1779
"no fish to be got as they are done Spawning. the French method of catching their winter Stock is this. about the Middle of October the Tickameg come in to shoulds in Rivers and Lakes to Spawn. now this is the time that they Catch their winter stock. the master Sends two men in one place and two in another and so on to fish. and some times when they happen on a good fishing place two men will kill near a thousand fish. they tye them in tens together and hangs them up againest winter on pouls. Just as they come out of the Water. that is without Either guting them or scaling them. in this posture they hang all the Winter if they last so long. now when the fall fishing is over as they call it. they all come home with their fish to the house. the Master then sees what fish he has got. Casts up how far they will go and how many he can give Each man per day that they may last the winter. it often happens that they don't catch much. then they Starve. Jas Clark told me that the year before last he had no lefs than four men dye of hunger at Posh co coggan Lake. this frightens me Sadly as we have only got 500 fish for our winters stock. and that will not bee Sufficiant to last us till Christmas at very moderate living. and what will we doo after that is done I am shur I don't know."

Nov.30 1779
..."no Snow till the 22nd. we had ducks till the 22. the Lake did not Set fast till the 25th. I am always afishing and hunting and can get but very little fish. some days get one meal a day and sometimes not so much. and as for hunting I have been out many times and have only killed three partridges and one Rabbit. this is the poorest place that I Ever heard of in my life. it is nothing but all burned woods and Rocks all about the Country. I do not know what I will doo if the fish feal us as there is not a Rabbit track to be seen. we have set nets now under the Ice. get but very little in them but Several trout from our hooks. there has been here Several Indians who have taken debt at the pedlars. I gave them a little Tobacco and Several Small things Expecting to draw them away from the pedlars. but I am afread it is all in vain although they all say now that they will go with me in the Spring to Albany. I am Sadly afread that they will give me the bite? that they get as much from me as they can. I never saw any of them before but they say all of them. Anna wach camegan ge ma hen meueshe. that is that we often went down to trade foremarly. The Chief men is called the Crow and the Pilican. by these Indians I am informed that one of the poor french men that was at Albany last year happened to be ahunting in a canoe by himself. and in turning round to fire at ducks aflying he unfortunately upset the canoe and was drownded. I traded them some Shoe leather from these Indians. I had a patient come here from Jas Clarks. it was an Indian Called by the french trim Sharp. he in a drunken fit to let the other Indians See that he was brave as he bore the name of a coward. he took it into his head to Stab himself. but in a wrong place. however the Stab was so violent that the knife penetrated quite through his thigh. we applied vitriol[acid] to the wound to learn him a little wit another time. this Medicine had the desired Effect as it mad him dance for upwards of an hour. we then applied drawing salve too it and sent him off. I have nothing more worth while mentioning in this month. only on the 11th we Caught a large trout and as it was remarkable large we weighed it on Stitiards? and it was upwards of 18 lbs and our Canadian Eat it up for his breakfast. Blush thou gluttonous dog."

Dec.31 1779
"this month has been the coldest for the Season that I have Ever seen in the country."..."clear for the most part. very little snow fallen for the time of the year but so sharp that I have been allmost Everday froze in overhauling our hooks and nets. working in the Ice and Water from morning to night is my Employment. a Striving to keep the Life in as long as I can. but we can get nothing out of the woods and hardly any thing out of the water. Some days one fish and Some days two. and very often nothing atall. for my part I doo not know what will become of me. the canadians are gone and left us and what can we doo. I don't understand fishing under the Ice and Mr. Coates is nothing better. and if we was Ever so good at it there are none to be got in the winter hardly. we have got only one uselefs french man Stay with us. and it is no matter whither he knows or not because he always is or pretends to be Sick. and when Ever we tell him that we will Starve if he dous not lend a hand his Answer is this. I don't care let us dye at once for I know we will be obliged to dye before winter is out. I knew very well that we could not live without English Provisions all winter. I well knew that when I was at Albany last Summer although I was obliged to Come back here again. I have not forgot last Winter yet Says he when five of us was not able to go to the door without the help of a Stick and not a bit of flesh on my bones. besides we had then thirty Bushels of Indian corn which keept the life in us. and all the men good fishermen, but now we have nothing to depend on. And? none of you understands fishing. I sepose when we came to albany last summer and you saw us look so fatt you natuarly imagined that we lived well all the year but now you see to the contrary. it was in the latter End of April when the fish frye?. we get them in great plenty. that was the time that we got flesh on our bones. we lived on the fish then Just like Dogs. this Spetch of his has frightened me more then Ever. as our Stock is almost done and then what will become of me. I was desired before I left Albany If I was in ward? in the winter to come down to Gloucester house but that schame will never doo. for if I have not what to Subsist on here what have I to travel upwards of four hundred miles on. besides I have nobody to accompany me. I will much Sooner run the risque of kicking up my hells then to bring down a french man again. for I dare Say I would not be a welcome guest with one. besides we would only dye on the road. only Sepose that the Govenor of Albany orderd one or two of his men to go to Henley or Moose fort in this season of the year. without victuals. and where they cannot? mifs the road. they would naturaly think that they ware hard dealt with and perhaps think that they would never get there. although they be plenty of partridges in their road. now when it is so difficult there what must it be here. more than three times as far and nothing to be got on the way to kill. I must stay and take my Chance happen as it will. I went to Mr Clarks on the 10th where I stayed only one night. he makes a terrible complaint for want. he is Sadly afread that he will lose all his men this Winter. as he has only caught about 1600 fish in the fall. this is all that they have to live upon although they be nine in number. and the reason why he will be so Short is that he lost the most part of his provisions in a fall last summer. and if that he had been plenty of provisions he would have asked me to Stay with him all the winter. besides Says he these french men are such a parcel of grouling sons of bitches that If one or two of them was to dye of hunger as is too often the case. the others would make a terrible compleant to the owners that he keept other people alive and let them Starve. however he gave me an invitation to pafs the Christmas Holi days with him. I Excepted of his Invitation and would doo mySelf the pleasure to wait upon him the day appointed. had a dram in the morning. and for brakefast Chocolate and pancakes. bad him good bye and returned to our hut. no remarkable news but all the Indians that have been at Clarks are astarving. he tells me that he has given out 800 Beaver in debt to the Indians this fall. but that he will be very well pleased if he could get in 300 of it in the Spring. I would not think much of it if that he got 500 in. the Indians certainly make fine bargains with the french. I have got a good many things to write about the pedlars but most not forget the Old proverb NECEFSITY HAS NO LAW. on the 14th there came three canoes of Indians to see me from Clarks. gave them some Tobacco. we had a long conversation together about old times. although I had never seen any of them before. nor can I learn what their names are. but I understand that one of them had been formarly an Albany Chief but now was drawn off by the Indulgance of the canadians. I asked him why he did not go down as usual. that the Encouragement was greater than Ever. that hookemausish gave a great dale of brandy and other presents to the Indians. to which he answerd that hudsons bay was far off and that they ware always Starved getting up again. besides we have Every thing that we Stand in need of brought to our country by the french. and they give us much more presents then you doo. we very well know that your cloth is better then What the french are. but then When my coat is wore out the french will give me another if I am not able to buy one. and that is more then you would doo if you was in my country. I know you from old. I was surprised to hear the Indian go on at this rate. indeed he would not let me Speak in my oun defence. when Ever I attempted to Speak a word he Shut up my mouth by saying I know of old the Generosity of the English well Enough so that you need not Say any more about it."...
..."the Indians Say they Starved in getting up again. I know it from My personal Experience. I have not forgot 1777 yet. when that I used to work hard on the leg of a partridge or Rabbit for two or three days together. therefore I know that it is one Capital reason why the Indians dous not come down. how often have I heard the poor Indians Say that we get powder and shot given us to carrey us back to our country again but then we cannot Eat it. and there are nothing to be got to kill in our road. now I think what would be a great Excitement to the Indians to come down would be to Allow them about 30 pounds of flour or Oatmeal and a little malafses to Each canoe. this would Enable them to get up to their familys without running the rique of Starving. and it would put a final stop to the Eternal compleant Buch ca te. I have nothing more worth while to mention but only that I went to Mr Clarks on the 24 according to appointment. where I Stayed all the Christmas. and Indeed there are hardly any thing worth while to Say about it. but only it is the french Custom to fast all the day before Christmas day. at twelve oClock at night all hands went to prayers. but in my opinion they had much better declined it. because as soon as prayers was over the General call was sacre dieu donnez nous La Sheudieve nous avons un sacre fain and such Stuff.that is god damn you give us the kettle for we are all damned hungary. I am not clear if this be translated accordind as it ought to be. but I am pretty clear that it is very near it. they then had a kettle of Indian corn which was prepaired for them before for a kind of feast like. all hands had a dram not forgetting me. then as soon as their bellys was full the fidler was called for and they danced till two oClock in the morning. the next morning which was Christmas day all hands had a dram again. had no breakfast but avery good dinnar of pork and plumb pudding and venison pye. Sunday was spent like the others in dancing playing the fidle drinking and playing Cards. never did I see Such heathens before. they drink all their liquor neat which method I did not approve of after the first glafs. and I Could partake in as Small a Share of their dancing it being Chiefly minuets?. but if they had come to kiking with it I might have stood as great a chance as a good many of them. one night the most of them got drunk as is common Enough Every where about such a time. however one poor fellow got more or raither too far into the rays of the sun that he became so trublesome that he was helpt to bed by some who was very little better then him Self. be this as it may his bed being about six feet from the ground and he hearing some of his comerads call for him to come and take a glafs. he was in such a bustle a getting up that he came down to the floor by the run. by which tumble he knockt out his shoulder. we lived on very Short allowance of fish all the rest of Christmas Except new years day. which was as good as Christmas day."

January 31 1780
"we are Entirely astarving now. all our fish is done some time ago. and now some days we have a morsel once a day and some days nothing. however we happned to Catch two small Jack which has made us a good breakfast. I have been amaking Enquirey all the year into the pedlars affairs. so that I have got a great dale to say about them if I had but time and I am determined to take time today as I had a good breakfast. because I cannot think of Writing when I am hungary. and if I refere it longer it may be too late as I have very little hope of surviving if I don't fall in with better fishing. the pedlars trade is carried on by Companys as they Call it. but I will bring it apeg lower by calling them men in partnership as there are seldom or never more then two or three in partnership together. the uper country to the Northward of lake Superior is poisoned with them. for it is impofsible for a man to travel 150 miles any course without finding a pedlars house. this upper country goes under two different names. the great north and the little north. or as the french man says La gran nore La pettit nore. the great north is the upper country above york fort. and those that go into it are obliged to pafs by the great carriang place in the West End of lake Superior. as for their mennar of trade I am an Entire Stranger too. but they are well known to the northward already. the little north is this very country where I now am. as I Said before to the northward of Lake Superior and to the Eastward of Lake Winapeg among the Albany Indians."...
..."if it was Gentlemen of property I should not think so much of it. but to be Injured and Wronged by a parcel of thives and rascals as they all are. why the trade here in the little north as they call it is Entirely carried on by an Iliterate Jew. one Ezekial Solomon a kind of pedling merchant at mountreal. he is Mr Clarks master among the rest. I Saw some of his Writing and I declare it is ten times worse wrote and worse Spelt then this of Mine. and I am shour I don't write a copper plate hand nor am I a walking dictionary."...
..."I had almost forgot to mention Mr Clarks provisions last year. he had 400 lbs flour one Eight gallon keg of the fattest Beef without any bones. and as much as the fattest pork one keg of deers fat two Eight gallon kegs maple sugar twenty five pound Chocolate six pound Tea fifty pound of Barley and an Eight gallon keg of Butter. this is all that he is allowed for his own use. now for his men he has forty Bushels of Indian corn with three Eight gallon kegs of Deers fatt for seasoning. this is the only thing that they are allowed. Except fish as much as they can ketch. Indeed the Indian corn mostly intended for the Journeys from and too Lake Superior. I cannot help remarking that on Christmas day one of the frenchmen was determined to have a good dinner. for which purpose he bought two pound of pork and two pounds of flour. which cost him no lefs then one pound thirteen shillings and fourpence sterling. and only water to drink after dinner."...
..."here have I mentioned Every thing worth while that I have Either heard or seen since I have been up country. Likweas my opinion on making any future settlements Inland. and perhaps I have already said more then what will be well heard. it may be said that I am a blockhead and that any and Every thing can be done inland and that I know nothing about the matter. I say I doo know( pardon this freedom) better then any one that may say so. if I did not it would be ashame for me because I have gone through it more then once and that is more then any body Elce Ever did since Albany was first Establish'd. have I not lived two years in the uper country among the Indians. I think that I ought to know a little about it. but should any person think that know little about it let them take a turn here and see what he thinks of it. I was only sent up here to Explore the track (in case that it might be requierd) by taking the Courses and distances and I have done it as far as can depend upon me or at least as much as may be Expected from a person of my abilities."

Feb. 29, 1780
"this month has been the finest weather that I Ever Saw for the season."..." which was very lucky for us. we could get nothing from our nets nor hooks at our house so that perfect misery made us lave the house on the 7th after being obliged to Eat all the Skins and bones of the Rotten fish that we have been Eating all winter. the method we took with the bones was, we consumed them with long boiling and found the broth very good. and we roasted the Skins on the Coals which went down as well. Mr Coates and me traveld about from one place to another a seeking our livelihood. and god knows a poor hand we made of it. some times kill a Crow some days a squirrel. some days a small Jack and very often three and four days without Ever tasting a morsel atall so that we are hardly able to walk now. and hardly a bit of flesh on my bones. we was obliged to kill our dog on the 14th. and I am sorry to say we was obliged to Eat his very Skin and guts. I am almost Certain that I will never put over another Month as I have got into apart of the Country where there are not a Rabbit track to be seen. and indeed we don't know the way to go back to from whence we Came so that I am affraid we are lost. Add to this. I was taken Ill on the 14th which unfortunately turned out to be the fever which raged with great violence till the 26th. how can imigane the misery that I underwent in that time having only the broth of a dog to Eat or drink all that time. Mr. Coates was always Employed in keeping up the fire in the tent. but when our dog was all done perfect hunger made me get up and Cut Ice before I was hardly able to stand. I was very near to have died. but thank god I am getting the better of it a little. but I think it was far better that I had died at once as I cannot Expect to subsist long at this rate. here am I sent up country to starve. this is no less then five days that I have not teasted any thing in the world but three mice that I dug out of the ground this morning. how can I Expect to live. I can't find my Self as there is nothing to be got to kill about this part of the country. why the very savages die of hunger Every year here abouts. what does it Signify to me to be a writing for it is more then possible that it will never be seen nor me Either. but should it be our ill fate to dye here, as I am sadly afraid it will if times dous not alter. perhaps the Indians may find us in the spring as we are now lying in a carriang place where the Indians pafs and we pafs in the Summer season. and if we are found I am desirous that my poor old father should hear that I died in the upper country. but it adds pain to my present suffering lest he should have the mortification to hear that I died such a miserable death as I am Sadly afread I will soon undergo."...
..." Mr. Clark for your trouble take my watch. I have nothing Else worth your while. but I beg that you will send it down as it will give some satisfaction to my friends at Hudsons bay. and perhaps it may be the means of hindering any poor wretch to undergo Such misery after me."

March 31 1780
"this month has been remarkable warm and calm and thaw'd so much that there was Geese seen here on the 25th. but have seen none since. and thank god I have saved the life hithertoo which was more than I Expected a month ago. tongue was not formed to Exprefs the one half of the misery and hardship that I underwent this month. I was daily a fainting away for want of the Necefsaries of life. we only caught seven small Jack which would not weigh two and a quarter of a pound Each. one Rabbit. two Crows and a few mice this was all that we had for this long month. and this we could have Eat in two days. but Mr. Coates very luckaly had a few Beaver Skins. which we greedily Roasted on the Coals and Eat to save the life. there are a kind of hard Mofs that grows upon the Stones. Called by the Indians Wachquanag. this we boild and found very nurishing. but when Every thing feald us we was obliged to Eat the shoes off our feet and the mittons off our hands. nay our very Snowshoe strings and in Short Every thing that was leather. the day before yesterday we boiled country Tea in the way of Greens with three mice in it which we found weakening instead of nurishing. who can imagine our misery. I only wish that I could see any person that would give me the Smallest morcal of any kind of food for my Watch. he should have it with all my heart. but there are no such lucky bargin to be met with here. Add to this I was taken ill again before I had thoroughly recoverd out of my late fever. all my body Legs and arms brock out and keept arunning the same as if I had been in the Small poxe for Sixteen days with inwardly Stitches and continual head Achs. the latter rages with as great Violence as Ever.
"we are now coming to the Sturgeon Lake as we Sepose. but together with Sicknefs and famine that I am hardly able to Walk a mile in a whole day. but I sepose if we was but out at the Sturgeon lake now and be able to cut Ice and set nets and hooks we might stand a good chance of ketching some fish as about this season they begin to Come in to the shoulds. on the 10th the one armed Indian man who had been at Mr Clarks and on his way back again he came to seek for us. and very luckily came on our track. and come up with us in the Evening. he was starving almost to death. but he cut us some holes and set us some hooks. he likweas gave us a little Rum which he had from Mr Clark which we found very refreshing. he likeweas put us on the way to the Sturgeon Lake and went off the next morning. he told us that Mr. clark and Men was astarving but not nothing like So bad as we are. he tells us that they Eat sometimes once a day and sometimes nothing. but this nothing to Compare to us."...
..." I learn by this Man that no lefs then three families of Indians had been Starved to death where he was hunting this Winter. he adds that the Son Eat the father."...
..." I am so faint and hungary that I am not able to write. but if I could save the life another month I might recover yet."

April 30 1780
"This month has been very cold to the 20th with NE winds. but afterwards fine"..." the snow was all gone here about the 25th."..." the small Lakes and Rivers broake open on the 26th. " and thank god I have saved the life. at last very surprisingly we got out to the Sturgeon Lake on the second. set two lines. caught a small Trout which made us a prity good breakfast. I then set off to see if the pedlars could give us no afsistance. and after resting upwards of twenty times I at last Effected it in the evening. but if I had another mile to have gone I dare say I could not have made it out. but when I came thence I found all hands astarving as bad as me and worce if possible. for Mr. Clark had not a man but one and himself out of Eight that was able to go and overhaul the nets or hooks. it is as much as Ever they can doo to get out of the door with the help of a stick. oh what a miserable life these poor wretches live."...
..."Clark and the other man gets as much fish in little and little as what keep the life in the others. perfect weaknefs made me stay there three days as I was not able to come off sooner. during which time I had only two small morsels of fish. but Jas Clark most be a damn blackguard indeed to see his men astarving at this rate and heaving anything in the world by him. his men tells me that he has six or seven bushels of Indian corn bye him yet. they told him yesterday if he did not give them some corn that they would brake open the door of the shop and take it. his answer was the man that attempted it was a dead man.
" I came off and left them in this humour so that I can't tell how they made it out at last. I got in the Evening. he had Caught two small Jack. I think this good living. if we could but come out this well Every day I might make it out yet."...
..."Saw Indians on the 17th. went with them to a fishing place where they are to build their canoes. we all lived upon Squirrels till the 21th. on the 22th we caught 5 perch and on the 23th we caught 22 fish. and Ever since then we caught them by such large numbers that we was athroughing them away by hundreds at a time. but this will only last while they Spawn. perhaps a fortnight or so. we do nothing all day but Eat so that I begin to gather my flesh again. but I still Continue very ill with violent head achs and a vomiting blood. indeed sometimes twice or thrice a day. I can impute it to nothing but the nasty guts that hunger made me Eat in the winter. I am likeweas trubled with a pain in my left leg and thigh So that I am not able to walk a hundred yards in half an hour. but I don't wonder that I am badly when I think on the misery that I underwent in the long winter both of cold and hunger. here I was sent up country to live bye my Self and Starve as I have done all the year. I had never a Single meal Since the 19th of September from french English nor Indians. Except the few days that I was with the pedlars. but found my Self and Saved my life after all in this pitylefs country where the very Savages die Every year in heaps. this makes me think that I am a clever fellow yet. I only wish that I had not wrote a word of my being in want atall.
" now I can't tell how I am to get down. for I can get no Indians to go with me and I cannot go by myself as I am not well. but there is not the least fear of want now as there are plenty of fish Every where. but if I had but been able to have wrote a daily Journal all the Winter it would be Surprising how I subsisted atall. as from the 2 of January to the 22 of April I had not as much of any kind of food come to my Share for a whole week as I coould have Eat at a poor meal"...
..." one particular day in March I was a hunting or raither crawling about. I hapnd to see a rabbit track. and I followd it near a mile as I thought. although perhaps it was not half that distance. I had Several oppertunitys to fire at it but I was Still afeard that I was too far off. but at last I was weary with following of it. I fired and killed it. and I very greedily before it was dead bit of its Ears and Eat them. this and many things worce hunger made me doo this long winter which I will leave my readers to imagine as I am not capible of describing it."

May 20 1780
"This month hitherto has been Exceeding hot"..." Muskitoes we had in plenty before the 6th but now very troublesome."...
..."if all the flesh that I have Eat since the 26th of July of last was put together I am Certain it would not weigh ten pounds. the dog Excepted. but lived on fish fish fish all weathers."...
..." my health mends daily but I still continue avomiting blood once in two or three days. but I am sadly afeard that I have got a very dangerous disorder in my left leg and thigh. it pains me so much that I am hardly able to rise up when I sit down.
"I went to the pedlars on the 17th where I saw no lefs than 16 families of Indians in seven large tents. they have all traded with Clark. Except one old man and his Sons. they have been all adrinking these three days past. and yesterday they were all finely drefsed as they were about a cungering affair called Matewe. and never did I see a parcel of Indians so well drest as they ware. their Cloaths was finely tost off with Gartering and ribbons. and most of the Women Clothed in cilico, ruffles and ribbons. indeed the companys warehouse can't fit out or drefs the Indians half so fine although it be better sort of goods. they plase the Indians with these foolish trifles better than what we do with much better goods. whill they ware dancing Mr Clark carried out the brazil Tobacco to them by three or four fathom at a time. all the time that I was there the Indians was continualy acomming in. the one abeging a peice of Cloath another some Tobacco and a third powder Shot or a peice of Gartering etc. and I never saw him refuse them a single thing. but on the contrary he always was very ready to grant them their most Extravagant demands. he rigged out two Captains. to Each of which he gave an Eight Gallon keg of rum."...

May 31 1780
..."got to Gloucester at 11 AM. found all well but not a bit of any kind of provisions is in the house but fish as they ketch it. their trading goods is all done. so that if any more Indians should come to trade there is nothing to trade with them. I have no occasion for me to be writting any more since I have got here. and I conclude wishing plenty of trade from those settlements already Established. as there are very little prospect of getting future ones. and I am Gentlemen your Honours much obligd most obedt and most Hble servt George Sutherland"


HBCA microfilm numbers:
Reel 1M144 Doc. Ref. No. B.211/a/1